Photoshop Elements :: Images Cannot Be Analyzed Because Of Potential Errors
Feb 10, 2013
I have been using Auto-Analyzer for many years [close to 16,000] mostly with images taken with the Nikon D80 DX Format JPEG's. I recently started using the Nikon D800 FX Format JPEG's and the Auto-Analyzer just skips all the FX Images and I get an error message that these images cannot be analyzed because of potential errors. They all have thumbnails and can be edited - I would just like to use this feature to detect blur and advise on light/dark issues.
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Jul 26, 2013
Trying to apply the oil paint filter to a 45" x 30", 300dpi, 16-bit image I an error dialog that says: "The filter you were using encountered an unknown graphics processor error that caused an unexpected exit. Check the manufacturer's website for the latest software."
The menus all become gray and the software freezes so I can't quit, but Force Quit does not show "not responding".
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Sep 10, 2012
Why do I get memory errors with slide show? Photo Elements 10
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Jul 22, 2012
I am trying to combine graphics with source code in java that is why I started using 3ds max. I created 2 dices that fall on a floor(I want to create a board game which uses dices in order for players to move).I now want to do the following:
1)Improve the dices scene in order to fall in random ways each time so that every time the result is random
2)Is there any way to "connect" the dice result with my potential program in java? That is, can the program detect what the dices showed and transfer that result into the game(move the player).Of course the implementation of the source code would be very easy given that the results of the dices are known, but I want to know if there is any way to get these from the above animated creation.
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Aug 27, 2011
How do I put templates on an online website for viewing by potential clients.
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Mar 15, 2013
Ok just took the leap to Windows 8 and when reviewing the Reliabity Report in Windows PSE11 is showing up as stopped working, and it is causing some performance issues. it is because I dont have Quick Time installed. Installed Quick Time still have the problem.
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Oct 31, 2013
I am attempting to combine several images into a collage of reduced-sized images that can be expanded when clicked on
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Sep 1, 2013
Why can I import images from my scanner in Adobe Elements 11 in the organizer but not in the photo editor? I have Windows 8 64 bit.
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Nov 4, 2013
I installed cs6 on my brand new Mac laptop yesterday. When I was done, I got a page that said I had over 400 errors during the install.Should I uninstall it and try installing it again?
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Aug 1, 2012
2008 MacBoo Pro with the NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT 512 MB graphics card tried running Photoshop CS6 under Mac OS X 10.7.4?
On my MacBook Pro, PS CS6 launches; however, any action results in an out of memory error. The CS6 versions of After Effects, Premiere Pro and Illustrator all launch and run as expected under 10.7.4.
If I switch to my Mac OS X 10.6.8 startup volume, Photoshop CS6 runs as expected. I have support cases open with Adobe, NVidia and Apple. Adobe thinks I need to update the display drivers. NVidia says display drivers must be provided by Apple. Apple says that the display drivers are current. The Apple support agent said that he can escalate the case if the issue can be reproduced on more than one computer.
I'd love to keep my MacBook Pro running another year or so without having to reboot in 10.6.8 every time I need to use Photoshop. I'd stay with 10.6.8, but of course iCloud requires 10.7.4. I have not tried Mac OS X 10.8 yet, but it's on my troubleshooting list.
Also, PS CS6 runs fine under Mac OS X 10.7.4 on my 2010 iMac.
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Sep 7, 2012
I am installing CS6 Design Standard on a MacbookPro 8 mgs ram, system meets all requirements. Yesterday Adobe Tech Support and I were on phone 3 1/2 hours trying to remedy the problem. NO GOOD. Still the same issue.
I get error messages and also when I get into the program it also states that the extension files are missing etc..But the install failed and Minibridge didnt install at all, and does not show up or work at all.
