AutoCAD 2010 :: Copy / Paste And Delete Don't Work
May 9, 2012
I've got a user that when he clicks on an item to highlight it, he can't drag it anywhere, can't copy and paste it, and can't delete it. I've uninstalled and resinstalled the application more than once. After an uninstall, I went through all directories and deleted all remaining files and folders that had either Autodesk or AutoCAD in the name and spent 1 1/2 hrs sifting through the registry and eliminating all Autodesk and AutoCAD entries. I then reinstalled the application (AutoCAD 2010), and the user is still having the same issues.
list all known reasons for pasting and inserting geometry to the DWG might fail.
1) Block that was not created by Autocad application was inserted to the drawing.E.g. the guy who does installation network sent you the file, and you happily inserted his work to your DWG.Bummer, copy paste stopped working.
SOLUTION: Weed out all of his blocks see Block removal thread. Design center might be of use (ADCENTER).
PREVENTION: Before inserting any outside work to your drawing do open it in Autocad and do EXPORTTOAUTOCAD command, than -PURGE /r, -PURGE /a, audit SAVE, CLOSE, RECOVER, SAVE. After that you can use the data more safely and insert to your drawing.
Do check block and attribute names and change to your needs. Try not to have same names if the actual block or attribute is really not the same.Check all the layer names, styles and line types too so you do not inherit what you do not need.
When I use copy or copy with base point and paste or paste to original coordinates in another drawing, nothing is being copied.
I use autocad 2013
The isuue is dwg related. It only happens when i paste to some of my dwg (usualy the most important ones...). All the drawing files that are affected are in 2013 format, but if i save them to older version the problem persist.
I ve tried -purge r, purge a, audit, save -wblock explode, purge a, audit, save to no avail.
Tried many other solutions sa well, but nothing worked. What on earth could be wrong with DWG to prevent pasting from another drawing? Those drawings have been saved to lower formats before.
I'm attempting to copy paste a block and a line from one tab to another in the same drawing and it doesnt appear. I get
Command: _pasteclip Duplicate definition of block _Oblique ignored. Duplicate definition of block _ArchTick ignored. Duplicate definition of block attr_FFL ignored.
i've purged, i've audited, i've even created a new drawing and transfered the information but im still getting this problem.The strange thing is occasionally it works.also, i purge so the drawing it is clean, then i try to paste, then when purging again 1000's of blocks appear in the purge diologue box. A49285 to A55404 & a block called A$C4E2C21A4
I have two DWG files and I want to paste the content of the first into the second file with the original coordinates. It sounds very easy (and I am sure it is) but I am still failing. I open the first file, select all (crtl a), copy all (crtl a), open the other file and want to chose the function: right click > paste with original coordinates. But this open is not active (grey) and can not be clicked. Actually there is no paste function available to click on if I do a right click.
You can copy both the surface and the original (in this case contour polylines) data or only the surface. In both cases paste operation results into a copy of both data and surface.
Ok, But when paste and rebuild, the distance from original base point and destination point is applied in turn to the surface itself. Maybe it is a BUG ?
I am having an issue while trying to copy/paste via clipboard. I copy (with or without basepoint) on one drawing then try to paste to another drawing using ctrl v. the first two times, the object pastes. On the third attempt my cursor looks like it is trying to paste something and if I move near an object on the drawing it snaps to points, but no object pastes. After doing so I check my layer manager and the layers involved with this action do paste. After a few attempts with no luck, a weird object I have never seen before appears.
I have tried to purge and audit as well as copying the whole drawing to a new drawing but have had no luck.
Side note, after ctrl v is pressed (or ctrl shift v) the command line says something about duplication of some block name ignored.
My AutoCAD often will not copy & paste. It prompts for insertion point and when picked nothing appears. This happens on many different drawings. Windows 7.
I am currently designing a kitchen with a complete floor plan. I had requested some accessories files from a company called Pearl works and they sent me each file that I requested. The problem is that when I copy and paste each image file into my existing floor plan, they all show up as the same image and not the seperate images that should appear. Am I doing something wrong with the clipboard process?
I have also tried deleting the drawing and re-inserting a different file and when I do every file thereafter is the same as the one that I just switched.
When I copy and paste on Autocad 2012, it goes very slow.
I installed the service pack, I tried removing the layer filters and a few other fixes that are out there. The machine is powerful enough to handle the application.
I tried reinstalling the application and that didn't do anything. The DWG file that's on the network share is being used by other people without any issue, I'm the only one having this problem.
I tried to copy some mtext from a different Paperspace and pasted into new drawing (on paperspace) but no text appear while all the layers are turned on. Below pic ask for specific inserting point, i just specified on the screen but won't work. I opened new blank autocad drawing and tried to paste on paper space now it works.
- Dell XPS 8300 running Windows 7 SP1 64-bit with 12 GB of RAM
- AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series with updated drivers installed
- AutoCAD 2012 64-bit SP1
- ACAD Hardware Acceleration is ON
This hotfix is already installed.
