Photoshop :: Gif Transparency Perfect For Every Bg Colour?
Dec 29, 2007
I am trying to create a good quality transparent image to be used on different background colours. However, for each matte colour I use, the logo appears jaggerdy on different backgrounds. Is there a way to make it perfect on every background?
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Jul 12, 2004
i've got a question: how do you replace a colour(in a gradient situation) with transparency, so the gradient portion containing that colour becomes semi-transparent with the other colour(refer to the attached jpeg)?
I know that if it's direct gradient tool you can just change the gradient settings, but i'm thinking something like replacing the blue sky so the clouds remains there with gradual semitransparent edges.
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Nov 2, 2013
Using Revit LT 2014, I'm trying to make the colours used for a room colour scheme transparent. Is there a way of doing this?
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Sep 27, 2013
How to add color to transparency background?
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Jun 18, 2013
Whenever I create a new colour in the colour swatches it only stays there for a couple of actions while working on a project. I understand from others that once they create a colour it stays there. Why can't I get that to happen?
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May 21, 2013
I am using CS6 and the Replace Colour Tool no longer allows me to replace multiple colours when I select the + . So when I have the panel open and I highlight the +, I used to then be able to click on several spots in my image and all of the colours that are in those spots are added to the selected colours that will be changed by using the sliders.
But now, when I use the + it has exactly the same effect as not using it - I can only choose one colour or an other, I can't add.....I want to reset this to the original way that this works.
Currently I have to open the panel, change one variation of a colour, save it, then re-open the panel and do it again (and again and again) until all the colour variations I am trying to remove are are changed. I know I also have the 'fuzziness' slider, but it does not give enough control.
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Aug 19, 2013
I am designing a T Shirt for my ski club.I have taken an image from a banner (made in illustrator, full colour image attached) and I want to devide into a 3 colour image for the t shirt (I am only allowed 3 colours for printing).The colours I want to use are black, white and purple. The colour of the t shirt is a light blue.I want to then put the purple logo on top of the white and black too.So I'm after a black and white grunge background with a punchy purple logo on the top.All of this should be on a tranparent or, for design purposes, light bue (same as T Shirt colour) background.
how to split a full colour image into using only 3 (4 including transparent/light blue background) exact colours.
If I were going to black and white I might convert to grey scale and then paint areas to fully white or fully black using an overlay brush I don't think this works for me for more than just black and white though.
I have attached two of my attempts where I used the colour range selection and level adjustments. Niether was really successful though (one does not use the right colours or number of colours but looks quite cool).
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Jun 5, 2008
I am working on a PC with Raw files from a Canon 1ds Mk3 (60 meg files) and the PC is struggling at times with the files and layers I use.
What is the ultimate PC, is it 64 bit
How much RAM can Photoshop use if it is increased to 4 gig via 64 bit.
What processor, graphics etc etc
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Aug 10, 2013
I will like to find out the colour code for the background colour on a particular web address. Unfortunately I am new here so not allowed to post links so will say this as creatively as possible. the address is theregentlagos (with the usual prefix beginning with w and suffix beginning with c for all websites). I am referring to the colour where the menu items like logo, home, brands etc are on.
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Feb 25, 2004
I've been asked to convert an image to 2 colour for printing. I have the image as a full colour CMYK layout (with layers), but the whole thing needs to be converted to 2 colour. I have the pantone reference numbers for the 2 colours it is to be converted to. I am familiar with the hue/saturation tool, but this just seems to convert it to one colour, and you have no fine control over the exact colour you want.
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Feb 16, 2006
I am trying to make an oblong shape, then a work path and then stroke.
I select the elliptical marquee tool, hold down shift and form the circle, seems easy ..... i go to the paths tab, make work path and the stroke path and you would think it should be a perfect circle. Its not !!
Its as if the circle is hand-drawn in three places, really strange, it just veers in and back out again from the line it should be taking .... it is realy strange.
I closed PS down and double clicked the icon and held down shift, CTRL and ALt and choose to remove the history, and tried this again ... but still the same?
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Sep 10, 2006
I have two pictures.
I would like the two pictures to blend in the middle from left to right.
The picture on the left will be sharpe on the left side but fade/transparent by the time it reaches the middle.
The picture on the right will be sharpe on the right side but fade/transparent in the middle.
