CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Cannot Access Option Button On Tools Menu
Sep 17, 2011
I cannot access the options button on the tools menu. It pops up error message that says Required resource unavailable. Then the program locks up and I have to restart the computer.
how to make a simple tshirt design and want to work along with video but I have everything except the advanced tools option at the top tool bar I have just loaded X6 am I missing this or is this something that doesn't come with?
What to try on my computer to counter the frequent and destructive X5 shut downs that are happening. I've read about this problem in other threads, so I know it's not just me or my system.X5 shuts down many, many times every day. I don't think I've been able to work for 15 minutes straight yet without it crashing.
I am running a fast dual-core Intel, XP Pro SP3, 2 GB RAM, ATI Sapphire/Radeon 1GB card, oodles of hard drive space. I can run the hottest, most demanding games no problem. I run hundreds of other apps with no problem. I had no similar problem with X4 on this machine. I have no similar problem with other Corel apps, either.
X5 crashes still happen after I close down as many memory-resident apps as I can. I can't strip it down much further.I usually have a few (3-4) dockers open, one or two palettes, and my files include several bitmaps which may include transparencies or colour masks. I have about 650 fonts installed.
X5 shuts down on me many times during every work session. Sometimes when I am changing fonts, sometimes when editing bitmaps, sometimes when importing bitmaps, sometimes when applying a transparency. Bang - just shuts down. I can have Corelpaint open editing a bitmap and CD closes underneath it. I can open window to import a file and CD closes as I search the thumbnails. It closes when I click the change page tab.
Doesn't seem to be any specific act or function that closes it - it just shuts down. Gone. No warning. I lose everything since the previous save. Half the time the working file is corrupted, too, so I can't even restore it. I have to keep numerous versions on disk and use save-as with every save to keep just one alive.
I notice that the option to set memory usage has gone from the global options menu. Maybe it's bad memory management and we need that option back? I'd be happy to assign a higher percentage of RAM to X5.
Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. It is very frustrating and I'd like to know why they sometimes don't work.
I have a rectangle with a smaller rectangle over it, I want to punch a hole in the bottom rectangle with the top one. I select both, click on "Trim" and it doesn't knock it out. If you look at it in wireframe, you can see the shape I wanted to punch out, but that bottom rectangle is still solid. "Back minus Front" doesn't work either.
I use a rectangle as the example, but things I'm trying to punch out are text converted to curves, imported logos, etc.
Sometimes, very few, the Trim works. Is there a certain reason why it doesn't work most of the time? Something to do with the curve of the shape(s) that I'm trying to punch out?
Corel X4 and all other versions before, Autocad & 3DS Max, create nifty graphic in Corel, export as image (jpeg 90% of time), Hit render in Acad & 3ds, tweek graphic in Corel - export again, hit render again, over and over and over until result is satifactory.
Corel X5, same process UNTIL I render once in Acad or 3ds, then try to export same jpeg from Corel then bam, "Cannot access file because it is being used by another process", this has to be a joke, right ? I have to shut down Acad AND OR 3ds then export out of Corel, then launch and reopen Acad & or 3ds file.
This is what I do at work all day long, I currently have reinstalled Corel X4 just so I can continue to work.The exported file is not being edited or used at the time I export form Corel, Coreldraw THINKS it is being used. The file is only being used during the time it takes to be rendered, I have been doing this for years and have never got a file locked message before.
Things I have tried to remedy this.
1. Look at the security properties of the actual exported image file, everything is set to full control for everyone & I dont see anything about file locking.
2. Scanned the "options" & "customization" section in Coreldraw, I cannot see anything that would control a setting like this.
3. Unchecked all options in jpeg export dialogue except anti-alias, I knew this had nothing to do with it but you leave nothing left to chance.
I cannot think of any program that a typical user may have on their Windows machine to test this out, I know when you open an image in an editor like MS Paint, you of course cannot overwrite the image file from another program, that is what Coreldraw X5 believes is the situation, but it is not.
export a jpeg from Corel X5, click on the jpeg and it will open in Windows Photo Viewer, keep it open in the viewer then change the graphic in Corel, export it again to the same file name, it will ask if you want to overwrite it, say yes, it WILL NOT say that the file is in use, export it, then close the Windows viewer, open the same file in the viewer, it has not changed from the original export, THAT is crazy beyond words, I have never seen a process on a computer being completed with no error message while the process was never actually done, that goes beyond the current intelligence of computers, and I believe this is the crux of the problem.
I am using photoshop CS6 extended. I cannot access the alternative gradient tools and am wondering if the plug-in failed to download or if I have somehow disabled them in the preferences.
I just upgraded to X5 and now suddenly I am having difficulty printing to my dell 3110cn laser printer. I get the error, "Unable to access printer driver. Try removing and reinstalling this printer driver". If I click OK I get the error a couple of more times followed by "Internal application error." Then Corel Draw crashes. My PC is running Windows 7 64 bit.
I have tried re-installing the printer driver with the latest from dell and uninstalling and re-installing corel draw, but nothing has worked. I am about ready to go back to X4.
