Photoshop Elements :: Cropped Pictures During Editing Process - Pixels Messed Up When Printed
Oct 29, 2012
I have cropped some pics during the editing process and when I go to print them out the pixels are really messed up. I am using a Nikon D3100. Maybe I am saving them wrong or something. I am saving them as JPEG.
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Nov 23, 2012
I crop a picture and when I print it white lines appear on the print . When I print the uncropped version of the same picture I get no lines . How can I get it to stop.
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Oct 4, 2012
How the PMS color palettes "simulate" on screen how the color will print on different substrates (glossy vs matte vs uncoated paper). That's great for comps, but if you convert it to CMYK to print it, and the values are representing a "simulated" color it won't look correct (by that I mean come close to matching the spot color). For example, the uncoated palette simulates the color by making them appear a bit washed out on screen - pretty good visual simulation. But it might do so by adding black and cyan to orange for example, etc. - effectively dulling the original color.
So if I convert that to CMYK within the new Pantone + color palette, and then send it to the printer - it won't appear as it did on screen, it will dull the end color even more because it's converted the color to the dull simulated version - what a disaster! It's only doing half the job - showing us what it should look like on screen. In order to be truly efficient for design professionals the CMYK conversion might remove black and cyan completely to effectively brighten the color in the final output on uncoated paper. I would prefer it just stick to the standard conversion, which Pantone did have as a standard palette option (PMS to process), and then I can adjust if I think it's necessary.
Any corporate branding system will likely start with a PMS spot color palette for the identity. Then it will build into many different adaptations - full color brochures, large format banners and trade show graphics, website, advertising. So any corporate branding system will need to have PMS, CMYK and RGB versions of their main corporate color palette. There was a standard for these translations that was automatically consistent in the Adobe software and that is now all over the place, so it relies on individuals manually adapting the color mixes for final use - what a great way to screw things up.
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Jul 31, 2012
Open an image with some detail in the lower right area. Create a duplicate layer. Choose the crop tool. Make sure the option "Delete Cropped Pixels" in NOT checked.Grab the crop corner in the lower right of your image and move it diagonally inward somewhat. Confirm the crop.
Get the blur tool, make your brush size fairly large and brush the lower right of your image. Allow your brush to go beyond the border of your image.
Okay, when your image is noticeably blurred, switch to the move tool, grab your image and move it up and to the left exposing some of the area you cropped out.Ta-da! Isn't that pretty? It only happens with the blur tool. Try using the burn or dodge tool and this doesn't happen.
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Sep 19, 2013
When I use the crop tool, with "delete cropped pixels" selected, I expect that the image will be cropped destructively and that the cropped out portions will dissapear. But when I select one of the now cropped layers to drag it or free transform it, the cropped pixels are still there.
The entire original picture plane appears in free transform and in dragging the layer, the cropped out portions appear as if the image was never cropped. I recently upgraded from CS4 so this feature is completely new to me. Also, I use Windows8
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Feb 22, 2014
When I edit a photo the process doesn't complete itself. The edit in progress message stays on.
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Dec 24, 2011
I just upgraded to Photoshop 10 from 3. Now, when I am editing a few days worth of pictures one after the other, I go to open the next file (picture) the computer takes me back to the top (first one listed) each time. Many times I am editing over 100 pictures in the file, and now have to scroll down each time and that takes forever. I have to remember what number picture I was on. In my earlier version, the compiter "held" the spot where I was so it was easy to select trhe next picture to edit.
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Oct 27, 2013
When I am editing a lot of pictures, after saving the edited picture and when I go to open the next picture, the folder always goes back to the beginning. This then requires to scroll down to the nest picture to be edited which takes a LOT of time, especially if there are 200-300 pictures ihn the folder. In the "old" elements this was not a problem. Is there a setting someplace. I am using Elements 10.
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Aug 31, 2013
When I am editing a photo how do I write a caption or text on it?
