Photoshop :: How To Create 16 Color Effect When Saving GIF Animation
Nov 19, 2011
How do I create an 16 color effect, when saving my gif animation (save for web and devices) it has an option to lower the number of colors from 256. I normally use the 8 or 16 colors as it gives a great effect to .gif images.
what you get is a Gothic type washed out effect, when you lower the number of colors, when saving a .gif . The overall aim is to have a .gif that starts at 16 colors and at the end turns into 256 colors. How can I achieve this effect.
I need to save my CS6 animation as an MPEG, but the only options i have are DPX, QT and H.264. Do I need to bring it into another program ? When i try to open the .mov in Imovie, the SHARE buttons are grayed out.
Is it possible to create an interface that has two different animations on it?
The problem is one of them works on a three frame loop. The other I thought I would create a continuous scrolling effect like you find on those Matrix Effect animation tutorials.
However, I don't know anything about animation and I don't know the limits of ImageReady.
I need to add lens flare to all frames at once - but it needs to be applied to the flattened image. I don't want to have to flatten, click lens flare for each of the 70 frames separately.
Here is the gif and photos illustrating what happens if I select frame one - unflattened and flattened. The spinning globe of course is the animation that is inserted into the surrounding jpeg:
I am trying to make a zooming effect in an animation and can't seem to figure out an easy way. Essentially, I would like a layer (.jpg or text) to start off small and then get larger as it gets "closer", essentially me zooming in on it. Is there a relatively easy way to do this in animation in Photoshop CS5?
In CS6, when I apply folder effects in a file on my laptop and then transfer them to my tower (computer that is, I am not a prince and do not have an actual castle with a tower) then all of the effects I have applied to a folder do NOT show up when I open the document.
The folder effects DO save on each computer, example: if I save a file and open it up the next day on the same computer it opens and displays as expected.
If I transfer the file either from my tower to my laptop or laptop to my tower the effects are completely erases from a folder (not from a layer)
I am using a USB flash drive to transfer the files. You can imagine how frustrating it is to open a file and have to go through your folders to apply all of the correct effects again.
I have been having a persistent problem with a project I am working on. The project is a 3d animation, the objects in which were made in Maya 2011. When I started animating things in 2012 it was all working fine, but then one day it stopped saving my edits on some files.
On these uneditable files the objects cannot be deleted, saying they are parented. If I move something, save, then reopen the object will be in its original position.
New files, all done the same way with 2012 on the same computers are editing fine, but I still need to adjust some things in these old ones. Is there a way I can unlock these scenes so I can edit them? It would be lovely if I didn't have to do those frames all over again.
When I save, no error messages come up. However loading the files gives the log quite a bit to say.
But why is it that I can only seem to save an animation in Inventor Studio (2014) as a .wmv (or Windows Media File)? Shouldn't I have the options for saving it as other types such as an .avi or the like?
I could have sworn I was able to in past releases. I should be able to save it as such, so where oh where is the setting that is dictating this?
Note: This animation is a cross section, not a shaded, realistic type with lighting and camera details to worry about.
im making an animation with gimp and then i saved it. but now i want to add more layers and paste these images on buuutt when i paste the colors are all faded and weird, does this have something to do with like indexed images or something?
I've seen many architectural videos and theres an effect i would like to reproduce. I want to make an animation where the construction is build by steps. It appears by parts as the movie runs.
And example of what im talking about can be found here : [URL] ....
I am guessing maybe they are using some type of mask or something like that.
We're having issues saving and importing skin weights, and mirroring these weights on our character meshes because our characters have some geometry that has been combined into their mesh (like eyebrows, fake spikey hair, eyelashes, etc)
Maya seems to take the UV's for all the combined meshes and stack layer them into the 0-1 space in the UV editor. When we save skin weights for the main mesh, the weighting maps are all messed up and useless for importing because they are based on UV's that are supposed to be clean and dedicated only to the main mesh.
how to save weights and mirror weights for meshes like ours?
I'm working on a project where I need to duplicate all animated sequences for both a male and female character. I currently have two biped rigged characters. I animate one, save the .bip animation file and then load into the other. I check the boxes for "Load max Objects" as I have some objects (like a glass of water) set as an IK pivot object. It loads those into the new scene along with the new pose, but the pose goes wrong, thought just with the arms (which are incidentally the only parts that have a seperate object as an IK pivot object.)
Here's a screenshot to show what I mean:
This incorrect animation happens whether the .bip animation file I save is loaded into the other character or loaded into the same character in it's original T-pose.
i am building a bowling alley for a university assignment and have 10 pins being knocked over by a ball, with a wall behind them. then animation works and they are all get knocked over, but the pins go through the wall and i want them to bounce back of it, and keep them inside the scene environment i have created..
I've painstakingly oriented all the joints in my human ik skeleton and then saved the file out as a backup. When I reload the file and go to component mode to view the joint orientations they are all messed up again. I've gone through this process twice with the same results.
Since upgrading the AI CC (17.0.0), when applying an outer glow effect to objects, the effect sometimes expands its appearance involuntarily after saving and closing the file. The outcome is similar to selecting "expand appearance" from the Object menu.
When the saved file is reopened, the outer glow effect has become is its own object, grouped with the original shape. You can no longer adjust the effect in the Appearance panel.
The basic premise is that I've built a grid of 100x100 tiles and aim constrained them to a locator. Now I'm wondering if I could somehow attach an "area of effect" to the locator so that only the closest tiles aim at the locator and the rest lay unchanged?
I can see make frames from layers, but with a many layered psd file of which I only have 5 frames I want to see how they animate, how do I tell the animate palette to make frames from just the selected layers ?
Surely this has to be an option, there are always going to be layers during an artwork build that are options or earlier efforts etc that you may wish to revisit, to have the entire lot dumped into animate is a pain. Its not obvious which they are when in there, layer names don't appear.
I have made a film and seperated it into frames. I was wondering whether there was a automated process in photoshop to help me create a similar effect to the image above.
when I save an image for the Web, I notice a significant difference in the color of the saved image and the one I originally designed in Photoshop.
The saved image seems faded, washed out, while the one I made in Photoshop looks crisp, clean, and very colorful.
I have spent a great deal of time fiddling with the tools and setting in the Save for Web dialogue box, but I can't seem to overcome this problem.
I would appreciate any suggestions or advice anyone has. Have you experienced this problem and figured out how to solve it?
NOTE: I wanted to add that I just recently installed a new scanner, and it was only after installing the scanner that I started to get the following warning message whenever I open Photoshop:
The monitor profile "" appears to be defective. Please rerun your monitor calibration software.
I thought I should mention this, because the Adobe website recommends that I reset my monitor calibration using an application called Adobe Gamma. Anyone know where I can get this Adobe Gamma program?
Also, I have never had to set my monitor calibration settings.
I want to create a repeating, pixel art GIF animation. The basic idea is nyan cat swapped for a spaceship, in my usual video resolution. Now I made all the assets, and I thought I can use the star animation as a sub animation, so I can tell it to appear in random heights, move from right to left and start at a random frame, so I made a GIF just for that. But I fail to see any sort of controls that let me do what I was planned.