Photoshop :: Does Elements 10 Have Perspective Function In Crop
Jun 10, 2012
I have a client who is an artist and she needs some image editing software but does not have the funds for Photoshop. She can purchase elements 10 quite cheaply but the most handy tool for her will be the perspective function in crop but I am not sure whether it is a feature of elements 10.
In the old days, one could just use the crop tool and, while drawing crop lines, check the perspective box if you found that you needed to change the perspective. With CS6 if you start with the crop tool, and find you want to change the perspective, you have to change tools to the new perspective crop tool. In the process, you have to tell the newly opened dialog box that you don't want to crop, to get to the perspective tool, which now has reset to its defaults. You've lost your cropping and you have to start over.
Here are two crops of a banal subject, our dryer and its circular control knob. Both done the same way, but look at the difference. First result, with size 1876x1419, which is reduced for this post, is obviously a distortion:
I wasn't surprised or upset to see this distortion, since I'd seen it many times before. It's easy enough to remedy: just Perspective Crop again. This time the image was 1871x1000, which is much better:
Photoshop, we have a problem! Why can't this be corrected?
I want to crop with a perspective change in PSCS 4 Extended. Whenever I add a crop outline, the Perspective checkbox is disabled.
I thought that the way to change perspective was to make the crop selection and then check the Perspective checkbox and then adjust the proportions but something is strange.
I use Xara sometimes to resize images/photos. Quite often I use the clip view function to crop the image to the precise size I need.
I just recently found that when I export my clipped views, always as pngs, they have a very small 1 to 2 pixel edge around them. I can keep clipping but it continues to stay there. I exported with alpha and without to see if it made a difference but it doesn't.
I am now having to use my raster program to resize but had liked using Xara for it. The raster program works fine and I suppose every program has its uses so I just won't use Xara for photo clipping and exporting anymore. I just think that there shouldn't be an issue since Xara seems to want to handle photos more.
The attached images show extreme closeup of a blue image on a black background (the black background is used for checking this very problem).
The documentation and information shows a panorama function available from the drop-down menu, but there is no option in the software. Has that feature been dropped from the software?
I can transfer files from the Organizer to the Editor, and complete editing, but when I Save it and try to close it, it fails and gives a message that it is only 95% complete. Nothing else happens. I cannot even delete the file which is only indicated by an hour gloass figure in the Organizer. Basically, I can't edit.
From a curious Windows user : Are there new features in PSE11 organizer for Mac users ? For instance, in the help files links I had a look at the 'export' function : it is no longer marked as 'Windows only' ?
I have what would seem to be a simple problem. I cannot successfully send a photo as an email attachment, using Elements 11 Organizer "share" function. I go thru the easy steps and hit the send button but nothing happens. I suspect something or some pathway in my operating system (microsoft vista) or local email provider is not confifured or set up properly.
After upgrading to Windows 7, the Editior function on my Photoshop Elements 6 program stopped working. I have tried the following: Run as Administrator. No success. Compatibility Troubleshoot. No success. Reinstalling. No Success.
I'll attach photo/photos and send them out through the "Share" email function through Outlook. The Outlook "sent" file shows that emails and pix go out, but they never arrive. Can I switch to GMail somehow?
I have had Photoshop on my desktop for a couple of years with no problem. But when I now click it, nothing happens but a 20 sec wait, then nothing. I have checked the program files and Photoshop is still there with 368 MB.
I just downloaded Elements 11 and the Photomerge Panorama function is not available, even though the other photomerge functions are. How can I fix this?
Since I recently purchased a camera that the manufactor released after I aquired Elements11, I downloaded the update for thr RAW converter.
A problem has occurred. Eventhough I clicked the box in the Photo Downloader that says "After copying, do not delete originals" , the Import program deletes the RAW originals. It does not delete the JPEG originals that were downloaded at the same time as their twin RAW images.
how to get the import program to stop deleting the RAW originals?
I have used Tech Support twice in past 4 months trying to get the Edit function to work. Have reinstalled program twice from an On-line download license. When attempting to open EDIT, the system either cycle for 30 seconds and then simply disappears, or a pop-up appears "PSE 10 has stopped working" and cycles for 30 seconds and then closes the program.
I have read that spell checking IS available for Photoshop Elements, but is disabled if I don't have the proper dictionaries. True? If so, where do I get the necessary dictionaries and how do I enable the spell check function?
I am using a trial download of PSE11, and find that some of the functions [that I have been using for many years on several iterations of PSE] are greyed out and not usuable. Is that becuase I haveatrial edition? I want ot use custom rotate to straghten a photo, and "straighten image" is not enough. Why can't I access "custom rotate"?