Come across the problem whereby when all documents are closed down in Photoshop CS6 on Mac, there is still an opaque rectangle filling the screen and preventing the user from simply clicking through to the application underneath?
i am currently on a trial for CS6 CC version on Windows 8 but every time i try to liquify an image all that happens is a blank grey screen. The weird thing is i can click and edit the area of the grey screen and if i click OK to finish the liquifying it has edited the image! Why can i not see my image whilst in the liquify screen? I've tried to change all the settings and stuff but still nothing?
Grey Screen when opening a old or new project in CS 5.1....I can then click on the outside of the screen and see the project screen but as soon as I release the mouse button it goes grey again.Â
So I installed PS CS4 and all updates. When I create a new file or open an existing one the window (in the PS window) which is supposed to show the photo just stays grey. At the same time that little picture in the layers tab showing a small version of the picture Ive opened is clearly visible and changes if I draw on the big one. That problem occurs both in 32 and 64 bit versions of PS. Im using windows vista x64 ultimate with latest updates and Nvidia 8800GT 512 mb with latest drivers.
I am designing a calendar. When designing the background is a solid black, but when I export or save as PNG it appears on the screen as dark grey. I'm self taught and don't know if it will print out grey or black.
can I alter the BACKGROUND COLOUR from the Grey to a lighter grey as in P/Shop Album 2.00 which is just what I want..I hate the darker colour as background..I have just purchased the Elements 11.Â
I am currently running Map 3D 2012 with CadWorx and I am having an issue with one of my multi tab drawings. Any object set to plot grey (any grey), that is in paper space, is plotting black only in one of my layouts. similar objects in model space and in both spaces on other layouts are all plotting accordingly.
I would like to image a 3d printed material made of metal. It is a few millimeters wide and deep. It is composed of metal arms that connect to each other to form intersections. I want to measure the pore size of this material. Obviously, I have to tilt the sample and collect images taken from different perspectives and then combine them to form a 3-d image. Can photoshop do this? I know it can stitch images together but can it account for differences in sample tilt?
I'm running Windows 8.1 on a Surface Pro 2. I've got up to date Wacom Feel drivers. Â The issue is, when I've got the "Tip Feel" set to medium in the Wacom Pen Tablet settings in the Control Panel, I cannot get a fully opaque stroke. No matter how hard I press, it takes at least two strokes of the same color (I used full black in my picture) to get a fully opaque stroke.
In the image, I changed the settings in the Wacom Pen Tablet settings to softer, eventually getting to the softest. While in the softest setting, I could get the pen to produce a fully opaque stroke, but then I lose the full range of Shape Dynamics pressure sensitivity. I know I can just turn the opacity control off to get fully opaque strokes, but I'd prefer not to, as that'd be a fairly big interruption to my workflow.
I want to create a top down view image of a pile of autumn leaves. Something like the attached image.
So how to have an isolated image of a single leaf, create a brush from it, set the brush dynamics to create a random scatter and size of leaves and paint this on a few separate layers to create the impression the leaves are on top of each other.
The problem is since the singe leaf is color and not a simple 100% black silhouette, the resulting brush is transparent. So this is no good for what I need.
Is there a way to create a brush (or some other technique) so I can simply move the mouse across the screen and it will paste full color / 100% opaque copies of the isolated leaf with brush dynamics to create random sized / angled copies of the leaf?
Or is the only way to achieve what I need going to involve making manual copies of the leaf which would take a long time?
Using CSS, I want to put a semi-transparent image over another image (by semi-transparent I mean a GIF in which alternating pixels are transparent - see attachment).
I drew this image basically pixel-by-pixel (via copy/paste), and it's ok as far as it goes, but what I REALLY want is for the density of opaque pixels to increase from left to right, so the effect when laid over an image is essentially that of a gradient. I DON'T want to have to draw this image pixel by pixel!
Whenever I try and accomplish this in Photoshop, it uses semi-transparent pixels which then become opaque when optimized. If I could figure out how to tell photoshop to build a gradient using only 1 color and no semi-transparent pixels (or barring that, white and another color and then I could delete the white...),
I have two frames with the start and end of my animation. My two layers contain a transparent background and an opaque object. When I choose the tweening option and add my specified number of frames, then test the animation, the start of the animation is 0% opaque and slowly becomes 100% at the end. Â My two layers used for start and finish are opaque. I have all the checkboxes checked by default for the tweening, and I can't figure why I'm getting a fade-in effect for my animation.
