Photoshop :: How To Duplicate Light Source In Render
Nov 19, 2012
when using the filter Render > Lighting Effects, is it possible to duplicate a lightsource? My goal would be to have a light source of the exact same dimensions just offset on the canvas?
I opened up PS ,havnt used it too active lately and started to experiment a little. Anyway here's the thing i created but i got a little problem, the light source on the green part( as u see i tried to do something), i cant get it right, i want it as it would be shiny.BUT i cant get it to my mind where it should be (to right,left,up and down?) i made it with pen path and the colored it white and then reduced the opacity,if there is another way to get it ,tell me that too, but at least i would be very grateful if someone could tell me where it should be,coz i aint got an "eye" to see where it should come(maybe u would have to be more of an artsit than me to see it )
Just looking for some good effects to put on an art piece. Some sections are very dark and I'd like to add some accent to them. I know that solidworks was some textures that emit light, I was curious if there was anything like that in Inventor.
If it is possible to replace objects in a scene with light objects. The normal replace function in the import menu will only replace normal mesh objects with other mesh objects. But if I try the same by replacing box objects in my scene with the light source object I saved in a separate max file, it says it doesn't find any objects in the max file with the same name despite it having the exact same name. (both objects in question have all lower case letters in the name)
I'm currently using Max 10 to render lightmaps for a first person shooter game and I use various scripts to get the game content into the scene. The game also provides object positions for glow objects which are in positions I intend to use for light sources. Normally I go through a long tedious process of cloning light objects and positioning roughly in the same area where the glow objects are. (objects I decide not to replace with the game's object meshes appear as standard box objects in max unless I convert them to mesh objects).
But I would like to create a set of light objects and do a batch replace on some objects already in the scene with my light objects. This would save me a lot of time. Is there a function max that can do this or is there a script that can do this?
When you apply a drop shadow, the shadow is cast in the same direction from all parts of the object. E.g. the shadow is projected to the right and downwards from the object. In other words the light source is far away and it produces parallel rays of light.
Is there a way to cast a shadow where the light source is quite close to the object? For example imagine the light source was just above the object. Parts of the object on the left would have their shadow projecting to the left and down and parts of the object on the right would have a shadow projecting to the right and down.
PHOTOSHOP CS5.1 IN iMAC OS10.6 . I cannot use the filter Render - Light effects because it does not appear in the Render tag. On the other hand clicking the mouse right I can go to GET INFORMATION, but in the GENERAL SECTION , the option start with 32 bit DOES NOT APPEAR.
I owned this 5.1 version since some 18 months ago, and I am quite sure I succeeded in using the light effects in the past: What is happened and what can I do to fix the problem.
We have repeated crashing on a scene that uses Light Tracer... if we remove Light Tracer it doesn't crash the nodes. It's particularly annoying that our other nodes are 24 cores and they work fine.
So, the spec of the crashing nodes with 32 cores are AMD Opteron 6276 2.30 ghz 4 processors (8 cores each). 64GB RAM, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1.
I am trying to animate a casino-like light board made of tens of light bulbs/leds. I thought the easiest way to do it would be creating a matrix of bulbs arranged by material ID and then design a pattern in multi sub-object materiel so I could somehow scrub through it and achieve animation effect. The material modifier allows to change ID for the whole object only and MaterialByElement shuffle ID`s in a random manner.
I am attempting to build a facsimilie enigma machine, I would like to know how best to create an effect so that when a key is pressed a corresponding letter appears to light up. Btw I am not looking for an animated image, I can take care of the transitions between on and off, I just need to create the two image states.
How do you lock the pivot point of a light to the light itself? I thought just adding a Axis node would move the light and pivot point but the pivot does not move. Is there a way of parenting them together?
I need to copy a layer from one drawing to another, the problem is that one of them is in model and the other one is in paper. The method I tried using was: I used the q select command to copy all objects from one layer on to the clipboard and then tried pasting it in the other drawing (which was in paper) - and nothing got pasted.
How do I use the standard Revit can lights in a wood joist floor with drywall applied to the bottom? If I place in a suspended ceiling, can lights light up just fine. However, if I use them in the floor space of a wood joist floor, the light itself gets covered with the floor. How can I get the light to cut the floor out so I can see the light when it is rendered?
I keep getting a dialogue box that says "Revit was unable to render the view due to an unknown error during render calculations. The rendering operation will be canceled." The only option is to click "close" and when i do so, it continues to render but only the sky and grass. My buildings are not present.