I'm a long time Corel user trying out Coreldraw suite 6. I'm having a problem making some shape tools work on text (they work fine on other objects). If, for example, I write a piece of text and then select it, followed by the smear shape tool, most of the time the text is deselected and the tool does nothing. However, the Shape, Smudge and Roughen brushes work OK. I've tried using different fonts and text attribute to no avail. I've tried L&R clicking, holding the button down and double (and multiple) clicking slowly and quickly. But no deal. It's not a mouse or pad problem, it's the same on both.
BUT...guess what, every now and then it decides to work! Sometimes it will work on a piece of text and later won't work on it again.
I have about 8 squiggles that are quite wide. I use the transparency tool in radial or conical mode... the center position matters, but it seems like essentially the same transparent effect stays regardless of the distance of the radius laid down by the tool. the little slider bar seems to do something, but I'm trying to get the transparency to go out more... but the radius doesn't change the transparency effect.
This seems like a bug. Why wouldn't the distance from the center to the edge matter?... the distance matters when it's working in linear transparency mode.
And in the 157 page Macro PDF (really, did it need to be this long? How about an easy-command sheet), it says you can use the key command Ctrl+Shift+R to start recording... Well, that brings up the ruler.
I use Macros a lot in Excel (I record the commands that I want, then tweak in the editor), so I get how they are supposed to work - but I'm no programmer, and without the ability to record, I'm completely handcuffed. This really shouldn't be 1% as difficult as it has been
I select an object, then I select the Relative to object button:in the Property Bar, the X and Y aren't in 0.0 ".I have to deselect and reselect again the object and after that X and Y are ok.Same thing if I deactivate the Relative to object button:the X and Y show me 0.0 ".I have to deselect and reselect again the object and after that X and Y show me the real page's coordinate.
When I select a PowerClip, I understand that a mini button bar should appear somewhere, which would allow me to do a number of things with the said clip. I don't see any floating 4-button mini bar?
I was able to re-size the content by going to the top menu ... but this mini- 4-button bar that apparently should appear whenever I hover over a PowerClip object is doesn't show up anywhere.
im using coreldraw x5 since last year but recently when ive tried to open uniform fill tool (***+f11) the separate window isnt showing up. is as if it is invisible because i would have to press esc to continue back to my work. the only pop up window that does work is fountain fill (f11) the rest such as option (ctrl+j) doesnt pop up
Is there a way that coreldraw x5 by default saves as to an older version e.g. 12, 13,. [ so we don't have to specially go to the save as dialog box] automatically just like there's an option in AutoCAD?
I have seen a reference to the auto close gaps button on the toolbar of CorelDraw.I need something like that, because whatever I do I cannot fill my lineart with the smartfill tool, even though I have closed all the gaps, as far as i can tell.
I am wondering if there is a problem with my Coreldraw X5 Software.I am using it on an iMac with Parallels.
Is it possible to assign a "grab" command to the button on the Wacom Intous 4 pen?
At the moment in Painter 12 and Artrage, if I hold down the button closest to the tip on the pen, then press the pen to the pad and drag, it will grab the canvas and allow me to move it around the screen. I cannot figure out how to set this up in Corel Draw X5
btw, its specifically Draw, not Photo Paint that I want to set this up in
I have multiple files open in Corel every day, and then, at the end of the day I have to run to get my lift (never at the same time!) and I would love a way to save all my files with just a click of a button.
I know Dreamweaver had this function - not sure if it still has, but I would love for Corel to have this so I don't have to scroll through all my open files and save them! If the file is not named it can pop up the save as box as usual and leave it open till the next day.
I have to save before I go, as we have very unreliable power and the UPS systems are not reliable either.
While using print merge option Corel Draw X5 give me an error when I try to import an existing csv or txt file on the print merge dialog box. It says "Impossible to open the file or not correct file format". The files are made with open office or microsoft works, and in the past I've already used and worked good. Now I find this error...
The eye-dropper tool, has now a little bug with the Attributes option since the update.When I use the tool to apply all the attributes I've given to text it only reproduces the font type...nothing more...The line, character and word spacing remain unchanged.
Now, the Attributes Eye-Dropper tool becomes useless. Seems as though something went quite wrong in the programming office.
My dropdowns of menu bar not looking same as default. There should be a line after Revert, Send to, Collect for output in File menu and same with other menus but I am not able to see that default line. That is not effecting me any way but eyes are set on default view which I like it.
A .cmx file produced by CorelDRAW x5 can be opened / imported / edited in any previous version of CorelDRAW? Why size changes? When I export to .cmx size doubles. If I use the option "Save as ... cmx" the file size decreases. What´s the difference? URL.....
I use the clone stamp and the brush tool regularly. Each of these tools provides a Mode: dropdown list to select from in their menu bar.
The drop down options I use most frequently are Lighten and Darken. I would like to create short cuts to Lighten and Darken, such as Ctrl+Shift+L (Lighten) and Ctrl+Shift+D (Darken).
The tools panel menu bar does not appear to have a selection list in the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box.
I have just run CC Cleaner and Glary Utilities , which we have been running for years , and every time it removes the Edit Bitmap link menu, in other words it greys out.
How can you edit the bitmap in Photoshop ? And get it the edit Bitmap menu functioning ?
For some reason my text option list will only show one font option at a time (in CorelDRAW 11), but when I use X4 it shows the 5 last ones. Where in the 'Options' section can I correct that to show the longer listing?