Lightroom :: Changed Resolution On A Photo To 500 In Export Screen
Mar 11, 2013I changed the resolution on a photo to 500 in the export screen. What do I reset it back to for the highest resolution. I changed to 500 to email a photo.
View 4 RepliesI changed the resolution on a photo to 500 in the export screen. What do I reset it back to for the highest resolution. I changed to 500 to email a photo.
View 4 RepliesWhen I resize a photo and close it, When I open it again the size and resolution has changed. Why?
View 1 Replies View RelatedFor the print module it seems as if Lightroom assumes a screen resolution of 96 ppi. My screen is 94 ppi, so the ruler and the prints are shown slightly smaller on the screen than reality. I would like to see the actual print size on the screen. Can the screen resolution be set, like the Unit & Rulers -> Screen Resolution setting in PS?
I am using LR 3.6.
using lightroom 4.3 when I edit a group of photos in lightroom, most of the files will only be edited in lightroom but a few will also be opend into PS6 (by right clicking > edit in>) Once the PS edits are complete the image is saved & I return to Lightroom. When I export the entire group of images - I set the file name to 'custom name - original file number'. The images I edited in lightroom only - all are renamed as expected (ie wedding photo-1234, wedding photo-1235). The images I edited in both lightroom & photoshop receive the custom name but lose their file name (ie wedding photo-, wedding photo-1, wedding photo-2, etc.) When viewing these PS edited images in lightroom - they do show the file #, it is only after export that the file # is lost..
I wish to maintain the file names for all of the images.
I have a little problem with Adobe Lightroom 4. I just started using the program and it was all workin well. I do a lot of editing through the "develop" section. Anyways, I started to export some of the photos (made them be re named to edit# according to the original number of the photo) and I found that now the "last edited" on my exported pictures said 2014/04/09. Why has the edited time changed?
View 3 Replies View RelatedToday I encountered a weird problem with Lightroom. When I switch from Library to Develop to edit photos, immediately, the photo changes. I get strange blue highlights appearing in an area that is largely black, and red, where there is white.If I do a command Z (on a Mac), it just changes back to Library mode.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhat is the best resolution to export photos for Facebook/Blog/High Res?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have started offering the option to buy high resolution pictures to cd. File Settings, Image Size, Output Sharpening - so many boxes and not sure which to check or leave unchecked A couple of the pictures I cropped to 4x6 but the others are all the original as I shot them.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe usual import menue has the options for importing on the right hand side. My system is now showing an import dialouge box and the import dialouge on the right is greyed out. How do I get back to the standard import screen.
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to change the resolution when exporting a photo to Facebook using either the regular plugin or Jeffrey Friedl's plugin? I can't seem to do it; I only have control over the image dimensions, not the resolution and the dimensions, as you can see in the screen shots below:
I have control over both when I export to my hard drive (or a flash drive, etc.), as you can see below:
I can't find the option to control the resolution when I try to export to Facebook. Before I got Lightroom 4, I would create whole new low-resolution files of images I wanted to post online using Photoshop. The image size settings I would use are a longest edge of 10 inches at 72ppi, and I would like to continue doing this. If I can only set the longest side to 720 pixels (I can't even seem to set the longest edge to an inches value - I can only choose a pixels value) and not change the resolution from 300ppi to 72ppi, then my photos' longest edge will only be less than 3 inches long (right?). Thus, I really want to be able to upload low-resolution photos to Facebook via Lightroom with the ability to change both the resolution and the image dimensions. How to do it without having to export to my hard drive first?
In Lightroom 4, I need to figure out how large a photo can print and still keep good resolution. I .e., I want to print a photo at 20x30" and I need to know ahead of time that it will look good printed at that size.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am opening some 300 dpi photographs, but when I go to the "scale image" dialog box in Gimp, the image resolution is listed by default as 72dpi !!
But the pictures were shot in high-res, and when you look at the file properties or open the image in Photoshop, they all confirm that it is a 300 dpi picture. Only Gimp is presenting it as 72dpi. It happens that the photographs are bw, but the color mode is RGB, not grey scale.
How I can stop Gimp down sampling the images automatically if that's what is happening?
Currently looking at buying either Lightroom 4 or Elements 11 at home - can I change image resolution and merge/join photos along with the standard photo editing - would be using this app for my travel pics, family photos and photobooks?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI use lightroom almost daily, but I'm stumped on this. I am trying to export files to my portable hard drive, but it's not allowing me to choose that. The only options are from My Desktop and My Pictures, Etc. But My comptuer is not showing up?
View 1 Replies View RelatedTrying to export a photo and the screen with options on where to export to does not show but it IS there. I know this because everything on the screen is unclickable, kinda like being froze but it's not. If I hit enter it attempts to "burn to disc" which makes me believe that is just somehow inivisible? I thought I may have a virus when it tried exporting an image to Outlook but after other program tests and running virus protection software without hits i'm thinkin this must be a LR issue, I am currently using 4.1 64bit version.
