Photoshop :: How To Access Perfect Photo Suite And NIK CEP And SEP In New CC
Nov 25, 2013Just updated to Ps CC from Ps 6 where I successfully used Perfect Photo Suite and NIK CEP and SEP. I cannot access them in CC.
View 1 RepliesJust updated to Ps CC from Ps 6 where I successfully used Perfect Photo Suite and NIK CEP and SEP. I cannot access them in CC.
View 1 RepliesEncountered problems with using OnOne Perfect Photo Suite within CS4 and 5? The main issue being, if Perfect Portrait is launched and there are 2 or more faces in the image, Perfect Portrait crashes, when launched as a standalone program there is no such problem.I have done all the usual stuff, updated graphics drivers, updated Windows allocated 80% plus RAM to Photoshop, but to no avail.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI had been using Photoshop Elements 10 with Perfect Photo Suite 7.5 as a plug-in. Last week I updated to Perfect Photo Suite 8 and it worked fine as a plug-in with PE 10. Yesterday I updated to Photoshop Elements 12 and Perfect Photo Suite is not showing up as a plug-in. How do I get Perfect Photo Suite to plug-in PE 12?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWith a window saying the trial period for this product is expired. I made sure that pps is closed, it's still doing it. I threw pps in the garbage, emptied it, still doing it. I had PS for many years, always doubled clicked CR2 on the desktop, I now drag them.
View 5 Replies View RelatedAfter editing in perfect photo I cannot unstack the edited photo in LR4. The thumbnail shows the number of photos in the stack, but right click/expand stack has no effect. The edited photo is not showing.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a Monaco EZ color Optix color calibration system. The unit has a sensor that is used to calibrate your monitor and comes with a 4x6 color print that (with the help of the users scanner) can be used to calibrate your inkjet printer.
I've used this system for a year and it works quite well. Lately, I've been using Sams club photo center for my prints. The prints are a close match to my screen, but not perfect.
To get perfect prints, I have done the following (kluge) which works, but is very time consuming. I'm looking for the correct way to "Calibrate the Sams club photo printer".
I pretend Sams club photo center is a printer. I had them make a 8x10 photo of the Monaco printer calibration file. I then followed the printer calibration proceedure as if the Sams club photo center were my printer. This results in an ICC profile for the Sams club photo center.
Now in Photoshop, I print my images using this ICC profile to the "Adobe distiller printer" that I have, which makes a .pdf file, with the corrected print in it. I then "extract" a .jpg or .tif file from the .pdf file, and send the resulting file to Sams for printing.
As I said above, this works but is very combersum. Is there a way to do this directly in Photoshop. All I am doing is applying an ICC profile to the RGB of an existing file to create a new file.
When I upload my profile photo to Facebook created in cs6, then it looks very cheap in quality.
View 2 Replies View Relatedwant to cut out a perfect circle in photopaint. it is a picture with a perfectly circular object so I want to overlay the circle tool and cut out the circle and save the circle on a page with the gray and white square background. I cannot get the circle positioned or sized properly because once the cursor is let go you are stuck with what you have. I typed in "circle" in the help and nothing even comes up for circles.
I can make a perfect circle and position it in draw but that is not useful.
Does Perfect Mask 5.2 works as a plugin in PhotoPaint X6?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs this possible? Basically, I have a few hundred photos (in RAW format) that I wish to mask then cut/paste on top on another layer in Draw; however, they are all circular and all would be the same size give or take a few hundreds of an inch. This is not a very easy thing to do by eye with the circle mask tool in PhotoPaint.
Perhaps there is another way to do without, masking from PhotoPaint, but I can't think of it.
I just installed cdr x5 on a tablet pc (asus slate B121) and I like it very much. But I begin to get frustrated by the Poliline tool.
Since this tool needs you to double click to end a curve I always get curves with added nodes to the ends (it's impossible to do a double-click with a pen without moving the pen between the two clicks.
The only workaround that I found is to move away the pen from the screen far enough so that you can press the space bar to end the curve without extra nodes. But this is really extra gymnastic for your arm... and quite annoying while you try to get the job done in few minutes.
So, is there a way to use the poliline tool without "putting down" the "unclicked" node while pressing the spacebar? Something similar to the freehand tool, but with the ability to draw curve-straight lines consecutively.
I will attach a cdr picture. Nothing wrong with it, until I save it as svgz. I don't get an exact copy of the original. Things are moved. When I save it in version x5, I can save it as a perfect copy to svgz. What is the problem with x6?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHow do you create a perfect divided portions of two circle like the dial of a clock, it use to be so easy in previous version now in X6
View 5 Replies View RelatedAfter finally running out of space on my computer I've shifted my photo library onto an external hard drive. I did this outside of lightroom as I did not expect there to be too many complications
There is a general folder named "Photos" and within are the sub folders for the photos. I did a simple drag and drop from my computer to the hard drive and expected Lightroom to simple show the new directory in the folder panel.
What would be the simplest way to re-access the files since moving them to the new hard drive?
how do i make lines crisp when i blow up an image??
