Photoshop :: How Can Tan Lines Be Removed Quickly?
Feb 20, 2008
I'm working on a healthcare brochure. Several of the images provided show the patient with heavy "tan" lines, the client asked that I remove them... I've attempted using the clone tool as well as the healing tool but the resulting image looks very choppy & unrealistic. Does anyone have any quick suggestions or ideas?
I am studying for an MSc in Geology and am doing seismic mapping. To tidy up my maps I exported them to ArcGIS so I could join various ones together and also contour the maps. Then I exported the GIS maps into illustrator so I could attempt to smooth some of the contours as they are extremely jaggedy due to the nature of the data.Is there a way to quickly smooth lines or mass delete points that make up the lines?I am asking because I have 30+ maps and each map has maybe 50lines with each line being made up of currently about 1000 points each... Â If I can't find a solution I will probably end up drawing over the contours with the pen tool and just smoothing it that way, as it should be a lot faster then deleting so many points. Â I am currently using Illustrator CS5 and have access to CS4.
quick way to rotate an image 10% from a corner. Holding shift rotates it 15% and it just seems a bit long winded to have to constantly type in the amount I want to rotate. Also free transform just doesn’t feel accurate enough.
I have to add an object to an exsisting image that has lets say 30-40 layers. In doing so, I have to move the entire image up or down, so I have to link all the layers to move it up or down. I can't merge the layers, because I have to use the same image several ways, so is there a quick way to "link all" layers, move, then "unlink all" layers in Photoshop 7?? I know that Select-All layers doesn't do the trick.
I have a custom brush defined of my signature that I put on my photos. As I want the signature to be subtle so it doesn't detract from the photo, I use a colour that almost blends with the colours in that corner of the photo. The signature is visible, yet it doesn't attract attention.
As examples, the signature would be a shade of green over grass, blue over ocean, grey over asphalt, etc.
Selecting the color to use is trial-and-error, tweaking it several times so it isn't too bright, too dark, or too contrasting with the background. As each photo needs a different colour, this becomes time consuming after hundreds of images.
Is there a tool or other way in PS (either CS2 or CS4) to select a colour like this more quickly? Perhaps one that picks an "average" colour from the area for the signature, and then tunes it a bit brighter or darker so it will show up?
At the moment I an experimenting with using the Eye Dropper, set to 101x101 sample averaging (the largest available). So with the signature brush selected, I Alt-click to get this average colour. But then I still need to make the colour lighter or darker, otherwise the signature blends in too well, almost invisible. Is their a shortcut key way to lighten or darken the selected foreground colour?
Is there a simple, quick way to change a color? I know about fill but but the color I want to change isn't solid, it has a texture and colr variances in it so it looks like lips.
I'm trying to change the lipstick color in "The Sims 2 Body Shop". All I want to do is to quickly change the color while not changing anything else.
I made a collection of gradients brushes and shapes as i worked for the past few years, and the collection has grown to such a size that its difficult for me to tell which shapes/grafients etc. are of any use for me, and i dont want to load all of them becouse they just take a lot of space in windows and expand loading time.
is there a way i could view the preset as a graphic file? so for example i click on my "chromegradientsver2" gradients preset file, and a image pops out showing which gradients are in this file? the same with shapes/brushes etc.
Photoshop crashes when Fonts are turned off in Bitstream. What one is it? The fonts are slowing my computer down in Corel. I tried to turn off all my fonts and start over. I have a basic system folder I use to turn on only the ones I need. This speeds up my Corel but then when I went to open Photoshop, the program crashes and won't open. When I went to a restore point, the photoshop programs opens, of course, all 800 fonts are loaded slowing down my Corel again. I took them out again, carefully leaving what I thought to basic fonts the program may be calling for. But I did not get the right one. I have been turning off and turning on back and forth to get it to work. Only when I load the all again, does it work. As soon as I remove them, its back to not working!
I removed a background (chroma color green), using Photoshop CS2, from an image to be imported into a NLE (premiere pro 2.0). When I open the image a new background, a white slate, appears. I'd like for the background to remain transparent. What am I doing wrong? I found something a while back saying some files (JPEG, TIFF, etc) don't support transparent background and a white slate is added to replace areas without pixel content, but I can't find the article/thread. Is there a file that supports transparent backgrounds?
Come across the problem whereby when all documents are closed down in Photoshop CS6 on Mac, there is still an opaque rectangle filling the screen and preventing the user from simply clicking through to the application underneath?
if you have used CS6 you may have noticed the Applications bar was removed. According to Adobe it was removed to make more vertical "real estate" for the workspace which makes no sense. When maximized it uses zero additional vertical space but that's another argument.
