Photoshop :: Providing Source Files To Clients

Sep 18, 2008

what are your thoughts, yes or no? if yes, why, if no, why?

I feel its very un-businesslike to require/request them it ranks up there with requiring or requesting free specs. looking forward to your responses so i can come up with a polite way to explain why I won't hand over my work.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Sending Files To Clients

May 24, 2011

I work in a MEP engineering office. Any good method for sharing their architectural drawings (when the architect is using Project Navigator)? We do not use project navigator, and we do not want stripped-down architectural files.

What we need from the architects is their bases, title block, and their floor plan sheet layouts. Asking for this from some architects is fine, but others send me mounds of files, and I have to dig through and sort for what I want.

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GIMP :: Providing Drawings To Video Animation?

Dec 28, 2011

I would like to try creating an animation like this ([URL] - originally made through Apple Keynote Animation).

a) Inform if Gimp is able to give me tools to create similar still drawings/images? Could other software as Inkscape be better to this kind of drawing ? (I am not familiarized with both yet).

b) If yes, any tutorial that approaches more directly this style of drawings/images?

c) From sequence of still images created in Gimp I intend to use video editing software (Sony Vegas) to animate them. Actually I don’t know whether it is the best way to animate the images.

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Lightroom :: Replace Source Files With Updated Files

Oct 5, 2012

Lightroom 3.6 and Windows 7.Imported 164 source files that are in a specific collection. Updated the metadata. Now need to replace the source files with these updated files. Sounded like sync folders is what I should do. how do I get the collect in a folder so I can use the sync folder process?

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Photoshop :: Source Files In 'work' Template

Nov 13, 2002

I recently bought the 'Work' template from Outfront, complete with the Photoshop source files. I then acquired a copy of Photoshop and immediately wondered how I can modify the colours in the source files.

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Photoshop :: Professional Ethics With Clients

Oct 15, 2004

I’d like to get some feedback on the following:

I have been working with a client who has recently requested an un-flattened version of the work I have been doing for them. They have been impressed, and at times inquisitive with “How’d you do that?”.

I am contemplating responding in a diplomatic way that I must decline. A version with all layers available will show many of my methods (and tricks) I have developed over the years, and I should not have to divulge them to a client.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Off-line Activation For Cloned Clients?

Nov 21, 2013

My job requires that we have no internet access. I currently deploy our clients using a cloning machine. I create a master image and clone to our clients with all applications installed.

I would like to be able to include the activation before I clone to the clients. I watched the video for AAMES and it mentioned about a workaround for cloned clients. It also said there was a video available on the topic.

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Photoshop :: How To Save Edited Photos For Clients

Jan 25, 2013

How should I save edited photos for clients? Save as or Save for web and other devices? When I "save as" the client can't upload their photos into i Photo. When I "save for web and other devices" my resolution drops from 300 to 72? I am using JPG.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Source For DEM Files

Jan 26, 2013

Any good source for DEM files?  Geocomm has STDS DEM's but last time I tried them they looked like junk. I can't seem to find the layer on the national map server or earth explorer.

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Premiere Pro :: Change Original Source Files In Project?

Mar 27, 2014

I have a project which has become very disorganized over the last year of editing due to PPs poor ability to effectively share sequences/projects across multiple computers. My assistant editor used a different computer and so the links in the sequences point to multiple "source" files in the project (some in imported folders). However, there is ultimately only one original video clip. The problem is that Premiere Pro won't allow me to delete the nested versions of the source files without also REMOVING the clips in each of the sequences that uses them. For example, the project folder looks like this:
- Original File Folder
- Imported File Folder (imported on one of the many exchanges between editor and assistant editor)
- Sequence version 1 (Uses the second video clip, not the first - although they are ultimately the same video file)
If I delete the Imported File Folder, which only has a mirrored reference to the same video file as in the Original File Folder, then the clip in Sequence Version 1 dissapears. What I expect, rather, is to see a "missing media" message in the sequence so I can reconnect it to the version in the Original File Folder. But I can't. BIG HOLE in Premiere Pro CC.
Why do I want to do this? In a large project with hundreds of video clips, keeping order is very important. With the sequences using multiple "versions" of the same video clip, that order goes down the tubes and it becomes impossible to work.

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AutoCad :: Tool Palettes And Creating Blocks - Source Files

Apr 30, 2012

I am currently creating templates for my drawings in order to standardise their use which includes the creation of templates, multileader styles, text styles etc... and placing them in custom tool palettes. I am also looking to add standard blocks such as fasteners and steel sections to my tool palettes however this has thrown a bit of a curveball. Basically I want all the blocks that I place in the tool palettes to move with the .dwt file I have created. At the moment it would appear that the source of the block is within the filing structure of the computer as apposed to just the template file it is placed in. Is there anyway to resolve this, or have the blocks so that they are stored within the template so that if the template is moved onto say a stand alone laptop elsewhere the blocks that appear in the tool palettes would go with the dwt file?

