I'm confused by these two brush tips. I have CS2 and in the Edit / Preferences / Display & Cursors there is the Normal Brush Tip and the Full Size Brush Tip. The Normal shows that the cursor corresponds to about 100%of the area it draws; the Full Size shows that it is bigger than the area it draws.
Two questions:-
1. What is the use for this latter cursor?
2. Why does it say in the User Guide and the Help that the Normal "corresponds to approximately 50% of the area that the tool will affect" and the Full Size "corresponds to nearly 100% of the area that the tool will affect"?
Mighty puzzling, although it has already been acknowledged that the User Guides are poor. Is this an example or am I missing something?
Adobe Elements 11 Editor: The MARQUEE for the brush tips aften disappears! The only solution that I have found is to shut the computer down then start up again. Is there a fix for this problem without shutting everything down?
When in full mode I can drag the image with the hand tool freely. When in normal mode I can't usually do that and the image remains "sticked". But sometimes when after reverting from full mode to normal I can drag the image as in full mode.
Is this a bug caused by my 8600 GT graphic card or it is something else? I would like to be able to drag the image in normal mode like I do in full mode.
I was getting brush lag for a few days after installing CS6. every 4 or so normal brush strokes, the brush would start to lag. And after a few lagging strokes it would go back to normal and then repeat itself.
The first thing I did was delete the work spaces that I never use (I doubt that fixed the problem).
Second thing I did was turn the cache levels to 1 and set image previews to "never save" (found this tip online, didn't fix the lag problem but I still kept those settings anyway).
The third thing (and what I believe fixed the problem) was going to "performance" in Photoshop, clicking on the advanced settings for your graphics processor and turning the drawing mode from advanced to basic.
I never had to do this on cs4 which is why it took a few days of tinkering around to fix the problem.
Using the brush tool in CS3, I find I have no normal mode to choose in the options toolbar. The available blend modes start with "behind" and end with "luminosity," but there is no normal. Shouldn't I find this option here?
A couple of weeks ago, I was doing a Photoshop tutorial that had me change my brush settings to spatter. Now I can't remember where I changed it or find the spot where I can change it back.
My brush and dropper tips had changed when I opened the program today. I'm trying to switch from Precise to Normal. I've tried to change it through Preferences, but it seems that my changes won't save. I have Elements 10 and Windows 8.
I just upgraded to GIMP 2.8.4 for Mac after spending months using an older version. At the bottom of the image window are tips for using whatever tool one is currently using. Unfortunately, these tips are TINY! I can barely see them! Is there any way to increase their size via GIMP preferences?
Note that I am not very knowledgeable when it comes to editing program code so if this is required I will need specific step by step instructions.
EDIT: Additionally, I've noticed that image windows always stay behind the toolbox and layer windows. Is there any way to reverse the ordering? (So that image windows can move in front of the toolbox/layer window?) With multiple image windows open on a small screen I need all the space I can get.
When I work with brush I very often have to move my image verically or horizontally. Therefore I have to find the state where i can use the hand to move my image. This I have done purely using the try & error method. How toswitch between brush and move. Zoom also is a bit problematic for me. I am too stuck to PSE.
My adjustments regardless of the effect I choose suddently are showing up on the photo in red color. What can I do to get the adjustment brush back to normal operation?
How do I get a normal brush or spray function? Now, when I release the mouse button, the lines turn into a fancy balloon image. I know that comes from the Brush Stroke List or the Spraylist File List, but how do I turn those functions off?
The problem I have is I cannot change the brush to pure black; it's only dark gray and normal methods of changing the color aren't working.I went to Brushes, selected one of the Artistic_Ink brushes. (And drew a design)
I tried double clicking on it in the Brushes palette and in the "Art Brush Options" the colorization was already set to Tints. I tried all the other options but the color of the artistic brush is still dark gray; not black.
What else can I do to change the brush to pure black?
Our supplier sent us some wierd size pdfs that are not full size or half size. I am trying to resize them to full size pdfs (Arch D) but am unable to figure this out in Acrobat.
My work-around is to insert them in AutoCAD and scale them based on known dimensions, then print to pdf. Unfortunately the resulting file is collosal and the quality degraded.
I have contacted Adobe about issues with Photoshop brushes recently. My issue is that the brush size is smaller than the circle that represents the brush. In other words, when I hoover over the area that I want to paint or erase with the circle and then click, the painted or erased area is smaller that the circle. It's really frustrating when fine tuning an image, you never know how close you are to what you want to correct. This is only visible when you zoom in quit a bit. I worked with an Adobe tech for over an hour and he could not simulate the problem. Then he finally asked if I was using a retina display, (he was not).
I have a problem whereby my brush does not deliver the full color opacity even at 100%. It only delivers up to 50% (sort of). But I had to stroke twice to get the color that I want. This happens when Transfer option with Opacity Jitter is set to Pen Pressure. Why is this so?
However, Flow Jitter does not seem to have a problem with delivering the full color under Pen Pressure. I'm using a Wacom Intuous 4 Medium tablet.
I'm using a tablet with gimp and I want to be able to set the brush size for the paint brush and also for the eraser, separately. What happens now is that I'll set the paintbrush size to 10px, paint for a little while, turn the pen over to erase and the eraser will now be at 10px. So I'll adjust the eraser size to something like 50px, erase, turn over, and now the paintbrush is at 50px. Grrrrrrr... I tried creating new brushes for both the paintbrush and the eraser, but there's no brush size option. This is my first time using gimp so I'm probably missing something.
for some reason when I change brush size by the pallette or the [ keys I only see the cross hairs with a dot in the middle. I've tried ctrl, alt shift to reinsate all settings but still do not see a visual representation of the brush size.
I've been working with Canon .CR2 files and later Adobe .dng files for years, and could always open them in Photoshop. Now, with PS CC, the files open as small previews (420 x 280 px) instead of the full size. This means I cannot work with my photographs!
I tried to make an image that, when printed, would take up the entire sheet of paper (having removed the margins in the printing properties), but I seem to have failed.
I made the image 8.5 x 11 inches, but when I printed a test at that size it came out too small... is there a % bigger that I need to make the image to fit, or did I go wrong somewhere else?
For some unknown reason when I try to open an image file using PSE9 the image opens at 1% resolution instead of full screen. I have to manually enlarge the file to 100% and then enlarge it's window as well. I've already tried re-installing the software but the problem persists. Using Mac OS10.6.8