Photoshop :: Eyedropper Info No Longer Pixel Perfect

Dec 12, 2012

I have been using PS for many years.  Recently I switched from CS5 to using the Creative Cloud and CS6.  I am now having a problem when I use the eyedropper to sample a color for specific pixels.  The problem seems to be that the eyedropper is off/shifted  by a half pixel.  After playing with it, I have discovered that the shift is up and to the left one half pixel.  For example, if I have a single black pixel surrounded by white, zoomed all the way, and I hover over the top left corner of the pixel, I will get the RGB black info displayed and the sampling ring is black as well.  If I continue to move upward or to the left, now in the white space, the sampling ring changes to white, but the RGB info still shows black (0,0,0).  Moving the eyedropper below or to the right of the center of the black pixel, still shows the sampling ring as black, but the RGB info is white (255,255,255).  Here are my specs and steps I have performed so far:
System: HP 8540W, 16GB RAM
Video: Nvidia Quadro FX 880M, 1GB RAM
OS: Windows 7, 64bit running at 1920 x 1080 Res
 Software: Photoshop CS6 from Creative Cloud
-I have disabled 'Use Graphics Processor' and that - no difference
-I have reset the photoshop settings file (SHIFT + CTRL + ALT) - no difference
-I have created a clean Windows user profile and launched PS fresh - no difference
-I have tried both 64bit and 32bit PS - no difference
-I have restored a previous image that I had just a couple a months ago with same video drivers but with PS CS5 installed and the problem does not occur.

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Photoshop :: How To Draw Pixel-perfect

Nov 16, 2004

I have to make a pixel-perfect drawing of some squares and stuff, but dont know how to.

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Photoshop :: Pixel Perfect Repeating Borders

Mar 1, 2008

I'm not quite a novice; I know how to handle photoshop decently, and can do basic work competently. I have an idea of what some but not all of the advanced stuff does, and got handy with automation from an earlier project. My brushwork still sucks, and I'm not very good at making shapes from scratch. Now, what I need help with isn't paid work; I volunteered for light projects, hoping it would expose some of my weaknesses, and force me to work on them. It worked; I'm confronting one of them now.

Here's my problem. I'm making a seal of approval, a kind of tongue-in-cheek project, for a guy who wants it for a forum where he makes mods for a computer game. Since he's a man who tinkers with the guts of the game, I wanted the outer edge of the circle to be blocks, instead of a blue-ribbon frill, so that it imitates the blue-ribbon look, but presents the image of a gear instead. How do I make a repetitive pattern on the outer rim of a circle, and make it pixel-perfect? There has to be a better way than using the info tab to position squares pixel-by-pixel, and rotating them to match the outer edge of the circle. I've been exploring features, and I can't seem to find anything suitable.

I could use a source image to get the shape for a gear, and use that to form a selection to fill, but I want to try and do this from scratch if it's at all possible. I could also put a block in the exact center, make seven copies, and rotate them in increments of 45 degrees, and hold shift as I move them to approximate positions that look close enough to perfect as makes no nevermind, but eight teeth on a gear that fills the entire image is not much; it might work, but I think there's a better way, and I don't think it'd look all that good.

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Illustrator :: Snap To Pixel Grid Is Not Perfect?

May 18, 2010

making things snap to the pixel grid and in return destroying the ability to align things and rendering the pathfinder tools useless
Try this: New Document for Web (with Align New Objects to Pixel Grid on)Draw a perfect rectangleDraw a perfect ellipseUsing Align to Selection, try aligning the rectangle and the ellipse to their top-left cornerZoom in as far as possible, note that the paths are NOT aligned. Even try manually aligning the two paths by their X and Y co-ordinates, and you will see they snap back 0.5px Repeat the above steps with  Align New Objects to Pixel Grid off, and see how things use to actually align...
While I do understand you have done this to try to create pixel-perfect graphics, there has to be another way.. Back in CS4, I had a work-around for the pixel-perfect problem. It involved applying a graphic style with a transform properties of -0.5, -0.5 to individual paths or groups. The reason this worked was that it did not affect the actual co-ordinates of the path and allowed me to snap my paths to whatever I wanted..