This particular file (and a few others) has an issue whereby the computer pauses for a LONG time whenever an XREF is placed OR a copy/paste system command is executed (not the COPY AutoCAD command, but Ctrl+C/V). I have audited and purged the file; there are no audit errors. I also tried recovering the file and it made no difference.
I checked one of the problemmatic files on my machine (different machine but still AutoCAD 2012 and Win7) and the same file has the same issues.
New files do NOT have this problem. I have attached the file. Steps to recreate the problem:
1. draw a simple rectangle
2. try to copy/paste it with ctrl+c/v
3. this other machine and my machine both pause for 8-10 seconds
I'm confident that it's something in the file, but I don't know how to track it down.
I have autocad lt 2009, previously when I wanted to trace a drawing I would go to paint, copy the drawing and then paste it in autocad on one layer and do the drawing on another layer worked great, But now when I do the same process it doesn't work.....previously I could draw on the image, could edit the lines, copy, erase, move etc. But now when do this if I have to copy a line I select copy and when I click on the line I want to copy the jpg drawing goes away, or if I try to erase a line the drawing will get deleted, Do I need to uninstall autocad and reinstall?
When using the Clipboard to move entities from one drawing to another I need to open the window Tools; Options; and that's it for the Paste as Block and Paste Options to be available. What I mean is do I need to do this with each new session of LT? That I will need to check out. I tried my Template and it allowed Paste without going to the Options Dialog in the same session.
Object selection limit for display of grips is set to 32,000
I am having trouble copying out of a drawing (model space) which i received from someone else, and pasting into my own. The properties on the original dwg file suggest it was created Sept 2001. It appears to copy OK (copyclip/copybase), but when i jump into my file and try to paste, the command line just reads:
and nothing appears in my model space.
I've tried zooming extents, exploding the original, changing layers and line types etc into the same as in my own dwg. I've also tried to convert/save the dwg file into dxf's and other version dwg's....without success.
I have about half a dozen drawings received from the same source, and they all let you copy data into them, but won't let you copy/cut out.
I have been having a problem with AutoCad 2012 LT when a am working in the model space I can you the ctrl c and ctrl p commands for a short amount of time and then they will not work. I can open a different model space and they will work in that one, but when I go back to the original one the will not work. I have tried shutting down autocad and the computer, but when I open everything back up the commands still will not work in that model space. I have reinstalled autocad and that brings them back for a short amount of time.
is it possible to copy and paste parts in an assembly but also keeping any constraints set on the part?
I.e. if I had a square block constrained to a flat face of a floor, when I copy and paste the block many times I would like all the copy blocks to still be constrained to the floor.
LT 2011- I place a JPEG of a logo on my sheet in model space. Is there any way to manipulate it as in moving it, making it a tad smaller, etc.? Am I able to copy and paste it
I have recently upgraded to AutoCAD LT 2012. The copy/paste function and the group/ungroup function are not working. I have run service pack 2 with no improvement.
I have one big problem copy and paste symbols in one idw to another idw it takes to much's possible through macro or ilogic for copying symbols in drawings?
Me and some fellows at work have been noticing a significant increase in the time it takes to copy with base point and paste into a different drawing file. Maybe it is just the 2012 version of the software , what has changed or how to minimize the time this takes. I don't see any reason it should take up to a minute to copy a few polylines from one drawing to the next.
I cannot seem to paste into this one drawing that a client has issued to me. I can paste into all associated x-refs just fine, but the main drawing is the issue. Before we get into things I have tried all the most common things already.
- I have checked layeer Visibilties and unreconciled layers.
- I have run audit and have purged/scalelistedit all drawings
- I have done almost everything ><
To sum it up I think it is global variable of some sort.
We installed 2013 version of Autodesk Civil3D, and strange things with Copy/Paste from one drawing to another happend!
If I try to copy some autocad objects like solid HATCH for ex,. from one file to another - I select drawing copy from, select Hatch, press Ctrl+C or rightclick > Clipboard > Copy, then select destination drawing, press Ctrl+V or rightclick > Clipboard > Paste, and I see in command window:
" _pasteclip Duplicate definition of block _Closed ignored.Duplicate definition of block _DotBlank ignored."The time interval is very long for single hatch copying.
I tryed audit/purge, and copying the HATCH again, - and now I see in destination drawing some strange array of LINE obects, it is not my HATCH! AutoCAD always starts do temporary save while doing this copy.
Else, if I open new two pure drawings, and start copy any types of acad objects between each other, so all works fine and quickly, no temporary saves, only remarkable pause starts above 20000 object copying, its quite acceptable for me, and still shorter time, than copy a single HATCH.
I suppose the problem is in drawing file, because if we make purge/audit than save and reopen drawing - sometines is it possible to copy, but after all we need to do this each time we want to copy acad objects to another file. This annoying issue have our another team members too, it prevents to do our job.
I found, that with HATCH object some blocks is ALWAYS copying from one file to another.