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Lightroom :: Lost Source Panel Options When Importing Files?

Dec 13, 2012

I recently discovered a 'change' to my 'Source Panel' window when I try to Import new files from my CF cards. I have 4.2 installed. All that is available on the left hand side of this window is the 'Other Source' pull down box and never any file source like my hard drives or CF cards or anything that used to be there prior to about a month ago. I reinstalled this program twice without any changes. Have I  shut something off by accident?  My buddy has the same program and he cannot find any reason my should be any different than his but it is.

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Lightroom :: Differentiate Between Source Files And Final Edit Images

May 21, 2012

I have a system of labeling my images to differentiate between the source files and the final edit images, but sometimes I need to apply different labels if there is something that's not ordinary to my process. My problem is that when I go back through my archive to look for something, I forget why I lebeled something a different color. I've been creating JPG's in Photoshop with notes for that specific job, but that's getting to be a pain.
It would be great to be able to create a note within Lightroom that I can view while I'm thumbing through my images.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Unable To Attach Excel / Access Files As Data Source

Dec 27, 2011

I'm fairly new to Map 3D and I'm trying to attach either an Excel or Access file as a data source.  I started out with a simple test case and created both Excel and Access files following the steps outlined in the first reply in post:


When I get to the drag & drop step to attach the data I get the following error messages:

Invalid Wordspace file format: My DocumentsTEST.xlsx
Invalid Wordspace file format: My DocumentsTEST.accdb

Not to be deterred, I saved the source files back to earlier xls and mdb file versions and was successful at attaching the data in both cases, but Map reported that there were no tables when I tried to define a link template.

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Lightroom :: Developer To Import A Clients Catalog From Photoshop Elements On An External Hard Drive

Dec 10, 2012

It seems that a powerful tool like Lightroom (on top of a powerful Adobe suite) should allow a developer to import a client's catalog from Photoshop Elements on an external hard drive. Everything I've read in the support and forums indicate I need to have Photoshop Elements installed on my own machine, and that reading off a network drive is not possible.

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AutoDesk Smoke :: H264 (Source Files) Not Show Up - Blank Screen With Audio

Jun 5, 2013

I just installed Smoke Ext 1. I noticed that all of my source files on an existing job, that are H264, don't show up...they just have a black screen with audio.

Is H264 not compatible with Smoke?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Customizing For Multiple Clients

Jul 15, 2013

I would like to create a pull-down menu so that everyone can select a specific client and have all of the client specific settings be automatically set up like template file location, client block libraries, etc. 

We have a lot of users with varying amounts of experience and have had trouble with people using the wrong templates, blocks, etc. Is there a list of key-in commands where I can find what I need to add into the .cuix file?  Is there an easier way to set up client standards without forcing users to use a specific workspace?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Send Drawings To Clients?

Apr 17, 2013

So I have just finished up a project and now need to send the files (all of them, surfaces, alignments, corridor, construction documents, etc) to the client.  What is the best way to do this?

I am confused because Civil3d uses Data references that are created based on a folder I specify which the client will not have access to and so on. 

I opened my alignment file and did a DXFOUT than went ahead and opened that dxf and saw that there was nothing there?

Could they recreate the stuff I have done using DWFs?? or should I Etransmit?? or what other options do I have?

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Lightroom :: Send JPEGs To Clients For Quick Preview

May 9, 2012

I'm shooting in both raw + jpeg..The reason is simple. I almost immediately send jpegs to my clients for a quick preview, and then I process the raw files.

In addition it has to be said that often the in camera processed jpeg has a very high quality standard and no further raw processing is required.I take a lot of time in popoluating the LR catalog with keywords, flags, ratings and so on.
I would like to work only once in putting keywords, flags, pick/unpick and ratings to a shooting set. Then send a sub set of selected photos (according to some LR filtering) to my customer in JPG format, and start working on the raw files of this selection...The problem is that I would like to send to the customer not just a JPG conversion of the raw files, but the original JPEG generated by the camera, which is almost more "pop" and of impact than a JPG export done without spending time in tuning the export presets: the camera generated JPEG is normally better than any raw export made with basic settings.
But I don't know how to do that because if I import in LR RAW + JPEG as separate entries I have to tag, flag, rate and keyword them twice. I have to put the same rating to the JPEG version and then to the RAW version. On the other hand, if I import them as a unique entry I get benefit in making the keywording flagging rating and tagging job only once per photo. But in this way, even if LR har information that the picture has a RAW and a JPEG, I completely loose access to the original camera generated JPEG file. Because when I export the output of a filtering selection I can choose to export as JPEG, but this is a new JPEG generation from the RAW, according to the develop settings that I may have or have not done, and if I export as original file I get only the RAW files, but no more the original camera generated JPEG files.

