Photoshop :: Using Feather To Create Selection But Preserving Opaque Fill
Aug 27, 2005
I'm trying to create a selection out of the square marquee tool with rounded corners. The only way I know how to do this is to set the feather to 5px or 10px or whatever. But when I try to fill this selection with a certain color (with the paint or pencil tool) I get a gradient. That is, instead of a uniform color all throughout the selection, it's almost clear near the edges and slowly becomes opaque as you move closer to the center of the selection. I do I create a square selection with rounded edges so that filling it creates an evenly opaque color?
I want a white border (30 px) aroud it. So I select the space aroud it, then I inverse the selection so the car is selected.
Then I go select-modify-expand and give it a border of 30 px. The selection looks "squarisch", i mean not smooth, so i go to select-feather and give it a amount of 15. Now is the selection smooth, the way I want it.
But now the problem:
If i want to fill the selection with white, the color doesnt stay in the selection. there is some sort of gradient white outside the selection. That isn't what I want. Only the selection should be white, nothing outside it.
I am trying to cut a person out of a picture with a deatiled background so I am using the quickmask selection and paint brush. I'm done selecting the person and have gone back into normal editing mode. I then inversed the selection created within quickmask to select everything but the person in the background. When I click delete, the background vanishes and the person become opaque.
I have a ellipse I'm trying to fill with a solid color. The fill always "feathers" the edges. I don't want this. I want it to fill with the solid color only. How can I stop the "feather" on the edge?
I want to select an elipse, thats not a problem then I want to make it feathered on the outside of the selection only, leaving all the detail on the inside showng.
In previous versions (CS2 and earlier), if you select a part of an image, including borders, and then apply the feather command, then the selection edges along the borders were not feathered but the selection edge inside the picture (and bordering another part of the picture) was feathered. (The selection may be a rectangle or an irregular shape. In either case it is just the selection edge that is INSIDE the image that is feathered, and the selection edges along the border of the image are not feathered.)
Result: you get a rectangular selection with one edge feathered. (Or with a slightly irregular shape if the selection border within the image is not a straight line.)
Very useful if e.g. if you want to darken the sky in a high contrast sunny-day image.
Now to the problem:
In CS3 feathering occurs on the entire selection, including those parts of the selection that are along the edges of the image.
Result: you get an oval shape selected where all edges are feathered. And you cannot use that to darken e.g. the sky.
I have a edu version of Adobe creative suite CS2. I tried to learn some text effects in online turtorial but I found that feather, modify, grow, similar, transform selection submenu are disabled in the select main menu. I would like to know why and how to make them enable.
I was using this nice tool for the forth time or so and I accidentally put the radius to 10, and suddenly these horrid jagged edges on model shirts disappeard.
The feather was at 2, and smoothness at 12. (in refine edges)
So should I now think of the radius and the the best method for edges rather than feather.
When pressing Enter/Return to commit a marquee selection the Feather box turns white for input (and I'm not trying to change the feather values)!?
Pressing Enter/Return should commit the selection but it doesn't why? I have not changed any short-cut preferences in PS CS6.
When I use the Marquee or Lasso tool and make a selection and I'm happy with the selection, I press the Enter (PC)/Return(Mac) and the the "marching ants" should disappear..this has always worked until today? Now, when I press the Enter key, the Feather box (next to the Anti-alias) on the upper left corner goes from grey to white and wants me to change the value?
I just got a new laptop (Apple Mac book pro with OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion) and a fresh installation of Adobe CS6 and Photoshop is practically unusable. The issues are that there is weird color banding across the full size image (it looks fine in the thumbnail preview in the ‘navigator’ tab). These bands move and change. Next, when I use the selection tool it selects weird shapes. And if I attempt to fill it, the fills are not the color, nor the transparency nor the shapes that I set. That means masks can’t be used and pretty much no editing is possible. Some blog posts describe a similar problem, and propose changing the ‘Performance’ preferences .
I am trying to make circular list style bullet in Gimp.
I have created new image 10x10px with transparent background, I drawn a circle using eclipse selection tool. Problem appears in my next step, that is how to fill this selection with color I choose?
Upon clicking on bucket fill tool my circle disappears.
As shown in the screen caps below, I have a simple Selection and I filled it with the Paint Bucket tool. the many curved edges of the selection (it was cursive writing) are now EXTREMELY aliased and almost Tron-like in their appearance.
So, is it possible (please say yes!) to fill a selection with anti-aliasing in GIMP, and if so, how do you achieve this?
Selecting or filling a region of non-uniform color is a common need. Adjusting tolerance is one approach, but I find that it is often problematic. Sometimes you have to play with the tolerance to get the right value. (New paint bucket features described for 4.0 should work with this.) Other times there is no single tolerance value that will give the desired results.
I wish that the paint bucket would simply behave like a real paint bucket in the sense that I could drag it through adjacent regions to fill them all with the same color value. This would give the same result as clicking in each of these regions in turn, but it would be faster and easier, especially in cases involving small or narrow bands of color that are difficult to distinguish visually. I come across such situations frequently. The same thinking would apply to the magic wand.
