Illustrator SDK :: Getting Global Position Matrix For Each Text Character
Feb 24, 2012
I need to get the position and orientation of the first and the last character in a text frame art, that is, I need its matrix.There are a number of functions in the API that is supposed; here's a snippet from the file ATESuites.h
Return transformation matrix of this run.The matrix returned spesify the full transformation of the given run. You need to transform the origin by IGlyphRun::GetOrigins() and
concat with ITextFrame::GetMatrix() in order to get the location of the glyphs.
ATEErr (*GetMatrix) ( GlyphRunRef glyphrun, ASRealMatrix* ret);
Hence, getting the matrix of the first character or glyph should look something like this:
VMGetFirstTextMatrix( AIArtHandle textArt, AIRealMatrix *matrix)
ASRealMatrix frameMatrix, glyphMatrix;
ASRealPoint firstPoint;
But the coordinates, either returned in frameMatrix (tx and ty) or the firstPoint are obviously wrong. It appears that they an offset which is allmost constant. The x-values are approx 7664 points too large (give and take a few decimals), and the y-values are approx 7893 too large (also give and take a few decimals).
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May 7, 2012
This part is logical. Add text to a vector layer and write a script to show the text and the position. From what I can tell, the Characters key is the text and the Start key is the (X,Y) position.
So far no problem, click the text 1 pixel right and the Start[0] increases by 1. Same with 1 pixel down and Start[1] increases by 1.
Now for the crunch... Rotate the text and Start does not change (no matter how much you move the text).
By trail and error, I find that the Matrix key changes.
Now, Matrix has 9 values and from what I can tell Matrix[0], Matrix[1], Matrix[3] and Matrix[4] somehow relate to angle. Probably sin and cos of the angle from the x- and y- axis respectively.
Matrix [2] and Matrix[5] do increase linearly with shifts in x and y. How does this relate to the actual position of the text
You can see a more detailed description of the problem and my sample script here. [URL]
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Dec 14, 2012
I am using the COM SDK.
Most of the objects have a Matrix which is going to store the objects rotations, flips, etc.
Many objects that I see appear to have a translation that takes it to somewhere around 7,000 - 9,000, but it's not constant.
What is this matrix in relation to?
From what point is it translated from?
When I set the matrix to the "identity" matrix, all the items are flipped upside down. Why?
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Dec 21, 2013
I am new to Inventor API, but have some experiences in SolidWorks API.
How can I select an entity at a given spacial point (x, y, z)? For example, I want to select a face or edge that is on a given (x, y, z) point. I can not find such an API, except for interactive selections.
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Mar 25, 2013
This is an annoying issue within photoshop. I am working on an animation for a video and when I try to change the position of a charater on a new frame it also changes the positioning on all of the frames previous of it.
I am making a walk cylcle and I want the character to walk from one end of the screen to the nextl but, when I make a new frame, move him to the opposite end of the screen on a NEW FRAME it changes the previous frames position to match the current one I am on.
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Nov 14, 2013
I wanted to make a walk cycle animation, How to move a character up and down without affecting the feet position?
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Jul 9, 2012
I'm currently running AI CS6. In previous releases, when I wanted to start entering text at a certain point (with the regular type tool) I would position the I-beam at the vertical line where I wanted to start, and with the little horizonal line of the I-beam on the horizontal line where I wanted to start, and click. But in CS6, that click seems to position the text on the left-most dotted line surrounding the I-beam, rather on the I-beam itself. Is there some parameter I can set so that the I-beam determines the starting point of text? Or do I just need to adjust my thinking to a different way?
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Jun 9, 2012
I'm trying to get the position of point text from left anchor if left aligned, middle if center aligned and right if right aligned. is this even possible?
here are the keys of object I am trying to get at:
story : [Story]
contents : export me
textRange : [TextRange]
textSelection : [TextRange]
rowCount : 1
columnCount : 1
rowGutter : 0
columnGutter : 0
flowLinksHorizontally : true
spacing : 0
opticalAlignment : false
kind : TextType.POINTTEXT
contentVariable : undefined
orientation : TextOrientation.HORIZONTAL
this is what I am using to get at it:
am i confusing anchor point with baseline position?
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Nov 6, 2013
I am in trouble how to use the transformation matrix Placed Art (PlacedSuite ).
AIRealMatrix rasterMatrix;
AIRealMatrix placedMatrix;
if (artType == kRasterArt {
error = sAIRaster-> GetRasterMatrix (art, & rasterMatrix);
} else if ((artType == kPlacedArt) {
error = sAIPlaced-> GetPlacedMatrix (art, & placedMatrix);
When I converted to using the transformation matrix of PlacedArt, the target art could not be converted to expect. I could convert in case of the RasterArt. (The reference point of the transformation matrix of RasterArt is (0,0).)
In the PlacedArt, preference point is not (0,0)?
