VideoStudio :: Speed Up Editing Process With Solid-state Drive?

Oct 4, 2012

if this has come up before, but can I expect an improvement in rendering speed or get other performance improvements by adding a solid-state drive (SSD)? Will an SSD speed up making proxies or make the editing process faster/smoother in general?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Solid State Drive

Jul 25, 2012

I recently obtained a new laptop with a Solid State Drive and, holy smokes, it's seems at least twice as fast as another laptop with comparable specs like RAM and processor. I used a stopwatch. It was incredible.

Things like opening the program, opening drawings and re-loading Xref's are all way way way faster than without the SSD.

To those of you who have added SSD, are you seeing the same boost? This appears to be an easy way for Civil 3D users to increase speed tremendously, without purchasing a whole new system.

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Photoshop :: External Solid State Drive For Scratch Disk?

Jul 17, 2012

After doing everything i can find to optimize my hardware/software for doing 3D animation in Ps Ext CS6. I still cannot render an animation to video using the Ray Traced Final setting. (Ray Traced Draft, no problem.) The last time I tried (after repairing disk permissions), at least Ps did not crash and give me the same old crash report (Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x00000007a0020000). This time I just got an error msg that my request could not be completed. (Progress?) Checking Activity Monitor, I could see that my available RAM, which was 13 GB when I started the render was now less than 1 GB (761 MB).
So, I have come to the conclusion that my 16 GB of RAM and 300 GB available for virtual memory on my HD is not enough for rendering the type of 3D animation I am trying to do. Would you agree? Also, I have read it is not good to use the same HD your program is installed on for a scratch disk, so I am considering getting an external solid state drive to use as a scratch disk.

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VideoStudio :: Minimum Hard Drive Speed For Video Capture?

May 24, 2011

Does a Sata hard disk drive of 5400rpm allows successful capture of video via Firewire. I checked the boxes which v10+ and Pro X3 but they do no state this.

I am contemplating purchasing a notebook which has a Sata HDD of 5400rpm and Intel Pentium Centrino Duo (dual core 1.83GHz) - the CPU should be fine I think but what about the HDD? I think that when I first started video editing (VS v 6 I think) that I only had a 5400rpm drive and had no problems but just wanted to be sure. Oh yes the notebook does have a firewire port.

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VideoStudio :: Solid-State Drives Compared To IDE Format

Oct 15, 2012

Using the Solid-State Drive? How is it compared to IDE. How about compared to a 10,000 kbps IDE? Any pros and cons on using a Solid-State Drive for video"ing"?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Speed Up Part List Hiding Process?

Jul 10, 2012

I'm writing code to split long part list in new sheets. Infact it's finished but very slow. Because each time I hide the line part list start to refresh itself...

I tryed to use

oDoc.DrawingSettings.DeferUpdates = True

But in this case I can only see empty part list on each page?!...

I just want to speed up process and I want to refresh part list view after than hiding process finished completely...

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AutoCad 3D :: How To Reduce Quality Of 3D Views In Order To Speed Up Regen Process

Jun 30, 2011

it seems that whenever I input .SAT files into my drawing it really slows down AutoCAD. This is especially true whenever I switch views. It appears to be the regen operation. The drawing is only 10 MB. I can work in much larger drawings that are 2D and not have a problem. I've eliminated all other background tasks and processes that are eating memory.

Is there some sort of work-around/setting I can adjust to reduce quality of the 3D views in order to speed up the regen process?

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After Effects :: Using External Hard Drive To Increase Speed

Feb 4, 2014

i recently purchased a 500GB Gtech firewire external harddrive for my laptop.  My after effects is extremely slow and i want to use these external harddrive in order to increase the speed. I have a macbook pro with the following specs:
Processor  2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory  8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
Graphics  NVIDIA GeForce 320M 256 MB
Software  OS X 10.8.5 (12F45)

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Dynamic Blocks Not Changing Visibility State With Automated Process

Oct 6, 2011

I have created a bunch of templates (title block type drawings) for my company. In these templates there is a dynamic block used for a particular note. Based on customer number, this note will be changed.

We have a program that will insert the correct template based on the drawing type. It will know the customer number and change the dynamic block visibility state to reflect the correct text in the note.

Here's the problem; I don't know why, but sometimes the visibility state does not change. It's not the code as it works just fine in some drawings.

I've gone in and just changed the visibility state name, then changed it back, then saved the drawing and it worked.  In some cases, I've also just gone into the template and deleted the dynamic block and re-inserted it, and it began to work again.

Having trouble with dynamic block visibility states not working when using an automated process?

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Maya :: Vertex Editing Speed?

Jul 21, 2011

I feel like my mesh component mode editing speed went down to hill with Maya 2012. I cannot move an object with couple thousand verts in vertex editing mode. I have been using Maya since v3 or 4 and never had it this slow.

