My "delete" key on my keyboard has stopped working all the sudden, only in autocad though. I tried restarting my machine and switching keyboards and nothing has worked. Is there a setting in ACAD that disables the delete key from erasing objects?
When I double-click on a text item, AutoCAD used to go to text edit mode, without entering the TEDIT command. This quit working - now I have to enter TEDIT.
Also, when I select items and hit the Delete key, nothing happens. The selected items used to get deleted.
I tried going to the Windows Start menu and resetting all of the settings to the defaults - this didn't work.
I also tried re-installing AutoCAD from my original disk, and that didn't work either.
I just started having an issues with the delete feature. When I click on an object and it highlights it--when i hit the delete button, it doesn't delete the object any more. Also i should be able to click on as many object as i want, now it makes me hold the shift key down. And also when I click on an object then pull the layers tab down to assign it to a diffent layer ---it won't change it now.. what do you think is going on with the software and who might I contact to get this problem corrected.
When working in Inventor within a Vault environment, you have a check box on the "Check In" dialogue box for "Close files and delete working copies" that once selected, it stays selected until the user unchecks the box.
(see below)
Not so when working with AutoCAD....why?
Why is it that every time a user checks a file into Vault from ACAD, they have to check that box?
There has got to be a seting somewhere that this check box stays selected. Why isn't this a default? How to "lock" that down?
I think it is a setting error because it wouldn't work on my PC before or after reinstalling. So installed to laptop and no difference.
If I select an object - I cannot use the delete key. It won't do anything. I have to right click and delete.
I can't copy and paste or cut using keyboard short cuts (ctrl + x / c / v ) and a few others don't work.
BUT - when I type into corel - using the text function - and delete some of the text. It works there - and after doing this, for a few minutes, I can delete and copy paste to my hearts content within the programme. Then it stops again.
These shortcuts work as normal within windows and other programmes.
When I use the crop tool, with "delete cropped pixels" selected, I expect that the image will be cropped destructively and that the cropped out portions will dissapear. But when I select one of the now cropped layers to drag it or free transform it, the cropped pixels are still there.
The entire original picture plane appears in free transform and in dragging the layer, the cropped out portions appear as if the image was never cropped. I recently upgraded from CS4 so this feature is completely new to me. Also, I use Windows8
I've used Photoshop 7 for around a year now, using it mainly to touch up digital photos. I've just upgraded to Photoshop CS, but I've found that I'm having difficulties with my keyboard.
Usually, to zoom in, I can press CTRL + +. However, when I do this, nothing happens. Also, when I make a mistake with the magnetic lasso tool, I can usually press my Delete key to undo the last fixed point. Again, this doesn't work. All that is on on my keyboard is "Number Lock", which just allows me to use the right hand number keypad. Even with this off, the problems still aren't solved.
Let's say I have downloaded 500 shots to PSE 12. I would like to go through them quickly and eliminate the ones I definitely do not want.How can I quickly tag them or whatever and then with one touch on the delete button delete them all at once?
When i try to delete a file from LR using the delete from disk option the file does not so up in my trash. I have deleted 200 bad files and the never showed up in the trash. I have been trying to clear up some disk space but the available disk still shows the same so I know they haven't been deleted. Am using Lion on a MacBook Pro 15 and am fully updated. Am I doing something wrong?
Until yesterday I was able to delete pictures, using the contextual menu or the delete key. I got the message asking me if I wanted to delete them from disk or from the catalog.
But now, that popup message doesn't appear. The picture is not removed, just nothing happens.
I checked the logs and this is the error message:
performCommandDesc could not perform command ag.library.expandAllStacks (Command was disabled.).
I uninstalled LR moving it to the trash. Then I deleted the com.adobe.Lightroom4.plist and I also removed the folder ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom.
I rebbooted the machine and installed it again. But the issue is still there, with the same error message.
I verified the disk and checked file permissions.
I also tried to use another catalog from a backup.
Nothing, same error.
