Photoshop Elements :: Can't Reach The Option Normal For A Brush
Mar 31, 2013I can't reach the option "normal" for a brush. The list starts with "Darker" and the options above are missing.
View 1 RepliesI can't reach the option "normal" for a brush. The list starts with "Darker" and the options above are missing.
View 1 RepliesMy brush and dropper tips had changed when I opened the program today. I'm trying to switch from Precise to Normal. I've tried to change it through Preferences, but it seems that my changes won't save. I have Elements 10 and Windows 8.
View 4 Replies View Relatedwhy can't get the define brush option for watermark
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I turn my "define brush" option back on?
For some reason it turned off and erased all my previous watermarks tha I had made for my photos.
I need this option back in order for me to continue my work.
I have PSE 11. When working with the Bloat or Pucker tools in the Liquify filter, the Brush Pressure option fades to gray; the only slider I can actually change is the Brush Size. The problem seems to have started about three weeks ago on my old laptop, which was due to be replaced in any case. I've since purchased a new laptop and have done a full install of PSE 11 on it from the original disks - but the problem still persists.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI was getting brush lag for a few days after installing CS6. every 4 or so normal brush strokes, the brush would start to lag. And after a few lagging strokes it would go back to normal and then repeat itself.
The first thing I did was delete the work spaces that I never use (I doubt that fixed the problem).
Second thing I did was turn the cache levels to 1 and set image previews to "never save" (found this tip online, didn't fix the lag problem but I still kept those settings anyway).
The third thing (and what I believe fixed the problem) was going to "performance" in Photoshop, clicking on the advanced settings for your graphics processor and turning the drawing mode from advanced to basic.
I never had to do this on cs4 which is why it took a few days of tinkering around to fix the problem.
How do I get the normal brush presets back. I am in the middle of editing pictures and the brush presets got changed somehow.
View 1 Replies View RelatedUsing the brush tool in CS3, I find I have no normal mode to choose in the options toolbar. The available blend modes start with "behind" and end with "luminosity," but there is no normal. Shouldn't I find this option here?
View 3 Replies View RelatedA couple of weeks ago, I was doing a Photoshop tutorial that had me change my brush settings to spatter. Now I can't remember where I changed it or find the spot where I can change it back.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm confused by these two brush tips. I have CS2 and in the Edit / Preferences / Display & Cursors there is the Normal Brush Tip and the Full Size Brush Tip. The Normal shows that the cursor corresponds to about 100%of the area it draws; the Full Size shows that it is bigger than the area it draws.
Two questions:-
1. What is the use for this latter cursor?
2. Why does it say in the User Guide and the Help that the Normal "corresponds to approximately 50% of the area that the tool will affect" and the Full Size "corresponds to nearly 100% of the area that the tool will affect"?
Mighty puzzling, although it has already been acknowledged that the User Guides are poor. Is this an example or am I missing something?
I inherited a computer at work where the pan function scrolls the drawing left when I move the mouse right. Where is the option to change it back to normal?
View 6 Replies View RelatedAll of my brushes are incredibly small. How do I adjust these back to normal size?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen I work with brush I very often have to move my image verically or horizontally. Therefore I have to find the state where i can use the hand to move my image. This I have done purely using the try & error method. How toswitch between brush and move. Zoom also is a bit problematic for me. I am too stuck to PSE.
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy adjustments regardless of the effect I choose suddently are showing up on the photo in red color. What can I do to get the adjustment brush back to normal operation?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow do I get a normal brush or spray function? Now, when I release the mouse button, the lines turn into a fancy balloon image. I know that comes from the Brush Stroke List or the Spraylist File List, but how do I turn those functions off?
View 6 Replies View RelatedThe problem I have is I cannot change the brush to pure black; it's only dark gray and normal methods of changing the color aren't working.I went to Brushes, selected one of the Artistic_Ink brushes. (And drew a design)
I tried double clicking on it in the Brushes palette and in the "Art Brush Options" the colorization was already set to Tints. I tried all the other options but the color of the artistic brush is still dark gray; not black.
What else can I do to change the brush to pure black?
Where can I find feather option and smooth/refine edges option in Adobe Element 7.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIn CS4 the drag-to-resize brush option should display as red (the brush preview default color) but no color shows up. Nor with the drag-to-set-hardness shortcut either. Both shortcuts work. I cannot see the hardness change on screen but a quick check of the brushes indicates that it did indeed work. Just no color indicator for either shortcut.
Vista 32 Ultimate SP1, Dell M1210 laptop with 4 GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce Go 7400, 320 GB drive.
I saw this cool shortcut for adjusting brush size and feather by holding control option and then dragging left right or up down to adjust the brush but in the video when he clicked and dragged to adjust the brush displayed red while being adjusted and I can't seem to get the red rubylith to display so I can't see the brush feathering when adjusted.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am used to "Option" clicking on a color, while using the Brush tool, to set the foreground color. In CS6, it is updating the background color instead, even though the "Info" panel clearly says "Click to choose new foreground color" when I hold down the Option key. What setting am I missing?