I have Nvidia gtx 465 and on win7 64.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Block Editor Visibility State - Editing Old Blocks

May 28, 2012

I installed Autocad 2013 a few weeks ago and I have a lot of blocks made with earlier versions (2008, 2012, etc...) that I need to use. When I try to edit such a block, block editor gives me trouble with visibility states. I can't select visibility states, and when I can, the changes made to that state don't follow and often the program reverts back to the first visibility state for no reason. This is getting to be extremely annoying and I'm thinking of going back to 2012 because of this. Is there a patch or some way to correct this?

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Lightroom :: View And Process Photos On External Drive?

Nov 4, 2013

How do I view and process photos kept on an external drive?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Batch Process To Copy Folder To Flash Drive?

Apr 12, 2012

I created a folder on my flash drive. I'm trying to use Batch Process to copy the files to the drive. I'm not adding a script. The name of the new folder comes up in the dialogue box, but when I click on the start button I get a notice that the file already exits and do I want to overwrite it. I click on yes. All the photos are then copied, but when I go to the new folder in my flash drive it's empty.

I'm following the instructions in Diane Koers book on PSP X4.

Also, I can't seem to use Batch Process to save my JPEGs and TIFFs. Is it possible to do this.

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Photoshop :: Camera RAW Editing Process

May 31, 2013

So just a few questions here, I have a process where I go through my RAW D800 photos and do general touch-ups in camera, but have been wanting to do skin touch-ups in photoshop. My problem lies in the photo sizes (45mb per RAW photo to begin with). Is there any sort of way to make a workflow that would allow me to retain the raw photos and seperate photoshop files in a convenient manner?

I'm simply looking to avoid having 2GB folder for just a few images, and wondering if there's maybe some appropriate file formats for that.

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Photoshop Elements :: Loading Photos From Hard Drive - Process Starts Then Stops

Nov 3, 2013

Got a new Windows 8.1 PC.  Successfully transferred all photos (about 12000) to the new hard drive.  When I open Photoshop and use "get photos from files and folders", I can locate the pix but when I try to import them, the process starts then stops without bringing any to the organizer.

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VideoStudio :: Overlay Track Speed

Aug 26, 2013

When I try to combine 2 videos to play over each other (i.e. one full screen one anchored in a corner) the overlay track plays at an accelerated rate with no sound, whereas the main video will play as normal. However if I switch them around the same problem arises, the overlay video plays fine the main accelerated with no sound.

If I play them separately they will both play fine. The video I am trying to anchor was recorded with a webcam and therefore may be the problem. If I need to give more details w/ specs etc.

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VideoStudio :: Speed Up Video Effect

Nov 23, 2011

I'm near completion of a year long video project. I inserted several HD video clips into my VS X4 time line which includes many other HD/SD and .jpg clips along with transitions, music, etc. For effect, I used the tool in VS to speed up two or three of these clips by about 300%. Without the effect, the scene doesn't work so I'd like to keep it this way.

I noticed that when playing the clip in the time line after the effect is added, it plays very jumpy and jerky. Without the effect it plays fine as do all the other clips in my project. I am guessing the effect puts a strain on the system but mostly, my system is fine. However, the hard drive may be the culprit and not able to get the data fast enough to provide a smooth video. Is that possible? My cpu (core 2 quad Q6600 clocked to 3.0 g), new video card, memory, and monitor (HD certified) are all new and well within spec.

My question: Do you think the stuttering video will also be present in the final burn of a Blu-Ray? Or is this just a function of the preview window?

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VideoStudio :: What Effect Rendering Speed The Most - GPU Or CPU?

Mar 1, 2011

I was just wondering what effects rendering speed the most, the GPU or the CPU?

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VideoStudio :: X4 - Setting Burn Speed For DVD

Jun 1, 2011

How to setup the burning speed for DVD using the Videostudio x4??? My setup menu for adjusting the speed recording wont highlight.. I've try to reinstall the software many times, but i wont get it done.

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VideoStudio :: Burn Speed Selection In Pro X4?

Apr 4, 2011

Problems in selecting the DVD recording speed in VideoStudio pro X4? I prefer to use a fairly low rate, but the selection is greyed out in my Create DVD window and it seems to be set permanently on maximum. I've tried a program re-install but it hasn't worked at all.

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VideoStudio :: YT Slow Playback Speed

Feb 5, 2012

Since quite some time I have been succesfully uploading FullHD (AVCHD 1920x1080 50i) movies on YT. Some weeks ago I got a strange playback problem with my last uploads: video's are played in (very smooth!) slow motion mode at some resolution settings. The same Divx video's on the contrary always playback OK In order to illustrate the YT playback speed problems I uploaded two times the same 10sec video. The first video has been rendered as a fullHD AVCHD video in VSX4 (never got problems in the past with similar video’s), the second is a fullHD DviX version of that same video (from another converter). The lower resolution settings in the AVCHD video slow down while the 720 and 1080 settings run OK [URL]

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VideoStudio :: Speed Time Lapse?

