Illustrator :: Change Color Of Boxes To Global Without Changing Tint?
Dec 17, 2012
We get artwork from outside agencies with color boxes like those shown (CMYK, in percentages of 30, 50 and 100). Their color names may vary, or often the colors aren't in their color palette at all. I am supposed to recolor the boxes with our standard-named, global colors in my own swatch library. Two questions:
1. Is there a way to grab the three cyan boxes (for example), and recolor them with the global Cyan swatch, WITHOUT having the %tint in all three boxes become 100%?
What I do now, over and over in each file we receive: Select the three Cyan boxes, click on the "C" global swatch in my palette, watch them all change to 100%C. Then manually click on the left cyan box and change the tint back to 30%, and for the middle box, change it back to 50%. Etc. for the other colors. This is a PITA, and it just seems like there should be a quicker way.
2. Is there way to then recolor ALL the cyan elements (strokes, fills, gradients) used in the art with the same global cyan swatch, without changing the tints?
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Jan 8, 2014
A few years ago I learned in school the usefullness of global color. I used it today and it was very usefull to quickly change the color of a lot of different objects at the same time.
HOWEVER; I remember they also tought me that it was also possible to change the brightness or shading or something inside one global color.
for example lets say I picked a red as a global color, and I have 10 objects all in that red. Then it should be possible to let 5 of those objects have a lighter version of that red color.
Then afterwards when I change my global color to green, all the objects change to green, and those 5 objects now have a lighter green color.
Am i remembering this correctly, and if so; how do I apply this? Because I cannot figure it out...
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Dec 5, 2012
I am having this problem whenever I synchronize a folder that images have been added into.
Example: I have a folder of images in LR; I export all those images with a watermark, resized, etc. into a separate folder of proofs; even though I performed that batch process using LR, for some reason the app still won't see those images until I synchronize; when I do synchronize, it is shifting the color temp to +8 and the tint to -11; I then have to go back and undo that color temp shift.
How do I get LR to stop changing the color temp of images when synchronizing?
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Jul 14, 2009
I'm trying to change the color scheme on a model/figure I photographed, but I don't know how. I've done a search in the help field, but it pulls up a ton of unrelated articles.Example of what I'd like to do: I have a photo of a model jet that is red, black, and white. I want to change the red to blue without changing the overall look of the color. I'm not sure how to articulate this, but I want to maintain the hue, saturation and variation in the color. If I select and delete the red, then fill the area using the paint bucket the new color is flat and uninspiring.
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Jun 21, 2013
how do I preview overprinting white ink (spot color) or a tint thereof?
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Mar 10, 2014
I am struggling to understand why Illustrator is changing the values inside the RGB and CMYK boxes. I am also not sure of the exact relationship between these vaues. Essentially, it appears that if you set the Document Color Mode to RGB, it leaves the RGB values that you type in alone. If you set the Document Color Mode to CMYK, it leaves the CMYK values alone.
But as soon as you change the Color Mode, it automatically modifies the values. So if you were in RGB mode and you set some RGB values, it changes those RGB values when you switch to CMYK mode. And vice versa.
I had thought that the CMYK palette was a subset of the RGB palette. It would make sense to me if it did this when I switched from RGB to CMYK mode, but it doesn't make sense to me why it does this when I switch from CMYK to RGB mode.
The other thing I am confused about is the relationship of the values in the RGB boxes to the values in the CMYK boxes. I would have thought that the relationship between them would be static. Actually, it is not. When I am in CMYK mode and I enter a CMYK value of 90 16 0 0, the RGB values become 0 158 222. But when I switch over to RGB mode, the RGB values of 0 158 222 result in CMYK values of 75 23 0 0.
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Feb 10, 2014
We've purchased an eps file that claims that you can change the global swatch settings, but when I double click the swatch and change the color - it doesn't change anything. If I cursor over the entire art and double click the swatch to make the change, it changes the entire art to a single color. This art has hundreds of sections within it - with lots of various gradients in it. If I choose a single layer to change the colors in the gradient - I can't get the gradient colors to show up, nor can I even get it to change over to the standard black and white gradient. So, I don't know what to do here. Am I doing something wrong here in making the global swatch change? If I didn't know better, I'd say that the art has been completely divided.
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Dec 6, 2013
Is there a way to change the screen color and line type of scope boxes so they don't look like the rest of my project?
AutoCAD 2010
AutoCAD LT 2013
Revit Architecture LT 2013
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Nov 18, 2010
I wonder if the CS5 command "Change to global rulers" is scriptable. When I try to record it as an Action script step, it is not recorded and I do not see anything in the JavaScript-ing guide on setting this programatically either.
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Sep 27, 2012
I have been trying to mess with and target "tints" via javascript but either I am not understanding something or it cant be targeted as I had hoped, so I am looking for direction and guidance. I have a spot color assigned in the color swatches palette, and have drawn a few boxes on the page using this spot swatch. I then try to alter the tint using JS code.
sel[i].tint = // whatever number
alert(sel[i].tint) // This alerts fine
The alert shows a change taking place but it never gets applied to the item, the actual item never gets changed. I know things are properly targeted as I can change other attributes fine. When I look in the JS documentation it just shows for when creating a new spot, not for ones that already exist on items, I cant seem to find an example otherwise.
Can tint be adjusted for items on the page that have a spot color applied?
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Dec 23, 2013
I am not sure, if this -- or something similar -- was answered before but I couldn't find any suitable thread/message/...
