Lightroom :: Import Menu Has Changed - How To Get Back To Standard Import Screen
Nov 1, 2013
The usual import menue has the options for importing on the right hand side. My system is now showing an import dialouge box and the import dialouge on the right is greyed out. How do I get back to the standard import screen.
I have a standard watermark for all the photos I import. Recently I importred wedding photos, that I want to give a copy to the couple without the watermark. How do I eliminate the watermark short of doing it indivdually? Is there a way to retract the watermark on a folder of photos?
I moved from Windows to Mac. Today I imported a set of photos from my camera to my disk. After rendering all of my photos became B&W (LR4 changed color treatment of my RAW files). It surprised me a lot. I did it again and again. All my photos are B&W. I have to change color treatment in all of them. I would prefer my old importing scheme (photos are color after rendering). I did not use any preset and all oprions were as usual (only changed a name of photos).
I noticed that LR4 changed a few other options: decreased highlights by 100, increased shadow by 100, increased clarity by 50, changed tone curve to strong contrast, increase sharpening to 100, noise reduction to 40, and so on. Increadible! How can I came back to my way of importing?
I have my catalog and photos on my D drive. I notice that sometimes photos that I import also appear on my C drive. All I have been able to learn is that there is an option for backing up imports but I cannot find an option to disable this.
I've been working on my macbook pro for years now exporting files from LR into PS, doing my edits, then saving and having the file automatically import back into LR.
I just upgraded to an iMac and have everything set up, but, now, when I do the EXACT same process, I recieve the error "Could not save as "IMG_1445.tif" because write access was not granted." when trying to save my file in Photoshop.
If it has anything to do with it...I also get an error before exporting from LR: "This version of Lightroom may require the Photoshop Camera Raw Plug-in version 7.4 for full compatibility"
I have signed up for CC. If I import my LR4 catalog into LR5 and 6 months down the line decide to cancel the cloud and go back to LR4, can I import the LR5 catalog back into LR4?
How to change my import presets back to default or none. I changed it on a photo and now my pics are all yellow. How to change. I reset and it still does it.
A folder does not appear in my import menu. It is there on my hard drive and in my Photoshop Elements organizer. I want to import photos from the folder into Lightroom 4. What can I do?
I have importet pictures from mu card. No problem. But I needed the same pictures only with very important metadata, that my collegue made. So I got the pictures from him om a stick. Lightroom refuse to import them. I have tryed to delite the pictures from my card, so that Lightroom don´t think that they are allready there. But I still can´t import the pictures.
Recently bought and installed Lightroom5.2. Worked well, whereas since yesterday its not showing any files in the Import screen. So its getting so difficult to import any of the files from Canon 5D MarkIII or Canon 450D or Desktop folders.
However LR4 is opening all the images or files to import. When I tried it in LR5.2 its not showing any files. Tried all possible means based on the discussions in adobe. Still its not working.
When clicking on Import, instead of the usual tool bar across the top of the screen, as I've seen in many videos, I get a very large bar across the middle of the screen. There probably is a toggel somewhere that allows you toswitche back and forth between the large bar and the normal one at the top. I have been watching a number of videos trying to learn LR but have not come across this issue/option. Currently, I have always moved my photos into a folder on an external drive and then inport to LR. Is that the problem?
I've been using LR3 for over a year - current version 3.6. For no apparent reason, the 'Make second copy' menu item no longer shows in the import panel. Imported files are copied to the location specified the last time the item was available. I've looked in all of panels, but don''t find any way to disable the second copy function, or to manage the second copy function. I'm running MAC 10.6.8.
Is there a way to view exif info of each photo on the LR 4.2 import screen. I'd like to view Exif data before making the decision to import the capture but can't figure out how to do this. Ideally it would appear as a 'tooltip' when hovering over the image in gridview, or, when looking at a single image it using the "I" key should display image info like it does in other modules of LR4. Are there any plugins that could do that?
This issue occured shortly after update to 4.2, but not directly after. I am using windows 8.
