Photoshop :: Photoshop Images Do Not Display Propery...

May 16, 2009

Just Downloaded CS4 design standard. Photoshop Images are tiled-look like a test pattern. Is this an installation issue or a compatibility issue?Upgraded from CS3 which had no problems.

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Photoshop :: CS4 Won't Display Images

Jun 18, 2009

I just finished installing photoshop, and tried to open an image to edit.The image seems to load as there is a tab for it and it is visible in the layers panel,but the area where you edit the photo itself remains grey.I have updated my video card driver software.

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Lightroom :: Unable To Display Preview Images During Import Of Raw Images?

Mar 25, 2011

Lightroom will not display preview images during import of raw images. Any images in other formats display fine but with raw images I get a gray window the size of the preview image and the words "preview unavailable for this file".

Running Windows XP 64, Lightroom 3.3.

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Photoshop :: Display CRW (Raw) Images In Bridge CS6?

Sep 20, 2012

I have recently upgraded from PS CS3 direct to PS CS6. I have an issue with the display of raw images taken by my Canon PowerShot S70 camera (.CRW format). Many of the portrait-style images are displayed as landscape. This appears to be random as not all portrait images are affected.

I did not have this problem with CS3. I have discussed the matter with the Adobe helpdesk which suggested various remedies (purging cache, resetting preferences) to no avail. They came to the conclusion that PS CS6 does not fully support the file structure generated by this camera in that it cannot detect from the file data that it should be displayed as a portrait image rather than as a landscape image.

I have two issues with this. Firstly, if true, it means that PS CS6 has taken a slightly backward step as far as I'm concerned and secondly, it does not answer the random nature of the incorrect display.Obviously I want these images to be displayed correctly. I can rotate them in Bridge/PS manually, but I have a lot of them scattered over many folders and it is a task I would rather be automated.
This issue also occurs in Windows 7 Home Premium, but as I was using Win 7 HP with CS3 without this display issue, it appears to be an Adobe problem as it only occurred after the upgrade to CS6.

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Photoshop :: Does Not Display Small Images

Jul 5, 2013

I have a bilbiotheek with trees and such, but Photoshop does not display small images of this already clipped objects. It is difficult to distinguish the various objects. How can I make sure that I see these images?

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Photoshop :: Display Difference Between Two Images

Apr 17, 2008

In CS2, how do I create and display the *DIFFERENCE* between two images?

I'm testing out some infrared "cleaning" software. When scanning an image, the infrared information is stored on a separate channel within the TIF file. After scanning, this software optionally combines this infrared channel with the image. I want to see the differences between the images with and without the software corrections. I want to see ONLY THE DIFFERENCES.

I've investigated XOR'ing the images, but haven't been successful.

So is there a way within CS2 to view only the differences between two images?

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Photoshop :: CS3 Bridge Does Not Display Raw Images...

Apr 20, 2009

I am unable to display raw files automatically when downloaded into CS3 bridge from a D300 camera. My working system consists of : Windows XP, PSCS3 with camera raw_5_3, dng converter 5_2. Interestingly, similar raw files from a D70 camera display as expected without any problems. Is this a problem with the D300 camera?

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Photoshop :: Images Display In Bridge As Negatives

Aug 18, 2013

I'm working on a textbook that's a mix of new images and pickups from the previous edition. I've noticed that many of the new images I've created with transparent backgrounds and saved as PSD files in CMYK mode display as negatives in Bridge.
I just now made some edits to a legacy file that was displaying properly in Bridge. I added some layers, deleted other layers, and saved the file with no color profile, and as soon as it refreshed in Bridge, it was a color negative.
what's going on here? I'm using Photoshop and Bridge CS5.1 on a Mac running  OS 10.8.4.

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Creating Space For Images To Display

Sep 13, 2012

Using CS6 on my desktop and laptop.  On desktop, all my palettes are on the second monitor and the primary monitor is dedicated to displaying images. All the images are in tabs.
On the laptop (18" widescreen), I have two columns of the palettes I use constantly on the right, and the tools against them.  This leaves me space to the left for images to display.  My problem is that when I have things set up with images as tabs, the images appear to use the entire screen, always partially obscured by my palettes. 
Is there a way for me to have CS6 full-screen, palettes on the right, AND somehow define a space so my images aren't obscured by the palettes?

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Photoshop Elements :: Display Order In Which Images Are Shown Within Album?

Oct 8, 2013

Can you display the order in which images are shown within an album, (like you could in PE10), other than the stupid Oldest and newest that you now get with PE11?

