Photoshop :: Text Character Spacing
Mar 29, 2013
I'm not sure if it's just me but is Photoshop supposed to have so much space between the characters in text? I've added a screen snippet of what I'm seeing on my computer with it's current settings. I'm not sure if I have something set wrong or not. This is a minor thing but it annoys the heck out of me knowing I don't have complete control over the spacing of characters.
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Oct 15, 2011
PSE doesn't show the user all the text formatting capabilities available in PhotoShop, but this script can alter the tracking (character spacing) of the text on a layer.
Here are the steps to use the script:
Open Notepad.Copy this text and paste it into Notepad:/*<javascriptresource><name>Character Tracking</name><enableinfo>true</enableinfo><menu>automate</menu><about>Adjust the kerning.</about><category>Typography</category></javascriptresource>*/var targettext = app.activeDocument.activeLayer.textItemtargettext.tracking = 30
Use "Save As" with the File Type of "All Files" to save it asCharacter tracking.jsxin the C:Program Files (x86)AdobePhotoshop Elements 10PresetsScriptsdirectory.Keep the .JSX file open in Notepad.Start PSE. You'll have a new menu item: File...Automation Tools...Character Tracking.Create a document in PSE with some text on a text layer.With a text layer selected, run the Character Tracking script.To adjust the tracking, simply switch to Notepad and change the numeric value after the equals sign, save the file and re-run it in PSE. (No need to close and re-open PSE.)
You can use negative values, too -- any number between -1000 and 10000 is OK.
For example, here's the original:
Here the tracking was set to -50:
And here the value was 300:
It works on paragraph text as well.
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Jul 31, 2013
When I (as I have in Photoshop CS2,3,4,5,5.5 and 6) click in the letting menu and change the letting, it allows me to change it and then when I click enter, it jumps down to a completely different number. I set it to 200 and hit enter and it drop to 19. I change it to 200 again, it becomes 47.
I am runnning the updated version of CC on windows 7 64-bit.
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Dec 2, 2012
I am using AC LT 2008.
When inputting Single Line Text or Multiple Line Text I want to reduce the space between characters.
I mean the space to the left and right of the characters.
I do not mean the space between the lines of characters.
In typography this is called kerning.
In MS Word this is known as condensing.
I am using Times New Roman as my font of choice.
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Feb 21, 2013
I am trying to create a logo with some character, but I am having issues with the chracter spacing.
There is a large gab under the font, and it is throwing off the dimensions of the final logo. Is there an easy way to cut this out?
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Aug 14, 2012
I was using arc aligned text and i can't seem to change the charter spacing. it is grayed out.
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Feb 8, 2012
when using the arctext command I am not able to change the character spacing setting. Also, if I select the arc text which I created and select properties, then attempt to change the character spacing setting my AutoCAD 2010 system reads fatal error and crashes.
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Nov 23, 2004
When I make the content bar in photoshop for a website, I always spend like 10 minutes making the spacing exactly even for the different text layers. Is there some feature in ps that will put even spacing between the text layers?
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Aug 5, 2009
Does anyone know if it's possible to replace a text character with a "hard return" code using "find and replace" in Photoshop CS2 for Windows?
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Mar 5, 2013
Look at the picture attached.
Why does this happen? Every time I open a file where I changed paragraph spacing it always gets back to its default value of x1,00.
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Mar 3, 2014
Any way to preserve spaces between text boxes or frames, in other words if i designed a template consist of two text boxes the space between the first and the second box is 9.77 mm then i removed some text from the first text box (auto fitting to content) so the height of the first text box will decrease and the space between the two text boxes (9.77 mm) will increase, what i want to do is to fix this space so if any text box decreased in height the other text box lefted up or down to fix this space (9.77 mm).
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Oct 22, 2011
How would I get text letters to run along a path evenly spaced when the path begins at a fixed point in the middle of the screen?
I've read about:
1) Starting later letters on later frames
2) Incorporating subsequent delay times in the layer names
3) Manipulating the From and To points in the path setup.
I just could not seem to modify the instruction from the "FOLLOW" tut to my situation. See attachments. The jumbled up letters on the first attachment are circled in red.
t1dAttached File(s) Text Space 1.JPG (63.71K)
Number of downloads: 19 Test Space 3.JPG (68.21K)
Number of downloads: 20
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Jul 31, 2013
Any issues with the tracking settings in the character panel on PC? When I type in a value and click the enter key, it seems to round down or round up to a close, but random number.
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Aug 17, 2011
I am doing a job with columns of donor names (originating from a Word file). Most of the lines space just fine but occasionally there is a 'phantom line' for want of a better term, sort of like I've gone from single spacing to 1.5 or so.
The thing is my paragraph text stats don't change... I highlight good lines - they show as 100%, I highlight the troublesome section, it shows as 100% and there is nothing in the Word file to show that this originated there.
As the job needs to get out the door, I'll just cut out the offending bits, make them artistic text and drop them back in to fit properly. WIth more than a thousand names this is getting pretty old pretty quick.
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Apr 25, 2013
Is there any way to control the line spacing when you have text within a cell of a table? Specifically I want to change the spacing to act similar to 'EXACTLY 1.0' like in the MTEXT editor. Please see the included dwg.
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Oct 10, 2012
I am constructing a photo book with some text boxes. On a couple of the pages the line spacing seems to go haywire and hence the second line partially types over the first line. How do I adjust the line spacing ?
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Jul 14, 2011
I recently purchased Graphics Suite X5 and find I'm having difficulty in getting an accurate sizing to my text height. When I set the text height to be 3" and then start typing, the letter height comes back to me around 2 1/8". I did find another place to set the height but that is only after I finish my lettering. How to resolve this so I don't re-invent the wheel each time I set the lettering to my designs?