The same scene, same settings, produce 2 very different outputs in max 2011 and 2012, render to texture for normals is currently useless in max 2012.
The blue one is a correct tangent normal map created from a sphere in max 2011, the colored one is the the one created inside max 2012 from the same objects and settings, and the last is another sample of normals generated in max 2012.
I have created a 3d model of a football stadium, but when I try to render it, it comes up with this message and it cannot render the scene. I've tried everything I can to fix it, but nothing has worked.
Each time I want to have batch render with 4 camera views. I thought it would provide me with elements along with it. But it just brings me only one file as I set .png.
I know it works with State Set by changing camera view. But Batch render should work too.
I can´t believe it. Save 50% Rendertime. Fix the Render Elements Bug with Render Optimizer V3! deactivate "contrast all Buffers" with RO V3, and you have the same speed as Vray Renderelements.2014 can comming! URL....
Okey, so I want to render a normal map directly from render production. Pretty much like the Viewport Filter "Normal map" in Mudbox. Can this be done? And I also want to make clear that I do not want to use "render to texture". I dont want to do any projection against an other mesh, I want to do it directly to the camera.
Yesterday Ae was working perfectly. Today, Ae will not render compositions in the render queue or in AME? If I try to render from Ae,I get this error message:
and I can fin nothing about this error anywhere on line.
Is it possible to render an object to fit exactly into the render window. i.e If I have a plane object segmented into 512 * 512 segments and I randomly colour each polygon. If I render at 512*512 pixels, I would like to fit the plane exactly so that the rendered image shows 1 pixel per polygon.
Whilst you can select region to render its not that exact and is based on the visual window. can it be utilized with render blowup.
Basically I want to render a square object exactly ( no borders) at a large resolution, hence the need for render blowup so that I can render into smaller tiles.
Using GoLive for web design, and Photoshop 5.5 for editing banner images, on Win98 PC.
I need to know where Photoshop 5.5 expects to find its fonts, as I am not getting it to use a newly added font successfully, nor, also, existing stored fonts.
Banner image in question is a .psd file with two layers (a) text heading and (b) logo. Originally designer used Helvetica Narrow Bold Oblique for text. If I open up the text layer on current PC, I receive message that 'Helvetica Narrow etc. is missing for text layer and font substitution will occur. Continue?'
If I OK this message I get Type Tool window, and I can change to a substitute font, say, ARIALNBI which is a TrueType font available on my PC (in Windows Font file). But if I select this, then text defaults to some basic typewriter-looking font and not ARIALNBI.
How can I get Photoshop to use required selected font? I assume there must be some option to select source of fonts but can't find it. I seem to remember this could either be in Windows Fonts by default or a file local to Photoshop.
I have ATM 4.0 available, but not sure if relevant or, in fact, linked to Photoshop (and if I look in Settings in the ATM it only seems interested in PostScript files).
I placed a watermarked image for review and now need to buy the real stock image, but have accidentally deleted the source file. Is the file data stored anywhere in Photoshop like a Link would be in InDesign?
I want to know if there is a shortcut key to "set the source for the history brush" in History Panel . I do retouching task and need to do this action very often.
I am looking for a nice but affordable (or free!) collection of textures and backgrounds to use in creating web store advertisements. I need something with the following themes: mechanical (bolts, steel, tires, motorcycles), fire, leather, and anything else cool.
Photoshop Version: Photoshop CS3 Windows XP Dell Computer I can not find the Clone Source Panel. When I click on the Clone Tool it does not appear. where I can access the Clone Source Panel?
I am currently using Photoshop CS4.Anyway, I want to make a grid, not necessarily with square grid blocks, then attach an image to a new layer underneath the grid. Then I want something that will go grid block by grid block, look for the predominant color of the attachment image within that grid block, and fill that entire grid block with that color. The images I am looking to attach are cartoon style (i.e. logos), and there are not complex color schemes to work with. The Pixelize effect is similar, except that it gives a blend of the colors which may not be in the grid space to begin with. i.e., if only black and white is used in an image, it might spit out a gray color shade rather than black or white. I am essentially trying to create a pattern from source images.
So I am running CS 6 and my clone stamp tool has been having issues for the past couple weeks. I go to alt+click a location to get my source, and then as i move somewhere else to starting cloning, it instead uses the exact area i am trying to cover up. The little icon that appears to show you where you are cloning from, is always inside my cursor, no matter where i grab the source from.
Only fix I have found is closing up and restarting PS again, and even then, it only works for one or two clicks then goes back to the issue.