New drivers (version 4.93-3) dated Oct 07, 2005 are available for the following Wacom tablets: Intuos3, Intuos2, Intuos1, Graphire2, Graphire, CintiqPartner, Cintiq 21UX, 18SX, 15X and PL 500 on Windows 2000, XP or XP x64, MacOS X 10.2.8 and later.
I am running CS5 and LR 3 on Vista 64-bit but am building a new Win7 PC. Can I upgrade both CS and LR to the new machine OS without starting over with expensive full installs?
trying to upgrade Camera Raw to 6.7 on my windows 7(32) machine running CS5.1. without success. It now appears that I am not able to carry of any updates in CS5.1 either through the program update routine or by download. All programs seem to be working fine apart from this.
If I try using Help>Update Adobe Application Manager opens, goes through an apparent download of all the updates but I see little data stream comming in and then staps saying there is a download problem please try later.
If I dowload the update direct for the Adobe site the download is fine but when I run AdobePatchInstaller.exe to istall say Camera Raw 6.7 Adobe Application Manager opens and thinks for a little whlie before giving "an error installing the update"
I have tried Adobe support adviser but this was indicating "cpsid_90243r4: Error DW020 or DW050 occurs during installation - Creative Suite 5.5, Flash CS5.5, Flash Builder 4.5" which is apparently an error sometimes seen during initial installation.
Running Photoshop and the updates as administrator does not work.
Are there drivers to download for a typical touch screen monitor to enable it to have drawing capilities (probably wacom or something similar) for windows 7 (such as pressure sensativity and be able to rest drawing hand on monitor without reading it)
I am starting to have system instability....BSOD 0x00000024 / 0x0000001E, warm boots before the login screen, and weird behavior like the NTFS file system not working ( causing corrupt saves ), superfetch shutting down, Photoshop minimizing - maximising then windows shutting down........Odd
A virus is not out of the question but before I reformat etc I was wondering if the Beta Wacom drivers has caused any issues on other systems. Looking at the reliability records the graph is pointing downward exactly at and after the date I installed the drivers.
Just troubleshooting....
OS Vista Ultimate x64 SP1 CPU intel q9650 3ghz Motherboard Asus p5q deluxe Memory 16gb (4x4gb) OCZ PC6400 C5 Graphics Card Nvidia 8800GTS 640mb Sound Card on board Monitor(s) Displays Eizo CG301w, Dell 2407 Screen Resolution 2560 x 1600 + 1920 x1200 Keyboard apple slim aluminum jobbie Mouse intellimouse PSU ocz 600w Case coolermaster stacker Cooling many fans Hard Drives Raptor 74gb, Raptor 150gb, 500gb x2, 320gb. Other Info Wacom A3 tablet, Epson 3800
How do I update nvidia drivers? Vista Home Premium 64 I have 9800 GT. I've down-loaded latest drivers but I'm not sure how to install. Do I need to delete present driver BEFORE installing? And, if so, how? OR, do I go to DEVICE MANAGER> DISPLAY ADAPTERS> UPDATE DRIVER?I'd like to be able to roll back, if necessary. I know this is a common thing for most, but I hate making any changes to my system.
I just built this brand new computer and everytime I open up Photoshop CC it first promps me with a message that 3d features require a minimum of 512mb of vRam and it has detected less on my system. I then go into Edit>Preference>Performance and under Graphics Processor Settings it says that it is Unable to detect information and that photoshop has detected an error in my display driver.
This is a brand new computer the specs are:
Windows 8 Pro - 64bit Intel Core i5-3570k CPU @ 3.40GHz Ram: 16 GB Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series
I updated my graphics driver via the Radeon site and it is version: 12.104-130328a-159787C-ATI.
I even rolled back to previous versions of my display driver and still nothing. I also tried out CS6 and CS5 and I still have the same problems.
I've got a Lenovo Thinkpad R500 running Windows Vista.
I seem to be having an issue with my display driver. Everytime I open Adobe Photoshop, I get an error that photoshop has encountered an error with my display driver, and it does not display images properly (they seem to be very low resolution).
I checked my drivers, and everything is up to date. I even ran Windows Update just to be sure.
having trouble with rendering with iray on 3ds max 2013. All goes well for the first 2 hours or so and then the drivers crash with error code 4101 ( Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered.) This then kills the render. ive tried updating my mobo bios asus p9x79 to latest verion from 2104 to 3305. this had no effect. im using a gtx 670 ftw 4gb with 3104.07 drivers and 80.04.4b.00.70 firmware is installed. 3ds max is updated to update 6 This is on a clean install of windows drivers and apps. this is killing me ive got stuff that needs to get done and i just cant do it at the moment.
asus p9x79 mobo Coursair vengance 1600mhz 16gb gtx 670 ftw 4gb coursair A860 psu. windows 7 64bit
i have 1 camcorder in firewire 1394 MiniDV to record in my computer. The drivers is ok, the camcorder function well on other pc with corel x4 or pinnacle, but on the pc with x5 ultimate, when i want to make capture i have message error "not connecting or no drivers..."