The issue that occurs is after importing images they are adjusted automatically to develop module cross process 1. After dealing with this annoyance for a bit of time I realized that I can not even "RESET ALL" the images to delete the adjustment. In delving into other images that have been in my database for quite some time, I have tried to "RESET ALL", which resets images to CROSS PROCESS 1. I have never set import to automatically adjust.
I just upgraded from LR3.6 to 4.0. When trying to import images the import module freezes for a few minutes and then displays the import screen. However, when selecting a source the program freezes again and eventually crashes.
I had the same issue when upgrading to 3.6 some time ago and then found that disabling some USB controllers solved the problem. This works for LR4 as well. As I don't need all USB connections this is a workable solution, however, disabling controllers should not be necessary to run a program.
System is an Acer Aspire 7811 64 bits w/ Intel i7, Win 7 Home Premium, 8 GB internal mem and no external drives.
I'm using LR4 with a Canon camera setup (Wind 7 Ultimate). I've got the auto import setting all configured with an incoming folder and destination. The app recognizes when an image is put in incoming folder and in fact it moves it to the destination folder. What is really annoying is that it leaves me at the import settings dialog and then I have to make all these choices as I would if I were manually importing.
Shouldn't the images be places in the desination folder and some view of that image be displayed in LR? It could be the folder view or ideally I want to see the last image imported at 1:1 size so I can review it and see if I want to take another shot? Maybe there is some flag I've got set incorrectly.
I use Auto Import to import my RAW files. Each time LR imports my files the Previous Import count number increases. Is there a way to reset this count so it shows a true reflection of the photos from my previous import session?
Correct me if I'm wrong but if you manually import files the Previous Import count number resets itself automatically. I've Googled this problem & this question has been asked before - all users were utilising Auto Import.
I'm trying to import photos into LR3.3, and the thumbnails are grayed out, as is the import button. The photos come from two other cameras -- one Canon Elf, the other I'm not sure. I received them through dropbox, and they open fine with Bridge and Photoshop CS4.
Two pictures keep coming up in a Smart Collection I created to see which images' metadata need to be saved after adjustments.
I select the two, save and after a few seconds they populate the Smart Collection again. Clicking the "Metadata needs to be updated"-icon of the selected files also doesn't work.
This is what I see:
I tell LR to save the changes:
And think all is OK:
But in no time I'm back with where I started; the same two images in the collection.
Going to the folder in the library and saving doesn't work either.
What can be wrong with these two pictures? The Metadata list shows all correct info, caption and keywords, just the Metadata Status shows there's a conflict. Choosing "Resolve conflict" gives the same results as all I tried before.
one would think that you could just export the .stm file into hydraflow, make some changes, and import, and all would be fine. when i export, all of the structures in hydraflow come up as drop curb. how can they come in as what they actually are.. aka, when the part i use is a 2x4 box, it should come into hydraflow as a "grate inlet", or a st-mh will come in as a "manhole".
and then likewise, when the changes are made, and its brought back into autocad, they all come in as a "standard" style. except the outfalls, which show as a "standard" style, but come in with a different block, and get a whole new label (outfal - x)
I changed the resolution on a photo to 500 in the export screen. What do I reset it back to for the highest resolution. I changed to 500 to email a photo.
After installing the TWAIN Plugin for CS4 form the CS4 disk into my Applications/Photoshop/Plug-ins/Import-Export folder, it does not appear in the import menu after Photoshop relaunch.
I moved the TWAIN plug in... and still the scanner doesn't show up in the import menu... in fact the import menu option is greyed out and unavailable.
I'm on an iMac running OS/X 10.8.5..I have been struggling with this for 2 weeks now, I even bought a new scanner yesterday and still nothing shows up. if this is a function that Photoshop Elements 12 is no longer capible of doing... if so any photo editing software that CAN do this?
I tried to open the file(.avi) normally - got a white screen. Tried to import as layers - all white. I mean, the layers are there, but they`re all blank.