I would think I need a gradient transparency (you always have to use a color)
I see pictures like this all the time, but can not seem to find the correct feature or combinations of features.
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Jan 7, 2007
how can I add a perfect suntan to people, to look like they have a perfect suntan?
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Aug 15, 2005
I want to do a perfect curve shape example with a button or something else. When I do a curve or something who have a curve it dosen't look perfect at all. The curve in the round are like zig-zag.
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Jun 27, 2006
I'm usually a big fan of the Polygonal Lasso Tool when it comes to creating shapes but of course you cant make a perfectly curved line using it.
How do I draw perfectly smooth curves in PS 7.0?
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Nov 16, 2004
I have to make a pixel-perfect drawing of some squares and stuff, but dont know how to.
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Jul 22, 2012
Images edited w. Photoshop CS5 (v. 12.03) on a Mac running OS 10.6.8 print perfectly on my Epson Stylus Pro 3880. But the same files printed from a newer Mac running OS 10.7.4 and Photoshop CS5 (v12.1) print too light. Exact same printer settings in PS being used, same printer driver version (reinstalled to make sure not a bad driver), using the same .icc paper profile (also reinstalled), and using same batch of paper printed at same time.
Epson confirms driver is compatible. Everything else on the new system with PS works great. Gallery show in three weeks.
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Nov 23, 2012
So I have 2 alpha channels. When I try to make a new selection intersecting those 2 alpha channels, there is always about 1 px that is not selected...
In the image the black pixels are the new selection, and red pixels are one of the alpha channels. No matter what I do, I can't make the new selection completely "fill the red pixels".
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Nov 25, 2013
Just updated to Ps CC from Ps 6 where I successfully used Perfect Photo Suite and NIK CEP and SEP. I cannot access them in CC.
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Nov 12, 2012
1. I need to create coloring pages that contain the same thickness lines throughout the entire image and was hoping to do this in Photoshop. Use graphic tablet for this. From my research there is no mention of enabling the same thickness line but rather it appears to be very sensitive to pressure applied and that the lines tend to thicken and thicken according to hand pressure. Can you clarify if my task can indeed be accomplished with the use of a graphic tablet?
2. If so, what will need to be set up for this to happen?
3. Also, I will need to trace a hand-drawn image via the use of the tablet as well. There was mention of some tablets containing a lift up transparent surface for enabling slipping a paper beneath. Is this a usefull and necessary feature for my application?
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Mar 7, 2012
Encountered problems with using OnOne Perfect Photo Suite within CS4 and 5? The main issue being, if Perfect Portrait is launched and there are 2 or more faces in the image, Perfect Portrait crashes, when launched as a standalone program there is no such problem.I have done all the usual stuff, updated graphics drivers, updated Windows allocated 80% plus RAM to Photoshop, but to no avail.
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Jul 13, 2013
how to create this effect ? Turn raw picture from camera to perfect looking ?
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Mar 1, 2008
I'm not quite a novice; I know how to handle photoshop decently, and can do basic work competently. I have an idea of what some but not all of the advanced stuff does, and got handy with automation from an earlier project. My brushwork still sucks, and I'm not very good at making shapes from scratch. Now, what I need help with isn't paid work; I volunteered for light projects, hoping it would expose some of my weaknesses, and force me to work on them. It worked; I'm confronting one of them now.
Here's my problem. I'm making a seal of approval, a kind of tongue-in-cheek project, for a guy who wants it for a forum where he makes mods for a computer game. Since he's a man who tinkers with the guts of the game, I wanted the outer edge of the circle to be blocks, instead of a blue-ribbon frill, so that it imitates the blue-ribbon look, but presents the image of a gear instead. How do I make a repetitive pattern on the outer rim of a circle, and make it pixel-perfect? There has to be a better way than using the info tab to position squares pixel-by-pixel, and rotating them to match the outer edge of the circle. I've been exploring features, and I can't seem to find anything suitable.
I could use a source image to get the shape for a gear, and use that to form a selection to fill, but I want to try and do this from scratch if it's at all possible. I could also put a block in the exact center, make seven copies, and rotate them in increments of 45 degrees, and hold shift as I move them to approximate positions that look close enough to perfect as makes no nevermind, but eight teeth on a gear that fills the entire image is not much; it might work, but I think there's a better way, and I don't think it'd look all that good.
