Illustrator :: Recolor Artwork Selection Of Process To Global Swatch?
Jun 27, 2013
The text below is set in one conatiner, I want to recolor 28m 100y process to a PMS 130 Global swatch.
I select the type, use recolor artwork, and take the arrows off of everything except the 2nd color (which is 28m 100y). This is where I get stuck, how do I assign PMS 130 to be the destination color?
Tried clicking a few things and did not work, and if I try to choose document swatches, I get the error below.
I cannot use select >> same fill color, because the type is in one text container, and I need just the gold type selected (along with fills and strokes in the rest fo the document)
In Recolor artwork is there a way to change the black and white colors to a color? When I try to edit them it doesn't edit them at all. It would be nice if I didn't have to manually tweak the colors to have color before I go into Recolor Artwork.
I have a file with a number of artboards on which there are objetcs filled with 100% Magenta and some with 100% Magenta and 0,34% Yellow. I want to get rid of that 0,34% but Illy is refusing to cooperate.
Even selecting just two or three objects and trying to recolor using the Edit/Edit colors/Recolor Artwork dialog has no effect. I can change the color manually though, for one or more selected objects.
Is there any way to apply transparency to a color when using the recolor artwork box? I am dealing with a lot of puppet warp and gradients so it would be nice if I could use the recolor artwork box, instead of looking for all the colors manually.
As you can see from the screenshot, there is a lot of colors to go through.
How do I change the base color in the recolor Artwork settings? I know this seems like a silly thing but I really need to figure this out and I have read and gone through the manual to no avail.
working in CS6, OS 10.6.8. I'm working on a 3-color screen print CD label, and the colors will be a white background, plus black and a PMS color. I've been recoloring some CMYK artwork to use in the design, and really liked the results of Recolor Artwork (selecting only black and the spot color), until I noticed that when I selected "tints & shades" it converted everything with black in it to process (which I know Adobe says is why you shouldn't select that option).
But my question is, how can I get the same effect (that is, using shades of the spot color "mixed" with black) without having it convert the shades to process? I'm sure it involves overprinting, but I'm hitting a big hole in my knowledge.
I just need to go from K and tones of K to a spot color and tones of a spot color.
I'm using recolor artwork because I can't merge into K. The art comes in from our customers as K so we can't just design differently.
The rectangles on the right are k and tones of k. The rectangles on the left are the results after converting to a spot color with recolor artwork. Using recolor artwork. I just need a way to accurately move the tones from k to a spot.
We've purchased an eps file that claims that you can change the global swatch settings, but when I double click the swatch and change the color - it doesn't change anything. If I cursor over the entire art and double click the swatch to make the change, it changes the entire art to a single color. This art has hundreds of sections within it - with lots of various gradients in it. If I choose a single layer to change the colors in the gradient - I can't get the gradient colors to show up, nor can I even get it to change over to the standard black and white gradient. So, I don't know what to do here. Am I doing something wrong here in making the global swatch change? If I didn't know better, I'd say that the art has been completely divided.
The Recolor Artwork dialog does not replace the color of objects filled or stroked with pure black, either CMYK or RGB. (Yes, with the Recolor Art checkbox selected.) The dialog will replace any other color, but not black. Not even a manually created rich black. Manually selecting another color from the Color or Swatches panel does change the object's fill or stroke.
This happens with both CS6 and CS5 under Windows 7 x64. I reported it as a bug on the prerelease site. Also not sure if bug reports are still being read for the released version.
I have some 2 coluor artwork consisting of 2 x pantone colours purple and grey.
Within the artwork is a stripe pattern swatch consisting of the same colours. On screen the colours are fine and I've checked all the colour settings and these are fine too.
Why however when i print the artwork does the pattern print in a different colour?
I created a carpet and decorated it with symbols. When I tried to place it in the perspective grid with the perspective tool, it wouldn't move. I can move it fine with the selection tool and there's a bounding box but nothing happens when I use the perspective selection tool.
I am using CorelDraw 12. I am trying to automate the Art work generation process using the Interop.CorelDraw Assembly along with C# .Net. I am facing a problem. When I am creating a word object, if the Height of the Text is greater than 21cms the art work is not being generated. It took me a while to understand this. I am not really sure how to remove the size range for the Text.
How the PMS color palettes "simulate" on screen how the color will print on different substrates (glossy vs matte vs uncoated paper). That's great for comps, but if you convert it to CMYK to print it, and the values are representing a "simulated" color it won't look correct (by that I mean come close to matching the spot color). For example, the uncoated palette simulates the color by making them appear a bit washed out on screen - pretty good visual simulation. But it might do so by adding black and cyan to orange for example, etc. - effectively dulling the original color.
So if I convert that to CMYK within the new Pantone + color palette, and then send it to the printer - it won't appear as it did on screen, it will dull the end color even more because it's converted the color to the dull simulated version - what a disaster! It's only doing half the job - showing us what it should look like on screen. In order to be truly efficient for design professionals the CMYK conversion might remove black and cyan completely to effectively brighten the color in the final output on uncoated paper. I would prefer it just stick to the standard conversion, which Pantone did have as a standard palette option (PMS to process), and then I can adjust if I think it's necessary.
Any corporate branding system will likely start with a PMS spot color palette for the identity. Then it will build into many different adaptations - full color brochures, large format banners and trade show graphics, website, advertising. So any corporate branding system will need to have PMS, CMYK and RGB versions of their main corporate color palette. There was a standard for these translations that was automatically consistent in the Adobe software and that is now all over the place, so it relies on individuals manually adapting the color mixes for final use - what a great way to screw things up.
