Photoshop :: Photo/Picture Needs To Have Color Changed
Sep 8, 2004
I have a drawing of my car that is purple and would like the color to be changed back to green the same color as my car. (Red, Yellow and Blue would be cool too. Just change the Blue bumpers/bars to Black).
How do you create a true black and white photo from an original color photo. i know you can select greyscale but that isn't a true black and white photo(i don't think).
With PSE_6 under Windows 8.1, the Editor doesn't offer saving of changed picture files in stack, though it creates stacks in Organzer automatically. Any solution?
I am working on an assembly file with some different color components, the color of each component is set to AS MATERIEL. But suddenly the assembly color was changed to one color only, which is the same color as one of the component. I clicked each part, the color is still set to AS MATERIAL.  I even can not undo it to change the color back.
And from now on, any part was placed to this assembly is changed to assembly one color. Inventor 2012 under Win 7 system.Â
I was wondering if there's a way to apply local changes to a picture by including the part I need to be changed in a square (like when you crop it). Without using the graduated filter.
My color picker has changed from the normal default to a totally different one. How to change it back? Â Below is a picture of what it has changed to. I used to have the default one with White top left Black Bottom Left and the certain colour top right. Â I cant get used to this one!
I've set up a customized color space, named it and saved it. The one pref I always change is that I work in Adobe 1998. So I'll be working in PS and then see that when I go to save an image, the box checked at the bottom of the Open/Save dialog is sRGB. I go the the color space dialog and low and behold it says North American General Purpose. How did it get switched?
color picker has stopped giving me the slider with the full range of colors, and is instead just allowing me to peruse a few colors at a time. I can still access the full spectrum, but have been using PS for 8 years with the same setup. I'm using PS 7.
I have just opened up Photoshop CS2 and the default layer background colour has changed!! How I do not know. It seems the white colour has disappeared and been replaced by a cream colour. Even if I select #FFFFFF for white, it stil only gives the cream options. Even clicking the little black and white squares in the tools window, just corrects to this cream colour.
I'm currently working on a vector in the trial version of Photoshop CS6 that I acquired this Friday(?), and I'm running into a troublesome dilemma every time I re-open the file to work on at a later date. I find that some layers -- not all, but maybe five or six -- have changed their color to whichever color is in my palette, or whatever was in my palette the last time I opened Photoshop.
Is there a setting I'm missing, or is this a current glitch in this version of CS6? And in case you're wondering, yes, I have tried saving with all shape layers locked before I close; it made no difference.
I changed the mode of a RGB image to HSB color model then copy and paste hue channel as a layer to the original RGB image ...After changing the blend mode of the hue layer to the hue blend mode..I can't see my original RGB image.
A small feature I have been using for years, and find very useful, was changed in X6 Update 3. Using the Erase with the ALT key use to erase in a straight line from one point to another point. Now after installing Update 3 this key combination is used to interactively adjust transparency (a new feature according to the release notes).
Is the point-to-point erase feature gone or can I somehow adjust settings to get it back? Or is there now another key used for this?
Using CorelDraw Suite X6 with Update 3 on Windows 7 64bit.
Today I encountered a weird problem with Lightroom. When I switch from Library to Develop to edit photos, immediately, the photo changes. I get strange blue highlights appearing in an area that is largely black, and red, where there is white.If I do a command Z (on a Mac), it just changes back to Library mode.
I changed the resolution on a photo to 500 in the export screen. What do I reset it back to for the highest resolution. I changed to 500 to email a photo.
I accidently changed the color of the background outside of my docked image from grey to black and can not figure out how to reset it to the default grey. The workspace dock color is grey until I dock an image and then the color surrounding my image changes to black. This is occuring in the Full Edit Mode.
I'm used to having my color picker look like this: [URL] ... Â Then one day, it changed to this and I would like it to go back to the default as seen above. [URL] ....
I recently decided to use LR to catalog all my images (instead of Bridge). I love that PNG is now supported. Ran into one problem...all the snowflake and white frame images are viewed as a white rectangle due to the background white. I know Preview and other "viewers" don't have this issue. ACDSee has a setting to change the background. Can I do this in LR5? If not, is there a link where I can submit for a product enhancement to the Product Management team for a future release of LR?
I have a color picture which I took, of a red berry bush. I want to remove all the color except for the red from the berries. I know how to lasso the berries, but I can't remove the color from the bush/background and leave the red berries.
Note: I did this once a couple years ago, and can't remember how I did it..I have some memories, but probably remember just enough to make me dangerous. I have done some searches but obviously the results are numeorus and I haven't found what I am looking for yet.
I know the solution involves selecting the berries and then inversing it and then setting all 3 colors to 0 for the background.
What I can do is 1) lasso the berries
2) inverse what I can't figure out 1) it seems like there was 1 step about layering which enabled me to get started, but I don't remember this, it does seem like I am missing something very basic when I try to do this
3) Where is the color scale, the only thing I can find is the grayscale option which switches the entire project to black and white.
I have a color picture, and I want to convert it to B&W, and then I want to add another color to it (for example – red). I don’t want to paint some areas in it, I want for example to keep all the red parts of the picture, or only part of the red parts.
It something like in the movie Schindler's List, in the B&W scene where you see a little girl with red coat.
Corel SP1. I now have toolbars I can see clearly, but the black background makes it impossible to tell if an image has a thin black perimeter border. Last release I could drag the window to size it larger than the image and it was easy to see. The attachment shows the trouble and I can't find where or how to change just the background color of the work surface without changing the color of the workspace that now works best for me.
when to use my coreldraw x4 today and all my colors have changed from a nice palette of distinct colors
To the same palette but it seems that the colors have no definition . e.g. all the dark navy blues and deep dark clarets . deep heritage greens all show up as one generic black with
No distinction between the colors when placed next to each other . all just show as black . Even when i export as a JPEG for e.g. they all still show as black .
only thing i can think of is that my computer upgraded over weekend . automatic updates. I spent a lot of time selecting colors for my jobs i have currently going . A range of entertainment posters with a carnival theme and old school heritage colors.
I am exploring the possibilities of content browser of AutoCAD 2012 and came across a contrast issue. The thumbnail background color is white and the lines are as drawn. (Drawing with black background)
Is it possible to change the Thumbnail Background color to black to get a better preview.?