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Aug 12, 2013
I took photos with a DSLR some with a point and shoot, and a lot with my phone camera. DSLR photos are all good quality and when I export I want all of them to keep their original size, point and shoot photos should be reduced in size by about 20~40% depending on the crop I made and zoom when I shot. Phone pics need to be reduced by around 50% or more. One pixel size on export doesn't cut it since all photos are cropped and have various sizes but only some need reduced sizes due to phone camera taking bigger pictures than the quality keeps up with.I need some sort of 'export size for full sized jpeg' or something. (Without exporting each picture individually that is)
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Feb 24, 2013
I have vertical lines spaced at 1/2 inch in my printed pictures and would like to get rid of them. It happens with Photoshop CS-6 but not with Microsoft Photo Editor. I'm using a HP Officejet 6500A Plus and the color printing is fine.
Additional info: I am using Windows 7 on a Dell. Service pack 1, 32 bit system.
It happens with pdf files, jpeg, and psd. I am managing colors with the printer. I am using best quality printing. I have tried Color Smart and Adobe settings for RGB on the printer dialog page. I have tried telling the printer that I am using HP premium plus, plain paper and Other photo papers (My paper is actually Staples high gloss photo supreme).
What is remarkable to me is that I get high quality prints with the same printer, same paper, same settings using Microsoft Photo Editor - no vertical lines at all. However MPE is not very versatile, and the pdf I am currently trying to print will not load onto MPE.
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Mar 24, 2013
Using CS4 PS extend.
I am editing old pictures. To save time I am scanning four pictures at a time. I'm using the marquee tool to crop each picture into their own layer via right click method and choosing "Layer via copy." After I'm done doing this for all four pictures, I have to hide all but one layer, trim the project to the picture size, save it. Then I undo the trim, and start over for the next picture to save.
Is there any easier way to save each cropped section as their own picture/project at the size of their crop without effecting the other pictures? Was wondering if there was a way to crop the portions I want out but instead of copy to layer method, I could just create a new project with that cropped picture?
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Sep 1, 2013
I took a short video on my iphone of my sister-in-law's wedding. I want to transfer the video to my CS6 Cloud. Can this be done? Can I transfer it to photoshop or is there another part of the CS6 that would work better for this type of project? I have "streaming" from my iphone to my mac computers and the pictures go into my iphoto library. Can I "stream" the video to photoshop instead and then create "still shots" so I can edit individual photos to put in a wedding album?
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Oct 10, 2008
For some reason with my Photoshop CS3, the image adjustments; i.e. contrast, brightness, etc. , are completely missing when the image is printed. The image file after saving looks fine on screen in a photo viewer, but when printed, the image reverts back to pre-edited state.
Things like cropping,color and transforming carry over , but the image adjustments don't . This is really strange, you would think that once an edited image was saved, all the changes to it are now permanent no matter what form it's displayed.
How is printing the image reversing the image adjustment editing to the file? Is there some kind of setting that it's in thats making it do this?
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Sep 12, 2012
When I print a bitmap or picture a black line is also printed on top of it, what can I do? since clients don't like that line.
Corel X6, Cor i3, 4 Gb.
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May 31, 2013
So just a few questions here, I have a process where I go through my RAW D800 photos and do general touch-ups in camera, but have been wanting to do skin touch-ups in photoshop. My problem lies in the photo sizes (45mb per RAW photo to begin with). Is there any sort of way to make a workflow that would allow me to retain the raw photos and seperate photoshop files in a convenient manner?
I'm simply looking to avoid having 2GB folder for just a few images, and wondering if there's maybe some appropriate file formats for that.
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Jan 29, 2011
Every time I reduce the size (height & length) of a picture in Photoshop, I get a lot more pixels everywhere. And when I mean a lot, it's really so dirty that I cannot use it !
I don't understand because i've got some pictures from a Canon 40D that are really good quality, about 3800px X 2500px, it says its about 28cm large. If I reduce to 14cm, so half the size, I almost don't recognize the people on the picture if it's a group picture: a face is just composed of a few pixels. But when I send the pictures to a professional to print them on a 10cm postcard, it's perfect as the original, no "pixel-distortion".
I've tried many ways to shrink the picture: image size, free transform, I've tried tiff, jpeg... It's always the same. - Do you know a good way to shrink pictures without having the "pixelisation" problem, is there some settings to take care off ? Even maybe another software that would do the trick?