I want to change the color of a stroked shape but only partially (see attached image):
I tried using the Circle as Clipping Mask for the red Rectangle. When using a Clipping Mask, the red rectangle is clipped to the Fill of the Object, not the Stroke as in Step 3. Is there a way to keep the Stroke and not Expand the Stroke into its own Shape so that I can later change the Stroke from 10 points to 20 points, while retaining the partial red coloring?
I also tried making two Stroked Circles on separate layers and coloring/clipping the top one but having two Strokes stacked creates jagged edges instead of a smooth vector look. The top Stroke never perfectly covers the Strokes below, regardless of Color Mode. For example dublicating the green Stroked Circle and changing its Color to red should make it disappear on the red background, but parts of the green Circle still show through:
When I am sorting photos in the library loupe mode, the thumnails always show loading as I am trying to make my pics and rejects. How to speed up the process? I have already increased my cache to 100.
We've just received some artwork from a client in a PDF format, when this artwork is viewed in Adobe Acrobat it shows a star embedded in the artwork,but when the same PDF is opened in Illustrator CS6 this star doesn’t appear...... No warnings are shown to say artwork is missing or has been placed either?
But however when the artwork is exported from Adobe Acrobat in an EPS format, and then this EPS file opened in Illustrator CS6 the star appears.
I opened a PDF in Illustrator and it has 4 Spot color swatches. Two of them will not delete or let me alter them and I need to change them to CMYK. I've tried reopening the document, restarting my computer and copying and pasting everything into a new document. Nothing has worked for me. I've also tried selecting everything, and going to Edit > Edit Colors > Convert to CMYK ... and then making a new color group (with global checked.) Still won't let me edit the two problem swatches. I then went to "Select all unused" from the swatch panel (thinking they would at least get selected because all of the colors should link to my new global color group) and the two problem swatches did NOT get selected. I've tried deleting all the links (thinking maybe the spot color was tucked in an eps file or something.) No objects are locked and none of the layers are locked.
I have downloaded some of Ian symbols which is a zip file and Safety Nut 10° thru 55°. How do I place these files in Illustrators Swatch Libraries. The Safty Nut file has installed itself somewhere?? If I double click on the folder Illustrator starts up an the nuts are there in a window but when I close Illustator and restart Illustratior and look for it in the swatch folders it dose not show up?
I need to get the position and orientation of the first and the last character in a text frame art, that is, I need its matrix.There are a number of functions in the API that is supposed; here's a snippet from the file ATESuites.h
Return transformation matrix of this run.The matrix returned spesify the full transformation of the given run. You need to transform the origin by IGlyphRun::GetOrigins() and
concat with ITextFrame::GetMatrix() in order to get the location of the glyphs. ATEErr (*GetMatrix) ( GlyphRunRef glyphrun, ASRealMatrix* ret);
Hence, getting the matrix of the first character or glyph should look something like this:
But the coordinates, either returned in frameMatrix (tx and ty) or the firstPoint are obviously wrong. It appears that they an offset which is allmost constant. The x-values are approx 7664 points too large (give and take a few decimals), and the y-values are approx 7893 too large (also give and take a few decimals).
I wonder if the CS5 command "Change to global rulers" is scriptable. When I try to record it as an Action script step, it is not recorded and I do not see anything in the JavaScript-ing guide on setting this programatically either.
I have a bunch of artwork that I need to fit to artboards that need to be the same size, basically I'm looking for something similar to "Fit to Frame" in Premiere/After Effects.
I need to export some artwork from Illustrator CC to a PSD. It'll work on some artboards but on others I get an error "Photoshop file could not be saved.".I've restarted and updated.
A few years ago I learned in school the usefullness of global color. I used it today and it was very usefull to quickly change the color of a lot of different objects at the same time.
HOWEVER; I remember they also tought me that it was also possible to change the brightness or shading or something inside one global color.
for example lets say I picked a red as a global color, and I have 10 objects all in that red. Then it should be possible to let 5 of those objects have a lighter version of that red color.
Then afterwards when I change my global color to green, all the objects change to green, and those 5 objects now have a lighter green color.
Am i remembering this correctly, and if so; how do I apply this? Because I cannot figure it out...
We get artwork from outside agencies with color boxes like those shown (CMYK, in percentages of 30, 50 and 100). Their color names may vary, or often the colors aren't in their color palette at all. I am supposed to recolor the boxes with our standard-named, global colors in my own swatch library. Two questions:
1. Is there a way to grab the three cyan boxes (for example), and recolor them with the global Cyan swatch, WITHOUT having the %tint in all three boxes become 100%?
What I do now, over and over in each file we receive: Select the three Cyan boxes, click on the "C" global swatch in my palette, watch them all change to 100%C. Then manually click on the left cyan box and change the tint back to 30%, and for the middle box, change it back to 50%. Etc. for the other colors. This is a PITA, and it just seems like there should be a quicker way.
2. Is there way to then recolor ALL the cyan elements (strokes, fills, gradients) used in the art with the same global cyan swatch, without changing the tints?
After placing an Illustrator file in Photoshop as a Smart Object, then double-clicking the object in Photoshop to edit it, the only swatches that remain in the Swatches panel are global ones. All the other swatches have been removed. (This is with the embedded file that opens; the original is unaffected.)
I assume this is by design, but any way of preventing it from happening, other than tediously changing every swatch to global before doing the embedding? And yes, I can always re-load the swatches afterwards, but that's also an extra step I'd like to avoid.