Photoshop :: Delete Cropped Pixels Not Working

Sep 19, 2013

When I use the crop tool, with "delete cropped pixels" selected, I expect that the image will be cropped destructively and that the cropped out portions will dissapear.  But when I select one of the now cropped layers to drag it or free transform it, the cropped pixels are still there. 

The entire original picture plane appears in free transform and in dragging the layer, the cropped out portions appear as if the image was never cropped.  I recently upgraded from CS4 so this feature is completely new to me.   Also, I use Windows8

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Photoshop :: Delete Cropped Pixels

Jul 31, 2012

Open an image with some detail in the lower right area.  Create a duplicate layer.  Choose the crop tool.  Make sure the option "Delete Cropped Pixels" in NOT checked.Grab the crop corner in the lower right of your image and move it diagonally inward  somewhat.  Confirm the crop.
Get the blur tool, make your brush size fairly large and brush the lower right of your image.  Allow your brush to go beyond the border of your image.
Okay, when your image is noticeably blurred, switch to the move tool, grab your image and move it up and to the left exposing some of the area you cropped out.Ta-da!  Isn't that pretty?  It only happens with the blur tool.  Try using the burn or dodge tool and this doesn't happen.

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Photoshop :: Restore Cropped Pixels CS6

Jul 13, 2012


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Photoshop Elements :: Cropped Pictures During Editing Process - Pixels Messed Up When Printed

Oct 29, 2012

I have cropped some pics during the editing process and when I go to print them out the pixels are really messed up.  I am using a Nikon D3100.  Maybe I am saving them wrong or something. I am saving them as JPEG. 

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Photoshop :: Delete All Transparent Pixels

May 7, 2013

I would like to delete all transparent pixels surrounding my irregularly (non-square) image.  The TRIM function only trims to a square surrounding my image and not to the edge of the image itself.  Is there a work around for this?  I have looked around and haven't found one. 

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Photoshop :: Can't Delete Some Pixels From A Rectangle?

Mar 25, 2009

I've made a rectangle but I don't know what tool to use to make a selection on a certain part with it. I tried the wand to edit>cut but that didn't work. Also I tried the eraser but that was too messy.

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GIMP :: How To Delete Random Pixels

Apr 7, 2013

I'm working on a very small scale, and need to find a way to make an image which consists of 4 colors, randomly spread around the 16x16 pixels.

I have not been abel to get the desired affect with any of the noise filters, so I was thinking I could make 4 layers, one with each color, delete the parts I don't want and just merge them down.

Now, with such a small scale, I could do the work by hand, but I have to repeat the process at least a dozen times, and I want it to look truly random.

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Photoshop :: Correcting Perspective - Image Pixels Within Crop Not Working?

Aug 28, 2012

What happens to the image pixels within the crop when you correct perspective with the crop tool or free transform?

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GIMP :: Unchecking Save Color Values From Transparent Pixels Not Fully Working?

Feb 12, 2013

I opened a transparent PNG and exported the PNG to another file and unchecked 'save color values from transparent pixels' but about 20% of the color values in transparent pixels STILL remain in the picture when viewed in other programs that show those pixels!!! Gimp is NOT removing ALL color values in transparent pixels!

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Photoshop :: Square Pixels Or Rectangular Pixels For Video

Sep 12, 2005

If I am constantly making frames in photoshop for use in the video world (ie. They will be on TV) the pixels need to be rectangular (or 4x3) in aspect and not square.

I know in programs like After Effects and Combustion you can set when saving an image whether or not it is square or rectangular pixels.

How do I do this in Photoshop if it can be done?

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Photoshop :: Keyboard Shortcuts For Zoom + Lasso Tool Delete - Not Working!

Apr 14, 2004

I've used Photoshop 7 for around a year now, using it mainly to touch up digital photos. I've just upgraded to Photoshop CS, but I've found that I'm having difficulties with my keyboard.

Usually, to zoom in, I can press CTRL + +. However, when I do this, nothing happens. Also, when I make a mistake with the magnetic lasso tool, I can usually press my Delete key to undo the last fixed point. Again, this doesn't work. All that is on on my keyboard is "Number Lock", which just allows me to use the right hand number keypad. Even with this off, the problems still aren't solved.

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AutoCad :: Delete Key Not Working

Jul 30, 2012

My "delete" key on my keyboard has stopped working all the sudden, only in autocad though. I tried restarting my machine and switching keyboards and nothing has worked. Is there a setting in ACAD that disables the delete key from erasing objects?

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Delete And Various Other Shortcuts Not Working

Jan 27, 2012

I think it is a setting error because it wouldn't work on my PC before or after reinstalling.  So installed to laptop and no difference.

If I select an object - I cannot use the delete key.  It won't do anything. I have to right click and delete.

I can't copy and paste or cut using keyboard short cuts (ctrl + x / c / v ) and a few others don't work.

BUT - when I type into corel - using the text function - and delete some of the text.  It works there - and after doing this, for a few minutes, I can delete and copy paste to my hearts content within the programme.  Then it stops again.

These shortcuts work as normal within windows and other programmes.

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AutoCAD LT :: Text Edit And Delete Not Working?

Dec 16, 2011

When I double-click on a text item, AutoCAD used to go to text edit mode, without entering the TEDIT command.  This quit working - now I have to enter TEDIT.

Also, when I select items and hit the Delete key, nothing happens.  The selected items used to get deleted.

I tried going to the Windows Start menu and resetting all of the settings to the defaults - this didn't work.

I also tried re-installing AutoCAD from my original disk, and that didn't work either.

