Photoshop :: 100 Percent Opaque Brush From Color Image
Oct 13, 2011
I want to create a top down view image of a pile of autumn leaves. Something like the attached image.
So how to have an isolated image of a single leaf, create a brush from it, set the brush dynamics to create a random scatter and size of leaves and paint this on a few separate layers to create the impression the leaves are on top of each other.
The problem is since the singe leaf is color and not a simple 100% black silhouette, the resulting brush is transparent. So this is no good for what I need.
Is there a way to create a brush (or some other technique) so I can simply move the mouse across the screen and it will paste full color / 100% opaque copies of the isolated leaf with brush dynamics to create random sized / angled copies of the leaf?
Or is the only way to achieve what I need going to involve making manual copies of the leaf which would take a long time?
My printer told me to add 5% C 5% M and 5%Y to my 100%k channels as without it I can see the black comes out a little/touch fury on things like small thin text.
Is this the same on all other colors too? Eg. say 100% Cyan color, should I add 5% M, Y and K?
I have a problem whereby my brush does not deliver the full color opacity even at 100%. It only delivers up to 50% (sort of). But I had to stroke twice to get the color that I want. This happens when Transfer option with Opacity Jitter is set to Pen Pressure. Why is this so?
However, Flow Jitter does not seem to have a problem with delivering the full color under Pen Pressure. I'm using a Wacom Intuous 4 Medium tablet.
I open a jpg image. It becomes "background" and locked in layers panel. I want to edit it so i click in layers panel, and get a box where I can call the layer a name and it changes from background to layer ( in my beginner´s terminology...)
When I click on "Ok" the image disappears, or really i think it becomes transparent, because in layer´s panel it is still visible. What has happened? I have done well all day, and suddenly this happens.
as you can see I was able to make the background transparent by 'select by color' + 'add alpha channel' + 'remove selected area' but I also need to remove the white behind the 50% opaque reddish orange flames as well, i cannot select the white by 'select by color' or 'magic wand select' or any of the selection tools because of the issues of the white / reddish orange mix of opacity, so I need removing this white behind the part opacity color.
So the image in my window is not at a 100% and there is a whole lot of white space, it was fine till I added a new layer then it just downsized. Ive attached a photo of what it looks like.
I want my canvas size to be 36X24'' but the last bit is always just white space, which means my image is less than 36 inches long
Hi, I'm having some issues with my brush. It won't brush any other color, I select different colors on "set foreground" and "set background" colors and no matter what I select it brushes white. Does anyone know why?
know this is probably somewhat of a techy question, but I'm really alarmed at how much CPU 3D rendering uses in PS CS6. My computer just howls! Can I get some tips, apart from the obvious hardware upgrades? Here are my hardware specs for my computer:
Dell Studio XPS, 12GB ram, Intel Core i7 930 2.8 Ghz, GeForce GT 630 4Gb Aside from that, PS also uses over 6GB of memory at times. This also seems extremely high to me ??
When I open up a psd files they open at 0.13%. Really small. Today they all opened at this size. I'm using CS4 on a Mac Pro running OS 10.7.5. How do I get files to open at 100%.
My masks are all about 50 per cent in opacity lately but I can't see any control or method of making a 100 per cent mask. See above-- The A was masked by a black brush at 100% opacity. The Properties control has opacity set to 100%
I'm in the process of scanning in old photos and retouching them in Photoshop. I have many books on the subject and have been using Photoshop for 2 years now..
I'm curious as to what percenage are corrections made. When you look at a photo at 25% of the size it looks one way, but when you zoom into 100% it's obviously another.
When using the brush tool what is the difference between using the brush in color mode on a normal layer vs using the brush in normal mode on a color mode layer?
I want to select a specific color from within the image, and change all similar colors within that image to a different color. In other words, after using the Color Picker Tool to select a color from the image, I want to take the selected color (and everything in the image that is equal to or similar in color), and change them all to a different color.
I tried using the Path's Tool to create an outline in the image, and changing colors that way, but it changes all the other colors in the selection I don't want to change. I just want to change all colors in the image/selection that are equal to or similar to the selected color. How do I do this?
Just upgraded to PS CS6, and am having a problem manually entering a value for the magnification level in the status bar (same goes for Navigator panel).Is it supposed to automatically zoom to the amount entered without hitting enter/return? For example, if I want 25%, the box will read 2%5 and tells me my value is invalid by the time I hit return (the document will go to 2% automatically before I hit the 5). I can find nothing on this anywhere online, and the documentation mentions typing a number then having to press enter/return. Is this a feature? A glitch? Can it be disabled/fixed?
I am running a Mac and small Cintiq with an on-screen keyboard (so typing speed is slow and screen area at a premium), and the button on the pen (set to be an 'option' key) sticks on occasion.
What's happened to the key command for viewing at 100%? It has always been Option/Command/0 and that doesn't work any more with this latest update. The Menu symbol is now a lower case n (which doesn't work) and the only way to view at 100% is to go through the menu. It's slowing me up badly when editing?
