Photoshop Elements :: Files Moved Automatically To Pictures?
Mar 23, 2014
How do I stop files being moved daily automatically to "my pictures" by Photoshop? These are not pictures, but sometimes virus scans, or files that have the PSE logo and seem to contain nothing. On some days there are hundreds of "files?" added to "my pictures".
Moved back catalog of photos from an almost full internal hard drive to a new larger external hard drive. Elements Organizer is now unable to locate tagged photos on the new hard drive. Is it possible to re-connect the photo tagging?
When I'm moving a picture onto a canvas, it is automatically resized to a very small size. I wish only for the picture to move onto the canvas, then still keeping it's size. Afterwards, I wish to resize it myself using ctrl + t but the automatic small size is preventing me from making it better size, and less pixelated. Does anyone has a solution to turn off this automatic resizing?
When pictures are moved from one folder to another or from one drive to another (ie the C drive to an external drive) do the tags follow? I move them in My Pictures (Photoshop isn't open) if that matters. Do I have to do anything to ensure that the tags stay with the pictures?Â
So I bought the new 27" iMac. I was keeping all my photos on an external drive but decided to use that for back up and move all the pics onto the new iMac's 3TB fusion drive. I made the move outside of Lightroom. Of course, when I did that, I botched up all the links.  Lightroom 4.3 now shows thumbnails of all my photos, none of my folders in the catalog window, all of my saved collections. What's the most efficient way of getting LR to link my catalog to my newly-located (internal) photos file?
I have moved my pictures and my catalog from a Windows PC to a new iMac. The images have been moved, the image manipulation are there (separate XMP files ) The folders for the collections have been moved, but all images are empty. Not one picture is in my collections.
take jpg + RAW pics with my DSLR, for the most part the jpgs come out fine but now and again I like to tinker with the RAW's. So I like to keep both incase I'm inclined to tinker in the future. Â To keep my photo catalogue looking neat and tidy I stack the jpg and RAW so only the single image shows. I can obviously select both images and the select stack, or I can select a whole load of images and select auto stack which then suggests stacks based on photo likeness. This is OK sometimes, but often many images are of the same subject and I don't want 10 stacked, just the 2 same files in jpg + RAW. Is there a way to automatically stack the same file number jpg + RAW?
I have an external hard drive that I downloaded all my pictures of then I edit them. Now since they are in a different format and the end of the file extension says psd it isn't in jpeg so shutterfly or mpix wont take them for download so I can get copies made?
I have just upgraded to Elements 12 from version 6 and find that if I select a file in the organizer, select "Edit with Photoshop Elements editor", carry out the editing and save the file with the boxes for "include in elements organizer" and "Save in Version Set with original" checked the edited photo is not automatically included in the organizer nor stacked. On returning to the Organizer it tells me that a new photo has been found in the watched folders and I have to import it and stack it manually.
My Lightroom 4.3 has, in the last few days, started to automatically export files into my Elements 10 Catalogue. When it does it places them in the wrong folder (the same folder every time) and it does so before I have finished processing in LR. When I delete or move the files in Elements10 the photos in LR show the "missing photo" flag.
How I move pictures from my files or folders or whatever they are called (pictures I already have in my computer) to Photoshop Elements 11 so that I can edit them. I am having a hard time with this!
I have RAWs from my Panasonic GH3 and the files seen in Bridge (CC) oder ACR (8.1) are different in viewing angle compered to the same file opened in other RAW converters. It looks like they are cropped and somehow corrected. But I made no setup for this and can not change it. Sometimes a little bit more area is not bad and I want to access this area but with ACR I can´t.
Where do pictures go after they are automatically deleted from your camera after a download? I thought I imported them into my Adobe Photoshop Elements but it failed and then it deleted them automatically from my camera card! I need these pictures back!
