AutoCAD Architecture :: Sending Files To Clients

May 24, 2011

I work in a MEP engineering office. Any good method for sharing their architectural drawings (when the architect is using Project Navigator)? We do not use project navigator, and we do not want stripped-down architectural files.

What we need from the architects is their bases, title block, and their floor plan sheet layouts. Asking for this from some architects is fine, but others send me mounds of files, and I have to dig through and sort for what I want.

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Photoshop :: Providing Source Files To Clients

Sep 18, 2008

what are your thoughts, yes or no? if yes, why, if no, why?

I feel its very un-businesslike to require/request them it ranks up there with requiring or requesting free specs. looking forward to your responses so i can come up with a polite way to explain why I won't hand over my work.

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3ds Max :: Sending Files To Mudbox?

Jun 11, 2013

when using the send to feature of 3ds max it take forever to get files to and from mudbox, is there any issues with how it works?


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Photoshop Elements :: Sending Raw Files From Lightroom 4 To E11

Jan 30, 2013

I am using the trial version of Photoshop Elements 11.However, I can't send Raw files directly to Elements from Lightroom 4. Only PSD, Tiff or Jpegs.I have downloaded the latest camera Raw plug ins so both Elements and Lightroom have Camera Raw 7.3.

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Lightroom :: V3 Publish Service - Sending 3 Files From One Photo?

Dec 30, 2013

I have created a lightroom 3 publish service that will export each photo as a huge TIFF file over a slow broadband connection to an external server. The external server creates 3 compressed JPEG files from the TIFF file.
I think this is too slow and that it would be much better if the lightroom publish service created those three files and then sent them over the internet. Please note I am using Mac OS X 10.8.5 and Lightroom 3.
My question is, what would be the best way to accomplish this task? Can lightroom compress the photo 3 times, or is it best to create another script on the local machine to accept each file, compress them, and then send them via the internet?

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Lightroom :: Print To File - Sending Large Files?

Mar 12, 2013

I'm new to Lightroom and was attempting to prepare a file to send to a print lab. I want to produce a large format single image with dimensions of 52" x 36". I've prepared this in the 'print' module but when I press 'print to file...' it warns me that the file is 760mb and I may run out of memory! Is this file to large to sent to a printer, how can I reduce the size of the file without reducing the quality of the print? or is this just a standard file size for a large format printed image?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Customizing For Multiple Clients

Jul 15, 2013

I would like to create a pull-down menu so that everyone can select a specific client and have all of the client specific settings be automatically set up like template file location, client block libraries, etc. 

We have a lot of users with varying amounts of experience and have had trouble with people using the wrong templates, blocks, etc. Is there a list of key-in commands where I can find what I need to add into the .cuix file?  Is there an easier way to set up client standards without forcing users to use a specific workspace?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Send Drawings To Clients?

Apr 17, 2013

So I have just finished up a project and now need to send the files (all of them, surfaces, alignments, corridor, construction documents, etc) to the client.  What is the best way to do this?

I am confused because Civil3d uses Data references that are created based on a folder I specify which the client will not have access to and so on. 

I opened my alignment file and did a DXFOUT than went ahead and opened that dxf and saw that there was nothing there?

Could they recreate the stuff I have done using DWFs?? or should I Etransmit?? or what other options do I have?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Custom Menu That Reflects Each Clients Colors / Symbols And Layering

Mar 31, 2012

I work all across the country with different architects and engineers on a contract basis. Typically I create a custom menu that reflects each clients colors, symbols, layering ect. But now I have just upgraded to Acad 2012 and don't know how to create a custom menu in 2012 for each client. Is it even possible? What I have found is the customize button but when I modify a command for a specific client it makes the same change for all clients, as all that I was doing was modifying a workspace, and only modifying the command. What I have done in the past is to take the Acad.mns and copy it and rename it client-name-Acad.mns and make the necessary changes that the clients standards required. Can I still do something like that?

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Photoshop :: Professional Ethics With Clients

Oct 15, 2004

I’d like to get some feedback on the following:

I have been working with a client who has recently requested an un-flattened version of the work I have been doing for them. They have been impressed, and at times inquisitive with “How’d you do that?”.

I am contemplating responding in a diplomatic way that I must decline. A version with all layers available will show many of my methods (and tricks) I have developed over the years, and I should not have to divulge them to a client.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Off-line Activation For Cloned Clients?

