I'm trying to make an effect I saw on a moive, the name of it is Holloweentown 2: revenge of kalibar. In that, there is a part where a boy's face is in a brick wall, you can see his face. How can i make that? The lines of the brick wall follow every curve of his face, its like 3d, I hope you understand what I mean. I tried that with the displace filter, it doesn't work that good. I can't find a pic of that anywhere either.
I am trying to align the curtain wall with the edge of the concrete slab/face of wood framed wall (Core). I have tried to align and move however the whole wall moves as well as the edge of the slab. How I can move the Curtain wall leaving the other elements in place?
Any way to get a wall sweep that's set up in the type/structure properties to follow a wall if that walls profile has changed. For example, in the image below, I've split the wall and adjusted it's profile to create some cheesy angled parapet. How do i get my wall cap to follow along? I thought splitting it and changing it's height would work, but no. And if I change the profile without splitting the wall the wall cap just runs right through the wall, as if the profiel was never even changed.
When I try to change the length of a wall it grows at both end. How to grow at one end only?
When I change the wall type to one with a different thickness, I cannot control which face of the wall remains fixed and which face moves. eg: change from 130mm to 250mm screws up my room width. How do I do this?
I want to do a similar image where the background 'becomes' the skin of the person in the foreground. In this image it's as though the house and the woman are each a bit of one another.
I am trying to create wall by faces of a Mass I modelled.
This is the Mass: [URL]
Everytime I try to create a wall by face of one exactly face, it accept Location Line: By Finish Face Interior only, when I try to change ANY other Location Line, it gives me a message error.
And it is always from the SAME FACE highlighted at the picture.
The mass was made by the floors and top edges. I select all of the edges and create a mass from down to top.
All the other faces are ok and they accept the wall by face and let them change the Location Line except this one.
I would like ask if I create wall from mass by using wall by face. However, the walls have slope and they are not connected to each other.
(Please see the picture) When I would like to edit wall only option shows in modify is update to face. Do they have any way to edit this wall as normal?
I’m wondering if there is a way to calculate the area of double face of a given wall. For exam, say that we have a wall of 4x4x0.1 meter then the area of one face is 16m2 while the double face is 32m2. Does the Revit calculate the double face of a given wall?
I'm drawing individual guest rooms for a hotel that I would like to xref into the main floor plans. The walls between the rooms are 8" wide. I would like to only show half the width of those walls (4") so when xrefed againt another guest room in the main floor plan, the total width would be 8". But I would like for the one side of the 4" wall to appear as a centerline on the individual plans, but at the same time, be able to shut the centerlines off on the main floor plans. I'm new to ACA 2012 and perhaps I'm going about this in the wrong way.........?????
I would like to know whether it is possible (and how) to trim a wall that was generated from mass face to a roof (also generated from face mass) or/and make a horizontal hole in it. The wall itself is not straight or curved, it shifts outwards from the building from base to top (still in an elevation it looks like rectangle).
We usually run our own calculations for U Values using the BRE Calculator (UK Building Research Establishment).
I just carried out an experiment to check the value that appears in the Revit properties of a wall type (Heat Transfer Coefficient - U) for a given wall build up.
The result in Revit does not seem to correlate with the value that our calculator generates.
I have checked through the conductivity values for the materials (under thermal properties) - and using the exact same values the Revit generated figure is far more optimistic.
My boss wants me to make the most outside line of a walltype to be the heaviest pen. If I go to the properties of the wall and changethe boundary it changes the boundary of the item in the wall, each boundary independentfrom the other. Such as a wall made of the following: BRICK, AIR SPACE, SHEATHING,STUD AND GYPSUM BOARD. In this wall theexterior face of the brick and gypsum board need to be heavy.
I am trying to make a schedule and I need to schedule walls, and filter by type. But this option is not available in the view properites/filter options in the schedule.
Is it possible to make this happen without creating an additional parameter for filtering? Which would also open up the potential for omissions in the schedule.
Is there a simple way to change a wall type without deleting the wall and redrawing it in the new style?any time i change the wall type it changes all walls?
Since yesterday, when I try to draw any of our custom wall types all I get is a standard wall type image (rectangle only). None of the detail or component colors are displayed. When I start creating the new wall, the detail displays until I click at the end of the wall, then the detail disappears. When I ID an existing wall and a newly created rectangle the properties all match. I can copy and mirror existing wall and the correct display is retained. All of the existing walls in the drawing display and print correctly. The newly created wall print only the rectangle. Medium detail settings are in place. This has to be a local setting problem on my computer because others in the office can draw the same new wall in the same drawing and get all of the detail.
In the properties drop down list for wall type selection, most of the different wall type are not showing. Also my elevation carmera is not showing when i click on a new drawing. In a previous drawing all walls selection type is there and the elevation camera. Only when i start a new drawing when wall type and elevation camera is missing. I check the interface to make sure the boxes are check.
I am having a problem with creating a curtain wall system. After selecting my mass surfaces and choosing "create system" I am unable to change the type of curtain wall system. It just comes up with a regular grid system on the mass, where as before I was able to choose triangles, rhomboids etc under the properties tab. Now however I see nothing except for the current curtain system and recently used files.
I have also created a custom panel which I want to insert into my project but am unable to do so? I have tried loading it into the project, however because of the above problem I am not able to change it to my custom panel system.
I'm trying to make walls that are not just the Standard type (Brick -4 Brick -4 Furring for example) but when I make a wall of this type, it displays as a simple rectangle, instead of with the unique hatch patterns of that wall type...In the properties palette, the wall type is Standard, even though I've chosen a more specific wall type. How do I make walls that aren't Standard?
I have a PDF that I know is 300 dpi. When you view the PDF, even at high magnification, the text on it is sharp (i.e., there is no pixelation).
I need to crop the PDF. So I opened it in Photoshop and, for reasons I cannot understand, SOME (not all) of the text on the page becomes somewhat pixelated after I open it in Photoshop.
Once I save the new doc as a PDF, that same text it is much less crisp than the original.
I haven't changed the DPI or the color settings of the PDF in Photoshop.
If I have a fat tube (or a rectangle really) on its own layer, how to I make it have a pointy end (like a tentacle). Ctrl-T does it okay, except it always changes the length and makes it fuzzy.
Now I'm somewhat happy with that, however, how do I make it less fuzzy? Make it look less anti-alialized?
I am working on a project where I have a photo of a white object with three parts. I have defined each of the parts on seperate layers. Now, I have to change the color (of all 3 parts) to about 20 different colors, and save each of the 3 elements, by itself on a transparent background, as each of the 20 colors. So, this one photograph should yield me 60 jpegs. (can jpeg have a transparent BG, or do I need to save as a different web-friendly format?)
I need to repeat the same process for about 6 additional photos/objects... hopefully recreating the EXACT same colors I did on the first photo.