The tx/ty of the transformation matrix of PlacedArt is not correct?
In the transformation matrix of RasterArt and Placed Art, how are those two different?
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Feb 23, 2012
Explain the values of the matrix returned from the ITextFrame::GetMatrix() function (wrapper for sTextFrame->GetMatrix()). The a,b, c and d values which represent the rotation (and possibly the shear deformation) are OK,
but I can't relate the tx and ty values to the position of the text object on the artboard.As a test I tried the following code:
CreatePointText( short paintOrder, AIArtHandle prep,
AIRealPoint *textPoint, AIArtHandle *newText)
AIError error;
error = sAITextFrame->NewPointText( paintOrder, prep,
But the tx and ty values returned in matrix are now both 0. They should equal textPoint.h and textPoint.v, shouldn't they?
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Oct 24, 2008
I've been using the photoshop for a little bit, everything was fine, then like many others i've got it hanging on the "reading global text resources" line. However, i've found the explainations on the adobe site, and several other forums. However, i CANNOT find the file that its telling me to look for. Im currently running a Vista 64bit.
They've said to find it in application settings, however i think on my computer it is program settings, which i found but there is no folder for Photoshop Just Acrobat and Updater.
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Aug 6, 2012
How text style creation works. It appears that I can create a text style in a drawing but it is not session related or Global and I can switch between to Styles within a drawing but not outside within a new drawing. How do you create a Text Style that is available at any time and in any drawing. Is this generaly a system setting that is controlled by an admin.
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Dec 6, 2006
Basically, we get documents from other people and we convert those to our formats to do our work. We use a font called Simplex, but sometimes their document is filled with, like, Comic Sans or something stupid.
The match properties command doesn't seem to change font, just size and alignment. When I use the font properties dialog box, I can set simplex as the font, but when I make new text, it still matches their comic sans.
So two questions: How do I change the default font for the document so that all new text is the way I want it?
And is there a LISP routine which will find all text and change the font property and stuff the way I want it? For multi-line and single line text.
Also note, I've tried selecting all the text and editing properties, but font is not one of the properties I can change. To change font, I have to edit every piece of text one by one. And then ONLY multiline text has the properties to change font. I don't even know how to change the font of a single line text object.
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Dec 4, 2012
For some reason my Photoshop CS 8.0 that I have had for years started freezing up and I have uninstalled and reinstalled, looked on C drive for prefs (no file found), tried to delete any new fonts that were uploaded recently (unsure how to locate all of them) and still not able to open and view my files/designs that were save as PSD. I downloaded the CS6 for a free 30 day trial to see if it would open, and yes it opened. if I purchase the CS6 will it freeze up as well? I was unsure if I purchased another version of Photoshop if it would be a waste of money and not open.
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Feb 27, 2007
Sometimes when opening CS2, it hangs when it reaches the " Reading Text Global Resources " This is an intermittent,
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Oct 20, 2004
Well yesterday, I was using photoshop and everything was just fine but when I tried to open it today it began to freeze after the startup where it tells you what its loading...'Reading Text Global Resources' and i've looked around here in different topics and posts and i tried doing ALT+CTRL+SHIFT but that didnt work at all for me..
the whole thing just stops responding if i try to click into it and now its driving me crazy since I have a template due for a client of mine today!
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Feb 19, 2012
I used the BEDIT command (editor) on my block to modify the text size then save the block editor changes. Then use ATTSYNC to perform the changes on all existing blocks references to resize the texts, but after i complete the ATTSYNC command, the text in all the blocks disappear.
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May 19, 2008
I have been using Photoshop.
I went to load Photoshop and for some reason it stops loading at the opening screen at the: Reading Text Global Resources...Done.
It will just stop until I click the X to close the program, I have Window check for a solution, then it closes?
I am using CS>Windows Vista Ultimate>2GB Ram>Plenty of free disk space.
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Dec 1, 2011
I am jumping 8 versions to 2012. I've located this command but it changes the all text strings that match? I tried naming the block but that didn't work.
Gobal edit – Modify > Object > Attribute> Global. Command is –ATTEDIT –
a. Editattribute one at a time > enter N
b. Editonly visible on screen > enter N
c. Enterblock name specification > enter
d. Enterattribute tag specification > enter
e. Enterattribute value specification > enter
f. Enter string to change > enter text makingsure it is case sensitive
g. Enternew string > enter text
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Feb 10, 2014
We've purchased an eps file that claims that you can change the global swatch settings, but when I double click the swatch and change the color - it doesn't change anything. If I cursor over the entire art and double click the swatch to make the change, it changes the entire art to a single color. This art has hundreds of sections within it - with lots of various gradients in it. If I choose a single layer to change the colors in the gradient - I can't get the gradient colors to show up, nor can I even get it to change over to the standard black and white gradient. So, I don't know what to do here. Am I doing something wrong here in making the global swatch change? If I didn't know better, I'd say that the art has been completely divided.