PS open and appears to work some but it states it failed to install and gives me the following error messages;
0 fatal / 4 error / 0 warning
Payload {4FFA830C0-007A-4DB3-955C-B5EEE73BEDAF} Adobe Switchboard 2.0 2.0 0.0.0 ---------
Error: DF013: Failed to delete plist path at / Library/Launchdaemons/com.adobe.switchboard.plist{seq 20}
Error: DW063: ARKCmdFS.dylib:failed for command serviceinstall - error: 7 {Seq20}
Error DW050: The following errors were found during install:
Error DW050Â -Â Adobe Switchboard 2.0: Install Failed
Error: DW050 - Adobe Mini Bridge CS6: Install Failed
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Sep 23, 2013
I downloaded Photoshop CC the other day, and it worked fine. Today when I try and open Photoshop I am getting a multitude of errors about ‘FastCore Routines Module’, ‘MMXCore Routines module’, ‘Multiprocessor Support module’, and then that it could not ‘initialise Photoshop the internal file signature is incorrect’.
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Jun 21, 2008
When saving images as PSDS in photoshop CS3( using save as )and giving them a label, the image fails to save in a recognisable file. This file is then impossible to open. What I have found is if I type in any old letters eg yyy the photo is saved correctly, and I can then rename it with what I had intended.Any ideas as to why this is happening?
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Apr 2, 2007
Here is my latest attempt at an out of bounds image.. I don't understand why the lines of the photo are jagged... I did this rather quick but I am a little confused about the jagged lines... which by frustration left me leaving the image as is. Any ideas as to why this happened? I had made a rectangle and did a fill and deleted the inner part.. then when I transformed it I made sure to hold the shift key to keep it correct..
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Feb 10, 2009
whenever I try and install (In Vista 64bit) CS4 I get the error:
Adobe Photoshop CS4 English Language Pack
Error 2.
Adobe Photoshop CS4 English Language Pack_x64
Error 2.
LangPack (English) for DeviceCentral
Error 2.
Does anyone out there know what causes the above errors with CS4 installation? Does anyone know the solution, a Google search provides some clues but none that seem logically worked out.
The only real solution I could find was one telling me to do some things with the public folder, I tried that and the did a clean reinstall and no dice.
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Sep 29, 2012
I can't install camera raw. I've seen the same problems on the forum already, but unanswered. I get errors: "This is not the right kind of document" "Camera Raw editing is not enabled" I have creative design suite CS4, also bridge cs6. Ive tried uninstalling reinstalling photoshop. When i try both the camera raw 6_4 and 6_5 camera raw update they say "Update failed". When i try to install the Camera Raw 5.2, it gives me an error "Error opening file for writing:
C:ProgramDataAdobeCameraRawCameraProfilesAdobeStandard(all camera types).dcp Click Abort to stop the installation, Retry to try again, Ignore to skip this file
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Nov 16, 2012
I have a serious problem with Photoshop cs6 during the drawing with a large number of forms (about 30 ...).Appear in drawing the colored squares, lines and other defects, randomly placed in the drawing.If I save the image, close and reopen itthe drawing is ok.
My system is:
Mac Pro
Mac OS X 10.7.5
Intel Xeon quad-core "Nehalem" a 2,8 GHz
12 GB (3 x 4 GB)
HD Serial ATA da 1 TB a 3 Gb/s e 7200 giri/min
ATI Radeon HD 5870 1 GB
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Jun 26, 2013
i installed Photoshop cc on a Trail to check if it runs well on my pc, when i opend/or made any image on the main area were you edit the Graphics go mental at places were collor changes... even if you open a new image and use the gradient tool,its not gone be on the final image or anything its just in that window..
so i fought maybe theres something wrong with my AMD ATI HD7950 Graphic's card thats pretty new, but after reinstalling all of the drivers and software for it its still there, just went through the troubleshoot page.. (windows7)
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Nov 20, 2012
I have used PSD since version 1 and lots have changed, except that there is always a new version around the bend.I just installed PSD 13 and updated it to 13.0.1. on my MacPro 3,1 with 16GB and 4TB.  Along the way I received launch errors :
MMX cannot be loaded
Color settings cannot be synched
Multiple Processor can't work with this version of Photoshop
I also received errors when I tried to creat a 3D layer from a shape or text layer or open a readable .obj file as a 3D layer.I updated the nVidia GeForce 8800 GT with the new driver 304.00.05f02 posted 10/2/2012.The first few times restarting with the new drivers, there was no changes. Finally I was able to use the 3D portion of PSD 13.Even though I was able to use the 3D, I still got the error warning on launch of PSD 'that the multiple processors weren't compatible with this version of Photoshop.'Â
The Adobe site [URL] says that my GPU will work with PSD 13.I am also confused by the technospeak of open_gl and open_cl. Some places refor to the GeForce 8800GT as having both and some dont refer to those terms. I wish things were consistant. If it was found to work with PSD 13 as stated in the above reference are GL & CL active in the card I have?