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Photoshop :: Trick To Paste Pixel-perfect Vector Image From Illustrator As Smart Object

Aug 23, 2012

Is there a trick to pasting a pixel-perfect vector image from Illustrator into Photoshop as a smart object, and not introduce a bunch of anti-aliasing that was not in the original file? My images are perfectly aligned with the pixel grid in Illustrator, and the pixel preview shows them correctly.
This page is useful for dealing with vector shape layers, but the techniques he talks about don't work for smart objects. Strangely, he says he doesn't have a problem with smart objects, but I do.
Here is an example of what I'm talking about: a simple 13x13 pixel image in Illustrator turns to crap in Photoshop when pasted as a smart object (I know an image as simple as this could be pasted as a shape layer, but the real images I'm working with are much more complex, and cannot be pasted as simple shape layers).
I'm using Photoshop CS4.

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Illustrator :: Pixel Perfect Stroked Rounded Corners In CS6

Oct 26, 2012

I cannot attain pixel perfect stroked rounded corners without a stray pixel being shown on one of the corners.  I need pixel accuracy for UI I'm developing (i.e. for screen, not for print).Here's what I'm doing:

1) New document, Align New Objects To Pixel Grid.  Document units are in pixels, and Preferences>Units all are set to pixels.
2) Create grey rectangle, something like 100x32
3) Set a 1px black stroke, outside
4) Apply Rounded Corners, 6px radius
5) Make sure you're in Pixel Preview Mode
6) Notice the one stray pixel in the bottom corner that is out of place at the edge of the round.
Here is a screenshot that shows my tests.  Note if I use Center Stroke, it seems to work at first glance, but then applying other effects (e.g. 3 px inner glow) are incorrectly applied (due to pixel snapping of the centered stroke).

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Photoshop :: Displaying Both Pixel And Inch Dimension In Info Panel

Mar 26, 2012

Constantly switching the Info Panel from displaying inches to pixels and vice versa?
How to avoid having to do this? I either want to see one or the other, sometimes being able to see both simultaneously would be nice. While dragging out Rectangular Marquees, doing Transforms, etc.

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Photoshop :: How To Get Pixel Precision - Pencil Tool - Info Palette

Feb 13, 2008

I just got a copy of CS2 and, I have questions.

I dont do any freehand work and always require pixel precision, also I work with small resolutions <600px at 72dpi/16bit.

How the heck do I kill anti-aliasing, when i set the brush to 1px I only want 1px!?

I have 272x480, 72dpi/16bit image and 2px from the edges I want a 4px border.
(path, drop shadow, inner glow, bev & emb, color overlay, stroke) then I want to bisect it in a number of locations. The problem is I cant do perfect pixle placement and get ugly overlapping. Last program I used I would select path and throw in x,y in all the locations I would want, then select the corner and bevel it to whatever I want. Using the rounded rect tool is nothing but a headache.

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Illustrator :: Ruler And Info Panel Give Different Pixel Dimensions

May 26, 2012

The pixel dimensions in Illustrator CS5's Info panel are wrong.I have a web layout in Illustrator that I'm transposing into Adobe Muse, using Save for Web and Devices.
I want to use the X and Y coordinates and the dimensions of the objects in Illustrator to place them correctly in Muse, so that all the elements scale to the right size.
The Illustrator artboard is 960 pixels wide and the layout fits the artboard. Similarly, the site width in Muse is 960px wide.The measuring units are in pixels in Illustrator, but something very strange is going the Info panel, a grouped object - a logo - is described as 16383 pixels wide and 211px high.
It's simply not possible, not least because the logo is taller than it is wide. But when I measure it with the ruler tool, it tells me that the logo is 136px high and 122px wide.
The problem only applies to this grouped object and it's not because it's grouped with some other thing that is 16383 pixels wide - the bounding box fits precisely round the logo when it is selected.

