Photoshop :: CS6 Off-line Activation For Cloned Clients?

Nov 21, 2013

My job requires that we have no internet access. I currently deploy our clients using a cloning machine. I create a master image and clone to our clients with all applications installed.

I would like to be able to include the activation before I clone to the clients. I watched the video for AAMES and it mentioned about a workaround for cloned clients. It also said there was a video available on the topic.

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Photoshop :: How To Rotate Cloned Sample

Mar 17, 2013

How do you rotate the cloned sample with the keyboard - like i said it can be done i just can't remember

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Photoshop :: Cloned Area Comes Out Much Softer And Blurred

Aug 29, 2012

Clone tool, in that when I clone (let's say grass as example),  the new cloned area does NOT come out as sharp as the area selected.  It comes out much softer and somewhat blurred.  I have the opacity and flow both set at 100%.  This is very frustrating since I can not get a true clone.

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Photoshop :: Professional Ethics With Clients

Oct 15, 2004

I’d like to get some feedback on the following:

I have been working with a client who has recently requested an un-flattened version of the work I have been doing for them. They have been impressed, and at times inquisitive with “How’d you do that?”.

I am contemplating responding in a diplomatic way that I must decline. A version with all layers available will show many of my methods (and tricks) I have developed over the years, and I should not have to divulge them to a client.

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Photoshop :: How To Save Edited Photos For Clients

Jan 25, 2013

How should I save edited photos for clients? Save as or Save for web and other devices? When I "save as" the client can't upload their photos into i Photo. When I "save for web and other devices" my resolution drops from 300 to 72? I am using JPG.

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Photoshop :: Providing Source Files To Clients

Sep 18, 2008

what are your thoughts, yes or no? if yes, why, if no, why?

I feel its very un-businesslike to require/request them it ranks up there with requiring or requesting free specs. looking forward to your responses so i can come up with a polite way to explain why I won't hand over my work.

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Photoshop :: How To Rotate Cloned Stamp Selection Using Keyboard (windows OS)

Oct 29, 2012

So, I use the clone stamp and have my selection floating on my screen. My question is... how do I rotate it using the keyboard? I've done this before but cannot remember the keys.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Placing Text On Cloned Object?

Feb 5, 2013

The setup, im attempting to create mtext aligned to the selected object at the point nearest to where i select, this works fine for active objects, but is failing when it trys to calc the angle on nested objects

(Line 106,
fder AsVector3d = bah.GetFirstDerivative(inspt)

i think this is because the point is not associated with the cloned (from xref) object? any thoughts on how to get it to work with the single object selection/insertion point prompt? in the meantime ive re-written to have a second prompt for the insertion point, which works on the cloned object.

Heres the Imports

SystemImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.RuntimeImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServicesImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServicesImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.GeometryImports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput<Assembly: CommandClass(GetType(Line_Labler.snibbity))> Namespace Line_Labler Public Class snibbity <CommandMethod("linelabel")> Public Sub snabble()


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AutoCAD .NET :: Cloned ObjectID Or Handle Using An Overrule

Aug 19, 2011

I need to use the Handle of the cloned object during a DeepClone override but AutoCAD shuts down when I try to use it.

This is the best I can think of but it still boots me out when I try.

Public Overrides Function DeepClone(ByVal dbObject As DBObject, ByVal ownerObject As DBObject, ByVal idMap As IdMapping, ByVal isPrimary As Boolean) As DBObject Try Return MyBase.DeepClone(dbObject, ownerObject, idMap, isPrimary) Catch Finally CompileCloneObjects(dbObject.Handle.ToString, MyBase.DeepClone(dbObject, ownerObject, idMap, isPrimary).Handle.ToString) End Try End Function

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Lightroom :: Developer To Import A Clients Catalog From Photoshop Elements On An External Hard Drive

Dec 10, 2012

It seems that a powerful tool like Lightroom (on top of a powerful Adobe suite) should allow a developer to import a client's catalog from Photoshop Elements on an external hard drive. Everything I've read in the support and forums indicate I need to have Photoshop Elements installed on my own machine, and that reading off a network drive is not possible.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Having Custom Commands Cloned And Customized From Existing

Aug 14, 2013

I have the "create section view" command.