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GIMP :: Adjust Clone Tool At 1080 Pixels Vertical And About 20 Pixels Wide

Oct 15, 2012

2 days on GIMP. I need to adjust the clone tool so it's 1080 pixels vertical and about 20 pixels wide. I googled and searched, but I can't seem to find the right phrasing.

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Paint.NET :: Ordinary Layer Shift (move Pixels) By Multiples Of Pixels Is Not Sufficient

Feb 5, 2013

I have several layers in an image, and I need to align them precisely. The ordinary layer shift ("move pixels") by multiples of pixels is not sufficient. Is there a tool or plugin for PDN that allows sub-pixel shifts (i.e. moves by fractions of pixel)? And rotations by very small angles?

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AutoCad :: Selecting Multiple Objects / Delete Feature Not Working

Apr 23, 2011

I just started having an issues with the delete feature. When I click on an object and it highlights it--when i hit the delete button, it doesn't delete the object any more. Also i should be able to click on as many object as i want, now it makes me hold the shift key down. And also when I click on an object then pull the layers tab down to assign it to a diffent layer ---it won't change it now.. what do you think is going on with the software and who might I contact to get this problem corrected.

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Xara :: Export Edited Photos With 72 Dpi And 843*403 Pixels Or 72 Dpi And 404*404 Pixels?

Dec 6, 2012

I've just started using Xara to edit my photos. I have a problem I can�t solve: how can I export the edited photos with 72 dpi and 843*403 pixels;or 72 dpi and 404*404 pixels?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Vault Environment - Close Files And Delete Working Copies

Apr 25, 2012

When working in Inventor within a Vault environment, you have a check box on the "Check In" dialogue box for "Close files and delete working copies" that once selected, it stays selected until the user unchecks the box.

(see below)

Not so when working with AutoCAD....why?

Why is it that every time a user checks a file into Vault from ACAD, they have to check that box?

There has got to be a seting somewhere that this check box stays selected. Why isn't this a default? How to "lock" that down?

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Photoshop :: Text Always Getting Cropped

Aug 16, 2013

i use InDesign to design and Photoshop to convert to JPEG or TIFF....and i using these step when print/convert :

1. Print at InDesign using .ps or PostScript format.

2. convert it to PDF using Distiller with High/Press Quality Setting.

3. open PDF in Photoshop and save it to JPG or TIFF.
my text that i designed in InDesign always getting Cropped at Top or Bottom.This is the example at top of text "Th. 2013" is cropped... and sometime it getting worse.when i see the PDF file, it goes fine, no cropped text.

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Photoshop :: Cropped The Photo

Jan 22, 2008

I have a photo, 2000x1500 @ 300 dpi. I cropped the photo.

When I cropped the photo, the canvas dimensions were 9.367inx7.68in.

I then loaded a blank background image and set the canvas size to the same dimensions.

I then copied my Cropped image and dropped onto my new background (canvas dimensions the same).

Now when I view the photo (nero or image viewer), I get white space above and below the photo. Yet when in Adobe, not white space.

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Photoshop :: CS5 Cropped Images Go Blank

May 11, 2013

CS5 when I try to crop a jpg or psd file the image on my work area and the thumbs in layers go blank.  When I hit "step backward" they reappear. 

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Photoshop :: Why Is Raw Image Cropped / When Reopen It

Jul 7, 2013

why is my raw image cropped when I reopen it?

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Photoshop :: Save Cropped Raw File

Jan 3, 2009

I've cropped a 10 megapixel photo in Cs4 10X15 centimeters, but when I save it as jpeg file with maximum quality, the file is very small (200-500k)when I open it afterwards.

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Photoshop :: Cropped Pfd Defaults To Resolution Of

May 29, 2008

I have Photoshop CS3 and Windows XP. I used to crop pfds and the resolution stayed at the normal 72 default. Now when I crop the image shrinks very small and when I check in image size the resolution goes to 9999. But in preferences the resolution is still 72.

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Photoshop Elements :: 12 - Delete Many Chosen Photos With One Hit On Delete?

Jan 24, 2014

Let's say I have downloaded 500 shots to PSE 12. I would like to go through them quickly and eliminate the ones I definitely do not want.How can I quickly tag them or whatever and then with one touch on the delete button delete them all at once?

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Photoshop :: How To Crop And Save Cropped Image

Jul 15, 2013

How do you crop and save a cropped image in PS Touch?

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Photoshop :: Image Reduces To One Pixel When Cropped?

Apr 7, 2013

This problem just developed. When I use the crop tool either by double clicking or using the tool bar the image immediately shrinks to one pixel. P.S.CS3 running on OSX10.5.8

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Photoshop :: Canon 5DIII Images Cropped In ACR

Jul 11, 2012

I am working on a MacBook Pro running 10.7.4 using CS6 and ACR 7.1.
I was shooting video with the 5DIII yesterday and shot a few stills as I was working. I shot in RAW for the stills. When I look at the still image in Photo Mechanic, I see the full image and Photo Mechanic tells me it's 5760x3840 in size.
When I open the image in Photoshop 6 using Camera Raw it shows up cropped 5760x3240 - the 16x9 video crop. But I can't get to the full image - the crop tool in Camera Raw doesn't let me reveal anymore of the image. How to see the whole photo.

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Photoshop :: Cropping - Save Cropped File As Psd Instead Of Jpg?

Mar 15, 2013

Cropping problem.  photoshop want to  save the cropped file as a psd instead of jpg

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Photoshop :: Add Canvas To Cropped Smart Object

Aug 21, 2012

Using PS6 64 bit.
I bring in an image as a smart object, crop it (with 'delete cropped pixels' checked) and then attempt to add canvas on all sides. The image reverts to its pre-cropped size with the added canvas on 3 sides.
If I flatten the smart object before adding canvas, it works fine.
Is there any way to get this to work with a smart object?

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