I have a photo (attached) and wish to do two things with it. I hope a) to emphasise both the earthenware texture of the vase and its wooden background to give the image some contrast and b), to recolour the brown fence in royal blue. I have tried to do this using the eyedropper tool and then Image | Adjustments | Replace colour, but because the vase itself is coloured in a shade of brown I find that in addition to blue replacing brown as the fence colour, it also replaces it as the colour of the vase.
So, I somehow need to 'lift' the vase from the image, then recolour the fence in isolation, and then put the vase back into the photo - but I am not sure how to do that.
I'm kinda new to Xara Photo and graphic Designer 6. I have photos of appliance spares. I need to use only the images of the spare parts for an advert(of which the background will be white) - I dont want the background of the photo.
I try to copy a color with a custom texture to a part. In my data source I use a scale for the image between 0,1 and 1. (10-100%). On my form I have a slider to change the scale between this range.
But in the styles editor it is possible to go to 1000%. Is that also possible in the API?
Query on rigging, more to do on skinning. If my uv is a multi uv layout (0-1, 1-2 and so on) for a model then I am able to get the maximum size of texture for each part of the model.
When I take this to rigging then the model gets a default bind skin properly.However when we try to paint skin weights it starts behaving erratic after some time.I feel this could be due to the multi uv set feature.Is there a solution to work around this?
I have got troubles with textures in the new Inventor 2013. When I try to programmatically change a texture in a render style of a part (no matter, whether I use an existing render style or create a new one), when I set the texture file name, Inventor throws an exception "Bad argument". In Inventor 2012, it worked. How textures should be set in the new Inventor?
PartDocument partDoc = ... some initialization RenderStyle newRenderStyle = partDoc.RenderStyles.Add("newRenderStyle"); newRenderStyle.TextureFilename = newTexFilename; //this throws an exception bad format, even if the texture is in the Inventor textures directory partDoc.ActiveRenderStyle = newRenderStyle;
I am bringing into an old photo which is in fact a scan of a printed photo, an item selected from a recently taken photo and I need it to look as if it belongs to the old photo.
The immediate difference is in the texture, best shown with a photo here. try viewing it also by moving head laft and right ! I can even see a regular pattern of something within the cruder pixels. I could take days to try out various filters, it may be it requires a combination of filters and given the variables involved the chances of hitting upon the right settings and the right filters is remote and it would take days. Is there a way of sampling the recipient photo and then applying the effect it sees to the cleaner looking modern photo ?
I come across this situation all the time when one photo, even a modern digicamera one, taken by someone else, differs from another photo, unless the 'textures' can be made to match, the added in pics stick out like a sore thumb ! A photo with jpg artefacts receiving a cleaner photo is one common occurrence, try geting the cleaner one to look very jpegged, not easy.
I have a picture of a trumpet. I was wondering how you could take the image and blur the background, leaving the trumpet in focus. The "flaring" or putting lighting effects on certain spots of the trumpet, like the valve tops and bottoms.
New to Illustrator and design in general. We are looking to update or re-create our company logo and wondering how to take a photo that i can then use to create a texture. We flame cut and grind steel plate for the tool and die industry, mold shops and machine shops. Our current logo can be seen at [URL] ... was created by a company no longer involved with us.
Anyway I would like to take some photos of steel plate and use it to create textures for the new logo similar to the current one. I took a few with a digital camera and then sent them to a logo design firm, which we may or may not use and when they applied the texture to some of the logos it is out of scale and way to large. examples can be seen at [URL] .... you will notice some design use gradient silver instead of my image I sent and I have been told that the powers that be want a texture taken from one of our ground plates.
So now i have thought about trying to create a logo or at least a number of "B" designs that ahve a properly scaled texture that I can use as a basis and submit to the design firm.
If I have two vector shapes on top of one another, when I drag over both to select a few nodes from the top one, it selects both (this is now a 'feature'). I don't want this.
I know if I want to select only the top one now that I have to isolate the shape first, but this is terribly inneficient for the way I've been editing vector shapes for years now.
Is there any way to turn off multiple layer path selection and having to isolate anything? While the new feature can be nice at times, it's mostly more of a hinderence than a way out.
How can one remove a raised texture pattern from a scan of the original photo?
Have several wedding photos scanned into PS Elements that were printed by the pro, photography studio on a raised pattern paper. How to remove the honey comb type pattern so that the picture canbe printed flat on glossy color photo paper?