My process - tried waiting it out with no results as well.
Right click image > Export... > No screen, clicking anything is disabled. > Hit enter and burns to disc
I have tried twice to export a slideshow of 373 photos from LR4, using the 1080P preset. An mp4 file of 3.21 GB is created and it opens in a Quicktime player screen. The player shows 40 minutes of playtime and appears to start, but no images come up on the black screen. The images were created from Nikon raw files, and I am using an iMac running OS X 10.7.5. I am using QuickTime Player 10.1 for playback, but I've also tried QuickTime Player 7 with the same results. What gives?
View 7 Replies View RelatedUsing LR 4.3, I'm exporting a slideshow to PDF. Even though I turned off transitions in LR, the transitions automatically start in Acrobat X in full screen mode. My goal is to present ths slide show with a mouse click, or arrow key, to move to the next slide in full screen mode.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have to manually change the audio setting to capture from the system speakers rather than the mic every time I use it. Its nailed me on more than one occasion, going through hours of lecture and discovering I didn't get the audio.Is there anyway to change it so it defaults to the speakers? Record the speaker output I mean.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have recently installed Lightroom 4. In the develop module, any adjustments will not show in the photo on the screen. The photo frequently will not load onto the screen. If I select crop mode, the photo disappears and the screen turns to gray. If I select before/after, the screen turns to gray. I have read the manual multiple times and have watched the video. I do not see any step that I am omitting or doing incorrectly. Should I uninstall & reinstall the program, or what?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to view the file name of a photo when using full screen mode in Lighroom? I am using version 5.3.
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhen I export a photo to a sRGB file, there is way to much color in the photo. In Lightroom 4.2 the photo looks good, but when I open the exported photo It looks like its to much saturated. When I export the photo as AdobeRGB (1998), strange enough the photo looks for 95% oke.
I'm using a Eizo ColorEdge CG243W monitor in sRGB mode. To ensure that it's not my monitor that's causing the problem, I've watched both photo's (sRGB and aRGB) on a standard monitor on a different computer. The result is the same: to much color in the sRGB file, pretty good colors in the aRGB file.
I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium, 64 bit. My videocard is a MSi Radeon R7850. I'm using Lightroom 4.2 (system info says: [850741]).
I've just bought this system. Before I've used another computer, with the same monitor, were I've tried Lightroom 3.2. I didn't experienced any problems there. Then I also used the monitor in sRGB mode. When I exported to a sRGB file, the photo came out perfect.
I seem to have problems sizing an image and exporting. Before, I always cropped and rotated my photos in PS, but as I more and more use LR, I am finding problems.
When I export, I set my sizes W5400 x H3600 for horizontal and LR4 exports at various sizes, cutting short one size. For example I have just gone through a video and checked the correct boxes and still its fails to provide an image exactly at the sizes I want. My latest exports are horizontal 5400x3594 and a vertical 3597x5400...
If I set it at 3600 x 5400 and vice cersa, those parameters are what I set and what I want, no this a LR fault or am I missing something?
I'm using Adobe Lghtroom v4.0.
Is it possible to export the settings of each photo with the photo itself. Like. I want to save the adjustments (clarity, exposure, higlights etc) I made for each photo in some text file or within photo's metedata maybe. Reason being, later if I want to reproduce the same effect on same or different photo I can do so. (I'm not talkin about copy option where it copies the settings and you can apply to the oher pics.)
When I export a photo from lightroom to photoshop, work on it and click control/s it saves the file back into lightroom, but then I have to save it again to close photoshop or I get a dialog. Why am I having to save twice in a row when nothing has changed the document? Windows 7 photoshop cc lightroom 5.2.2
View 7 Replies View RelatedWhen I try and export a photo in LR4 I get the following message:
"An internal error has ocurred: Win32 API error 2 (“The system cannot find the file specified.”) when calling ShellExecuteExW from AgWorkspace.shellExecute"
Even so, it does export the photo to the right directory.
What does this code mean?
I want to export more than 1 photo at the same time and have the watermark in a different location for each photo. Can this done and if so, how?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI get this error when trying to export fom lightroom 3.6. It happens when exporting to disk or using one of the plugins. What causes it? How can I fix it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to know if there is a way to export a photo with a black frame where on the bottom line some additional information is given (like aperture, shutter speed, ISO, ...)?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm making a blurb book and they say I need a photo at 300 dpi - how do I do that?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAs a photojournalist I upload my pictures to news agencies, using captions and keywords to add information to the files. While captions work fine, the keyword formation of Lightroom puts me in trouble, when I export the files to upload them to the agencies.
I would need the keywords to be separated by commas, like here:
Germany, Berlin, Angela Merkel, Politics
Unfortunately, when I export the images, Lightroom writes them without separation-commas (only puts the keywords in separate lines), like this:
Angela Merkel
Why does my photos decrease in pixels when i export them onto a disk?
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