First of all some system information:
* imac running OSX 10.8.x and macbook running OSX 10.9.1
* Illustrator CC
* Pantone Color Manager
I am trying to use the Pantone Fashion and Home / Paper color library provided by the Pantone Color Manager, specifically for using the Radiant Ochid 18-3224 TPX (Color of the Year 2014). I saved the named library to a *.ase file and opened it in Ai. From the number of colors I guess, that all colors are imported but I can't find the 18-3224. BUT there are lots of "Unnamed Global Colors" with some of them wich might be the one in question. Using 'xxd pantone.ase' in the terminal I can find at least the name "Radiant Orchid 18-3224 TPX", which means, that it is saved in the given file.
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Mar 4, 2012
How do I outline an image so I can change the background color without changing the image color ?
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Aug 28, 2012
I have CS5. The bugs and broken features in AICS6, make it unusable in my workflow.
I am specifically concerned about the inability to drag global color swatches from the color panel to Gradient stops in the Gradient Panel. I use this method to update a gradient color because I find it MUCH faster than option-dragging to duplicate a stop color, then deleting the unused stop. Since I do this constantly, I find using CS6 very tedious.
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Mar 20, 2009
How can the default angle setting for global light be changed, in Photoshop CS4?
I do not like the 30' but prefer 120' to have the light from top left and shadows bottome right. However, saving as a style does not save the angle, just all the other settings.
I would be grateful for help as I have lots of images I need to prepare for a website that uses my preference in lighting, so would like it to match. At the moment,
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May 22, 2013
When I change my TIFFs to jpegs, the color and tone are changing as well.
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Nov 6, 2008
I've seen color gradations in the tint sliders (which makes selecting exactly what color hue you're shooting for easier). Is this a feature only in CS3 and above (just like the histogram display in the curves palette)?
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Mar 30, 2013
There is a specific CMYK combo of red I created that I want to use to tint a photo. How do I do that in the "proper" way?
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Oct 15, 2013
I wish to set presets for certain color temps eg 4900 k 5200 k etc etc, since i am basically down to editing quickly by just clicking on presets.
The only think left i can not do this for is color temp and tint.
Any way i can create presets with just adjustments for temp and tint separately or only both together?
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Sep 27, 2012
Using the color picker, how do you take a selected color and change the value of its color?
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Feb 25, 2014
I updated my Mac OS to Mavericks. Now in Lightroom 5 I've noticed that in the Basic module the "temp" and "tint" slider buttons no longer appear in color, but rather in the same grayscale as the rest of the slider buttons. They still function normally but having the color appear on the slider worked for me in my workflow. how (or even if) it's possible to get the color back?
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Feb 24, 2014
I created a logo in Illustrator CS5 made of several overlapping parts, all parts have the same Pantone color, but with different intensity (I'm not sure it's called intensity, is the bar, inside the Color Palette by which you can adjust the color from white to 100% of the Pantone color of your choice). What I'm looking for is a way to change the color of all the parts at once with another Pantone with a simple click, without having to manually adjust all the intensity of every single parts again. Now, when I try, all parts changes in the new Pantone color but all are at 100%. If i change only one part at a time the percentage of intensity is observed. I know that i can do it manualy, changing every single part, but i wonder if there is a faster way that i don't know.
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Jan 27, 2014
Any easy way to change text color, making each letter of a word or words a different color.My text changes, but I need the same color combination available.
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Jun 10, 2011
In Photoshop you can take a design, change the hue and make a total blue image a red one.
See the image below. This is an AI file. So what I want to do is just change it from any color I want like you can do in Photoshop. Is this possible?
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Dec 31, 2013
I have to make the color of this artwork black so that it can be used for screen printing. However, I am not able to change the color of any part of the artwork. I am using CS2.
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Sep 3, 2013
I have too many blocks with specific layers inside.
develope lisp can change all to layer 0 but keep color and linetype as it is.
I will use this as a part of script to change multiple block.
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Dec 8, 2013
Lightroom 5.2 I have been trieing to copy and paste settings from one .dng file into the next in the develop module. I tried to copy (shift command c) the color temperature and tint and paste in the other file (shift command v) but nor Kelvin nor green magenta balance changes.
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Sep 7, 2013
We have a white balance tool in the develop panel, but I could not find a way for setting black point in LR ...
How can I set the darkest point to the neutral color?
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Jan 6, 2013
I have a question regarding illustrator. Let's say I have a circle with blue fill and red stroke. And I place an image in the illustrator file. Now I want to change the red stroke of my circle to let's say a purple color by sampling the color from the image.
How can I achieve that with a eye dropper tool? Every time when I try to sample a color from the image, the whole circle will change to purple instead of just the stroke? I have tried multiple key combination, shift, alt, ctrl but they all don't work.
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Nov 24, 2013
I need to change the default text color to a pantone spot color.
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Feb 25, 2013
I have produced a movie which is a mixture of mostly still photos and some video clips all in the VS X5 Video track. Having now watched the finished movie on my TV, I now wish to extend the duration of all photos. Is there a way to globally change the duration of all photos?
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Dec 6, 2006
Basically, we get documents from other people and we convert those to our formats to do our work. We use a font called Simplex, but sometimes their document is filled with, like, Comic Sans or something stupid.
The match properties command doesn't seem to change font, just size and alignment. When I use the font properties dialog box, I can set simplex as the font, but when I make new text, it still matches their comic sans.
So two questions: How do I change the default font for the document so that all new text is the way I want it?
And is there a LISP routine which will find all text and change the font property and stuff the way I want it? For multi-line and single line text.
Also note, I've tried selecting all the text and editing properties, but font is not one of the properties I can change. To change font, I have to edit every piece of text one by one. And then ONLY multiline text has the properties to change font. I don't even know how to change the font of a single line text object.
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