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Photoshop Elements :: Crop Picture Pixel Dimensions Become 6 Bytes Width And Height 1 Pixel Each

Apr 11, 2013

When I crop a picture Pixel Demensions become 6 bytes Width and Height 1 pixel each. I can no longer see the picture.  How can I fix this?

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Photoshop :: Scaling Two Objects To Match Exactly Pixel To Pixel

Apr 22, 2013

I have two art objects on two layers. I want to match to the pixel the two objects that otherwise could be exactly the same but one layered object was imported slightly smaller.

The scale tool has good scale handling, I just want to measure the tool spots to the pixel to gain an exact scale size factor and match sizes.

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Photoshop :: Changing Somthing's Color Pixel By Pixel

May 12, 2007

It blows my mind that somthing this simple isnt all that simple. I used the eyedropper tool to slect a color from another photo, then used the brush while fully magnified to change the color of each pixel.

It was coming out a weird greyish color, and I noticed that if I clicked more than once, it got darker, but so did the pixels directly around the one i was editing. So, i copied both pictures, loaded them into paint, and went to town.

It worked, but then when i copied it back into photoshop, it had a black background (there was no background in the original pictures) around the sprite I was editing. I tried to use the magic wand tool to get rid of it, but it took parts of the sprite with it, so...

Is there any way that I can edit the color of a single pixel (or hell, even a group of pixels if they share the same exact color would be nice...preferred, even) accurately? If not, what program could I use that would keep the transparent background?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Getting RGB / CMYK Color Values Of A Bitmap Pixel By Pixel?

Feb 19, 2012

Via VBA macro, some way of getting RGB/CMYK color values of a bitmap pixel by pixel?

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GIMP :: How To Make Clean Image Without Deleting Pixel By Pixel

Mar 13, 2011

I managed to remove the background, of an image,(A whit background) and put the image on top of a transparent layer. made a transparent image. When I place this image over a light color background, it looks fine, but when I place it over a dark color background, the edge of the image looks very rough and dirty, I think it's because some of the anti alias from the original image, how can I make it a clean image without going to delete pixel by pixel?

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GIMP :: How Channel Mix Works Exactly For Transforming Pixel By Pixel In Java

Jul 26, 2012

We are developing an application using functionality of Gimp´s channel mixer with java.

Our problem is that we don’t Know how channel mix works exactly for transforming pixel by pixel in Java.

For example,

We have an image an do on it the next mix:

Output Channel = Red

For simulate that, we transform all pixels with Red Component *2 and 255 (maximum) if is greater.

Our problem is:

Output Channel = Red

How can I simulate that?

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Photoshop :: Canvas Pixel Size Doesn't Match Grid Pixel Size

Dec 6, 2012

I'm using Photoshop CS5 and as you can see on the picture below, when I set my grid line to every 1 px, grid doesn't match canvas pixel size.

Now I'm not able to draw sharp shapes using pen tool because even if I hold shift key everything gets blurry. 

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Photoshop :: The Perfect PC

Jun 5, 2008

I am working on a PC with Raw files from a Canon 1ds Mk3 (60 meg files) and the PC is struggling at times with the files and layers I use.

What is the ultimate PC, is it 64 bit

How much RAM can Photoshop use if it is increased to 4 gig via 64 bit.

What processor, graphics etc etc

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Photoshop :: Perfect Circle

Feb 16, 2006

I am trying to make an oblong shape, then a work path and then stroke.

I select the elliptical marquee tool, hold down shift and form the circle, seems easy ..... i go to the paths tab, make work path and the stroke path and you would think it should be a perfect circle. Its not !!

Its as if the circle is hand-drawn in three places, really strange, it just veers in and back out again from the line it should be taking .... it is realy strange.

I closed PS down and double clicked the icon and held down shift, CTRL and ALt and choose to remove the history, and tried this again ... but still the same?

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Photoshop :: Eyedropper Tip

Aug 24, 2005

I did know this one, so here it is:

When you are using brush tool and need to match the color pres ALT and brush become an Eyedropper Tool.

