Photoshop Elements :: Added / Removed Brushes And Custom Shapes
Jun 13, 2013
I am looking for a list of brushes & custom shapes that were added or removed in the last four versions of Photoshop Elements. (v8-v11) I have already tried a Google search, which resulted in nothing. Before I spend hours making my own list, maybe Adobe has a list they can share or perhaps someone else has already taken the time to compile their own list.I am needing the information to cross reference as part of our teaching program.
I have dowloaded some shapes and brushes from the extension pages of adobe for designs and graphics for commercial use. I have been looking for terms of use and copyright but most of the time could find any and even very often links to author are broken. Can anybody tell me if such elements dowloaded from adobe extension page are free for commercial use.
Has anyone got any recommendations for somewhere that I can download free Photoshop Custom Shapes and Brushes? I've had a quick look around Google and found some but unfortunately they are not compatible with my version of PS (CS3).
I would like to use a vector object made in AI as a custom shape to be used as a cookie cutter in elements.. I imported the AI file in photoshop but the "define custom shape" entry under "edit" was grayed out.
Sometimes, we just don't know there's a better way to do stuff, and others can point it out. Perhaps we'll come up with something useful that Corel can pass back to Graebert for inclusion within ARES. :)
I'd like to see a 3D font that could be placed on objects and extruded as a solid, so that text could be added or removed from objects as a 3D image. So that a minimum width could be assigned to the font, to allow text to be added as a raised or inlaid surface to 3D designs...
I'm trying to install on a 2nd computer; I'm getting the error 1324 message: "the path custom shapes contains an invalid character." It won't let me continue installation.
i took this pic online and i wanted to know if there is a way i can remove those black circles on the rims. I want to see how the rims look like, but i dont know if theres a way you can take them out and restore the picture.
Using Lasso i have created a good shape that i require in my work. so now i want to save that shape i have drawn to custom shapes so that i can use it later also in my future works.
Within Photoshop(CS5extended) there's an option to view Styles I have some original Shapes I have created and also downloaded not too many but I would like to have them added to the window drop-down menu at top similar to styles. Is this even possible, for the life of me I can't find a way to do it
I just had the Beta version of PS uninstalled and the release version installed. The shapes, brushes etc. that I installed aren't listed any more.Is there a quick and easy way to get them back? I thought I could just go to presets and load them again but that didn't work.
As always, I looked through the faq's but didn't find an answer. Or how I am suppose to go about loading new shapes that would be great. have dragged and dropped the downloaded file to presets > custom shapes and then gone to PS to "Load" but it's not working
When I try to load a set of shapes, brushes, styles, etc..there is nothing in the folders. If I look in the folders using Windows Explorer the files are there in the preset folders.
I wanted to know about the effects of adding a lot of custom images to the Project Material Library and assigning these materials to objects in the project. Does this bring the entire image file, and therefore it's size, into the Revit project file. Can this create a file size and performance issue when fully utilizing many custom material images? I know that Renderings themselves within the project will add to the file but what about assignments.
I want to make a custom shape, so I made the shapes with the pen tool. But what I want to do is select all the pen layers and do Edit > Define Custom Shape, but i can only select one pen layer?
I am trying to find out how to obtain more custom shapes. There are 30 or so that come with the program, but does anyone know how to get more? I am referring to the ones like heart, arrow, talk bubble, paw print, music note, etc. Is it possible to get more of these?
I'm using CS4 and trying to follow any number of tutorials and I get completely stumped every time at this point.
I'm asked to create a rectangle the size of my canvas and fill it. Fine. Then create a rounded rectangle overtop of it. Fine. Then I'm to go into blending options and Gradient Overlay. Fine. This is where I'm stumped.
They show the "gradient editor". I cannot find this for the life of me. Adobe CS4 docs state there should be a gradient preview in the info panel. There isn't because I'm not using the gradient tool.
I had created a couple of shapes with the pen tool. I've searched the PS folders to find those shapes as files, but I couldn't.
I'd like to know if there's any way to "recover" them. I still have access to the PS folders, but not PS itself. It's a little complicated. The partition I previously installed PS is now on the slave drive, because I couldn't boot from that partition, which is why I had to install XP once more on the (now) master hdd.
I was wondering how to create custom shapes with CS2. At the moment i'm dirtily drawing straight line angles freehand and they look terrible.
How would i, for example, cut the corners a square. Id use the rectangular marquee tool rotated 45 degrees and then cut off the corners like that. But it's not accurate at all and there's no shading to make the line look smooth.
I need to reformat and had some shaped I made that I dont want to lose.
does anyone know where they are stored?
I looked in Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CSPresetsCustom Shapes but did not see anything for "user made" or anything like that. Would they be in the "all.csh" or somewhere else?
I am trying to use Photoshop to create some simple maps for a MUD. I want to create some different colored blocks to represent the rooms. Is there a way that I can create the "rooms" (blocks) and then use them in another drawing? In other words, can I define a shape and save it to be used later?
I have some weird virus action going on and need to reformat. I cant get into photoshop to export shapes. So I was wondering if anyone knows where I can find to save my custom shapes.
I have found .csh files in 2 locations:
Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CSPresetsCustom Shapes