Nov 21, 2013

My job requires that we have no internet access. I currently deploy our clients using a cloning machine. I create a master image and clone to our clients with all applications installed.

I would like to be able to include the activation before I clone to the clients. I watched the video for AAMES and it mentioned about a workaround for cloned clients. It also said there was a video available on the topic.

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Photoshop :: How To Save Edited Photos For Clients

Jan 25, 2013

How should I save edited photos for clients? Save as or Save for web and other devices? When I "save as" the client can't upload their photos into i Photo. When I "save for web and other devices" my resolution drops from 300 to 72? I am using JPG.

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Lightroom :: Send JPEGs To Clients For Quick Preview

May 9, 2012

I'm shooting in both raw + jpeg..The reason is simple. I almost immediately send jpegs to my clients for a quick preview, and then I process the raw files.

In addition it has to be said that often the in camera processed jpeg has a very high quality standard and no further raw processing is required.I take a lot of time in popoluating the LR catalog with keywords, flags, ratings and so on.
I would like to work only once in putting keywords, flags, pick/unpick and ratings to a shooting set. Then send a sub set of selected photos (according to some LR filtering) to my customer in JPG format, and start working on the raw files of this selection...The problem is that I would like to send to the customer not just a JPG conversion of the raw files, but the original JPEG generated by the camera, which is almost more "pop" and of impact than a JPG export done without spending time in tuning the export presets: the camera generated JPEG is normally better than any raw export made with basic settings.
But I don't know how to do that because if I import in LR RAW + JPEG as separate entries I have to tag, flag, rate and keyword them twice. I have to put the same rating to the JPEG version and then to the RAW version. On the other hand, if I import them as a unique entry I get benefit in making the keywording flagging rating and tagging job only once per photo. But in this way, even if LR har information that the picture has a RAW and a JPEG, I completely loose access to the original camera generated JPEG file. Because when I export the output of a filtering selection I can choose to export as JPEG, but this is a new JPEG generation from the RAW, according to the develop settings that I may have or have not done, and if I export as original file I get only the RAW files, but no more the original camera generated JPEG files.

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Xara :: How To Put Templates On Online Website For Viewing By Potential Clients

Aug 27, 2011

How do I put templates on an online website for viewing by potential clients.

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Lightroom :: Developer To Import A Clients Catalog From Photoshop Elements On An External Hard Drive

Dec 10, 2012

It seems that a powerful tool like Lightroom (on top of a powerful Adobe suite) should allow a developer to import a client's catalog from Photoshop Elements on an external hard drive. Everything I've read in the support and forums indicate I need to have Photoshop Elements installed on my own machine, and that reading off a network drive is not possible.

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AutoCad :: Sending Job As BMP?

Jun 20, 2011

On my big plots IE with loads of hatching etc I check the option to send job as BMP which as you will know saves on the memory for the plotter. My question is, can I set this up to be permanently on for every plot? I'm simply trying to save myself time when I have to check that option. instances where I forget to check it and sit for 10 minutes waiting for the plotter to fire up

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Moved Cui Files

Nov 9, 2013

I loaded ACA 2014, then customized it with my old .cuix files so all would be 'normal' for me. When I open ACA now I get the following message:

"An executable file was found outside of the specified trusted locations.  What do you want to do?"

followed by the choice of 'load' or 'don't load' in a dialogue. (does this for every .mnl file)

My question is, "Can you set something somewhere to tell ACA to load these each time without the dialogue?" This happens every time I open the program. You'd think after I've got it all set and saved my profile and set my workspace, etc. that ACA would figure it out that I 'trust' these executable files.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Plotting PLT Files Possible?

Feb 28, 2012

I cannot remember if you can plot  (.plt) files that were sent to me????

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Compressing PDF Or DWF Files For Bid Sets?

Aug 2, 2012

Im trying to work with the General Contractor distribute bid sets to subcontractors. Im a residential architect. What are other architects doing in regards to this subject and does auto desk offer a product?

