Photoshop Elements :: Cut And Paste To New Canvas Suddenly Won't Work
Jul 12, 2013
I was creating Jpeg images in Photoshop for eBay listings by opening my photo file, cutting out the image and pasting it to a new white canvas in the size I wanted. Now, suddenly when I try to do the cut and paste, all I get is a blank canvas with no image pasted into it.
My brushes suddenly won't work at 100% opacity. The opacity will change if I change the slider but never actually reaches 100%. For instance if I'm using red one click will get me pink like I'm at 20% opacity, it will get darker as I increase the opacity slider but never quite reaches 100%. At 100% it is still a shade of pink.I have to click like 10 times to get it red. Everything else works fine, pencil,eraser, etc. I have checked all my settings and can't figure it out.
the speed of cutting and pasting, as well as saving a drawing in CorelDraw X5 has drastically slowed down.Could it be a Windows issue and not a Corel issue? I have plenty of RAM and I've defragged.
PS CS3 Extended suddenly stopped working tonight on my two macs. PS starts up, then a blank white box appears and nothing happens. Have to force quit to exit PS. Happens on 24-inch iMac running OS 10.5.8 and a MacBook Air running OS 10.7.2. I reinstalled software, repaired permissions, nothing changes.
I am an Autocad User for the last 16 years. It is the first time i experience a problem like this. Suddenly plot styles do not work. What ever plot style i use, the drawing (as it is showing in the plot preview) is exactly the same like using plot style "none".
I was forcing to the limits Autocad by adding raster images (like wooden floor jpgs, marble tiles jpgs etc, and Autocad crashed 2 or three times). I reopened it and continued working. The problem came up from nowhere. The one time i saw it on preview like i want it, and after last crash when i tried to see the preview, the result was as mentioned above. Till then, whatever i tried (reload pen styles, tried to other "simple" drawings, restarting PC many times (thought it was a PC memory problem) but still nothing.
I have this issue in Photoshop CS6 which I don't find in the older version. I only can click from the dropdown menu as the shortcut key function "Alt+Ctrl+C" is not applicable?
I keep finding that when I copy something in one Photoshop document, then go to another Photoshop document and hit CMD V to paste and nothing happens. So I hit CMD V again and it pastes. This happens all the time. Why doesn't it paste the first time?
I'm using Photoshop 14.1.1 on a Mac with OS 10.8.4.
When I have a string of text in the clipboard and try to paste it as a suffix to a layer name, the paste command is not working at all. It works on CS6, though.
I discovered via a tutorial video making a transparent title in PowerDirector 9 Ultra video editor. The demonstrator used Paint.Net to create a 16:9 ratio canvas... but since installing your program I cannot figure out how to create a canvas to match these 2 video sized canvases.
I have PSE 8 running on my dell computer with windows 8. I have been using the program for about one month and two days ago I tried to add a dell printer. I have removed the printer from my computer and PSE still won't open. I have uninstalled the program and reinstalled it and still no luck.
I try to open to edit opening via the program and it says that it is launching but it never opens. If I try to open PSE via a picture (right click, open with Photoshop) it gives me an error message "Photoshop Elements Editor has stopped working"
I recently had to have a new hard drive and motherboard installed on my PC, which is running Win 7. I didn't have any problems at all with Elements prior to this.
I haven't opened PSE 12 for a few days.
My normal workflow is:
Open RAW file, edit, then separately save PSD and JPG in Irfanview (maybe an odd choice but it's familiar and easy to use).
Just recently I've noticed a problem in Irfanview when entering and saving IPTC data, in that suddenly I'm told the file isn't found, when I try to open it the image area is black, and all I can do is delete it. This is possibly unrelated to my PSE 12 problem, however each time the only way to get a usable copy of the JPG is to re-open the PSD in Elements and re-save as a JPG.
Today, in Elements, when I go to Save As (my usual choice) I go through the usual process but when I check on my hard drive the JPG hasn't been saved.
all of a sudden, the display in PSE11 is so big on my Mac that I can't see the right-hand screen components, including the layers or effects. I looked all through the preferences and can't figure out how to re-size the display back to the default. I can't even minimize the display enough to grab the corner and pull the window in a little. Is there any way to re-set the display to the default so I can see the layers and effects, without reinstalling the program?
list all known reasons for pasting and inserting geometry to the DWG might fail.
1) Block that was not created by Autocad application was inserted to the drawing.E.g. the guy who does installation network sent you the file, and you happily inserted his work to your DWG.Bummer, copy paste stopped working.
SOLUTION: Weed out all of his blocks see Block removal thread. Design center might be of use (ADCENTER).
PREVENTION: Before inserting any outside work to your drawing do open it in Autocad and do EXPORTTOAUTOCAD command, than -PURGE /r, -PURGE /a, audit SAVE, CLOSE, RECOVER, SAVE. After that you can use the data more safely and insert to your drawing.
Do check block and attribute names and change to your needs. Try not to have same names if the actual block or attribute is really not the same.Check all the layer names, styles and line types too so you do not inherit what you do not need.
All of a sudden my clickable links for Elements 5 are not working, even from the program menu. The only way to access it is if I right click on a photo and choose Elements 5 as my opening program. I am worried that if I do an unistall/reinstall that Elements 5 will no longer be compatible with my Windows 7.