I am also having some difficulty with line spacing. I need line space in inches and the software seems to be set on a pt setting with no way to change it to inches.
CorelDraw Graphics Suite X5; Version
Mainframe is Lenovo ThinkCentre; M Series
Windows 7 64 bit/32bit
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May 22, 2011
I have some text in a paragraph frame that I want it to be in full justify but when I apply it the spaces between the words get messed up, some of them become too small and in some cases the words get so close to each other that you almost can't read the text. Also the words in the last line get also very close to each other and that ruins my design.
I have tried inceasing the kerning but this affects the space between the characters too and I don't want that. What I need is a way to correct manually the spacing between the words. I tried doing so by increasing the word spacing from the "Paragraph Formating" docker but for some reason it doesn't work at all.
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Feb 20, 2013
I have created a custom linetype using a shape & also added text. I have tried countless combinations to have a different spacing for the text, without affecting the frequency of the shape.
I want there to be no space between the shape, just repeating. But I want the text to display only once for every 4 times the shape repeats. Is this at all possible?
Every time I change the text spacing, I get huge gaps in the between the shape and it seems that their spacing cannot be independently controlled.
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Mar 23, 2012
adding a page baseline grid! I love it, but I have one problem with it. For example I set the baseline grid to 13 pt, i have text with line spacing specified to 13 pt. I right-click the paragraph text box and select "Align to baseline grid". Then the text surely is aligned to the grid, BUT the lines are spaced to every other line, instead of every line.
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Jun 26, 2013
When i write Mtxt i have to use accents on some vowels. But when i put the accent, the space line between the 2 text line gets thicker.Then, i have text with various spaceline height, i don't really like that.
Is there a way to stop autocad from giving extra space when i use an accent to get equal space lines between text?
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Jun 27, 2011
If I place a dimension and have text above and below the dimension line (using X), and then grip edit the dimension text to move it for space/clarity on plans, the text above and below the line will mysteriously move closer to the line. If I have backgrounds applied to the text, which I normally do, the backgrounds will cover the line. Even without the background, it looks odd next to other dimensions that were not grip edited.
Civil 3D 2011
Windows 7 x64
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May 22, 2012
I'd like to create sheet notes with different line spacing and paragraph spacing in ACA 2013. When I change before/after Paragraph spacing settings in the Text Formatting window, I get a message reading "please provide a value within range of 1/4" and 4". I'd like to use 1/8" for the paragrpah spacing, which is the same size as the text.
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Feb 24, 2012
I need to get the position and orientation of the first and the last character in a text frame art, that is, I need its matrix.There are a number of functions in the API that is supposed; here's a snippet from the file ATESuites.h
Return transformation matrix of this run.The matrix returned spesify the full transformation of the given run. You need to transform the origin by IGlyphRun::GetOrigins() and
concat with ITextFrame::GetMatrix() in order to get the location of the glyphs.
ATEErr (*GetMatrix) ( GlyphRunRef glyphrun, ASRealMatrix* ret);
Hence, getting the matrix of the first character or glyph should look something like this:
VMGetFirstTextMatrix( AIArtHandle textArt, AIRealMatrix *matrix)
ASRealMatrix frameMatrix, glyphMatrix;
ASRealPoint firstPoint;
But the coordinates, either returned in frameMatrix (tx and ty) or the firstPoint are obviously wrong. It appears that they an offset which is allmost constant. The x-values are approx 7664 points too large (give and take a few decimals), and the y-values are approx 7893 too large (also give and take a few decimals).
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Jul 14, 2007
through some difficulty I'm having in getting the leading (ie, line spacing) I want with artistic text, in CorelDraw 12? I have three lines of text, the first line of which has a font size of 20 pt, and the second and third lines having a font size of 13 pt. The default leading is greater between the first and second lines than between the second and third -- probably due to the font size difference. I would like to make the leading equal for all lines, regardless of font size, but can't figure out how to do that. "Format Text - Spacing - Lines" seems to offer leading only in relation to character height -- which automatically makes the leading between the first and second line larger (due to the larger font size used in the first line) than it is between the subsequent lines.
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Oct 30, 2012
I am working with tables that are linked to data from an excel file.After I create a table I dettach it from the excel file. I do not want the excel file to control the table.
I then need to update the text format of all the text in the table. I've noticed that the text strings are still formatted based on how the excel file was formatted.
The only way to remove this is to click on the cell, highlight the text, right click, and then select Remove Character Formatting. Unfortunately I have to do this for each text string.
Is there a way to remove the character formatting for all of the text strings at once?
Even better, is there a way to format the table so that it does not change the text style based on what is in the excel file but instead based on AutoCAD's text styles?
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Jan 29, 2013
What is the best way to remove the text from this image (an RPG menu) so I can make my own game menu out of something completely different? I would also want to remove the character icon... + all current text.
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Aug 31, 2013
In Photoshop 8 (CS2) a typed character doesn't display until another character is typed or until I leave the text layer.
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Jan 30, 2013
I bought Design & Web premium (NL), and I have a question about the spacing between characters in Photoshop. To show it's not a font-problem i used Verdana, Arial and now Tahoma, all with the same problems........I checked, all the text spacing is 0.
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Oct 7, 2013
I need to fix spaicing and I can not locate the menu...
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Aug 12, 2004
how I try to slice it, PS always create these blank "spacers" image on the right side and bottom of my site template.
Anyone know of a way so that PS won't create them after I save it? even though those spacer don't use up much space, it just clog the html code with all these <TD> and img scr=spacer.gif code.
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