View 8 Replies View RelatedI've downloaded PSE 10 and I can't access my photo catalogs from album starter 3.0
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can I access my Epson Perfection 2400 Photo scanner after upgrading from PS CS4 to CS6? There is no Photoshop File/Export/Epson scanner listed anymore. I downloaded a TWAIN plug-in and loaded it in the PS Plug-in folder.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I access photos in Adobe Photo Deluxe, v 1 on my Mac OS 10.6.8? I have Elements 6 and 11 and iPhoto.
View 23 Replies View RelatedI recently switched from Windows Vista to and iMac and I'm trying to edit photos in Photoshop CS6 and it won't let me make changes or edits to the photos stating that it can't allow me "write access" to save the changes? Where is the lock up? Is it in the external hard drive settings? In the camera? In the files themselves?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have had a couple of catalogs that were accessible under "open recent" under the "file" tab. Suddenly those other than lightroom 3 catalog have disappeared. They arrived after passing 9,999 photos. Is there somewhere elser I should look?
View 1 Replies View RelatedCorel X4 and all other versions before, Autocad & 3DS Max, create nifty graphic in Corel, export as image (jpeg 90% of time), Hit render in Acad & 3ds, tweek graphic in Corel - export again, hit render again, over and over and over until result is satifactory.
Corel X5, same process UNTIL I render once in Acad or 3ds, then try to export same jpeg from Corel then bam, "Cannot access file because it is being used by another process", this has to be a joke, right ? I have to shut down Acad AND OR 3ds then export out of Corel, then launch and reopen Acad & or 3ds file.
This is what I do at work all day long, I currently have reinstalled Corel X4 just so I can continue to work.The exported file is not being edited or used at the time I export form Corel, Coreldraw THINKS it is being used. The file is only being used during the time it takes to be rendered, I have been doing this for years and have never got a file locked message before.
Things I have tried to remedy this.
1. Look at the security properties of the actual exported image file, everything is set to full control for everyone & I dont see anything about file locking.
2. Scanned the "options" & "customization" section in Coreldraw, I cannot see anything that would control a setting like this.
3. Unchecked all options in jpeg export dialogue except anti-alias, I knew this had nothing to do with it but you leave nothing left to chance.
I cannot think of any program that a typical user may have on their Windows machine to test this out, I know when you open an image in an editor like MS Paint, you of course cannot overwrite the image file from another program, that is what Coreldraw X5 believes is the situation, but it is not.
export a jpeg from Corel X5, click on the jpeg and it will open in Windows Photo Viewer, keep it open in the viewer then change the graphic in Corel, export it again to the same file name, it will ask if you want to overwrite it, say yes, it WILL NOT say that the file is in use, export it, then close the Windows viewer, open the same file in the viewer, it has not changed from the original export, THAT is crazy beyond words, I have never seen a process on a computer being completed with no error message while the process was never actually done, that goes beyond the current intelligence of computers, and I believe this is the crux of the problem.
I just upgraded to X5 and now suddenly I am having difficulty printing to my dell 3110cn laser printer. I get the error, "Unable to access printer driver. Try removing and reinstalling this printer driver". If I click OK I get the error a couple of more times followed by "Internal application error." Then Corel Draw crashes. My PC is running Windows 7 64 bit.
I have tried re-installing the printer driver with the latest from dell and uninstalling and re-installing corel draw, but nothing has worked. I am about ready to go back to X4.
The tool now appears to be greyed out , have done file repair each time , but only lasts a few goes then goes back to greyed out state.
It is impossible to get anywork done because of this bug.
As an emerbgency have had to go back to X5.
Also serial number does not work in Website Creator X6 ... more bugs.
I cannot access the options button on the tools menu. It pops up error message that says Required resource unavailable. Then the program locks up and I have to restart the computer.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to access the edit original (edit with) option to edit a photo that has not been edited yet. I right click and go through the edit menu and does not appear or is not available? Would I have to reopen it manual in photoshop or is there a way around this to access that setting? it sometimes does not appear on my already edited photos.
I would prefer not to open each photo again, as some files i do not have and were imported into the document with another computer.
I am working on a PC with Raw files from a Canon 1ds Mk3 (60 meg files) and the PC is struggling at times with the files and layers I use.
What is the ultimate PC, is it 64 bit
How much RAM can Photoshop use if it is increased to 4 gig via 64 bit.
What processor, graphics etc etc
Just loaded 2013. Of course right away I get an error. "Internet access is required to access the Help" Well as you can see I have internet access.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to make an oblong shape, then a work path and then stroke.
I select the elliptical marquee tool, hold down shift and form the circle, seems easy ..... i go to the paths tab, make work path and the stroke path and you would think it should be a perfect circle. Its not !!
Its as if the circle is hand-drawn in three places, really strange, it just veers in and back out again from the line it should be taking .... it is realy strange.
I closed PS down and double clicked the icon and held down shift, CTRL and ALt and choose to remove the history, and tried this again ... but still the same?
I am trying to create a good quality transparent image to be used on different background colours. However, for each matte colour I use, the logo appears jaggerdy on different backgrounds. Is there a way to make it perfect on every background?
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow can I add a perfect suntan to people, to look like they have a perfect suntan?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to do a perfect curve shape example with a button or something else. When I do a curve or something who have a curve it dosen't look perfect at all. The curve in the round are like zig-zag.
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