I become desperate because I'm working on a Dvd cover and the quality is so poor it would be better with my cellphone and it was shoot with a Canon 40D. I had this problem over and over with pictures from different origins and it's annoying when I have to work on small printout.
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Apr 27, 2007
I'm looking for a program that can take 100's or 1000's of pictures and combine them based on their overall color spectrum into the pixels of a specific design.
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Mar 23, 2011
When i plot an autocad drawing to pdf and put it into photoshop to edit it. Upon saving and opening it again the quality has dropped and the lineweights have gone from black to grey.
Im sure there is a correct process for exporting to pdf and editing in photoshop and saving in the correct format.
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Sep 16, 2012
I've downloaded the trial version of Lightroom 4.1 to give a try with my raw files.
First LR is very slow at generating the preview (takes about 30 sec for some files), the only filter applied at import is "Lens correction".
When Applying corrections, it takes seveal seconds to see it on the preview and there is also a lot of lag.
Maybe is a limitation of the trial ? My RAW files are CR2 from a DSLR Canon EOS 60D (18 Mpix): 5184x3456.
I try LR on the following setup:
OS: Windows 7 SP1 32bit
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+
HD system: 7200 RPM 300 GB
Screen resolution: 1920x1080
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Nov 25, 2013
I imported pictures, edited all of them, then noticed that they are small, eg. size 190 KB. Trouble!!! Is there any way to link the edited images with the full size images that are of several MB's?? Hate to lose all the work that was done in editing.
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Feb 21, 2014
How do I save cropped Images?
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Sep 14, 2013
Having cropped ~4x6 from a large photo, E11 will only print ~ 1/2 onto a 4x6. What to do?
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Jul 23, 2013
I am fairly new to elements and I am having problems with resizing my images. I have cropped some images and want to upload them to say 'photobox' but I can't seem to get the images into the correct size for printing I.e 6x4, 7x5 etc. I have also noticed that I start with an image that is say 7mb in size yet when it has been edited and uploaded it is 700k and rated as a medium quality image ?
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Jul 6, 2013
I cropped the attached photo and printed it at 8x10 and the first time there was no problem but, when I tried again the print had horizontal lines spaced at about 1" apart on it. I switched printers but have the same problem with this and another cropped photo. Never had an issue before?
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Oct 18, 2012
I'm in PSE 10 and when I crop a small portion of an image and accept the crop, it remains a small image instead of snapping to a larger image like it did in PSE 6. I know there must be some way to have the small image automatically made larger rather than having to click on the magnifier and "+" and then on the image until it is a size I can work on. I've checked the FAQs and Photoshop Elements 10 but can't find the answer.
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Feb 21, 2013
I have two pictures that i want to stitch together, but the results are shocking.
Basically i want to keep the picture of the hands, but instead of holding up the world, i want it to hold up my school logo.
As it is going to be a logo, the size is not really a huge issue, as long as it is big enough to show what is happening.
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Jul 16, 2004
You will find two simmilar pictures with only one noticable difference. To the middle left in one picture are a group of mountains, in the other one there are no mountains. What I ask everyone to do is to save these two pictures and answer me this question: Were the mountain edited out of picture 1, or edited into picture 2?
The more specific you get with your answers the better. In a day or two I will post my own answer to compare to everyone elses. As of right now I will not tell you which one is or isn't edited, I want everyone to figure it out on their own. Remember, right now, there is no wrong answer. But if you do answer, give whatever proof you can.
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Oct 4, 2012
if this has come up before, but can I expect an improvement in rendering speed or get other performance improvements by adding a solid-state drive (SSD)? Will an SSD speed up making proxies or make the editing process faster/smoother in general?
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Jan 27, 2013
I have found that edited grpahics that were previously fine start to be pixelated instead of vector. I can still edit the lines and anchor points but it is shown with pixels.
This has happened under a number of circumstances.
- copy a graphic from one drawing to another .. the first one is fine, the 2nd .....
- I completed a drawing then renamed it to edit it .. the edits are no longer displayed as vectors.
I have the before and after files .....
Before [URL] .....
After [URL] .....
I am using CS6 ...
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