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Illustrator :: Raster Images Won't Display?

Jul 26, 2012

Today, out of the blue, Illustrator stopped displaying any raster images. The file opens, but I just get a blank artboard. The title bar at the top of the page shows the preview but it doesn't display on the page. It doesn't seem to matter if I import the file or if I just open the file straight into Illustrator. I've tried PSD, JPEG, TIFF, and PNG without success. This morning I was redrawing old logos for a client, and this afternoon I can't open anything that is rasterized.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Raster Images Don't Display

Sep 2, 2013

My boss has been having problems with some drawings containing Raster Images, they display on every workstation besides his.  

The saved path is correct but the images all list 'Unreferenced' as their status, I've tried reloading them and even detaching before reinserting them but to no avail.  He is running Autocad 2013 (SP2 installed).

Also, he's had this problem for awhile now but it's happening on his brand new pc too, which suggests a possible network problem?  He's on the same wireless network as half of our office but he's the only one experiencing this issue.

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Lightroom :: How To Display And Compare More Than Two Images In Same Time

Jun 11, 2013

I have LR 4.3 and now 5. how to display and compare more than two images in same time, including 100% view. I can with "Together" or some word alike. (Ensemble in the French version), but I cannot zoom all images together at 100%. This is only possible in the "comparison" module but for only 2 images at a time…

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Lightroom :: 5 - How To Display Images That Are Not Included In Any Collection

Jul 21, 2013

How can I display images that are not included in any collection (some filter or smart collection)? A smart collection with parameters "Collection - contains - empty field" does not work. Lightroom 5.

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Lightroom :: Display Of Keywords For Multiple Images Error In LR5

Jun 17, 2013

In LR5, when two images are selected in Library view, the results in the Keyword Tags panel are incomplete. In my instance, two images were selected. They have some common keywords and those are properly displayed. However, the keywords assigned to only one image appeared with an asterisk in previous versions of LR, a behavior I would like to see continue.
In my instance, one keyword for, we'll say, Image A only, appears but with no asterisk, it should display an asterisk. And, one keyword unique to Image B does not appear at all when both images have been selected, it too should appear with an asterisk.
I'm on a Mac running 10.8.4 and LR CC.

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Lightroom :: 4.2 Printing - Images Won't Display In Library Mode?

Mar 8, 2012

I Just istalled Lightroom 4.2 and imges will not display in Library mode. this LR 4.2 was an upgrade for LR4.1 which worked perfectly before the upgrade.  Now all I get in Libary mode is image data and a grey spot where the images should be.

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Photoshop :: Making Screenshots From Normal Display Look Acceptably Sharp On Retina Display

Jan 28, 2013

I am currently writing a book that will initially be sold as a PDF but may later go on the i Book store, however I don't have a Retina display myself and what is the best practice for making screenshots from a normal display look acceptably sharp on a Retina display?
I have Photoshop along with the iOS simulator that shows how the iPad or iPhone will look if they can be used in some way but I mainly need to get menu items and dialogue boxes from various applications in OS X and Windows looking good on Retina screens. I really don't want to pay out for a Retina display purely for this task that would only take a few hours of work at most.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Button Images On Custom Toolbar Do Not Display

Aug 28, 2013

I have a custom toolbar that I've used for years in an olderversion of CAD. Now I'm in 2012 and loaded my custom toolbar in from my previous CUI. Naturally it dropped in all question marks even though I have all paths in the support file added. I even copied all my bitmaps to autodesk's default bitmap location. Neither work. 

So after that I went into the CUI and manually selected the bitmap image for "small image" and "large image". It shows in the CUI now, but no luck on the main board. (also, not that this matters, must be a glitch but it won't even show in the CUI until i manually select another bitmap and reselect my origional desired image)

So then I tried taking the whole path and copying it into the CUI manually but it goes right back to defaulting to (MYIMAGENAME.BMP) without keeping the extension. My other custom toolbars loaded with all the pictures but this one just refuses to cooperate.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: 2014 - Tool Button Images Do Not Display

Jun 12, 2013

I just loaded 2014 onto a new computer and poof every custom toolbar has a question mark.  Yet the image displays on the preview in the cui.

All of my button images are in a folder on my C: drive and that path is in the support file search path.

I went to one of the buttons and click on the small and large image and browsed to the folder with the BMP files and clicked it for both small and large..  And when I clicked 'ok' everything started to display correctly. 