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Sep 19, 2008
Any KB articles or help with printing errors when printing directly from Photoshop to an HP 3600n color laser printer? The one at work prints out pages with a "Kernel error" and the one at home simply doesn't print even though it say it's processing documents. I understand PS conversion is done in software with this printer so it may be an HP problem.
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Dec 20, 2008
I select a free transform object, the brackets form and I resize and click enter but the brackets do not go away.
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Apr 10, 2013
Photoshop CS6 has been working like a dream, and recently it has pushed some very large files.
But, upon trying to open Photoshop this morning, I get these two messages:
Could not load actions because an unexpected end-of-file was encountered.Could not initialize Photoshop because the Preferences file was invalid (it has been deleted).         - although the file was still in the AppData...Adobe Photoshop CS6 Settings.
Tried to 'restore' Preferences:
Keyboard - CTRL ALT SHFT upon clicking PSD iconSaid 'Yes' to allow changes to systemStill received same two messagesRemoved the Adobe Photoshop CS6 Prefs.psp Restarted Photoshop, still received same two messages.  Tried resetting, CTL ALT SHFT, again still same two messages.
Read Adobe thread to 'rename' the Actions Palette.psp, but keep it in the folder:
I renamed it 'renamed' and left the Adobe Photoshop CS6 Prefs.psp in the folder as well.Did not receive the 'load actions' error, butStill received the 'Preference file was invalid' message.Tried CTRL ALT SHFT to reset,Still received the 'Preference file was invalid' message.Left the Actions as 'renamed', but removed the Adobe Photoshop CS6 Prefs.psp file as well.Still received the 'Preference file was invalid' message.Tried CTRL ALT SHFT to reset,Still received the 'Preference file was invalid' message.Â
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May 1, 2013
When opened, PS CS6 generates a "Could not complete your request because of a program error" dialog. I click OK and the program runs. However, File>Automate>PhotoMerge generates Error 8800 with reference to Line: 1085 --> if (( < 0
I delete the program, reload from Cloud and it runs OK until update the program via cloud services. Repeat above error sequence.
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Feb 23, 2013
I have a new Synology network drive that is formatted with the Synology native format, ext4. Photoshop CS5 works fine except that when I save a file to the drive, I get a "Can't build preview because of a disk error" message. However, after dismissing the dialog, the file saves and creates its icon in a normal manner, so the message is somewhat spurious. This is obviously annoying to have to dismiss the dialog every time I save a file.
I have three other network drives that are FAT32, and have no problems like this. The Synology drive can't be formatted FAT32.
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Nov 26, 2012
I copied my PS CS5 Plug Ins folder into my CS6Â one & it started having problems opening & errors... what the basic/original ones should be in PS CS^6 Plug In folder?
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May 8, 2013
I tried to start photoshop today and received two errors and the app will not start. I tried un-installing and re-installing (cloud apps), but I encounter the same errors
Can't post screen shots - you can't read them. First error says "Could not load actions as an unexpected end of file was encountered" The second one says "Could not initialize photoshop because the preferences file was invalid (it has been deleated)"
I haven't installed any new software. PS worked a few days ago, other programs working OK, even cloud stuff
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Mar 9, 2008
I'm not sure if anyone here can help me out but I'm having some problems with my Photoshop CS. Every time I go to put a brush onto the layout header I'm working on I get a program error message (Could not complete request due to a program error) and Photoshop closes. I get a pop-up from Windows telling me it will shut down Photoshop and notify me if there's a solution to be found. I've tried three separate brushes from three different custom brush sets and sll of them have caused Photoshop to shut down. Has this happened to anyone else? If so what can I do to fix it? For some odd reason this is only happening when I'm working with large 760x350 journal headers. I was able to work with a 350x80 banner just fine. I reinstalled Photoshop CS several times but that didn't do a thing. I tried going back to the original presets (I renamed the presets folder when I moved my presets from my old computer last fall) and using a default brush but that didn't work either. I asked in a help community over on Livejournal but that didn't bring me much help. I really want to be able to use my brushes on my larger graphics.
