Photoshop :: Correcting Perspective - Image Pixels Within Crop Not Working?
Aug 28, 2012What happens to the image pixels within the crop when you correct perspective with the crop tool or free transform?
View 25 RepliesWhat happens to the image pixels within the crop when you correct perspective with the crop tool or free transform?
View 25 RepliesHow to correct for perspective distortion in an image in Photoshop 7? Need make a front view of packing from an existent left view (Box shot).
View 9 Replies View RelatedIn the full version of Photoshop I can crop an image 1600 x 1200 pixels, then save for web. It’s a simple two step operation that seems impossible in Elements. First because you can’t crop by pixels, only by proportion. Then because the save-to-web feature seems to result in a massive gif file, not a small jpg.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am doing a project for school that requires me to "scan" some old books by shooting the pages with a DSLR-type camera. The setup is kind of like a poor-man's planetary scanner, but unlike a real PS, it doesn't have fancy proprietary software to "flatten out" the curves in the pages (near the binding and in the middle) that distort the text. Since part of my project involves processing the images with OCR into ebooks, I need the lines to be as straight as possible for accuracy's sake. I figure photoshop has GOT to be able to handle distortion correction like this, but I am clueless on how to do it. So far, I have tried to get close by cropping the pictures with a perspective correction, but the pages are still unreadable near the binding and in the middle.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIn the old days, one could just use the crop tool and, while drawing crop lines, check the perspective box if you found that you needed to change the perspective. With CS6 if you start with the crop tool, and find you want to change the perspective, you have to change tools to the new perspective crop tool. In the process, you have to tell the newly opened dialog box that you don't want to crop, to get to the perspective tool, which now has reset to its defaults. You've lost your cropping and you have to start over.
View 9 Replies View RelatedHere are two crops of a banal subject, our dryer and its circular control knob. Both done the same way, but look at the difference. First result, with size 1876x1419, which is reduced for this post, is obviously a distortion:
I wasn't surprised or upset to see this distortion, since I'd seen it many times before. It's easy enough to remedy: just Perspective Crop again. This time the image was 1871x1000, which is much better:
Photoshop, we have a problem! Why can't this be corrected?
I use rectangle marquee to do this. Only thing, --unlike the crop tool--if has no handles if you don't drag perfectly on the first crack.
Is there a way (crop tool?) -- to keep no uprez or downrez, but just crop and get handles?
I want to crop with a perspective change in PSCS 4 Extended. Whenever I add a crop outline, the Perspective checkbox is disabled.
I thought that the way to change perspective was to make the crop selection and then check the Perspective checkbox and then adjust the proportions but something is strange.
I could not click on the Perspective Box when I used the Crop tool. What do I need to do?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a client who is an artist and she needs some image editing software but does not have the funds for Photoshop. She can purchase elements 10 quite cheaply but the most handy tool for her will be the perspective function in crop but I am not sure whether it is a feature of elements 10.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhat happened to PERSPECTIVE when I use the CROP tool?
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhy is my Crop Tool's perspective option greyed out?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a perspective setting for the crop tool in OS Elements 11?
View 5 Replies View Related5616x3774 / 72 res is what CS5 says my Canon 5d2 large jpeg is out of camera.
Can I use the crop too to make a 20"x24" image and keep all those or most of those pixels?
Do I leave the resolution box blank?
The lab I send the file to for the print, says they want 300 res files.
I have a clipped image that I've placed a drop shadow on (using layer styles) on a transparent background. I want to quickly use the crop tool to remove any un-used pixels or artboard.
I tried to activate "show the layer edges", but it does not account for the layer style/drop shadow I've placed and also it goes away when you start to use the crop tool itself. So this doesn't really work.
Is there another way to do this? Other than eyeballing it? I want the image too be cropped as tightly as possible, but I do not want to tight too tight and cut of the drop shadow.
AFAICT there is no option to make the Straighten function in CS6 automatically crop out the transparent pixels as happens with CS5.
View 5 Replies View RelatedWhenever I use the Crop to Selection tool (with a rectangular selection), it doesn't actually crop TO the selection, it usually leaves an extra pixel on two edges.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am a labtech at a community college and look after 48 mac pros in which the students use the entire creative suite. (I only mention this becuase any answers need to consider variations in system settings or photoshop settings. college students get into everything!)
But the issue is when you select the crop tool and enter a custom constraint and crop
The image size is sometimes a full 2 inches off of what you set as a crop?! I havn't run into this before
[I do know you can use the drop down box and use {size and resolution} but I want to know why it doesnt work under custom and unconstrained]
Photoshop Crop won't complete when trying to crop an image. This just started a couple of days ago and I can't figure out what's going on with it. This happens in Photoshop CS6 and CC
View 6 Replies View RelatedI'm using Photoshop CS3, and the warp tool seems to behave differently after performing the skew or perspective transformations. If I try to warp after doing one of these two transformations, I am unable to click on any of the points or handles. The only thing it will let me do is alter the lines, but the points themselves cannot be moved. What am I missing?
View 6 Replies View Relatedwhen I select the crop tool, my image disappears during the entire crop process. I can only see the image in the preview pane. Why is this happening? I am using the most current version of Lightroom, and I am on a PC.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen I use the crop tool, with "delete cropped pixels" selected, I expect that the image will be cropped destructively and that the cropped out portions will dissapear. But when I select one of the now cropped layers to drag it or free transform it, the cropped pixels are still there.
The entire original picture plane appears in free transform and in dragging the layer, the cropped out portions appear as if the image was never cropped. I recently upgraded from CS4 so this feature is completely new to me. Also, I use Windows8
I can't figure out why the selection tool won't work. When active, I can't grab an object to move it and the icon next to the selection arrow is a line with an arrow pointing to the left, like this
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe entire image is what is blinking, while the photoshop tools remain on.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm capturing television frames using a TV capture card, but the resulting images do not have the correct brightness/contrast and color values.
Instead of manually altering every image using trial and error, I'd like to take a "correct" source frame that I know is correctly balanced (such as a test pattern), and use it to correct my other captured images.
I've tried saving the source frame's levels and curves and then loading them into the captured frames, but this doesn't produce quite the effect I'm looking for.
I saw these 2 square images in a magazine and would like to create the exact same perspective dimensions in PS.
I've tried skew, distort, perspective and a mix of all but can't seem to achieve the look I'm after.
I am having an issue with the cropping tool. It will not loose the cropped area. My image and canvas are the right size when I view and save it but when I move the cropped image to a new canvas, the whole image is there like i never cropped it...
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am trying to change the perspective of an image in Photoshop CS5 which I would like to put into this I mac image, see my attachment.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have an image on a transparent background, I'd like to add perspective to it when I do [Edit > Transofrm > Persoective], but I get the following error..
"could not transform the path because the selected portion pf the path does not include any pixels"
could it be that I have an image [exported from JPEG] rather than a native shape?
my crop tool has gone 'pale' on the list under 'image' and won't work. How can I get it back?
View 5 Replies View RelatedMy crop tool works when pictures are in landscape orientation but not portrait orientation. This is a new problem that has developed within the last week. 80% of my pictures are taken in portrait orientation. A message pops up that says "Could not complete your request because of a program error."
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