Ok,  I'd want to have other (others) custom command "create section view2" and optionally call it from an icon.

These commands are saved with the drawing? ( I think yes). Would be there a possiblity to have easy access to this elements to deal with them ?  Is it impossible?

Having custom commands cloned and customized from existing

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GIMP :: Parallel / Cloned / Twin Layers For Tiled Textures?

Jul 3, 2013

I'm currently using GIMP for making textures for a 3D game. These textures are drawn by hand and making those "tileable" is a bit awkward most of the time. There's all sorts of manual methods but I'm wondering if there's something that will take care of this in real time. Anyway what I'm looking for:

Is there a way to create layer groups which contain the very same layers at different locations? Or displaying the same layer group in two places next to each other? So stuff I draw in one place is "cloned" in real time to another layer or group? What I want is the ability draw seamlessly, so when I draw at or past the layer borders on the bottom I automatically draw at the top border.

I can kinda achieve this manually either by offsetting a layer or by making the layer bigger in size than the texture I want and then cutting and pasting the details beyond the actual texture size to the opposite side. But those are very awkward procedures, especially when working with many layers that have to be drawn and edited separately. Is there maybe some automated feature that takes care of this for me in real time?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Customizing For Multiple Clients

Jul 15, 2013

I would like to create a pull-down menu so that everyone can select a specific client and have all of the client specific settings be automatically set up like template file location, client block libraries, etc. 

We have a lot of users with varying amounts of experience and have had trouble with people using the wrong templates, blocks, etc. Is there a list of key-in commands where I can find what I need to add into the .cuix file?  Is there an easier way to set up client standards without forcing users to use a specific workspace?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Send Drawings To Clients?

Apr 17, 2013

So I have just finished up a project and now need to send the files (all of them, surfaces, alignments, corridor, construction documents, etc) to the client.  What is the best way to do this?

I am confused because Civil3d uses Data references that are created based on a folder I specify which the client will not have access to and so on. 

I opened my alignment file and did a DXFOUT than went ahead and opened that dxf and saw that there was nothing there?

Could they recreate the stuff I have done using DWFs?? or should I Etransmit?? or what other options do I have?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Sending Files To Clients

May 24, 2011

I work in a MEP engineering office. Any good method for sharing their architectural drawings (when the architect is using Project Navigator)? We do not use project navigator, and we do not want stripped-down architectural files.

What we need from the architects is their bases, title block, and their floor plan sheet layouts. Asking for this from some architects is fine, but others send me mounds of files, and I have to dig through and sort for what I want.

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Lightroom :: Send JPEGs To Clients For Quick Preview

May 9, 2012

I'm shooting in both raw + jpeg..The reason is simple. I almost immediately send jpegs to my clients for a quick preview, and then I process the raw files.

In addition it has to be said that often the in camera processed jpeg has a very high quality standard and no further raw processing is required.I take a lot of time in popoluating the LR catalog with keywords, flags, ratings and so on.
I would like to work only once in putting keywords, flags, pick/unpick and ratings to a shooting set. Then send a sub set of selected photos (according to some LR filtering) to my customer in JPG format, and start working on the raw files of this selection...The problem is that I would like to send to the customer not just a JPG conversion of the raw files, but the original JPEG generated by the camera, which is almost more "pop" and of impact than a JPG export done without spending time in tuning the export presets: the camera generated JPEG is normally better than any raw export made with basic settings.
But I don't know how to do that because if I import in LR RAW + JPEG as separate entries I have to tag, flag, rate and keyword them twice. I have to put the same rating to the JPEG version and then to the RAW version. On the other hand, if I import them as a unique entry I get benefit in making the keywording flagging rating and tagging job only once per photo. But in this way, even if LR har information that the picture has a RAW and a JPEG, I completely loose access to the original camera generated JPEG file. Because when I export the output of a filtering selection I can choose to export as JPEG, but this is a new JPEG generation from the RAW, according to the develop settings that I may have or have not done, and if I export as original file I get only the RAW files, but no more the original camera generated JPEG files.

