Photoshop :: Brush Tool Color Mode Vs Layer Color Mode?
Aug 1, 2013When using the brush tool what is the difference between using the brush in color mode on a normal layer vs using the brush in normal mode on a color mode layer?
View 5 RepliesWhen using the brush tool what is the difference between using the brush in color mode on a normal layer vs using the brush in normal mode on a color mode layer?
View 5 RepliesI have a PSD file open and I added a new layer via the copy command. I have added a Layer Mask to the new layer and I'm trying to use the Brush Tool with black forground to cover part of the new layer. I'm following an online tutorial step by step, but when I try to use the Brush Tool I get "could not use color replacement tool because it only works in full color mode". The Image>Mode is set to RGB.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn the Printer Settings drop down menu both Color Mode and Print Mode are grayed-out. This just happened I cannot think of anything I've done differently.
I'm using OS 10.6.8 and the latest Epson drivers for the 3880. I have re-installed both PS and the Epson drivers. If I print from Acrobat Reader everything seems to work fine, this only is happening in Photoshop CS5.
I have a layer with some blurred spots. I want them to glow. I have a colored background (light brown). For some reason, when I set my layer to Color Dodge it does nothing.
But when I make a group and set it to Color Dodge, then put my layer inside that, it glows like freakin crazy. Can anyone explain why this is? Should it work both ways? Is there some magic to groups?
When in brush mode, clicking "ctrl" switchs to color picker until yourelease. Is this shortcut editable? What if I want this to be set onAlt instead, for instance?
I could not find any shortcut which looks like it would do this in thekeyboard shortcuts list. Is there one? How to change this shortcut?
I'm doing some painting with a lot of layers set to different blend modes. I find that every time I want to paint on one of these layers, I have to go to that layer, set the opacity back to 100, change the blend mode back to "normal" sample the color, then change everything back and continue painting. I realize I can save a swatch for the color, but it can get confusing when you're using subtle color differences on multiple layers. It seems like there should be a modifier key to the tool that samples the layers "true" color discarding opacity and blend mode.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe project is a photo montage. It was 4-color, now must become 2 colors. So I've changed each of the original 4-color photos (jpg and eps) into separate psd files (as grayscale/duotone/montage-and assigned it One pantone color)
In a new psd "montage" file, I plan to place each photo on its own layer, adjust tints, transparency, etc, to create one new montage/flattened.I'm not sure which color mode is best when setting up this new file, CMYK or grayscale?
Once the PS doc is done, the job will be saved as a PDF for 2-color printing.I want to insure the 2 pantone colors separate properly at press.
Using the brush tool in CS3, I find I have no normal mode to choose in the options toolbar. The available blend modes start with "behind" and end with "luminosity," but there is no normal. Shouldn't I find this option here?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am constantly switching the mode of the Brush tool from Normal, Lighten, Color, and Darken. The only way I've found to switch is to select the mode from the dropdown.
I've trying creating actions to switch the mode but the actual mode selection is not recorded in the action.
, I'd like to assign keyboard shortcuts that "select brush tool, set mode to Lighten", etc.
I am using CS6 Extended.
I'm currently jumping back and forward between quick mask mode and my standard layer. When I am in the standard layer the brush tool is performing as it should, but when I go into quick mask it is erasing my selection (red) rather than filling in where I draw!
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor some unknown reason i get a slowdown when using RGB color mode, brushes, even 1px sized brushes trail behind the cursor and makes it rather slow and rather problematic to draw and paint.When i change to any of the other modes, greyscale, cmyk, etc; this slowdown doesn't occur at all which results in no slowdown.
Yesterday, painting with 1000px brushes in rgb mode didn't even give a noticeable slowdown which is very weird. So the issue has to have happend today.
I got
Intel core i5 2.5Ghz
8,00 gb Ram
AMD Radeon HD 7670M 2gb ram 900Mhz
on photoshop Cs5/Cs5.1
Intermediate and advanced members probably know the following technique (beginning users, probably should better first start with learning the tools before trying this):
1) Switch an RGB-image to another color mode (CMYK, CMY, Lab, ...)
2) Copy the channels you find in the other mode and paste them back in the original RGB image as Alpha Channels
What's the purpose of this?
By gathering channels of the same picture in other color modes, it becomes easier to get the best channel for your needs (selecting, masking, etc ...)or just for plain experimentation with other color modes
Why don't people do this:
The hassle of switching to other color modes, the copying, the pasting, ...