I want to create a a texture for a 3D model of a human head - I don't have the original template but I do have these examples which I can use as a template. [URL]
I think for the moment I'll skip the mouth and ears and eyes aren't so hard to sort. What I can't find however, is any information on how I would go about making the face, hair and neck. What seems easiest for a cack-handed individual such as myself is to use a photo (flat-lit, straight-on, neutral expression, unobscured) of someone's face and then deform it and use some clone-like tools to fill in any gaps.
Obviously I'll need to match the coordinates of particular points on the face and keep large sections entirely unmodified. Then I'll need to do some sort of cloning or smudging to extrapolate bits of the head I don't have.
Well, is it even possible to work from a photo (or couple of photos).
How to make the tire tread texture in the photo link below ? I need a square texture of this type of tire tread to use in a 3D modeling program. I need to map the texture to the mesh of a 3D tire.
I have a 30 minute project and I want to render a particular 4 min section on its own from my edit timeline. Is there anyway I can do this without rendering the whole 30 minutes, chopping it, rerendering!
I am in the process of setting up Civil 3D styles for survey and trying to overcome some challenges that are a great source of frusteration. The key items I am trying to accomplish are as follows:
Be able to isolate all points on a layer (sorted individually by descriptor key matching to V-NODE-XXXX) WITHOUT the use of point groups. I see point groups as a very inefficient way to do this. I want to be able to select Layiso, grab one point and have full display of all points on that node layer and start connecting the dots.Be able to control node layer display individually (ie. all topo points gray, found points green, control pink, etc)Setup a quick toggle to turn off display of all points and basic markers except those which have a symbol assigned to them and should be shown on the map.
I have everything working the way I want with the exception of being able to use layiso to display all points on a layer. Currently my point label styles are set to layer 0 byblock which passes display to the point object. I have created a layer called V-NODE-HIDE that I set as the layer for non-symbol markers and all point labels. Point markers that are symbols that should be displayed on a map are put on their associated V-TOPO-XXX-SYMB layer. When finished mapping I want to be able to type "PH" (Point Hide) and hide all point labels and basic markers by freezing V-NODE-HIDE. The issue is that because point objects, labels and markers are on different layers, when I isolate a single point, everything disappears.
Is there a lisp routine that will extract all layers from sub-components of a Civil 3D object and add those layers to the isolate? This would solve my issue and give me all of the functionality I am looking for. I have seen several discussions along this line on the forums, but not a solution that fits my needs. I am open for pretty much any suggestion other than I need to have a point group created for every single descriptor I have and have to move groups up and down the hierarchy to get the display I need. It is just too inefficient.
For my 3D scene, I have to use a texture file on the floor. If I use the only file, than it looks really boring and below par. What I want is, I want to generate some (around 6-8) texture files within the original texture file - so the colors of all the texture files remain same but only the texture varies.Likewise there are more than 500 texture files and I just can't do them manually. Is there any way out to do this in Photoshop?
I use Photoshop Cs3 and know a little about it. I have a photo I scanned in at 600 ppi and I want to select part of it - blow that up to an output of at least 8" wide.
I do not have Illustrator - I use a Mac and am currently working on a project with Mac's program ipages.
I have a photo in RAW format, shot with a flash where the photo is properly exposed except for the face on the subject. It is badly overexposed. Any tips on correcting exposure in just that area? I think I understand the general steps - mask and correct, but would like any tips since this is the first time I'm doing such a thing. Usually, exposure correction for me involved the entire photo.
i want to create one photo in 3 parts for a verical visual effect on a wall. using 3 separarate 8x10 frames, placed slightly apart to create the one image.example: a waterfall in 3 parts, spaced accordingly on a wall.any ideas? i tried the rectanglular marquee to select and print part of the image,but the "print selected area" box is grayed out.
Is it possible to layer part of one photo into another photo ? And, when "layering that part of the photo, is it possible to layer it into a "selected" part of the receiving photo ?
I've imported a photo of a striped shirt into PSE 6. I want to put some text on top of the shirt. Unfortunately, the stripes on the shirt make it difficult to read the text.
So I though if faded the stripes a little--where the text will be--that will fix this problem.
So I need to know how to fade just that one section of the photo where the text will be. I don't want to fade it entirely--just enough so that the text is readable. That is, I want the stripes to still be somewhat visible. How much I fade them will be up to me.