I've gone to create a new shape layer or text layer, it appears like it's at 50% opacity. I've checked my layer settings, and they're all at 100% fill and opacity. I can't see any reason why they'd be semi-transparent, and none of the settings I've tried have changed anything. I've even tried deleting the shapes/text, saving my document, and starting over. That worked one time, but this time it's not working.  Even applying a color overlay still results in a semi-transparent shape.I am in the middle of doing a design for a client, for print, and I really can't be dealing with this right now.
I'm trying to create a selection out of the square marquee tool with rounded corners. The only way I know how to do this is to set the feather to 5px or 10px or whatever. But when I try to fill this selection with a certain color (with the paint or pencil tool) I get a gradient. That is, instead of a uniform color all throughout the selection, it's almost clear near the edges and slowly becomes opaque as you move closer to the center of the selection. I do I create a square selection with rounded edges so that filling it creates an evenly opaque color?
I think that we can control tones under all the opaque areas of a layer with the contour editor for shaping layer effect ... and after that with the choke and size sliders, we can control the extend of its appearance. But, I think that, in fact, I could not soundly understand how it is functioning.
Photoshop crashes when Fonts are turned off in Bitstream. What one is it? The fonts are slowing my computer down in Corel. I tried to turn off all my fonts and start over. I have a basic system folder I use to turn on only the ones I need. This speeds up my Corel but then when I went to open Photoshop, the program crashes and won't open. When I went to a restore point, the photoshop programs opens, of course, all 800 fonts are loaded slowing down my Corel again. I took them out again, carefully leaving what I thought to basic fonts the program may be calling for. But I did not get the right one. I have been turning off and turning on back and forth to get it to work. Only when I load the all again, does it work. As soon as I remove them, its back to not working!
I'm working on a healthcare brochure. Several of the images provided show the patient with heavy "tan" lines, the client asked that I remove them... I've attempted using the clone tool as well as the healing tool but the resulting image looks very choppy & unrealistic. Does anyone have any quick suggestions or ideas?
I removed a background (chroma color green), using Photoshop CS2, from an image to be imported into a NLE (premiere pro 2.0). When I open the image a new background, a white slate, appears. I'd like for the background to remain transparent. What am I doing wrong? I found something a while back saying some files (JPEG, TIFF, etc) don't support transparent background and a white slate is added to replace areas without pixel content, but I can't find the article/thread. Is there a file that supports transparent backgrounds?
I'm here with 2013 SP2 64 bit Build 200 and two screens. Left screen is graphics area, Browser is on the left of right screen. Graphics is ATI Fire Pro V7800 with driver
In video (zipped MP4)Â you see a cutout of both screens, think of screens changing at the left of the browser.
Now, in many cases, after doing an operation, the browser is jumping back to the middle of my graphics in the left screen.
I have some grapes where i have to draw circles upon. In these circles i have to enter some text. Note - here is an example, where you can see how the whole task is meant!?
See the example - and see the results...
How to add the circles with the opaque design - (note they look like they are drawn with pastell colors - aren't they )
greetingsAttached File(s)Â grapes_to_add_circles.jpg (36.57K) Number of downloads: 3Â grapes_example.jpg (26.29K) Number of downloads: 4
What I'm aiming to do is make my blocks (the components in pink) opaque, so that the DIN rail (yellow) which the components are mounted on cannot be seen. Preferably without using the hatch tool because it gets a bit messy and makes the computer run slowly, unless there's a sneaky feature of it I'm not aware of.
What I've been doing so far is just trimming the DIN rail to the right length, but because I very often have to alter the position, add or remove components I have to replace the DIN rail each time.
if you have used CS6 you may have noticed the Applications bar was removed. According to Adobe it was removed to make more vertical "real estate" for the workspace which makes no sense. When maximized it uses zero additional vertical space but that's another argument.
As part of the Applications bar, there was a drop down menu for a few preset zoom levels. 25, 50, 100 and 200. I got addicted to using this drop down for the work I do in PS and specifically 100 and 200% as I'm also zoomed in make minor changes and I want to jump to 100 or 200% to see what the changes look like at size or zoomed out.
drop down menu like that for zoom in CS6? I know the original shortcut ctrl-1 was for actual pixels but I have that and all the other keys close to the left ctrl/shift/alt used for other functions. I rarely take my right hand off the mouse as I work and that was the best way for me to zoom quick to 100%.