When I'm viewing photo at zoom lower than 64% banding kicks in. At zoom higher than 63% everything smoothed out. It's giving me a hard time when I'm trying to retouch big files at lower magnification because actually I cant know until I zoom in do I'm removing something what exist or actually not!
I know it's an issue regards do displaying preview of 16bit image as 8bit image. I was checking this in many ways and it appears only in 16bit mode. I'm quite a quality maniac so I always retouch in 16bit mode and ProPhoto color space to give myself a bit more room to play with post production.
Please take a look at snaps made using windows snipping tool. All images are in ProPhoto color space but I also have tried this in RGB and it looks quite the same.
1. With banding. 16bit mode ProPhoto color space Zoom: 63%
1. Without banding. 16bit mode ProPhoto color space Zoom: 64%
I'm on windows 7 ultimate 64bit, 64GB memory, Intel I7 processor, geforec GTX680 GPU.
I would like to image a 3d printed material made of metal. It is a few millimeters wide and deep. It is composed of metal arms that connect to each other to form intersections. I want to measure the pore size of this material. Obviously, I have to tilt the sample and collect images taken from different perspectives and then combine them to form a 3-d image. Can photoshop do this? I know it can stitch images together but can it account for differences in sample tilt?
I'm running Windows 8.1 on a Surface Pro 2. I've got up to date Wacom Feel drivers.
The issue is, when I've got the "Tip Feel" set to medium in the Wacom Pen Tablet settings in the Control Panel, I cannot get a fully opaque stroke. No matter how hard I press, it takes at least two strokes of the same color (I used full black in my picture) to get a fully opaque stroke.
In the image, I changed the settings in the Wacom Pen Tablet settings to softer, eventually getting to the softest. While in the softest setting, I could get the pen to produce a fully opaque stroke, but then I lose the full range of Shape Dynamics pressure sensitivity. I know I can just turn the opacity control off to get fully opaque strokes, but I'd prefer not to, as that'd be a fairly big interruption to my workflow.
i just installed photoshop cc on my pc and i have being trying to use the brush tool. whenever i want to change the brush color the color doesn't change have tried so many techniques, it just doesn't work,
Come across the problem whereby when all documents are closed down in Photoshop CS6 on Mac, there is still an opaque rectangle filling the screen and preventing the user from simply clicking through to the application underneath?
From what I can make of it, lossy is the option on GIF files, and therefore I am assuming that the optimisation is lossless for a JPEG at 100 percent quality and lossy when the quality is reduced?I just want to clarify that I am saving images for the web at the smallest size I can without losing too much quality.
All the images I save are 450px wide @ 75 dpi, but vary in length from 800px high to 1500px high, but have to be saved under 100kb. lossless and lossy in JPEG format in save for web?
In CS6, I am trying to apply color to the Canvas with the Mixer Brush, though it is not working. I am using Wet, Heavy, Mix brush and I select Blue as my foreground color, the color is showing in the toolbox and up above in the options bar, though when I paint it just seems to smudge the colors on the canvas. What is wrong with my settings?.
I can't save anymore color when i create a new brush.I had no problem in CS5 but in CS6, it's a pain. When i created a new brush preset in CS5, i had the "save color" option in the windows.Now, in CS6, the only thing i have is "save brushe size" option.
Using CSS, I want to put a semi-transparent image over another image (by semi-transparent I mean a GIF in which alternating pixels are transparent - see attachment).
I drew this image basically pixel-by-pixel (via copy/paste), and it's ok as far as it goes, but what I REALLY want is for the density of opaque pixels to increase from left to right, so the effect when laid over an image is essentially that of a gradient. I DON'T want to have to draw this image pixel by pixel!
Whenever I try and accomplish this in Photoshop, it uses semi-transparent pixels which then become opaque when optimized. If I could figure out how to tell photoshop to build a gradient using only 1 color and no semi-transparent pixels (or barring that, white and another color and then I could delete the white...),
I want to paint texture into an image without adding or changing color.
The best way to explain my goal is to visit this website with very fine work by Mark Wainer.
My own website is [URL]...
He has used Buzz, as have I, to change photos into watercolor like images, now defunct and taken over by Topaz software, who now market Simplify in place of BUZZ.
After running the filter, he has added brush strokes to add texture without altering any color—just adding a texture looking like impasto or thick brush strokes.
I have searched everywhere and view lots of video but cannot find a technique to get the result I want.
I am sure there is way to do this, probably with brushes in CS6 and unable to find or create a way to achieve this effect.
I vacuumed my keyboard while in photoshop... nice move, I know. Anyway I got almost everything back to normal execpt...
while using the brush tool and I alt click to cahnge the color to the new sampled color but it now goes to the background color instead of foreground color. It also goes to background color when I use the regular peye dropper.
how to shut that off or change it so it goes to the foreground instead of background.