As part of the Applications bar, there was a drop down menu for a few preset zoom levels. 25, 50, 100 and 200. I got addicted to using this drop down for the work I do in PS and specifically 100 and 200% as I'm also zoomed in make minor changes and I want to jump to 100 or 200% to see what the changes look like at size or zoomed out.
drop down menu like that for zoom in CS6? I know the original shortcut ctrl-1 was for actual pixels but I have that and all the other keys close to the left ctrl/shift/alt used for other functions. I rarely take my right hand off the mouse as I work and that was the best way for me to zoom quick to 100%.
I am constantly switching the mode of the Brush tool from Normal, Lighten, Color, and Darken. The only way I've found to switch is to select the mode from the dropdown. Â I've trying creating actions to switch the mode but the actual mode selection is not recorded in the action. Â , I'd like to assign keyboard shortcuts that "select brush tool, set mode to Lighten", etc.
How can I quickly find a Pantone Swatch number? The swatches are, for all intents and purposes, in random order... Typing a umber does not jump to the swatch.
if there was a quick and simple way of selecting a number of files (in my particular case 8 .jpg's) and having them all open as a single .psd with each .jpg being on a separate layer.
I started to notice this a few days ago. I created a rectangular shape and applied the drop shadow layer style. I then removed that style first by turning it off and then by dragging it to the trash icon. Â Now I have a shape with a drop shadow but not layer styles. The only solution I have found is to delete the shape and create a new one without the drop shadow applied.
In Photoshop CS6 under the view menu "print size" has been removed in version 13.0.4. Until 13.0.3 it was still there. Is there a good reason for it? Any known alternative? Workaround? I did use it a lot and miss it. On my main workstation I even went back to 13.0.3. Â My guess is, that for "print size" showing the correct size on a given screen, the relevant screen resolution had to be set in preferences, and one had to know it, otherwise "print size" showed inproper size on screen. That might have led to remove it to not confuse retina screen users?
My adjustment layers are set to come in with a white layer mask. But sometimes I want to fill that mask w. black after the adjustment and selectively brush-in the adjustment. Â Is there a shortcut to quickly fill the mask w. black, w/o checking foreground/background colors; or choosing certain tools to be active; or Edit>Fill>Black, etc.? If not, how can I set my own keyboard shortcut? I don't see a Fill Black in the keyboard shortcut editing list.
if there is any way to close path quickly without clicking on the start point? With Polygonal Lasso we can do double click for this case but with paths?...
Adobe decided to remove the 'Print Size' button/option from the 'Zoom' tool in Photoshop 13.0.2..I use this heavily as I run a print lab and I often need to show people on screen what the size of their print will be (I have set the correct ppi for each display in preferences). Â I am absolutely amazed they could remove a feature like this without any warning in a minor update. The irony is that for the first time ever retina displays have enough resolution to assess sharpness without going to 100% and the 'View Print Size' is more useful than ever before. Â I will probably have to roll back to the last Photoshop version on all systems but before I do, any way to get the 'Print Size' option back?
I am looking for a list of brushes & custom shapes that were added or removed in the last four versions of Photoshop Elements. (v8-v11) I have already tried a Google search, which resulted in nothing. Before I spend hours making my own list, maybe Adobe has a list they can share or perhaps someone else has already taken the time to compile their own list.I am needing the information to cross reference as part of our teaching program.
Ive, ive removed the white background of an image that was a png file, how do i get that image with the white removed onto my harddrive with the transparent background intact?, i save it to my hardrive but the white keeps showing up, 8
how do I make straight lines? Horizontal Lines? Vertical Lines? Curvs? I read many tutorials and i am afraid that I am doing it the wrong way, my way is to drag a guide to where i want the line to be at and trace the guide with the brush tool...
I've done it many times...I hit Enter before changing my selection, and have removed instead of deleting a few files. Is there any way to get them all back in my catalogue so I can properly delete them? Or any way of isolating them in the Finder/Lightroom?
I can not seem to save to web and be able to immediately view the image. I have Illustrator CC and as per my Instructor request to save to the web with Illustrator CS6. What happens is the image is not easily available and you have to spend a considerable amount of time trying to locate the image, this is not acceptable.
I am just beginning in Ai and need to do a simple trace of this font on an old album cover. When I do the "Black and White Logo" preset on the Image Trace Panel it turns the enitre image white.
I am having an issue with line types. I have about a dozen lines types that are coming up in my drawings, they are not being used by a single layer or object in the entire file, but they cannot be purged from the file, nor deleted by the Linetype Manager. How can I remove these line types from either of the files that they are appear in. They have infected my template files. TO make matter worse I cannot copy ANYTHING from the infected files into a new drawing because these linetypes will be carried into the new drawing. For some dumb reason I cannot attach a .dwg file to this message to provide an example.