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Jul 1, 2003
how to create perfect curved lines:
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Mar 19, 2014
I have used the photoshop elements 11 for over a year now, and it works great. I have used the add glow settings in perfect portrait many many times. It always gave a bright and glowy image, but a few months ago that changed. I have never changed any of the settings, but one day when I used it it turned out all dark and grainy. The settings are the same, diffuse glow, so I don't understand why the sudden change? I have tried everything, but I can't get it back to normal.
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Oct 25, 2012
What do I need to do to save the images in its perfect shape especially perfect circle? In Photoshop its shape was perfect but after saving the images in image format its shape become horrible..?
I already tried different image format but the image loses its right shape.
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Dec 12, 2012
I have been using PS for many years. Recently I switched from CS5 to using the Creative Cloud and CS6. I am now having a problem when I use the eyedropper to sample a color for specific pixels. The problem seems to be that the eyedropper is off/shifted by a half pixel. After playing with it, I have discovered that the shift is up and to the left one half pixel. For example, if I have a single black pixel surrounded by white, zoomed all the way, and I hover over the top left corner of the pixel, I will get the RGB black info displayed and the sampling ring is black as well. If I continue to move upward or to the left, now in the white space, the sampling ring changes to white, but the RGB info still shows black (0,0,0). Moving the eyedropper below or to the right of the center of the black pixel, still shows the sampling ring as black, but the RGB info is white (255,255,255). Here are my specs and steps I have performed so far:
System: HP 8540W, 16GB RAM
Video: Nvidia Quadro FX 880M, 1GB RAM
OS: Windows 7, 64bit running at 1920 x 1080 Res
Software: Photoshop CS6 from Creative Cloud
-I have disabled 'Use Graphics Processor' and that - no difference
-I have reset the photoshop settings file (SHIFT + CTRL + ALT) - no difference
-I have created a clean Windows user profile and launched PS fresh - no difference
-I have tried both 64bit and 32bit PS - no difference
-I have restored a previous image that I had just a couple a months ago with same video drivers but with PS CS5 installed and the problem does not occur.
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Apr 18, 2012
I have Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 (64-bit). I'm trying form a text box where the words form a perfect square (allowing for different words to be different sizes). How would I do this? It's a concept that is a little hard to explain.
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Oct 2, 2013
I've been a long time PaintShop Pro user, but rarely use plugins. I believe I've used some Photoshop plugins on an earlier version, but I can't get onOne's Perfect Resize to work. Here's the instructions for their PS plugin:
What's the analogy to those instructions in PSP? "Batch Process" seems the most likely candidate for "Automate", but there's no Perfect Resize options there.
I understand that X6 will load 8LI plugins, is that correct? How about Panels? I've both pointed PSP to the Perfect Resize directory, as well as copied the plugins into PSP's default plugin directory. No joy in either case. Both programs are x86 & x64 and neither makes a difference.
Are there any logs that may indicate whether the plugin is being loaded, or errors if it's not?
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Sep 3, 2005
I have a Monaco EZ color Optix color calibration system. The unit has a sensor that is used to calibrate your monitor and comes with a 4x6 color print that (with the help of the users scanner) can be used to calibrate your inkjet printer.
I've used this system for a year and it works quite well. Lately, I've been using Sams club photo center for my prints. The prints are a close match to my screen, but not perfect.
To get perfect prints, I have done the following (kluge) which works, but is very time consuming. I'm looking for the correct way to "Calibrate the Sams club photo printer".
I pretend Sams club photo center is a printer. I had them make a 8x10 photo of the Monaco printer calibration file. I then followed the printer calibration proceedure as if the Sams club photo center were my printer. This results in an ICC profile for the Sams club photo center.
Now in Photoshop, I print my images using this ICC profile to the "Adobe distiller printer" that I have, which makes a .pdf file, with the corrected print in it. I then "extract" a .jpg or .tif file from the .pdf file, and send the resulting file to Sams for printing.
As I said above, this works but is very combersum. Is there a way to do this directly in Photoshop. All I am doing is applying an ICC profile to the RGB of an existing file to create a new file.
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Jan 19, 2006
I'm using PS CS, and have been designing some web graphics. Got them looking good, and loaded them into Fireworks to slice up, and the colour and contract now look faded. It's the same in Imageready and Corelpaint too. Back in PS, the image looks perfect. What's going on that I don't know about?
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