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Xara :: How To Put Templates On Online Website For Viewing By Potential Clients

Aug 27, 2011

How do I put templates on an online website for viewing by potential clients.

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AutoCAD LT :: Copy Layer From One Drawing In Model Source To Another Drawing In Paper Source

Nov 7, 2013

I need to copy a layer from one drawing to another, the problem is that one of them is in model and the other one is in paper. The method I tried using was: I used the q select command to copy all objects from one layer on to the clipboard and then tried pasting it in the other drawing (which was in paper) - and nothing got pasted.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Custom Menu That Reflects Each Clients Colors / Symbols And Layering

Mar 31, 2012

I work all across the country with different architects and engineers on a contract basis. Typically I create a custom menu that reflects each clients colors, symbols, layering ect. But now I have just upgraded to Acad 2012 and don't know how to create a custom menu in 2012 for each client. Is it even possible? What I have found is the customize button but when I modify a command for a specific client it makes the same change for all clients, as all that I was doing was modifying a workspace, and only modifying the command. What I have done in the past is to take the Acad.mns and copy it and rename it client-name-Acad.mns and make the necessary changes that the clients standards required. Can I still do something like that?

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Photoshop :: Light-source

Mar 24, 2004

I opened up PS ,havnt used it too active lately and started to experiment a little. Anyway here's the thing i created but i got a little problem, the light source on the green part( as u see i tried to do something), i cant get it right, i want it as it would be shiny.BUT i cant get it to my mind where it should be (to right,left,up and down?) i made it with pen path and the colored it white and then reduced the opacity,if there is another way to get it ,tell me that too, but at least i would be very grateful if someone could tell me where it should be,coz i aint got an "eye" to see where it should come(maybe u would have to be more of an artsit than me to see it )

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Photoshop :: Font Source?

Mar 6, 2005

Using GoLive for web design, and Photoshop 5.5 for editing banner images, on Win98 PC.

I need to know where Photoshop 5.5 expects to find its fonts, as I am not getting it to use a newly added font successfully, nor, also, existing stored fonts.

Banner image in question is a .psd file with two layers (a) text heading and (b) logo. Originally designer used Helvetica Narrow Bold Oblique for text. If I open up the text layer on current PC, I receive message that 'Helvetica Narrow etc. is missing for text layer and font substitution will occur. Continue?'

If I OK this message I get Type Tool window, and I can change to a substitute font, say, ARIALNBI which is a TrueType font available on my PC (in Windows Font file). But if I select this, then text defaults to some basic typewriter-looking font and not ARIALNBI.

How can I get Photoshop to use required selected font? I assume there must be some option to select source of fonts but can't find it. I seem to remember this could either be in Windows Fonts by default or a file local to Photoshop.

I have ATM 4.0 available, but not sure if relevant or, in fact, linked to Photoshop (and if I look in Settings in the ATM it only seems interested in PostScript files).

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Photoshop :: Source File Data?

Sep 13, 2013

  I placed a watermarked image for review and now need to buy the real stock image, but have accidentally deleted the source file.  Is the file data stored anywhere in Photoshop like a Link would be in InDesign?

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Photoshop :: Set Source For History Brush?

Oct 31, 2013

I want to know if there is a shortcut key to "set the source for the history brush" in History Panel . I do retouching task and need to do this action very often.

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Photoshop :: A Good Source Of Textures?

Feb 26, 2004

I am looking for a nice but affordable (or free!) collection of textures and backgrounds to use in creating web store advertisements. I need something with the following themes: mechanical (bolts, steel, tires, motorcycles), fire, leather, and anything else cool.

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Photoshop :: Clone Source Panel

Oct 20, 2008

Photoshop Version: Photoshop CS3 Windows XP Dell Computer I can not find the Clone Source Panel. When I click on the Clone Tool it does not appear. where I can access the Clone Source Panel?

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Photoshop :: Not Alot To Clone Source

Feb 15, 2009

i need to more or less get rid of the ice cream.

i'm adding my own item in his hand which would not cover the ice cream, so need to make it vanish a bit.

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Photoshop :: How To Duplicate Light Source In Render

Nov 19, 2012

when using the filter Render > Lighting Effects, is it possible to duplicate a lightsource? My goal would be to have a light source of the exact same dimensions just offset on the canvas?

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Photoshop :: Create A Pattern From Source Images?

May 2, 2012

I am currently using Photoshop CS4.Anyway, I want to make a grid, not necessarily with square grid blocks, then attach an image to a new layer underneath the grid. Then I want something that will go grid block by grid block, look for the predominant color of the attachment image within that grid block, and fill that entire grid block with that color. The images I am looking to attach are cartoon style (i.e. logos), and there are not complex color schemes to work with. The Pixelize effect is similar, except that it gives a blend of the colors which may not be in the grid space to begin with. i.e., if only black and white is used in an image, it might spit out a gray color shade rather than black or white. I am essentially trying to create a pattern from source images.

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