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Xara :: How To Put Templates On Online Website For Viewing By Potential Clients

Aug 27, 2011

How do I put templates on an online website for viewing by potential clients.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Custom Menu That Reflects Each Clients Colors / Symbols And Layering

Mar 31, 2012

I work all across the country with different architects and engineers on a contract basis. Typically I create a custom menu that reflects each clients colors, symbols, layering ect. But now I have just upgraded to Acad 2012 and don't know how to create a custom menu in 2012 for each client. Is it even possible? What I have found is the customize button but when I modify a command for a specific client it makes the same change for all clients, as all that I was doing was modifying a workspace, and only modifying the command. What I have done in the past is to take the Acad.mns and copy it and rename it client-name-Acad.mns and make the necessary changes that the clients standards required. Can I still do something like that?

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Photoshop :: Mac / PC Activation?

Aug 11, 2012

Will Adobe allow me to activate my software (PS6) on a MacbookPro laptop *and* my Windows desktop?

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Photoshop :: Activation Not Available For CS

Dec 31, 2012

I am still running PS CS on Windows 7 - it does all that I need.  I just cloned my system disk to a SSD and had to make some changes to the virtual memory settings as a result.  PS CS now says that the machine configuration has changed and it needs to be re-activated (yawn). 

However when I try to activate online it says 'the activation system is not available at this time.'  Is this because it's not possible to activate PS CS any longer, or is it genuinely just broken today?  I have retired over a period of a couple of hours.

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Photoshop :: CS4 Activation

May 18, 2009

how to disable a registered copy of Master Suite? I currently have it installed on both my laptop and my desktop. One day my desktop's hard drive corrupted itself and would not allow my pc to boot no matter what I tried. So I ended up doing a low level format to my drive and reinstalling the operating system along with master suite. I was not able to deactivate my desktop's CS4 install because the computer was not able to boot into windows. Formating did not disable my copy of master suite, so when I restalled master suite it claims that I have it running on three computers yet, I have it only running on two computers. I installed it on to same pc, with the same operating system. My big question is, how do I disable the defunct copy of CS4 that is not working so I can use my fresh install of CS4 and my current install of CS4 on my laptop? Please help. PC specs: Intel Q9450 @ 3.6GHz (8 x 450FSB) / Abit IX38 Quad GT / 8Gb G.Skill @ 5-5-5-15 1000MHz / 2X 8600GT's (Core 700Mhz - Mem 760Mhz) / 2X Seagate 500GB (RAID 0) + 2X Seagate 1.5TB / Creative Labs X-Fi / PCP&C Silencer 750W / Lian Li V2000B Plus II / Vista Ultimate X64 SP1

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Photoshop :: PS CS2 Activation

May 23, 2008

I'm trying to install Photoshop CS2 for a client, but when I launch the application I get the error: "An error has been detected and activation cannot continue. Please restart your computer and reinstall the application"

I've already done the obvious thing to reboot and re-install the application with the same error. I tried deleting temporary files to no avail. Is there any other solution I should try before I re-image the machine?

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Photoshop :: CS2 & Activation

Aug 19, 2009

Does the CS2 version of Photoshop actually do anything when you click the 'activate' option in the Help menu? Mine does not. I attempted to activate it via the phone system as well, and it asks for an activation number that should have been provided during installation, but does not appear anywhere on the registration page or anywhere else in the software. I've tried to contact Adobe, but from what I've seen on the Support boards, I may never hear from them. Allegedly (according to the support site) I should get an initial response via email within 4 hours of submitting the ticket (never got that) and some sort of informed reply within 3 days. So far, not a thing. Trying to contact them by phone results in literally hours listening to bad muzak and an automated system, but no human contact. Does anyone have any info on this? I realize it's an older version, just trying to determine if this is normal behavior for that version, or if perhaps the vendor needs to be visited by the Men in Blue. 