Im simply trying to compress pdf files of all my architectural/structural files and send to the builder so he can distribute. I cant seem to simply compress pdf files and attach to an email. Sending DWF files to the reproduction company seems to work ok without zipping but requires two emails.  Have tried to download Winzip but not happy with them yet.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Import STEP Files

Sep 22, 2011

the AutoCAD help specifies this procedure to import STEP files..Click Insert tab - Import panel - Import. In the Import File dialog box, in the Files of type box, select (*.stp, *.step).Find and select the STEP file you want to import, or enter the name of the STEP file at File Name.But the import dialogue box does not show this option. Only 3ds, sat, fxb, igs, wmf and dgn.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Reports About Construction Files

Sep 5, 2012

I would like to know if there is a way to produce a report, or an Excel or text file in order to list and sort all the construction files by the levels or divisions they are in (i.e. to retrieve information from the corresponding project navigator xml files).

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Purge PDF Files From Drawing?

Jun 14, 2011

how to purge PDF files from your Drawing? I tried using the Image command, but it doesn't list PDF underlay's anymore. I've tried just using the purge command but it doesn't show up there either. The way I know it's there after I delete it is, (1) The drawing file is STILL really slow and (2) it shows up as a required file when I do an etransmit. Which also makes the etransmit file huge as well.

how to purge them without wblocking the file to itself?

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AutoCAD VB :: Sending Prompt To Text Window

Dec 13, 2006

I have the following command in my VBA routine:

ThisDrawing.Utility.Prompt vbCrLf & "ABCDEF"

When I run my VBA routine from the VBA editor, the command appears in the text window of AutoCAD the way it should, but when I run the routine with the VBAload - VBArun commands (automated on a toolbar button), it does not. Do I need to obtain the AutoCAD object and issue commands that way instead of using the thisdrawing.utility method?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Sending DWG File With Pictures?

Dec 7, 2013

im trying to send a dwg file with pictures which but the pictures dont show up. i created a zip file using the etransmit option and the pictures show up in the file but you can not see the actual picture on the dwg file, only its path. is there a way i can send the file that the picture shows up on the dwg?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Sending A DWG To PDF With Multiple Sheets?

Jan 24, 2013

I have to two sheets layed out in one drawing in Auto CAD 2012, a tilte sheet and the building plan. How can I send that to one PDF file (one PDF file with both sheets) using the 'DWG to PDF.pc3' option?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sending Assembly To 3rd Party

Nov 25, 2013

I have an assembly I wish to forward to a contractor. It is only small - containing some basic FEA (213 KB). What is the easiest, most effective way to do this? Pack and Go?

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AutoCAD LT :: Sending DWG File To Another Computer Via Email

Nov 27, 2012

I am currently using AutoCAD LT 2009 on my home computer.  My client also has the same AutoCAD at a different geographic location.  When I generate a drawing file at home and send it to my client’s computer via email the drawing appearance changes.  It appears as though the .dwg file is corrupt in some manner.  My dimensions are not in order the font has changed in scale and in type.  Most of the text is just inadvertently scattered about. 

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AutoCAD Architecture :: How To Lock Files For View Only Sharing

Feb 15, 2012

I'm using 2012 autocad architecture.  I would like to know ASAP if there is a safe way to share my autocad drawings with a specific autocad user that completely locks the files so they can not be modified, saved as something else and opened, or otherwise compromised.  I have a client that wants copies in autocad of the drawing files. But I don't see a good way to lock them that is fool proof, and am not sure what such a question would be listed under in the help index.  Is there a way of saving them that can keep them un-modifiable?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Display Configuration In View Files

May 18, 2012

I have a project of a residential building, made in ADT2011. The building has 17 levels. Levels from 2nd to 17th are identical. They created as an element linked to constructs. The other levels created as constructs.

I also have different view files for elevations, sections and perspectives.

The problem is that I can not control display configuration of objects in view files. The thing that I need is to turn off balconies' glasses in curtain walls of the elevation view files (To see what is behind the glass in 2d elevations). Now to achieve it, I have to turn off glasses in the original element file. But in that case the glass disappears also in plans, sections and perspective views, where I need it.

The question is: Can I control the visibility of the default infills for curtain walls independently for different view files?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Convert PDF Files Into Editable DWGs?

Apr 10, 2012

convert PDF files into editable and dimensionally correct DWG files?  I've used auto-vectorization software programs before and the results are thousands of vectorized lines, arcs and circles, etc. 

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Inserting PDF Files - No White Background

Jan 22, 2013

When I insert a pdf it does not have a white background and it REALLY slows down CAD. I played with the contrast and fade but the image gets worse. The best I can get the image to look is having the contrast set to 100 and the fade set to 0. I have used this pdf in other projects using 2004 and 2007 but with 3013 it is inserting it quite differently.

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