Elements 7. Without my opening, moving, renaming or otherwise molesting them, 2/3s of the photos in one of my two catalogs have suddenly gone missing. I have exhausted all the trouble shooting info I can find online and have tried the reconnecting procedures, optimized the catalog, repaired the catalog, rebuilt the thumbnails and uninstalled and reinstalled elements 7 all to no avail. The missing files, a mix of jpeg and nef totaling 272, are grouped in one block starting from the first photos I ever downloaded two years ago except for one which is a recent download. Elements 7 win xp 1G ram.
When I use copy or copy with base point and paste or paste to original coordinates in another drawing, nothing is being copied.
I use autocad 2013
The isuue is dwg related. It only happens when i paste to some of my dwg (usualy the most important ones...). All the drawing files that are affected are in 2013 format, but if i save them to older version the problem persist.
I ve tried -purge r, purge a, audit, save -wblock explode, purge a, audit, save to no avail.
Tried many other solutions sa well, but nothing worked. What on earth could be wrong with DWG to prevent pasting from another drawing? Those drawings have been saved to lower formats before.
I'm attempting to copy paste a block and a line from one tab to another in the same drawing and it doesnt appear. I get
Command: _pasteclip Duplicate definition of block _Oblique ignored. Duplicate definition of block _ArchTick ignored. Duplicate definition of block attr_FFL ignored.
i've purged, i've audited, i've even created a new drawing and transfered the information but im still getting this problem.The strange thing is occasionally it works.also, i purge so the drawing it is clean, then i try to paste, then when purging again 1000's of blocks appear in the purge diologue box. A49285 to A55404 & a block called A$C4E2C21A4
I've got a user that when he clicks on an item to highlight it, he can't drag it anywhere, can't copy and paste it, and can't delete it. I've uninstalled and resinstalled the application more than once. After an uninstall, I went through all directories and deleted all remaining files and folders that had either Autodesk or AutoCAD in the name and spent 1 1/2 hrs sifting through the registry and eliminating all Autodesk and AutoCAD entries. I then reinstalled the application (AutoCAD 2010), and the user is still having the same issues.
I tried to copy some mtext from a different Paperspace and pasted into new drawing (on paperspace) but no text appear while all the layers are turned on. Below pic ask for specific inserting point, i just specified on the screen but won't work. I opened new blank autocad drawing and tried to paste on paper space now it works.
I finally figured out why LR sometimes ignores the paste command and if not a bug, it is at least a problem that can adversely affect the unsuspecting user. Pasting a WB does not always work if both the source/target are both "As Shot", and yet the Temp/Tint are still different. It seems priority should be given to the actual numbers instead of the As shot status, which (in my case) could vary between cameras. The logic is a bit strange.
I can see how whether or not this is a bug is debatable, but it seems more useful to have it work the other way. There should at least be a message when the paste command results in no expected action (I expect the actual WB numbers to take priority over "as shot").
I have two DWG files and I want to paste the content of the first into the second file with the original coordinates. It sounds very easy (and I am sure it is) but I am still failing. I open the first file, select all (crtl a), copy all (crtl a), open the other file and want to chose the function: right click > paste with original coordinates. But this open is not active (grey) and can not be clicked. Actually there is no paste function available to click on if I do a right click.
You can copy both the surface and the original (in this case contour polylines) data or only the surface. In both cases paste operation results into a copy of both data and surface.
Ok, But when paste and rebuild, the distance from original base point and destination point is applied in turn to the surface itself. Maybe it is a BUG ?
Isn't it possible to (simply) cut out a random piece of the canvas, leaving an image that isn't square or rectangle?
For example, I had the image below posted online to sell these pants. I sold the bottom left pair, and tried for an hour to figure out how I could just cut out that corner, but was unsuccessful.I didn't want to erase or fill the spot, I wanted to cut it out completely, leaving a backward "L" shaped canvas.I can't believe this isn't possible, seems like it would be a very useful tool. I thought I could lasso any shape and cut it out, but the canvas remains a rectangular.I ended up filling the spot, but it's ugly - color sample was taken from carpet, but it filled with grey.
the logos i created are suddenly no longer editable, neither paths nor text! i can select each element with the selection tool but anchor points don't show up so i can't edit them, and i can't select the text itself to edit it. nothing's locked, i've ungrouped everything, i can see the specs for everything. yesterday i used save to web a couple of times. today i started recreating the logos and it happened again after i exported (not save to web) once or twice. and today i can select the paths, but they're no longer a single path but a tracing, as if it was bitmapped and then traced. but i haven't rasterized or traced. and the type is still unselectable and uneditable as type. it happened again after updating. i have since reinstalled and reupdated, but i still have to re-create all four logos - and it's possible it could happen again! as it is, one "unrasterized" version of the logos allows me to select the paths but doesn't show the anchor points - and still won't let me edit the text.
I have problem with attached block (also with other similar blocks with field). This block include field in block attribute. Works fine if I copy and paste this block. When I drag and drop from Tool Pallete field disappeary.
I'm working on a flyer on a 8x11 canvas, but I want all of the elements I'm working to be transferred to a NTSC video film format. I understand how to a open a NTSC (Video Film Canvas), but I do not understand how to convert a canvas that I'm working to that.
I'm searching for the "rotate view" tool in my trial version of PS Elements 11. Or some other convenient way to freely turn the canvas, allowing me to draw with my tablet comfortably.I want to rotate the image as a whole, without actually rotating/changing the picture, as you would rotate a sheet of paper. So no transformation.Is this compass-looking tool I've seen people use Photoshop-exclusive and not part of Elements?