Custom Build with Win7 Pro 64Bit SP1
Gigabyte Tecohnology Co. X79-UD3
3.60 gigahertz Intel Core i7-3820
16GB GSkill Ripjaw Z PC3 2133 PC17000
PCI-E ATI FirePro V7800 2GB 256bit
ATA SanDisk SDSSDX24 SCSI Disk Device (256 GB)
Dell 2001FP and (2) 2407WFPHC Triple monitor setup

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Lightroom :: Why Filter Causes Multiple Identical Images In Gridview To Display In 4.3

Mar 15, 2013

I have not been able to find why multiple identical images are displaying in gridview when filters are applied.  There is only one image in the folder.  This obviously makes it difficult to apply images to keywords.

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Lightroom :: Importing Images From Camera - Randomly Does Not Display Thumbnails

Jul 12, 2012

LR4 seems to have a bug when importing images from a camera where it randomly does not display a thumbnail of the image before invoking the import process.  Usually it is whole blocks of images following a few that are properly shown.  Perhaps it is dropping the communication link to the camera early?
Furthermore, once the images are imported, different images are not displayed in the thumbnail panel with filters off.
I have been doing identical import procedures on all previous versions of LR without any similar behavior.
Macbook Pro 10.6.8
LR 4.1
Canon EOS 40D
iPhone 4s

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Edge Animate CC :: Render Symbols (or Images) With Display Set - Cache As Bitmap

Mar 24, 2014

I have like 12 symbols on the stage. They al have images in them in JPG format, saved at a quite low percentage in quality.The symbols are being animated seperately but it looks very sluggish.
I am recreating a whole Flash site in Edge. Everything works (amazing) fine except I am missing the function like it exists in Flash:“Display/ Render/ cache as bitmap”. (see image) This function used to BIGTIME in Flash too.Now how can I do something similar in Edge?I do not want to animate all symbols as 1, it is essential they are animated separately.Is this possible in Adobe Edge Animate? Is there something similar in Javascript/ Jquery?

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Photoshop :: Pictures Will Only Partially Display On Stage Or Not Display At All

Oct 13, 2012

Sometimes this happens.  At other times nothing will display at all.  I have also had a portion of the picture duplicated multiple times on the stage. 

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Photoshop :: Mac CS5 Doesn't Display Double Quotation Mark But Display Double Arrow?

Sep 25, 2012

Everytime i press the shift key and quotation mark key for the double quotation mark to display on my text on PS cs5 doesn't work. It display a double arrow instead.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Command Prompt Position Display At The Bottom Of Main Display

Jan 23, 2013

After closing and reopening my command prompt, I find that it is now at the bottom left of the screen and no longer part of the main graphics window. How can I get it to display at the bottom of the main display?

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VideoStudio :: Display 2 Horizontal Lines On Display

Dec 4, 2011

New to this video editing game, just have a question regarding 4.3 and 16.9. i have a Canon XM2 which has a setting in the menu for 16.9 wide screen format. When this is selected on the camera the view finder shows a distored image (squshed). I have also found a setting that when 16.9 is turned off you can display 2 horizontal lines on the display. my question is am i better off shooting footage with the 16.9 turned off on the camera and then using Videostudio pro x4 to create the 16.9 format(if this can be done).

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Add Display Component To Display?

Oct 16, 2012

How do you add a display component to a display?

For example, Stairs have a stringer componet in plan display configuration but does not have a stringer componet in the Low Detail configuration.  I need the stringer to show when I go to low detail how can I add a stringer componet in low detail.

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Revit :: Column Display At Different Display Levels?

Nov 1, 2012

Quick explanation of how to make columns display as columns in the coarse level of detail instead of just as sticks?
I know I'll have to edit the family but I can see anything obvious to change.

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Photoshop :: Script/plugin/software Needed For Making Images Composed Of Images

Sep 29, 2005

where I can find script/plugin/software for making images composed of images. I'm desperately needing this for an non-profit assigment. Any help would be very much appreciated!

I'm looking for a script, software or photoshop plugin or anything that could help me with this.

What I want to do is this: Out of ~ 1000 pictures I want the software to arrange them into visualizing an image which I have choosen.

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Photoshop :: Making Thumbnails Images And Larger Size Images For Website In PS CS

Jan 4, 2004

I am in the process of completing my Photographic website and need to make thumbnail and larger sizes for the the site. The site will have approximately 100 images on it. Clicking the thumbnails will connect to the larger images. How do I make both sizes in PS CS? Perhaps their is a generator that you would recommend for Mac 10.2?

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Combine Several Images Into Collage Of Reduced Sized Images

Oct 31, 2013

I am attempting to combine several images into a collage of reduced-sized images that can be expanded when clicked on

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