I have just installed Video Studio 5 and using my Canon XH/A1 HDD camera I get the following message " can not change to capture mode --check video capture driver is working properly" .Does this mean there is not a driver for my camera and secondly how do you 'check your driver is working properly'.
I just downloaded and installed Infrastructure Design Suite Premium which includes AutoCAD 2013. For some reason the PDF drivers are not working, and I have already gone through the add a plotter wizard to no avail. One thing to note is I still have AutoCAD LT 2010 on my machine, and all the print drivers work fine for it. Perhaps there is some kind of conflict between the two CAD programs on one machine?
I have a Nikon D3100 camera and I am trying to use it to make stop animation movies. When I plug it in via USB I can import videos/photos to my computer, it is recognized. However, when I try to use it in VideoStudio X4 the only option I get is a webcam. Are there any special drivers I need to make this work? I have searched google a bit, but maybe I am missing something. I am using the trial version of the program to try and get things worked out before I actually purchase it. The software looks wonderful for stop animation so I really want to make this work.
Quick question on driver updates. Do I still need to update the "Graphics Databases" XML files when I update the graphics drivers on an Inventor and/or AutoCAD 2013 or 2014 workstation? If so, where can I find the latest versions of the XML files?
It used to be easy to get the databases, they where provided with the drivers on the Autodesk Certified Hardware website. Now, I can't find them anywhere.
I just received 2013 lt and want to know the best solution for setting up a HP Designjet 750c Plus to begin plotting. Apparently there is no support from HP for Windows 7 drivers. I'm no expert but what I've read it seems that I can use the HDI driver. Go slow since this i new to me.
Downloaded LR 3.6 yesterday. Installed. (To upgrade from LR 3.5). It damaged all USB drivers on my PC (XP Pro 32 bit). Still working with Dell tech support to resolve. Now installed LR 3.5 will not open. After system restore to day before yesterday, message that "Adobe AIR is damaged". What is AIR? How do I get LR back up & running right?
I'm using LR4 current version on a Lion machine (also current version) - IMAC 27" (also current version) with an Epson 9880 printer. Currently trying this with the Lion driver and version 6.1.2 Epson profiles. I've also tried this with the most recent Snow Leopard driver with the same results. The profiles are not showing up in the "other" dialog within LR4. They do show up in printer setup. I also have a 4800 here and that is working fine. I notice that the Color Sync utility is not displaying them. I've tried downloading and reinstalling, restarting, etc. - no change. I don't recall this being a problem with LR3.
I have been using the Snow Leopard profiles because of the problems associated with the shaded color/BW print dialog in the Lion printer dialogs, for what that's worth, and I thought everything was fine but now,
We are planning on upgrading our CAD workstations. At the moment we are having problems (crashing) running Autocad 2014 and Plant 3D in 2014 version. Unfortunately our graphic cards (Quadro 4000) are not listed in the list with certified drivers, so getting any support on this subject is not possible. So currently we are still running AC2013 and it works fine.
For our new workstations we want to be sure all our hardware will be fully compatible (for that reason we only buy 1 first). If I look into the certified drivers list; [URL]....... I can mostly see older cards. When will newer cards/drivers be tested? We would like to re-use our quadro4000 or buy quadro K4000 or K2000. (Actually we were never impressed by the quadro4000, the quadro2000 would probably have been almost just as good at a much lower price.)
how to get line weights defined through Inventor? After printing or output to PDF I can barely read the dimensions. Is this with the drawing setup? or with the printers?
We have been running Windows XP-Pro (32 Bit) withAutocad Mechanical 2011 using a Calcomp Drawing Board-III and the TWSER2kXp.exe driver, everything is running fine. We want to switch over to Window-7 running 64 Bit and I want to know if our older driver will work as before and if not what driver do I need to use to define the tablet areas of the menu and be able to use our 16 button pucks.
By default, the PDF print drivers we use (Bluebeam, PDF 995) set True Type text handling to be "as graphics" rather than "as text" (see below), which makes for some ugly text. I know I can make this change and save as a .PC3 file, but all our page setups for sheets & templates in the office all reference these default drivers, so it would be preferable to change the way the default driver works if possible. Is the default plotter configuration editable?
Can't get the updates from Help Menu. Get a message that the Server might be offline temporarily or Internet or firewall setting might be wrong.I'm a number of updates behind and some things I want to do from LR don't come over correctly to PS. if I should reinstall.
old computer crashed. Loaded CS5 onto new computer but unable to get updates! I need to get camera raw! The tech support person told me to uninstall and reinstall and that would resolve the issue- well, it did not and I do not have another few hours to wait on hold- any thoughts? I was able to have it deactivated from my old computer.