I want to create jpeg file for my website background. It should look like 200 px X 200 px and there will be a letter inside (arial bold, 120 pt). Background of the box will be black (for ex.) and the letter with gradient fill in it should look chrome a like.
could some one post a quick tutorial on how to make stamps. (like the ones that say approved and things like that) i found one a while ago but i cant find it anymore. anyone help would be amazine as its for splash.
How do I outline a letter or a number? For example, I have a black, arial font, 200 pt number 5. I would like to put a thin outline of another color, say red, around it. I have tried making a larger number 5 on a different layer and placing it under the smaller number but that gives me more of a drop shadow effect which is not what I am looking for.
how can I make something like this image. The letters here are made using a newspaper background. In my case I wanted to use images of my family members to spell the letters.
I was typing some text onto a picture and needed to use a letter from the 'Character Map'. Normally I just 'Drag and Drop', but it would not work on PE. I also tried to get it using the code for the letter and it did not work either, but I am not familiar with using the codes, so maybe I was doing it wrong.
I want to permanently change the center of the letter "P". I have an angle gradient overlay and want to change the location of where the center is. IS this possible and if so how do I do that?
I'm just getting a horizontal line when I try to type a letter in Photoshop CS6. No Brush Presets it seems. I was previously Painting in PS CS6. I use Apple OS X Ver 10.8.
was a .pdf file. so i opened it in photoshop, and EVER SINCE THEN everything i type in photoshop has been monospaced! there is an unneccessary space between each letter i type!
I have been using Photoshop Elements for quite some time without any problems. Suddenly it appears the feature to change letter types is not responding. The last type I used seems to be stuck and I can not change to any other type. The window with the different letter types flashes up momentarely, but doe not open to be used. Uninstall / install die not solve the problem.
If you type some text on a curved path is there a way to find out each letters rotation in degrees? Maybe in Illustrator? Any known scripts? Besides individually adding letters then rotation them to the background curved text layer.
How will I split the image into multiple pages of letter size paper easily. Then I will put it on either PDF or MS Word for print.Then I merge it once it is printed.
The file naming scheme to add a letter or number to a file name does not work correctly.
Using the Save Image function in CR if I select a File Naming scheme of Document Name = Serrial Letter, I get a file that has a letter 'a' added to the end.
Subsequent saves maintain this 'a' and then add an underscore and an incrementing number. If I select a serial letter then the letter should be the only thing added and it should increment with subsequent saves.
What happens now:
Original file: IMG8102.CR2 First Save: IMG8102a.jpg Second Save: IMG8102a_1.jpg Third Save: IMG8102a_2.jpg
What should happen:
Original file: IMG8102.CR2 First Save: IMG8102a.jpg Second Save: IMG8102b.jpg Third Save: IMG8102c.jpg
Why would I get a number when I asked for a letter?
I am using the type tool in Photoshop CS6 (windows XP pro) and I am running into this weird issue. I have never seen anything like it before. It isn't my keyboard or computer, it only happens in Photoshop. When I am typing and I mess up and use backspace to delete a character, the next character I type in gets doubled. Random letters will pop up as well - such as when I type "S", the letter "U" shows up... when I press the spacebar, it adds an extra letter instead of a space (the following letter or previous letter used). The cursor gets placed before that second character too. I can delete it using backspace or delete but then if I press spacebar to continue, it shows up again and again. I can't get rid of the extra characters!
I've tried activating and de-activating various key locks on my keyboard to no avail. Is there some button I pushed or weird formatting I somehow accidently implemented?
adobe photoshop: how do i create cutting lines in adobe photoshop if my document is landscape 8.5 by 11 inches and the image are two side by side 5 by 7 in (so appearing 10 inches wides, 7 inch height)... so basically this leaves a 0.5 border top/bottom/left right...
i need corner crop marks and a little line in the middle top and bottom (in the crop area) to designate where to cut the 10 inches into 2, creating my two 5 by 7 inches for each image... my guidlines are perfectly aligned, i just need to know how to make cut lines out of my guidelines except in the middle
I want to design letter S like following image with sharp edges and in vector, So that I will not loose quality if it made into any big size. just trying to start with CS6, I've installed it so I'm looking forward with detailed and perfect method to follow to draw my "S".
I have always been able to print (FIT TO PAGE) 8.5 X 11 (LETTER SIZE) PHOTOS in PREVIOUS VERSIONS OF PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS! I recently downloaded version 10 and it will not print full page photos. How to achieve printing full size page photos with no white borders around the photo in version 10!
Trying to get an 8x10 print from a digital camera photo on a letter size paper. Reguardless of what we do, the print job only comes up to 8x6.5. How do we get an 8x10???
I rebuild old wood working tools and frequently have a need to reproduce the original decals found on these machines. My normal procedure is to take a photo of the decal in high res, import it into gimp then use the tools available to "copy" the image onto another layer(s) in very high res. This produces a nice decal that I can then use on my machines.
The problem I am having however is that most of the lettering on these decals isn't quite a normal font. I can normally find something close, but then I need some way to stretch or otherwise modify individual letter so the fit exactly the text being copied.
I think stretch is the right word I'm looking for... I figured out how to outline the text, and I ungrouped the outline. However if I stretch the whole letter, the left "leg" of the 'R' goes down as well. I just want to stretch the right "leg" of the 'R' so that it reaches the bottom of the word Agency.