The foreground color is the active color in the color swatches.Manually selecting the Eyedropper tool and option-clicking, updates the foreground color. Simply clicking, updates the background color.
In Elements 10 when you open a picture only the X for close appears on the menu bar. How can you restore the normal menu bar choices the minimize - and full screen double box choices?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm using Elements 11. I imported some photos to my catalog and the program asked if I wanted to import the tags as well. Of course I did and so did the program. However, now when I want to find pictures of a specific person that I tagged in people taggs in elements are separate from the photos in the normal tag with the same name of that person. So I have to review both places to find all of the pictures for that person.
Is there any way to change a normal tag to a "peoples tag" so that I will find all images of that person when I want to find it?
In my opinion it is a little strange that there is now the distinction between two different tag types. If I save the tags to the file via "Save Metadata to Files" then the peoples tags are written in the normal tags section in the files since Windows seems to know only one tag system. So when I import the files again in Elements then naturally the peoples tags are converted to normal tags because it could not distinguish which is which.
Is there a better solution? Can I just combine the normal tags with people tags? It's far too hard to retag all of the photos and the automatic face recognition doesn't work very well in many cases so a lot of work is necessary.
The bottom of the toolbox is out of screen. It is problem when I dock dialogs to it and I cannot achieve the whole dialog.
Attached File(s) toolbox.jpg (56.33K)
Number of downloads: 6
I'm doing a lot of work cleaning old files up, and trying to stay in Content-Aware mode of spot healing brush. Switching back and forth from Lightroom, I usually find the radio button has switched back to "Create Texture" mode, which I do not want. I leave it in Content-Aware, but it switches on its own. Can't find any way to set it to stay where I put it.
View 6 Replies View RelatedHow you can make a picture, taken at home, stunning, as if it is just out of a magazine.
I know I can use color burn, but when I use that it makes it too dark. My friend is wearing a black dress in the picture.
It has to look like as if it is taken by a professional photographer.
I have photoshop elements 10
My patter brush scale options are grayed out. When the same files are opened by other co workers on their pc's the pattern scale options are available. We have tried everything. We have Illustrator CS6
View 6 Replies View RelatedI can use SolidSelection.Item for 3D object's handles and but I can't take 3D object's volumes with SolidSelection.
Then I can put object 's handles(1EE) to a collection. Can I use SolidSelection to keep my 3D volumes values? All sub-structure of my program works with SolidSelection Object.
Volume Codes;
For Each tEnt In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
If TypeOf tEnt Is Acad3DSolid Then
Dim tEntSolid As Acad3DSolid
Set tEntSolid = tEnt
tmpVols1.Add (tEntSolid.Handle & "/" & tEntSolid.Volume)
End If
I can't match with returned result of these codes and SolidSelection.item(i)
For Each tEnt In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
If TypeOf tEnt Is Acad3DSolid Then
Dim tEntSolid As Acad3DSolid
Set tEntSolid = tEnt
tmpVols1.Add (tEntSolid.Handle & "/" & tEntSolid.Volume)
I have the River Analysis tools installed for C3D 2014 and any time I open a drawing, a reach is automatically created in the file. This is really annoying because it puts it down at the coordinates (0,-500) which pretty much makes zoom extents a useless command now.
Is this as designed? If it is as designed, how to turn it off?
When using adjustment brush and Crop tool a bar used to appear under the photo giving me the option of seeing the overlay filter of where i had burned in or dodged. it also appeared for the 'Done' option when cropping. This bar has disspapeared from my screen and i can no longer see how much and what areas i have effected with the adjustment tool. how do i get this option back on my screen? this is lightroom 3.5 by the way
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am creating a shape that looks like a pill a rectangle with two circles on the ends, if you will. But it's all one shape. I want a gradient or blend (what exactly is the differnce?) that has a white middle and dark gray edges. The white goes along the pill horizontally but the dark gray is above and below this white "line" but the rounded edges of the pill shape are the dark gray. I'm using CS6.
View 3 Replies View RelatedDescription of the task: I want to create a tool which is able to visualize the positions of pieces on a game board. At the moment I'm using Photoshop Elements 7. I think the following procedure would be appropriate:
2 layers, the basic layer would show the game board and the images of the pieces would be on the second layer. If I try to do that with Photoshop Elements 7 then each time when I insert an image of a piece a new layer is created. I don't need a layer per figure. Yes, one could reduce a layer afterwards. But it's not so comfortable this way.
In addition the images of the pieces should be movable on the game board. There is the option "free transform" in Photoshop Elements 7 but only one element (one piece) is movable afterwards. All the inserted elements should be movable.
So my question: Is it feasible within Photoshop Elements 7? If not, which version of Photoshop Elements would be adequate or which software do I need?