So, I made an action for this which gathers all the channels from CMYK, CMY, HSB, HSL, Grayscale, Lab and puts all these channels as alpha channels fully automatic.
1) You should have the HSBHSL fitler installed (which you'll find in the goodies folder of your Photoshop software)
2) You should start out in RGB mode
This action has only been tested in Photoshop CS and Windows XP,
How I can edit 3d texture color in HEX mode [Texture Edit Panel]? There is no HEX mode Option.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI draw comics digitally in Photoshop, working in Gray scale mode to reduce file size (I work very high-res). Is it possible to make Photoshop display certain layers in color, without switching to either CMYK or RGB mode?
View 17 Replies View RelatedWhat are the difference between using cymk color mode
and rgb color mode.
I noticed that it seems that you can't apply some filiters when the mode is cymk(or is it cmyk)...
I have two images on two layers, the one which is on the top has a blending mode set to it (hard light for example) and opacity at about 70%.
What I would like to do, is to save that image (which is on the top) so, that every time I combine those two images, I would get the same result. (By combining I mean applying those images on top of each other outside of photoshop.)
The opacity is not a problem - I can save the image as 32 bit bmp (8 bit alpha channel right?)
I need to create a document, which i want to print, in CMYK mode, but this is not possible on Photoshop elements 5. Apparently Photoshop doesn't support CMYK. Some of my colleagues are graphic designer who also work with Photoshop and they say, that CMYK is always available... I don't understand why it's not available on my software. Do i need to change the setting or something?
View 2 Replies View RelatedDoes Photshop Elements 12 have a CMYK color mode?
View 8 Replies View RelatedI changed the mode of a RGB image to HSB color model then copy and paste hue channel as a layer to the original RGB image ...After changing the blend mode of the hue layer to the hue blend mode..I can't see my original RGB image.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI like grayscale photos, but I don't want to lose the color informations of my layers, because maybe later I want the colors back.
Is there a mode or plugin or something in Photoshop, that lets me display all layers in B/W mode but without having to lose the color information?
When creating a new image, it always defaults to CMYK for me... is there a way to set it to default to RGB?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am reading a tutorial about the background eraser, and in this tutorial, on the screenshots, the erased parts are in red. It is the same red than the default one for the mask mode.
Is there a mode to see the mask color instead of what there is beneath the layer ?
Note : Maybe the tutorial author put a red layer beneath the current layer...
What do I do to get CMYK color mode with Elements 12 for Windows?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to I get cmyk color mode on my postcard?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI wanted to create an action to determine if the color mode of an image is Lab, and if so, convert it to RGB. But there’s no conditional action test for Lab color mode. The list of conditions that can be tested includes RGB, grayscale, and a couple of other color modes, but not Lab, Can I get it done with scripting?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm working in the multi-channel format, which as you may know, does not support layers.
Does anyone have any tips on experimenting with the layout, without the use of layers?
At the moment, I've been working out the layout in another (layer-supporting) colour mode, and then recreating that layout in the multi-channl mode.
Surely there is a better way of testing different layouts, within the multi-channel mode itself? I'm finding it very inflexible at the moment.
If I've embedded a PDF that has RGB colors, and I set AI to Document Color Mode CMYK, will the PDF's colors then be CMYK for output?
View 13 Replies View RelatedMy PS don't want to understand me! Every time i close brush panel, save document and every time after starting PS i see this panel. In preference i try picking "Remember Panel Location", but it's not working. And this software don,t save last color mode, i start PS with grayscale mode.
View 3 Replies View RelatedCreate a new document in X5. Choose CMYK as the "Primary Color Mode" in the "Create a new document" dialog box.
Draw a rectangle. The Eyedropper Tool tells me it is RGB 0, 0, 0. Shouldn't it be CMYK 0, 0, 0,100? Is there a simple way to fix this to default to CMYK?
I'd like to export a design as a PNG image. The document color mode was set as CMYK and I've only used CMYK colors but when I go to export, that option is not available (as you can see in the picture).
Can't .png images be exported with a CMYK color mode? If I export as .jpg then there is no problem but in this case it has to be saved as a png image.
I making a bling picture on a web site. Im seeing my pic on paint in pixel mode. What i want to do is see all like colors so i can pic them to put in my web bling. That way i dont have to pic one color at a time to transfer. Does this make sense?
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