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Photoshop :: CS Activation

Mar 31, 2005

I have a Photoshop CS installed in my computer but the 30-day grace period is gone. I tried to re-install it to continue practicing with the software but still it won't allow me to use it.

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Photoshop :: CS3 Activation

Aug 21, 2009

I've got CS3 installed on a computer and a few days ago I installed Fedora and accidently erased the copy of Windows. Now I want to install CS3 on another machine but I can't activate it. It tells me that first I have to deactivate CS3 from the other machine.My problem is that I can't boot on windows anymore in order to do that. The windows partition was deleted. 

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Photoshop :: Activation

Jul 30, 2009

whenever i go to activate my copy of photoshop, an error message pops up. "An error has occured while trying to begin activation. Please make sure you have administrator priveleges and try again. If you continue to experience this problem, try reinstalling the application."I tried reinstalling; didn't work.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Subscription Activation

Jul 23, 2012

I was wondering if it is standard behaviour for my PS CS6 subscription to require me to log in to Activate the license EVERY time I use it? I thought that one it was activated, PS only checks the Activation every 30 days. Once I log in the activation works fine, however if for any reason my internet connection was not available, it would seem that I would not be able to use my copy of PS.
I realize that that would happen even if the check was every 30 days, but that would only be a possible issue once a month, not every day!

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Photoshop :: Transfer Of Activation

Aug 17, 2008

So I just purchased a new computer, and with the work I do, sometimes it's easier to have two iterations of Photoshop running on two different computers. In other cases, someone in my family is using my computer, for something other than Photoshop, so I just want to sit at the other computer.

So I installed CS2 Suite on the new computer, which went fine, then activated it, which it said went fine, then when I went to use the software it says I didn't have a properly registered software, or something to that effect.

So I looked over the license agreement and it basically says you can have a copy on another machine, but you can only use one at a time...which after reading further, leads me to believe I have to de-activate the software on one computer before I can activate it on the other.... so in effect, I don't believe I can run on two machines at the same time...

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Photoshop :: Activation Limit

Jul 2, 2008

Recently I became aware that PhotoShop CS3 has a limit of activation / deactivation. I have always supported companies in fighting unauthorized use of software and in fact lost my job and was out of work for a year after refusing to pirate software for clients. This stand has cost me greatly in personal finance due to being out of work and it angers me to know of companies using software without a license. Even when I reported the issues it seems no action gets taken which I guess is due to the small sizes. Thankfully I now have a new job at a place that follows my belief of requiring licensed usage of software.

Being a network engineer I am always tinkering with my home computer and testing out new software. This means that I run betas, release candidates and even demos as a part of my profession. Consequently this has me needing to wipe out the hard drive from time to time. I always thought of the Adobe activation method as the best as it allowed one to deactivate the product prior to having a reload as the best way to go as it allowed the person to not have the hassles with reactivation. Also to keep within the license I have PhotoShop install on my office computer so that I may do work with web images from time to time. To ensure that nobody at the office uses my PhotoShop I have been deactivation it and removing the key.

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Photoshop :: CS2 Activation Error

Feb 11, 2009

It came in the retail box and the CD still had the seal on it. It looked very legit (not that it always means anything, I guess), but when I try to install it I get the message that an activation error was encountered.

Is this error a sign that I may have gotten bogus software? Is there a way I can verify if I have a legit copy or not?

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Photoshop :: Bridge Without Activation

Feb 18, 2008

I am gong overseas and prefer not to transfer CS3 activation to my laptop. It appears Bridge does function without activation. I do not plan to work on any images, just want to view them.

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