Photoshop :: Make Straighten Function In CS6 Automatically Crop Out Transparent Pixels?
Apr 18, 2012AFAICT there is no option to make the Straighten function in CS6 automatically crop out the transparent pixels as happens with CS5.
View 5 RepliesAFAICT there is no option to make the Straighten function in CS6 automatically crop out the transparent pixels as happens with CS5.
View 5 Repliesif I use the Straighten tool (first the ruler to mark out a horizon line, then click the Straighten Layer button), Photoshop used to straighten the picture, and then automatically crop it so that none of the extra canvas shows.
When I do that now, it just straightens it, and leaves me to manually crop the picture.
How do I make pixels transparent? I've looked all over Youtube and the internet, but I couldn't find any tutorials for this version,
View 6 Replies View RelatedThis black oval appears when I go to front view after 'Alt X' to make the cube transparent, but it doesn't occur at an angle, only when in front view.
View 1 Replies View Relatedon my laptop i run xp adn photoshop cs3 normal (not extended)what i miss is a good straighten and crop like cs5in cs3 i use the ruler tool ->rotate canvas -> arbitrary and i my photo is straight but with big borders around the photo now cs5 does a great job but photoshop cs3 no there is the scipt straighten and crop photos but in this case doesn't do a great job
because delete the borders and my photo returns to be awryok i can crop manually , but it's exhausting if i have to work on some photos , one by oneis there a script/action/tips or plugin that can do the same great cs5 job?
I am looking to crop some pictures and make the background transparent. This is one of my pictures below. The problem I am coming across is with it being see through, I cant seem to just pick and grab the blue rods, golf balls and clips they are sitting on. It seems to want to pick up everything including the gray background. I heard photoshop would make this possible. is this true? Also, what program would be the best for me? I want to spend the littlest i can. I am looking at the adobe photoshop elements and premier movie element 10. Would this work? Any good video describing how to crop and make the background transparent.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am running Photoshop CS. I have many hundred documents to scan and was going to use the pre loaded "Crop and Straighten" tool under file/automate. My problem is I want to run this over a folder that will save and close, not just one image at a time.
I also want it to do an automatic save using the current file name without adding the word "copy" to it, and not have to type over the file name each time when the save option comes up with "Filename copy.tiff".
I know the Crop and straighten tool is great for putting several images on a scanner and it separating them into individual images, but this is not what I am doing, I have one scan, one document.
So is it possible to run this over a folder of 500+ documents and walk away from it, have all images save and close using the current name, and not fill the desktop up with many opened images that need to be manually closed?
I have a couple of photos of the sun (700 to be exact) that I'm trying to crop. Doing it manually on each one would be very tedious and so I found the automatic script of Crop & Straighten.
However, even though it does a good crop when I batch process all my snaps using an action with the crop & straighten within it, the photos are also straightened or rotated in this case. Is there any way to avoid the straightening part to work on the images and just use the tool to crop the images automatically ?
In CS6 I have an image that was scanned in and is crooked. I use the Crop tool to drag the crop marks around the portion of the image I want to keep and I press the Check mark to do the crop.
It crops the image though it does not straighten it out. In previous versions of Photoshop it use to crop and straighten the image by cropping it. How do you now use the Crop tool to straighten an image?
Crop and straighten tool no longer work correctly in PSE 11, windows 7. Problem surfaced in the last week. Have done a complete reinstall and problem still exists. Appers to be an instability error.
View 1 Replies View RelatedYou can easily fix crooked photos, zoom and crop with the fill tool.
The first step is to make sure you have the rulers enabled (window>bars>rulers) then click and drag a horizontal guideline from the ruler.
Select your photo and select the fill tool, you will see that your photo is actually a vector shape with a bitmap fill. Click and drag the outer fill handles to enlarge (zoom) the bitmap within the shape and rotate as needed to straighten the image. Move the cursor over the line of the fil handles until it changes to a hand then click and drag the photo around to adjust it's position within the shape.
I have a large number of RAW photos from a Canon 7D which are destined for use in a Premiere Pro CS6 project.
I want to crop each of them to the preset 16x9 1920 x 1080.
What I would like to happen is that when I open the photo in the develop module and press the R button to open the Crop and Straighten tool, that the Aspect 16X9 crop overlay is selected be default, rather then the "original".
This would save me a lot of mouse clicks...
Or perhaps it's possible to assign a keyboard shortcut to that particular aspect so I can press R and then something else?
I'm new to Lightoom but learning quickly. One thing that has given me a problem is in develop module when I wish to straighten and crop, but need to do this zoomed in on the image. Can't judge the straightening otherwise. When I try this as soon as hit the straighten tool the image goes to fit to screen and I can no longer judge my straightening.
View 7 Replies View Related5616x3774 / 72 res is what CS5 says my Canon 5d2 large jpeg is out of camera.
Can I use the crop too to make a 20"x24" image and keep all those or most of those pixels?
Do I leave the resolution box blank?
The lab I send the file to for the print, says they want 300 res files.
I use CS4. Something's changed with my crop function. When I enact the crop command, the entire image disappears.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a clipped image that I've placed a drop shadow on (using layer styles) on a transparent background. I want to quickly use the crop tool to remove any un-used pixels or artboard.
I tried to activate "show the layer edges", but it does not account for the layer style/drop shadow I've placed and also it goes away when you start to use the crop tool itself. So this doesn't really work.
Is there another way to do this? Other than eyeballing it? I want the image too be cropped as tightly as possible, but I do not want to tight too tight and cut of the drop shadow.
What happens to the image pixels within the crop when you correct perspective with the crop tool or free transform?