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Mar 3, 2013
I have created my Animation:
The stage size you see above is H: 400px, W: 550px.
I would like for the stage to be smaller, say H:50px./W:400px
Ok so if I change the size of the stage the animation text will not show, so I need to adjust the position of the text in order for the animation text to be visible, but in doing that, I am disrupting the timeline and the animation goes all funny, is there another way of doing this without disrputing the timeline?
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Jun 22, 2011
in Autocad when you change the justification of text the insert snap of the text stays fixed and the text changes position around this point.
Using the JUSTIFYTEXT command you can change the justification of the text without changing its position. However this command is operated through the command bar of dynamic input. What I would like to do is to have the justification change in the quick properties this way.
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Jan 16, 2014
SO difficult to see the text change and determine if it is at the right angle when the original text is still there.
How can I only display the new "Rotating Text" without the "Original Position" text.
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Nov 18, 2010
I wonder if the CS5 command "Change to global rulers" is scriptable. When I try to record it as an Action script step, it is not recorded and I do not see anything in the JavaScript-ing guide on setting this programatically either.
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Jan 8, 2014
A few years ago I learned in school the usefullness of global color. I used it today and it was very usefull to quickly change the color of a lot of different objects at the same time.
HOWEVER; I remember they also tought me that it was also possible to change the brightness or shading or something inside one global color.
for example lets say I picked a red as a global color, and I have 10 objects all in that red. Then it should be possible to let 5 of those objects have a lighter version of that red color.
Then afterwards when I change my global color to green, all the objects change to green, and those 5 objects now have a lighter green color.
Am i remembering this correctly, and if so; how do I apply this? Because I cannot figure it out...
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Dec 17, 2012
We get artwork from outside agencies with color boxes like those shown (CMYK, in percentages of 30, 50 and 100). Their color names may vary, or often the colors aren't in their color palette at all. I am supposed to recolor the boxes with our standard-named, global colors in my own swatch library. Two questions:
1. Is there a way to grab the three cyan boxes (for example), and recolor them with the global Cyan swatch, WITHOUT having the %tint in all three boxes become 100%?
What I do now, over and over in each file we receive: Select the three Cyan boxes, click on the "C" global swatch in my palette, watch them all change to 100%C. Then manually click on the left cyan box and change the tint back to 30%, and for the middle box, change it back to 50%. Etc. for the other colors. This is a PITA, and it just seems like there should be a quicker way.
2. Is there way to then recolor ALL the cyan elements (strokes, fills, gradients) used in the art with the same global cyan swatch, without changing the tints?
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Jun 27, 2013
The text below is set in one conatiner, I want to recolor 28m 100y process to a PMS 130 Global swatch.
I select the type, use recolor artwork, and take the arrows off of everything except the 2nd color (which is 28m 100y). This is where I get stuck, how do I assign PMS 130 to be the destination color?
Tried clicking a few things and did not work, and if I try to choose document swatches, I get the error below.
I cannot use select >> same fill color, because the type is in one text container, and I need just the gold type selected (along with fills and strokes in the rest fo the document)
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Jul 18, 2013
After placing an Illustrator file in Photoshop as a Smart Object, then double-clicking the object in Photoshop to edit it, the only swatches that remain in the Swatches panel are global ones. All the other swatches have been removed. (This is with the embedded file that opens; the original is unaffected.)
I assume this is by design, but any way of preventing it from happening, other than tediously changing every swatch to global before doing the embedding? And yes, I can always re-load the swatches afterwards, but that's also an extra step I'd like to avoid.
This is all CS6 in Windows 8.1.
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Dec 23, 2013
I am not sure, if this -- or something similar -- was answered before but I couldn't find any suitable thread/message/...
First of all some system information:
* imac running OSX 10.8.x and macbook running OSX 10.9.1
* Illustrator CC
* Pantone Color Manager
I am trying to use the Pantone Fashion and Home / Paper color library provided by the Pantone Color Manager, specifically for using the Radiant Ochid 18-3224 TPX (Color of the Year 2014). I saved the named library to a *.ase file and opened it in Ai. From the number of colors I guess, that all colors are imported but I can't find the 18-3224. BUT there are lots of "Unnamed Global Colors" with some of them wich might be the one in question. Using 'xxd pantone.ase' in the terminal I can find at least the name "Radiant Orchid 18-3224 TPX", which means, that it is saved in the given file.
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Mar 29, 2013
I'm not sure if it's just me but is Photoshop supposed to have so much space between the characters in text? I've added a screen snippet of what I'm seeing on my computer with it's current settings. I'm not sure if I have something set wrong or not. This is a minor thing but it annoys the heck out of me knowing I don't have complete control over the spacing of characters.
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Aug 5, 2009
Does anyone know if it's possible to replace a text character with a "hard return" code using "find and replace" in Photoshop CS2 for Windows?
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