I want to do the centre akignment of text fiit to path. when i m selecting the text , the alignment is already showing the left aklign as default. it dosent work.
When you centrally allign text horizontally and vertically in a text box, the text sits slightly high of the centre. Is there any way of setting an action or setting to deal with this rather than adjusting by eye every time?
I'm trying to add a stroke that's aligned to the outside of my path. It appears to be offsetting the stroke *and* moving anchor points at the same time. It does the same kind of thing when I align the stroke to the inside. It is fine when i align the stroke to center. The one that is offset to the top-left is the align-inside one.
I'm trying to create an effect of small text following the outline of very large bold block text (see picture). The idea I had was to first create the 'ME' in very large font as text. Then convert that text to an object / path using "Object -> Flatten Transparency... -> "Convert all text to outline"". Then, select that path and use the "Type along path" tool.
However, when I use that process, the resulting path is a compound path that therefore the Type Along Path tool doesn't work. Any pointers on how to achieve this? The image below I just used the pencil to trace the letters (quick and dirty) but the result is choppy, etc.
I'm trying to place text to a "curvy" path. I took some screen shots to show you want I'm talking about.
I created a simple curvy path 1 point on each end. (I noticed I drew in a node in the middle of the curve as well. But that actually doesn't exist in the path. I created the text a reasonable size and clicked "Text Along Path". As you can see, it never starts at the beginning of the path. Ever. I have sized the font up, and it gets a little closer to the beginning, but obviously the end of the address flies off the path. I've sized down the text and it will start even further to the middle of the path.
I have no problem getting my text along a path but I am having trouble getting the text and the path to align so that the center of the text element is centered on the path.
Is this possible or do I have to figure out someway to make my path of a certain length so it ends up that the text fits to it perfectly??
Here is a screenshot of my current problem. You can see that the text and the image below it are centered. I then placed some guide lines to make sure my path was also centered. When I placed that text along the path though, it left justified the text when I want it to be centered instead..
I am creating a banner for a website. The banner is say 400 pixels wide by 60 pixels high. I drag the horizontal type tool so that it covers the entire rectangular shape exactly. I can center the text horizontally by selecting Window-->Paragraph and then selecting the center button. However I can't seem to center the text vertically in the banner using some Photoshop option. Once the text is typed then I can move it to what I think is vertically centered but it may not be exact.
The reason I am looking for exactness is I have to create several banners that are the same dimension but the text within will be different. Some of the banners will be one line and others will be two lines. I would prefer to vertically center them exactly.
how do you align text in new picture. I click on the move icon on the left and then go to the top to click on the align buttons after i select the layer but i'm not able to click on any of the align buttons. maybe the layer is locked or something. I just want to create buttons and have all the text in the center of each button. it is so simple iwth jasc, but why not adobe?
I'm trying to align some text with each other but they keep skipping pixels when I try to align. In fireworks. I would normally just type in the coordinates but I'm not sure if photoshop has this feature?
Have the PS trial 7.0 version and have opened an image file and put 5 texts on the image from top to bottom, seperate textboxes, but the text isn't aligned at the left, can i do this ?
is there any possibility in GIMP to align a text not vertically at the bottom of a text box (there are options for left, right, center and fill but that's only the horizontal alignment). The motivation is, that I change a text in an image quite often and it whould "align itself" if it whould always be aligned at the bottom of the textbox.
The Inset Spacing settings within the Area Type Options drop-down are just too cumbersome. Is there an easier way to center text within a text box like we can do in InDesign? Why they left this out of Illustrator CS6.
I have to copy two lines of text into hundreds of images, and one piece has to be centered, 3 pixels from the top, the other centered at the bottom? Is there a way to make an action that will place things in the center, regardless of image size?
I get this problem with Illustrator too...when I right align some text, each line of text is pushed all the way to the right, except for the bottom line of the text block. There remains one space - so the bottom line doesn't push all the way to the right.
I've tried every permutation of copy and paste; I renamed the path to path. It looks like a path when I add stroke, but it does not behave like one. I can't cut it or join it to any other path. It remembers it's text path status. I'm running OS X 10.7.5.
I accidentally converted a path to a text path. I searched the forum for how to convert it back to a regular path. The answer I found said to select the path and hit Command+C+F. This gives me another text path! I now have at least 6 copies of the path in my files but they are ALL text paths and none are visible with a stroke.
It has been a while since I've been here and I REALLY need emergency assistance because my mind has gone completely blank with AGE.
I'm trying to create an action which I will be using for batch processing.
I have an image on which I need to place 3 text layers The first layer I need to center across the image about 100px from bottom The second layer I need to center across the image about 300px from bottom The third layer I need to place about 200px in from the right edge and about 600px from bottom
Why the "Text along path" feature hovers the text so far above the currently active path? (in my case, the space between the path and the text is about 3 times the height of the currently used font!). I've been told that the letters should lie on top of or at least closer to the path instead. How can I move the text closer to the path?
AS3: In component list my icon and label text are not align properly, when app is started, label text is over icon and when I put mouse pointer over any item in the list then alignment it's ok.
This is when I test flash app: And when I put mouse pointer over any item, alignment of icon and label is ok! Here is code:
So, i'm making Metallica bootleg covers for MetCoverart.com but I cant figure out how to align the text like f.eg in Word. When you get the text perfectly aligned per line.
I've tried using the normally appropiate button, but that does nothing. And I've tried the Align Object plugin without any good results.
when i click on my express tools and the arc align text command, it doesnt work says unknown command arctext what file holds this command so i can check to see why its not loading
Im using AC 2008 LT Im developing dynimc blocks. When rotating the block the text will rotate as well. Is there any way to align the text to the view so it will be always straight when rotating?
I have been putting together some inserts for a sales presentation folder in Illustrator CS6. I am having trouble trying to figure out possibly how to make my text align as presentable as possible. If you view the image you can see that my text on the right is not aligned with each other line consistently.