Photoshop :: Fix Letter Spacing?
Oct 7, 2013I need to fix spaicing and I can not locate the menu...
View 12 RepliesI need to fix spaicing and I can not locate the menu...
View 12 RepliesWhen using MText, how does one change the spacing in between the letters?
Acad 2010
Im trying to change my letter spacing in my style and I cant seem to figure out how to do it. The picture here is my Autocad 2012 on the left and on the right is what I get from another company. How can I change my style so the lettering is more spaced out like the one on the right? This is not just for the tolerance box. All my dimensions have a similar problem where the text is not spaced out.
Such as if I make a dimension, it says "R.125" where there is no space between the "R" and ".125"
How can I introduce negatives values to letter-spacing like
currently the field allows only positive values, and when I try to enter negative ones, it simply chops the minus sign.
I have a project with many different blocks of text, and colors changing from letter to letter within words.
How do I identify what any given color is?
When I click on a letter, it shows me a visual block of the color, but doesn't tell me what the corresponding color number is.
Problem being, if I see one letter and want to take its color to use it elsewhere, I have no way of knowing what that color is.
This letter can do with paths?How to do it with photoshop cs6?
Photoshop cs6+ windows 7
I want to create jpeg file for my website background. It should look like 200 px X 200 px and there will be a letter inside (arial bold, 120 pt). Background of the box will be black (for ex.) and the letter with gradient fill in it should look chrome a like.
View 3 Replies View Relatedcould some one post a quick tutorial on how to make stamps. (like the ones that say approved and things like that) i found one a while ago but i cant find it anymore. anyone help would be amazine as its for splash.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want to make the letter G with 3 arrows. Later give it 3d effect
I somehow can't get it done with the pen tool. I know many of you would make this in a few seconds. How would you go about doing it ??.
I have tried making 3 arrows but they all look weird.
How do I outline a letter or a number? For example, I have a black, arial font, 200 pt number 5. I would like to put a thin outline of another color, say red, around it. I have tried making a larger number 5 on a different layer and placing it under the smaller number but that gives me more of a drop shadow effect which is not what I am looking for.
Here is an example: .....
long time ago i saw this image with a glowing effect on the letters, and i want to make the same effect, but cant figure it how.
its the regular glowing effect that photoshop uses but with two additcional arcs that glows.
This arc as you may see surrounds the letter "O" and then its after the letter "e" on the word "Online" of the following example ....
how can I make something like this image. The letters here are made using a newspaper background. In my case I wanted to use images of my family members to spell the letters.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was typing some text onto a picture and needed to use a letter from the 'Character Map'. Normally I just 'Drag and Drop', but it would not work on PE. I also tried to get it using the code for the letter and it did not work either, but I am not familiar with using the codes, so maybe I was doing it wrong.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI want to permanently change the center of the letter "P". I have an angle gradient overlay and want to change the location of where the center is. IS this possible and if so how do I do that?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm just getting a horizontal line when I try to type a letter in Photoshop CS6. No Brush Presets it seems. I was previously Painting in PS CS6. I use Apple OS X Ver 10.8.
View 2 Replies View Relatedwas a .pdf file. so i opened it in photoshop, and EVER SINCE THEN everything i type in photoshop has been monospaced! there is an unneccessary space between each letter i type!
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have been using Photoshop Elements for quite some time without any problems. Suddenly it appears the feature to change letter types is not responding. The last type I used seems to be stuck and I can not change to any other type. The window with the different letter types flashes up momentarely, but doe not open to be used. Uninstall / install die not solve the problem.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI bought Design & Web premium (NL), and I have a question about the spacing between characters in Photoshop. To show it's not a font-problem i used Verdana, Arial and now Tahoma, all with the same problems........I checked, all the text spacing is 0.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I make the content bar in photoshop for a website, I always spend like 10 minutes making the spacing exactly even for the different text layers. Is there some feature in ps that will put even spacing between the text layers?
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow I try to slice it, PS always create these blank "spacers" image on the right side and bottom of my site template.