I have an interesting issue. I had CS4 installed on my old computer running 32 bit Windows XP. I built a new computer running Windows 7 - 64 bit, and installed CS4 on it.  I took my hard drives containing my photos out of the old system and plugged them into the new computer. In photoshop, I can open and edit the photos, but it will not allow me to save them - it tells me that another app has the file open. I can save the photo under a new name.  This leads me to belive that there is some data saved with the file that does not match up on the new computer.Â
how to move the XMP files when I drag a folder of photos from one external drive to another external drive.  I drag the folder with 500 photos over the photos go but I get a message saying the following files did not transfer and its all my XMP files for the images I transfered. How can I get the folders and the edits to transfer from a 500gb to a 4TB external hard drive
I’m using Photoshop Elements 12 on OSX 10.9.1. When using several layers with pics on it, the pics break apart when i move them around on the layer… I get a mosaic of ’broken’ pics. It looks like a memory problem but it isn’t.
I loaded ACA 2014, then customized it with my old .cuix files so all would be 'normal' for me. When I open ACA now I get the following message:
"An executable file was found outside of the specified trusted locations. What do you want to do?"
followed by the choice of 'load' or 'don't load' in a dialogue. (does this for every .mnl file)
My question is, "Can you set something somewhere to tell ACA to load these each time without the dialogue?" This happens every time I open the program. You'd think after I've got it all set and saved my profile and set my workspace, etc. that ACA would figure it out that I 'trust' these executable files.
When I first started using LR, I converted several folders full of CR2s that had been imported into LR to .dng using the stand-alone DNG Converter and then used the OSX Finder to move those folders to my archive drives. (For those beginners following along - don't do this!!) Â I want to re-link LR to those files but find that I need to do the relink routine one file at a time (instead of being able to use the "find nearby missing photos") because LR is looking for an exact match of filename + extension instead of just filename. The problem is that the files on the archve drive have a .dng extension and LR is looking for a .CR2 extension. Â Is there a way of having LR look for just the filename? Perhaps a script of some sort? Â 3000 files to relink - one at a time is not a happy prospect. Â (Of course, now I do everything from within LR. Live and learn!) Â LR 4.3 OSX 10.7.5 lots of ram
Selecting three or more picturesAdjust something (enabled auto sync)Selecting a not adjusted picturesFirst picture is updated, the others adjusted picture are not updated. The previews in the filmstrip stays until I select them and they are displayed and updated Any chance to get at least the small preview pictures in the filmstrip automatically updated?
Is there any way to automatically export only the pictures I've enhanced during the develop phase?  I was resolved to Ctrl-Click on the ones at the bottom filmstrip that I could 'see' that I had edited (about 15 out of a hundred) and then export to a subdirectory.  Maybe someway to filter that bottom filmstrip to only the pictures I've edited/enhanced?
I accidentally moved some files while working on a promo. When i try to relink the files I all these different icons - see attachment. Yellow boxes, etc., when I try to relink matching files Smoke hangs.
I outgrew my old harddrives and so moved them via Macs DiskUtility. Of course, LR 4 doesn't know where they are. I thought it would be a matter of pointing the old catalogue to the new hard drive, but that does not appear to be the case. Do I need to start from scratch and build a brand new catalogue?
Our office recently moved all of our project files to the dropbox. Now when I open files with xrefs I have to attach them back into the file. However, this doesn't happen for my coworker. She can see all the xrefs. How could I solve this? The file names or directory has not changed.
I have loads of dwgs made by a former employee at another site that have our company logo in the tile block. I need to replace the company logo with a new one. If it were not made from a dwt, I could change the .dwg file and just reinsert the block and let it redefine the block, done. But since all of the text in each drawing was input using a template, I cannot do this without losing all of that data. We are not permitted to explode the title block, delete the old logo & add a new one as the drawing format needs to remain as one entity. Is there a way to automatically update these dwgs without re-entering all of the title/revision block text on every drawing?
Following previous LR upgrades (3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6), old files were automatically removed from the Program Files folder. However, I just upgrades from 3.6 to 4.0 and notice that the old files are still on my hard drive in the 3.6 folder. Do I need to keep these files or can I UNINSTALL LR 3.6?
Been trying to save files that are processed from Camera raw to tiff in CS 5 . The pop up window shows a different folder from where the just processed file was located. The preferences 'save file options is set(checked) 'Save as to orginal folder' Not sure what to do . After further tries I noted that the ' save as' dialogue indicates the saved folder is 'my documents' . This only occurs with files saved a Tiff or PSD . When a jpeg file is opened and then saved it is saved in the folder it originated from. Is this perhaps a windows 7 setup issue?