View 25 Replies View RelatedIn the full version of Photoshop I can crop an image 1600 x 1200 pixels, then save for web. It’s a simple two step operation that seems impossible in Elements. First because you can’t crop by pixels, only by proportion. Then because the save-to-web feature seems to result in a massive gif file, not a small jpg.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a client who is an artist and she needs some image editing software but does not have the funds for Photoshop. She can purchase elements 10 quite cheaply but the most handy tool for her will be the perspective function in crop but I am not sure whether it is a feature of elements 10.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to delete all transparent pixels surrounding my irregularly (non-square) image. The TRIM function only trims to a square surrounding my image and not to the edge of the image itself. Is there a work around for this? I have looked around and haven't found one.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have an image (of many layers) which are mostly solid color, and solid alpha. 1-bit alpha, which is exactly what i want. However there are a few parts which are slightly blurry, where it fades between the two. this is causing problems in my end result. The common white halo effect.
I've tried the flaming pear solidify plugin, and it's totally not what i want. I don't want to fill everything with color or mess around with alpha channels. What i want to do is convert all partially transparent pixels, to either 0 or 100% alpha, with no middle ground. Essentially to make the image alpha binary. ideally some plugin which lets me define the threshold for one or the other would be nice.
I'm saving as an 8bit png, which naturally forces everything to be 1-bit alpha. this is unfortunately resulting in a lot of pixels being white where they show as almost invisible in Photoshop, so i want to fix this problem author side. Ideally i'd like to not mess around with alpha channels - i like the png format because i never have to touch the alpha channel, it's all done for me which speeds up workflow dramatically. I know i can save as a 24 bit png which will store the partial alpha information, but this also increases file size which is not an acceptable compromise for my purpose.
I'm interested in doing a non-destructive "resize" of an image, whereby only the transparent pixels are traditionally resized and the non-transparent pixels remain the same size (but move relative to the resized transparent pixels).
As an example, imagine an image that consists of stars on a transparent background. If we were to do the above to this image, the physical space taken up by the image would increase (due to the resizing of the transparent pixels), but the stars themselves would remain the same size. In short, the stars would appear to spread out to fill more space.
If it helps, here's an illustrated example: ....
I have RAWs from my Panasonic GH3 and the files seen in Bridge (CC) oder ACR (8.1) are different in viewing angle compered to the same file opened in other RAW converters. It looks like they are cropped and somehow corrected. But I made no setup for this and can not change it. Sometimes a little bit more area is not bad and I want to access this area but with ACR I can´t.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there a way to have Photoshop automatiaclly trim out excess background of an image captured from a camera? I am currently taking a bunch of pictures agast a white backgron and have to crop them manaually.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhenever I use the Crop to Selection tool (with a rectangular selection), it doesn't actually crop TO the selection, it usually leaves an extra pixel on two edges.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I convert all of the transparent (100% transparent) pixels in an image to a specific color?
Adding a color layer below is not the solution I'm looking for, because some pixels are partially transparent and I don't want to modify those ones.
I use the "select color range" feature alot to do things with specific color pixels, but that feature doesn't seem to work in this case.
I am creating bitmap images for a program, where the transparent parts of the image need to be represented by a specific color.
I have two layers and some of the pixels in each layer are the same. I want the difference on the pixels that are not the same and for the pixels that are the same I want the result to be a transparent pixel. I have tried using the difference blend node but for pixels that are the same it returns black as the result not transparent.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm making graphics for a 2D game. One important part of performance optimisation is getting rid of unnecessary alpha sorting. I don't want partial alpha unless i have a specific need for it. I'm wanting all my images to be 1-bit alpha only. That is, a pixel is either completely opaque, or completely transparent - never inbetween.
I'm not sure how to do this easily in photoshop. So far i've come up with a workflow that fills my needs pretty well, except that it seems unnecessarily long and complicated:
1. Place the graphic on a transparent background
2. Use the magic wand to select transparent space, using the tolerance value to define the cutoff point
3. Select Refine Edge, and shift the contrast up to 100. For some reason if I don't do this, photoshop will often "partially select" a pixel, giving undesired results.
4. Hit delete. This removes all pixels that were selected (transparent enough to fall within the tolerance)
5. Select > Inverse. Shifts my selection to everything except what i just delete, ie the actual graphic.
6. Using the color picker, i pick an appropriate neutral color from the main body of the graphic. or i use black.
7. Using the pencil tool, with the draw mode set to Behind, and with a colossal radius, i draw on the graphic. This fills in all the remaining partially transparent pixels with the solid colour that i chose
This workflow does the job perfectly for me, and exactly achieves my intended results. but i can only do it on one layer at a time (i usually need to do this on about 18 layers, for a character graphic).
So what i'm looking for here, is some way to automate this process. The overall point of it really is forcing all pixels to "take a side", becoming either fully transparent, or fully opaque. Is there any better built in way to accomplish this? or a plugin? I'm open to commercial tools and plugins, even.
Probably relevant, I'm using photoshop CS5
This is probably really basic but... I'm a printer and only really use Photoshop for changing RGB to CMYK, clear cutting (with Vertus fluid mask) and things like that. However a lot of the photos I have to clear cut have been done already but not saved (or given to me to use) with the transparency still there. Is there some easy way to turn all the white pixels into transparency? Obviously you'd have to mask any white pixels in the image you wanted to keep. A sample is attached.
View 8 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to change all white (#FFFFFF) pixels to transparent? I am using PS7.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an image that has corners with partially transparent pixels. I would like to make a mouse-over image of this with the same same dimensions, only a different color.
How can I color this image a different color and still have the partially transparent pixels around the edge. Obviously, I would like the semi-transparent pixels to be semi-transparent of the new color.
I'm still not allowed to use the link vb, but let's try this: ....