Anyone know of a way so that PS won't create them after I save it? even though those spacer don't use up much space, it just clog the html code with all these <TD> and img scr=spacer.gif code.
If you type some text on a curved path is there a way to find out each letters rotation in degrees? Maybe in Illustrator? Any known scripts? Besides individually adding letters then rotation them to the background curved text layer.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow will I split the image into multiple pages of letter size paper easily. Then I will put it on either PDF or MS Word for print.Then I merge it once it is printed.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe file naming scheme to add a letter or number to a file name does not work correctly.
Using the Save Image function in CR if I select a File Naming scheme of Document Name = Serrial Letter, I get a file that has a letter 'a' added to the end.
Subsequent saves maintain this 'a' and then add an underscore and an incrementing number. If I select a serial letter then the letter should be the only thing added and it should increment with subsequent saves.
What happens now:
Original file: IMG8102.CR2
First Save: IMG8102a.jpg
Second Save: IMG8102a_1.jpg
Third Save: IMG8102a_2.jpg
What should happen:
Original file: IMG8102.CR2
First Save: IMG8102a.jpg
Second Save: IMG8102b.jpg
Third Save: IMG8102c.jpg
Why would I get a number when I asked for a letter?
i am unable to change letterstyles. It appears the style I used last got somehow stuck.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm not sure if it's just me but is Photoshop supposed to have so much space between the characters in text? I've added a screen snippet of what I'm seeing on my computer with it's current settings. I'm not sure if I have something set wrong or not. This is a minor thing but it annoys the heck out of me knowing I don't have complete control over the spacing of characters.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've run into two problems using the brush tool:
1. When I use a low opacity to gradually build up highlights in a drawing the opacity seems to skip a few strokes: Nothing is actually happening after a fes brush strokes and then suddenly there's a bright line, nothing inbetween. It looks like i was drawing with 50% opacity even though it was actually 5%. All other option such as pressure sensitivity are turend off.
2. When drawing a straight line with the brushtool, and then zooming in, I can see the individual spots that make up the brushstroke. It looks like brushspacing was on even though it wasn't.
I use cs6 on a windows 7 platform and have a wacom intuos 4.
my graphic card is a GeForceGT 540M
Can I disable brush "spacing" for all brushes, and save the settings?
(For those that don't know: Brush spacing is set to 25% by default for all brushes. Brush spacing makes the brush jump 25% of its size as you move the mouse, no matter how fast or how slow. This is great if you want evenly spaced brush "clicks" to be simulated. However, I want pixel-perfect accuracy with larger brushes, i.e., I don't want the brush to jump by this spacing, so I need to disable this!)
I im new to photoshop, im trying to do some uni work on it and i want to add txt, but i need it to be double line spaced, and i have no idea how to do this on here, or even if its possible. If you know please help!! im not very good at technical things so if u try to explain please be clear and basic.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can I make the space between lines like the pic I attached,space them so its 5 or 6 pixels apart? It looks really bad doing it freehand,is there a way to just set the space so it looks even? And how can I add colours to the empty space? Must I use white background instead of transparent?
Final question,how can I do those grey boxes like those on URL banner. And those lines that fade out plus how can I sort of make the lines "pop-up" or have that 3d effect,sort of like emboss I guess.
how most designers on here go about spacing their buttons in your regular horizontal nav display.
Usually, I will make a selection around the entire nav bar and then use "Distribute Horizontal Centers" to center each button or text layer. Of course, this distributes by the center of each text button.
way to make the spacing the same in between each button.
Can I disable brush "spacing" for all brushes, and save the settings?
(For those that don't know: Brush spacing is set to 25% by default for all brushes. Brush spacing makes the brush jump 25% of its size as you move the mouse, no matter how fast or how slow. This is great if you want evenly spaced brush "clicks" to be simulated. However, I want pixel-perfect accuracy with larger brushes, i.e., I don't want the brush to jump by this spacing, so I need to disable this!)