One anusual thing that I did before the error was to install the "HDRsoft Merge to 32-bit HDR Plug-in for Lightroom - Version 1.0"
I removed it but the error was still there. After the re-install I didnd't install that plug-in again so if it was the problem, it shouldn't be after the clean installation that I did again.
Machine Specs: Man mini server mid 2011 2GHz Intel core i7 Ram: 8G Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 3000 512MB OSX: 10.8.2 (12C60)
I have a shape in illustrator CS6 that I'm trying to edit. When I try to click on a point with the Delete Anchor Point Tool nothing happens however I am able to select the point using the Direct Selection Tool and then remove it using the "Remove selected anchor points" option in the Control palette. Same issue with trying to use the Convert Anchor Point Tool.
any dwg. Save also create acad.lsp empty file any folder open I found this acad.lsp empty file...any dwg. Open my mbuttonpan, fillmode and zoomfactor not working after I set working
After install the Orgainzer works but the Photo Editor doesn't. When I click the Photo Editor in the splash screen it tells me my trial period is up. I'm using Windows Vista Home Basic 32 bit
I connected a few .shp files in Map3D for references and now I want to removed these connections. All can be deleted expect one. Under the Verify Delete Connection table, I selected the Dependent Resources and click OK and nothing happen. It is still there. How can I get rid of it?
How do I delete a layer? I am unable to even though the layer is not current, is not layer "0" or "Defpoints",is not a Xref dependent layer, nor does the layer contain any objects.
I have ACAD LT 2002 and when I go into layer control and try to delete layers that I no longer need, it wont let me.So I turn all of these layers on (and all others off) and delete everything visable, purge all complete and they still are there.
How do I get rid of unwanted layers that acad wont let me delete?
I've put something in my paperspace and need to delete it but can't find it, when I zoom extents I can't see anything i.e. as if I've zoomed out into space somewhere... Is there anyway I can window my layout and say "delete everything outside this"?
where various icons on your palettes just disappear? the function is still there, but no image. attached is an example where the "Add", "Delete" etc icons have gone. other times the on/off freeze/thaw images will be gone.
On the layout page I have several viewports. 2 of my viewport borders are not visible. I can not pick them, property them, delete them, or manipulate them in any way. When I activate them as "model space" view, I can work in the model space but the border still does not become visible. I only know where the border is by the truncated drawing. Is there any way to correct this problem?
Before I get the usual "turn on your layer" responses: ALL of my layers are thawed, ALL of my layers are on. I am running Civil 3D LDD Companion but have had this "glitch" on previous versions. I seem to remember the only answer is delete layout and start a new layout from scratch. Tell me this is not so!!
After I figured out how to delete a project (why not just have a delete button in the Project Dialog box) that I didn't want created in the first place (apparently some missed option in the pack&go process) I now cannot delete the incredibly convoluted wokspace folder structure it created.
I deleted the project shortcut as was posted somewhere else and it no longer shows up in the Project dialog box. However, the workspace it created cannot be deleted. I had even removed the workspace from the project before I got rid of it.
I simply get a windows error that it cannot delete the folder(s). I am an admin of this entire folder structure and everything beneath it.
I have opened and closed inventor making sure the project is still not in existence. I have verified the workspace is not listed under any other project. No other user has been to this folder or opened any files even closely related to my work.
Example as: i have 3 vertex (0,1,2) and you can see vertex 1 stay between vertex 0 and 2. Now, i want to delete this vertex how can do that. Similarly, i want to delete some vertex 3,5,8.
I'm working whit a LAS points draw an i want cut only a little of space in my draw.i have 500 points in this format and only i need 100.I want delete some LAS points of my draw
I'm trying to delete a unused layer. But when I do that I get the following error (see attachment). I googled a bit and figured out that the LAYDEL command might solve my issue, but as I'm using Autocad 2013, that's not possible, as it doesn't have this command..
The block that causes the error can also be deleted, I tried with the purge command, but must be doing something wrong cause it didn't work. With regard to the purge command, I see it this way (attachment 2), how can you display it in a window kind of view to get a better overview?
I have one drawing, which has 79 layouts itself. I want to delete some same objects for all layout. Is there any command to edit all layout at one time.