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Photoshop :: Eyedropper

Dec 18, 2007

I'm in the IT department of a smallish company where a few people use Photoshop. A user is complaining that previously when using the eyedropper tool, she was able to click once and it would populate the foreground color and once to populate the background color. She says that she never had to hold down Alt or use X to swap the foreground and background.

Is this user just confused or is there some sort of setting that would allow one click with the eyedropper tool to populate foreground, then one click to populate the background?

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Photoshop :: Gif Transparency Perfect For Every Bg Colour?

Dec 29, 2007

I am trying to create a good quality transparent image to be used on different background colours. However, for each matte colour I use, the logo appears jaggerdy on different backgrounds. Is there a way to make it perfect on every background?

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Photoshop :: Add A Perfect Suntan To People

Jan 7, 2007

how can I add a perfect suntan to people, to look like they have a perfect suntan?

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Photoshop :: Perfect Curve In A Shape

Aug 15, 2005

I want to do a perfect curve shape example with a button or something else. When I do a curve or something who have a curve it dosen't look perfect at all. The curve in the round are like zig-zag.

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Photoshop :: Drawing Perfect Curves

Jun 27, 2006

I'm usually a big fan of the Polygonal Lasso Tool when it comes to creating shapes but of course you cant make a perfectly curved line using it.

How do I draw perfectly smooth curves in PS 7.0?

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Photoshop :: Eyedropper Tool In CS5 - OS X 10.7.3

May 22, 2012

My eyedropper tool has suddenly gone awry. Selecting the eyedropper (or alt clicking the open window while on another tool) makes the colour selected the background colour and not the foreground as it always has done. Whereas and alt-click with the eyedropper selected makes the colour the foreground one.
Not a huge problem but one that's getting increasingly annoying as I try to work and keep painting the wrong colour.
Using OSX 10.7.3 and CS5.

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Photoshop :: Using Eyedropper With Curves

Oct 17, 2013

When using Curves to increase contrast for an image, I see that some people will use the eyedropper to define an anchor point on the Curve to manipulate, and others just seem to drag on a spot on the curve without first using the eyedropper.
1. Is there a reason to not use the eyedropper, and instead just drag a point on the curve?

2. Won't using the eyedropper always be more accurate than just eyeballing a spot on the curve to drag?

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Photoshop :: How To Get Rid Of Big Circle When Using Eyedropper In CS5

Jul 31, 2012

It's very annoying coming from CS3, which doesn't do that. I can't figure how to stop it. It's probably simple.

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Photoshop :: Eyedropper Acting Up!

Oct 24, 2005

press i or select the eye dropper tool, the colour you pick becomes the foreground colour. You can also press alt to select the colour for the background. However somehow this action has been reversed and now i have to press alt to select the foreground colour.

Really annoying as it slows down my workflow when painting. Anyone have any ideas how to fix this, there doesn't seem to be anything in the prefs dealing with this. Also reinstalled ps a week ago which fixed it, but has now happened again!

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Photoshop :: Eyedropper Tool

Jun 24, 2004

when I got to use the eyedropper tool it does not work..

instead of eyedropping the color it will select white.

I am using a single layer image in RGB mode..

This happens quite frequently.

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Photoshop :: CS5 Prints Too Light Using New Mac / Perfect From Older Mac?

Jul 22, 2012

Images edited w. Photoshop CS5 (v. 12.03) on a Mac running OS 10.6.8 print perfectly on my Epson Stylus Pro 3880. But the same files printed from a newer Mac running OS 10.7.4 and Photoshop CS5 (v12.1) print too light. Exact same printer settings in PS being used, same printer driver version (reinstalled to make sure not a bad driver), using the same .icc paper profile (also reinstalled), and using same batch of paper printed at same time.
Epson confirms driver is compatible. Everything else on the new system with PS works great. Gallery show in three weeks.

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Photoshop :: How To Make Perfect Intersection Of Selections

Nov 23, 2012

So I have 2 alpha channels. When I try to make a new selection intersecting those 2 alpha channels, there is always about 1 px that is not selected...
In the image the black pixels are the new selection, and red pixels are one of the alpha channels. No matter what I do, I can't make the new selection completely "fill the red pixels".

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