The odd thing is I'm trying to make a header for a layout that's 760x350 in size. I go to create the new graphic with that specific size and it won't accept the brushes and gives me those errors. I go to create a small banner (350x80) or a 100px square journal icon and it works just fine. It even works fine on an existing image that's 760px wide and over 400px in height. I haven't tried to start an image that size from scratch to see if that gives me the error or not. I had been getting some help from that Livejournal community but that didn't get me very far. I've posed this same issue on two separate forums and have yet to receive any help. This is a very weird and very specific issue that I need help with.
Just so you know I'm running Windows Vista on my system.
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Sep 26, 2008
I'm having issues opening JPEG files with a large pixel size. I'm using Photoshop CS3 Extended under Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3, I have 4GB RAM (So just over 3GB effective in XP) and an AMD Athlon 6x X2 4200 Dual-CPU. My page file is set to 8GB! Photoshop is set to use up to 80% of my RAM
The issue relates to all large images I try to open, but the example I am going to use as an example regards a stitched panorama with pixel dimensions of 38,156 x 2,207. I know that is huge for most people.
When trying to open the image in Photoshop i get the following message:
"Could not complete your request because of a problem parsing the JPEG data"
I think the issue relates to the size of the image, but it opens fine in windows picture and fax viewer, and also in Paintshop Pro X2 (Though in PSP X2 i can only modify the first 24,000 pixels accross before it refuses to do anything else)
Why can't photoshop open the images, i would reduce their size, but i need them for a room-sized display (Some 20 feet long) so i can't reduce the image size without losing quality when they are printed. On the other hand i can't print them until i correct some image/colour issues with photoshop.
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Apr 19, 2009
I recently had to make the move from CS4 on Mac OS 10.5.6 to CS4 x64 on Vista.
I opened a file and worked on it with no problems on the new CS4 x64 setup. It also saved multiple times throughout with no apparent problems.
When I have tried to reopen the file on the same CS4 x64 Vista setup I get the following errors in this order:
This document contains unknown data which will be discarded to keep layers editable. To preserve the original appearance instead, choose Flatten to load composite data as a flattened image.
Options - Keep Layers, Cancel, Flatten
(If I choose Flatten I get this error: Could not complete your request because an unexpected end-of-file was encountered)
I choose Keep Layers -->
The file uses an unsupported blending mode. Substitute normal mode?
Options - OK, Cancel, Flatten
(If I choose Flatten: Could not complete your request because an unexpected end-of-file was encountered)
I choose OK -->
encountered reading layer
"Shape 1 copy 220"
because of a program error.
I choose OK -->
Some groupes were found corrupted and repaired.
OK -->
Could not complete your request because the file is not compatible with this version of Photoshop.
OK -->
And the file has closed itself.
I cannot open this file on either CS4 on the mac or CS4 x64 on the PC.
As a side note, this particular file is a personal blog design I've been working with on and off for several months so I can't be 100% sure, but I don't believe I have a layer called 'Shape 1 copy 220' as I surely would remember copying a layer 220 times.
Of course, it is annoying that I lost maybe 4 hours work (I have a backup of the original file), but my main concern is this happening again - especially with commercial work. Can anyone shed any light on known issues between Mac and PC versions of CS4?
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Apr 9, 2009
We can not open most files. Tiff, PSD, some PDF files will give an "unable to find file error". Jpg files, and certain PDF files and TIFF files that use jpg compression work. I have tried resetting all the settings, changing scratch disks / memory usage, uninstalling all fonts, and reinstalling the application and the problem persists. Also i do not know if this is related but the same time we started having errors in photoshop we also have problems in Microsoft Word. The font list shows a lot of fonts as just a white box. Other apps can use the fonts fine. Just not in word. I have attatched a JPG file with screen caps of the errors.
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Dec 8, 2006
I get hanging, crashing, freezing, and random errors when I'm running Photoshop CS2 at random times.
It's really hard to explain, it just happens, and usually it happens when ANY other program other than Photoshop is running.
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