When I am editing a lot of pictures, after saving the edited picture and when I go to open the next picture, the folder always goes back to the beginning. This then requires to scroll down to the nest picture to be edited which takes a LOT of time, especially if there are 200-300 pictures ihn the folder. In the "old" elements this was not a problem. Is there a setting someplace. I am using Elements 10.
I just changed the dates on 2 of my photos and noticed that the 2 pictures do not re-order themselves in the correct date sequence.
The 2 photos are dated Oct 14, 1983. However they appear between my Oct 16 and Oct 15 photos. I have other photos dated Oct 14 that do correctly appear before the Oct 15 photos.
Why would these 2 photos be separated from the other Oct 14 photos?
I just upgraded to Photoshop 10 from 3. Now, when I am editing a few days worth of pictures one after the other, I go to open the next file (picture) the computer takes me back to the top (first one listed) each time. Many times I am editing over 100 pictures in the file, and now have to scroll down each time and that takes forever. I have to remember what number picture I was on. In my earlier version, the compiter "held" the spot where I was so it was easy to select trhe next picture to edit.
I have cropped some pics during the editing process and when I go to print them out the pixels are really messed up. I am using a Nikon D3100. Maybe I am saving them wrong or something. I am saving them as JPEG.
I'm in search of an answer for a MAJOR problem I am having! When I capture pics to a file for a project, they are renamed to a time and do not stay named as my original file. It is absolutely necessary for the pics to be in numerical order for the projects I do. I see an option to sort, but it sorts by new name (time) instead of the original file name. I've not been able to find an answer and I have a HUGE project that must be completed tomorrow evening.
Sometimes the filmstrip will not allow me to click and drag and change the order of pictures in the filmstrip. The pics are locked in place. It allows me to drag an image to a new position in the filmstrip but when I "unclick" the pic just moves back to its original position. Other times a black bar appears between the pics where I want to move the pic and I can rearrange the order of pics. I cant figure out why I can do this sometimes and sometimes the filmstrip wont allow me to change order.
Also, I can move pics in one file while not being able to move them in another. So it not some universal setting but seems to be file (catalog) specific.
I am missing a feature to sort pictures randomly in Lightroom. Often, when I compile photos from different times/locations etc I would like to show them in a slideshow randomly. Today I don't find this sorting option in LR.
You will find two simmilar pictures with only one noticable difference. To the middle left in one picture are a group of mountains, in the other one there are no mountains. What I ask everyone to do is to save these two pictures and answer me this question: Were the mountain edited out of picture 1, or edited into picture 2?
The more specific you get with your answers the better. In a day or two I will post my own answer to compare to everyone elses. As of right now I will not tell you which one is or isn't edited, I want everyone to figure it out on their own. Remember, right now, there is no wrong answer. But if you do answer, give whatever proof you can.
I am trying to edit my pictures and I'm doing it one by one adding the hue/saturation that I want so that they all match. I was just wondering if there was a way to do all of them at the same time?
I recently found the BATCH feature but I don't know if there's a way to create a batch that edits the pictures only in the way I want them edited.
Problem opening multiple pictures in Photoshop. I tried to Edit.
Purge>All, Reset Preferences, Delete the Adobe Photoshop x Prefs.psp folders and Ctrl+Alt+Shift on Photoshop startup. Did not work, what next? Delete all the PSP folders.? There are 45 more in my computer.
I've been using Photoshop CS6 for a while, and suddenly, some random "squares" shows up! A kind of a filter? And it prevents me for editing my pictures..! How this suddenly came up?
I want to edit a lot of pictures for a catalog. Just make them look a bit old so a somple filter should do just fine. But is it possible to set the changes and then select a folder or a number of pictures to get them changed?
I would like to know what is the fastest way to change about 100 pictures.
I have scanned and downloaded 400 items in chronological order. When I upload them to DVD they are in random order. How can I maintain chronological order?
Using PSE 11. I am trying to sort my photos in order Newest first. I select Sort by: Newest and they are sorted in newest DATE order but within each date they are sorted on oldest time order, which seems odd... how can I get PSE to sort so that Newest is based on date and time?
In Elements Organizer 11, when I "Import from Camera or Card Reader" and have it rename files, adding a number to a Custom Name, it imports the newest file first, adding the lowest number to the newest file in the camera (in this case an iPhone) and the largest number to the oldest file. Is there a way to make EO11 import files oldest first from a camera, adding the numbers in order from oldest to newest?
I am scanning a large number of negatives using VueScan. Vuescan automatically creates the digital files in numerical order (if you use the proper settings) as they are scanned and places them in the proper folder. The process of scanning the negatives takes several days. Upon opening PSE 11, all the files should be in numerical order as created, but at times, PSE 11 will put today's files (say numbers 400 - 500) near the top of the list (like 001, 400, 401 etc, then 002, 003 etc) What is wrong? At other times everything is correct. Is there a way to correct this?
When I place my CF card into the reader PSE opens and displays all the photos on the card the problem is they are out of order. I take volleyball photos and use the burst often The files are numbered properly by the camera but PSE seems to get them mixed up. When I import and renamer them PSE thakes them in the order they are shown and they are then renumbered out of order causind many shots to be out of order. I have never had this problem before. I have been using PSE 6 up thru 10 now and this is the first time I have had this happen. Last season I wasusing PSE9 and all my bursts sequences are in purfect order.