Jan 4, 2012

I wish to use the Speed TimeLapse effect (actually slow motion) I have a clip that last approx 8 min I would like to "slow motion" only a portion of the clip approx 20 sec. Is it possible to apply the effect without having to cut/trim the original clip. The clip properties are as follows;

H.264 Video
Upper Field First ;1920/1080
16:9 ;24bits;29.97 fps
5.1 Dolby Digital

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VideoStudio :: Changing Audio Speed

Aug 27, 2013

I'm trying to get my audio synched up. Someone once told me that the best place for the camera is often the worst place for the microphone. And in my case it's true.

So- I am trying to use audio from a different source and the speeds are very slightly different. I have the beginnings synched perfectly. Toward the end I stomp my foot- it sounds like a door slam and is something I'm trying to use to synch the two because it's a loud sound short in time.

Doing it visually doesn't work because VideoStudio (version 2) doesn't preview the video properly. So I had the idea- don't mute the source audio so I have both playing. Then render an audio-only file and listen to hear how far apart the two stomps sound, and adjust the audio track's speed.

I've shortened it by 2 frames and 10 frames but it still sounds exactly the same. Is there a bug in the audio-shortening feature or am I missing something? I tried using Audacity to shorten the audio but that didn't work well either, because it rounds off, and 2/30th of a second over 30 min is a tiny fraction.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Process For Exporting To PDF And Editing In Photoshop

Mar 23, 2011

When i plot an autocad drawing to pdf and put it into photoshop to edit it. Upon saving and opening it again the quality has dropped and the lineweights have gone from black to grey.

Im sure there is a correct process for exporting to pdf and editing in photoshop and saving in the correct format.

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VideoStudio :: Change Default Transition Speed

Jun 29, 2011

I've got a lot of crossfade transitions in a project and want them to be 2 seconds. Altering the default 1 second for every one is a lengthy pain - is it possible to change the default and if so how>?

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VideoStudio :: How To Slow Down Title Playback Speed

Aug 30, 2011

I am using a title that scrolls across the screen, by spelling out one letter at a time.

However, I feel the speed is a bit too fast, and I'd like to slow it down.

I try extending the length of the clip, but this doesn't seem very effective.

How can I slow down the speed of this title movement?

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VideoStudio :: Gradual Playback Speed Increase?

Mar 12, 2011

I have a video shot from inside a vehicle driving down a rural French road. I would like to increase the speed to 110% to 115% as the video progresses to match the music I will overlay it with.

I know how to increase the playback speed, but I can't seem to find if it's possible to do it gradually. Everything I try increases the speed all a once. Is this possible (gradually increase speed) with the Playback Speed settings, or do I need to make two clips of the same segment, 1 at regular speed and 1 at the final speed, and use a long transition between them?

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VideoStudio :: Way To Speed Up Or Load Icons In Background?

Feb 16, 2013

I use X5 Pro. I have some projects with lots of video clips. When I load a project, the project itself loads fairly quickly (as indicated with the green progress bar), but the Icons in the Project area then begin loading ONLY for the page being displayed. This applies for both the storyboard and timeline view. This is very frustrating, especially on the storyboard view, because every time I scroll a page I have to wait for the icons to load. With a lot of pages, it takes a very long time to get everything loaded.

Is there a way to either speed up the loading process or have it load in the background so that I can leave the computer and come back later to find the icons all loaded, rather than having to sit there and scroll through one page at a time waiting for each page to load until all pages are loaded?

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VideoStudio :: Change Speed In Smaller Increments?

Jul 23, 2008

I have used many different video editing packages and really like videostudio. The high quality output and many features make it a solid product.

However, I am confused why there is no way to change the speed of an audio or video clip in smaller than 1% increments. 1% is a very large increment, even when dealing with a 3 minute clip. An exact sync is near-impossible. .1% would be a great deal better.

I see in the 'change speed' dialog that you can also choose the clip duration, down to 10ths of seconds. But when I do this it seems to 'snap' to the nearest percent.

Is there no way to change the speed in smaller increments than 1% or am I missing something?

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VideoStudio :: Adjust Speed Of Instant Project?

Oct 31, 2012

VSX5. Instant project vertpanels 2 Is there a way to slow the speed down(or pause) some of the placeholders so that they on the screen longer.

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Photoshop Elements :: When Editing Photo - Process Message Stays On

Feb 22, 2014

When I edit a photo the process doesn't complete itself.  The edit in progress message stays on. 

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