I imagine accomplishing this by perhaps holding down Ctrl or some other modifier key as I do my dragging. This would not interfere with expected behavior by people who have trouble clicking without moving the mouse.
i would like to fill a selection exactly with a defined color (full red). I want everything inside the selection to be full red and everything outside to be untouched but I don't managed to do it.
With the bucket, even in normal mode with opacity 100, "fill whole selection", there are still pixels outside the selections that become half red. With the pencil, same story.
I just want a one point thick border rectangle with nothing filled. I tried using the rectangle marquee and stroke. Doesn't work. I tried the rectangle tool and rasterized, it disappeared.
I will be working on a project soon where I will have to change the fill color and header overlay for about 128 images. I know how to create an action to change the header, but I don't know how to make one that changes the fill color. I have a list of each hex code for each image on a spreadsheet. Is there anyway i could create an action to read the information from that and create each image accordingly?
I would do it by hand, but I anticipate getting several projects of this type in the future, so I would like to automate as much as I can!
I would like to image a 3d printed material made of metal. It is a few millimeters wide and deep. It is composed of metal arms that connect to each other to form intersections. I want to measure the pore size of this material. Obviously, I have to tilt the sample and collect images taken from different perspectives and then combine them to form a 3-d image. Can photoshop do this? I know it can stitch images together but can it account for differences in sample tilt?
I'm running Windows 8.1 on a Surface Pro 2. I've got up to date Wacom Feel drivers.
The issue is, when I've got the "Tip Feel" set to medium in the Wacom Pen Tablet settings in the Control Panel, I cannot get a fully opaque stroke. No matter how hard I press, it takes at least two strokes of the same color (I used full black in my picture) to get a fully opaque stroke.
In the image, I changed the settings in the Wacom Pen Tablet settings to softer, eventually getting to the softest. While in the softest setting, I could get the pen to produce a fully opaque stroke, but then I lose the full range of Shape Dynamics pressure sensitivity. I know I can just turn the opacity control off to get fully opaque strokes, but I'd prefer not to, as that'd be a fairly big interruption to my workflow.
When using the marquee tool, clicking and dragging would create and resize the selection marquee. Holding down the space bar, without releasing the mouse button, would then temporarily allow me to reposition the marquee, and releasing the space bar would allow me to go back to resizing the marquee.Well, I just had the opportunity to tutor somebody in Photoshop, and she had the newest version. I went to show her the above trick, and all that happened was the selection got frozen and its x and y values got displayed.
Come across the problem whereby when all documents are closed down in Photoshop CS6 on Mac, there is still an opaque rectangle filling the screen and preventing the user from simply clicking through to the application underneath?
I know how to create a new fill pattern, BUT, whenever I use a created pattern to fill an object, I get weird lines in it - as though the fill ends then starts again. It's as though the cross that you use when creating the fill is imprinted on the pattern.
I have tried to create a linear fill and it looks fine in Xara Designer, but after exporting the image as a jpeg, the gradation does not look smooth at all, it looks rather terrible. It does not look as smooth and as seemless as work I have seen which was created using software such as Photoshop. Am I doing something wrong?
How can I keep my selection area on the background image or layer after doing a create new layer via copy?
I am trying to make a selection and an inverse of the selection and put each on a seperate layer to do adjustments seperatly without having to go back and reselect the desired area. It seems to disappear after the new layer is created.
Is there a better way to accomplish this, what am I missing?
I want to create a top down view image of a pile of autumn leaves. Something like the attached image.
So how to have an isolated image of a single leaf, create a brush from it, set the brush dynamics to create a random scatter and size of leaves and paint this on a few separate layers to create the impression the leaves are on top of each other.
The problem is since the singe leaf is color and not a simple 100% black silhouette, the resulting brush is transparent. So this is no good for what I need.
Is there a way to create a brush (or some other technique) so I can simply move the mouse across the screen and it will paste full color / 100% opaque copies of the isolated leaf with brush dynamics to create random sized / angled copies of the leaf?
Or is the only way to achieve what I need going to involve making manual copies of the leaf which would take a long time?
Using CSS, I want to put a semi-transparent image over another image (by semi-transparent I mean a GIF in which alternating pixels are transparent - see attachment).
I drew this image basically pixel-by-pixel (via copy/paste), and it's ok as far as it goes, but what I REALLY want is for the density of opaque pixels to increase from left to right, so the effect when laid over an image is essentially that of a gradient. I DON'T want to have to draw this image pixel by pixel!
Whenever I try and accomplish this in Photoshop, it uses semi-transparent pixels which then become opaque when optimized. If I could figure out how to tell photoshop to build a gradient using only 1 color and no semi-transparent pixels (or barring that, white and another color and then I could delete the white...),
I want to create a gradient fill, top to bottom of some text.To do this, I'm creating my text in a solid colour (can't seem to find a gradient fill on the text tool), then wand selecting the background inverting the selection then applying a gradient.
Unfortunately, applying the fill seems to make the text lose all smoothness (anti-aliasing?).I've tried feathering (using Boltbait) but even at 1 it's too aggressive and the text ends up too skinny.
How to maintain the anti-aliasing but also have a gradient.