Photoshop :: Color Correcting Images Using "correct" Image As Base?
Mar 19, 2004
I'm capturing television frames using a TV capture card, but the resulting images do not have the correct brightness/contrast and color values.
Instead of manually altering every image using trial and error, I'd like to take a "correct" source frame that I know is correctly balanced (such as a test pattern), and use it to correct my other captured images.
I've tried saving the source frame's levels and curves and then loading them into the captured frames, but this doesn't produce quite the effect I'm looking for.
I have a photo of a painting that was taken with Kodak color checker patches on one corner. It looks like I need to adjust the colors in Photoshop.
I want to use the color checker as a reference to correct the overall image color and contrast. However, I don't know how to use it as I have never worked with color checker patches before.
how to color correct the image on photoshop?
I am attaching a cropped sample image. The original image is in RGB. The colors on the Kodak patch as follows: Blue, Cyan, Gree, Yellow, Red, Magenta, White, 3/Color, Black.
I'm trying to create a swatch in Illustrator with our company's colors. I already succeedid in creating a palet with the RGB and CMYK colors, but I also want to do this with the PMS colors.However, I can't seem to find the correct color book in which to locate the correct PMS color.
I only have the number of the PMS color, I don't know which color book to choose?
After scanning a image that has a mostly white background, and opening it in Photoshop CC that portions of the edges had pinkish tones that was quite noticible. I tried to use the replace color from the "Image->adgustments" menu but found that affected small portions of the image as well.
How do I correct this so the background is white? Is there a correction filter for scanners like there is for cameras?
Well got some pics of my wedding, but some of them are blurry co'z of camera movement while he was taking those pics. And now I tried unsharp method + duplicate layer and set blending mode to overlay or soft light. It helps but not on very blurry pics.
I'm really hoping someone might have an answer for me on this one. For the past few months, Photoshop has been auto-adjusting my images. The colors/skin tones look absolutely awful. I have had to adjust every picture to get a non-alien look to them, but they still never look as good as what was in the camera. Has anyone experienced this? If so, were you able to find a fix? I'm a PC user - don't know if that helps. Here are a couple of examples:
When viewing them in bridge, the colors look normal (pics on left side)
Then when I click on the picture (not even opening it), the color automatically changes (pics on right)
I have tried pulling an image up just through Photoshop, but the same thing happens. I work in RAW, but have noticed it happening to the JPGS as well.
I have multiple images. After correcting one image (master image with graycard) for correct color and exposure, how can I use that image to automatically adjust the other images?
when I have a picture that just isn't right but I'm not sure exactly what it is I'll run it thru "Variations"...It gives me a quick color tint variation.. making it a little more obvouis which way to go in color correcting it.
Rarely use it for the final color correction but I do use it to see where I should go..
I tried following Scott Kelby's instructions for color correcting digital images in PSE 10. I was entering the values he gave for the R,G and Blue channels. I got off track and probably missed a step. Anyway, now when I try any of the auto correction features, my images look like film negatives and not like a regular digital image. How can I re-enable the auto correction features (levels, color correction, etc.) ?
Is it possible to just simply work with the highlights in a shot (for example boosting the gain), without having to work with selective, or masks, and without changing the color? Cause there is the 'wheel' for highlights, but as soon, as you turn it in one direction, you start to change the color.
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4 and Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts) Mac Pro 4,1 OS X 10.6.7 12 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 4000 14 TB RAID (Areca)
My director friend has seen me color correct images in LR with grace and skill, and wants me to start doing color correction for his films. I have never used Final Cut Pro before, and wondered if the controls in Final Cut were similar to LR, if you could export and import between the two, and generally what the difference was between working with color in each. He has one of the RED cameras, which shoots in RAW, so I assume the different can't be too great.
New to PSP and I took some night time photos of a car using long exposure, the pictures are clear and focused but they have that yellow-orange street light tint to them. Is there an easy way in PSP X6 to get rid of that color cast?
I'm shooting in RAW in Large with a Nikon D5100 if that matters for this. I'm not bothered how I output it as up to now I've just experimented on screen. No error codes yet!
I have something like 1,850 photos, taken in RAW and later converted to DNG, to create a stop motion. All the photos were taken with the same camera (Canon 5D Mk II) and most of them with a 24-70L. All were taken in the same lighting conditions (in an interior, with the house lighting from flourescent lights) and the same day, in a period of maybe 2 or 3 hours. Each "take" was with the exact same camera and exposure parameters.
When processing the photos in Lightroom (using the LR4 beta) I can see some minor but very noticeable differences between color an exposure in the photos of the same "take". The exposure can be more or less automatically corrected by the Matching total exposures (although I think this doesn't work when the exposures are really similar, but there are some subtle differences like in this case, say, something along ~1/5 stop or so), but I haven't found how to try to match the white balance. All of the photos have already been set to a specific WB (I took a ColorChecker Passport at the beginning of the session), but there are still some differences between some of the shots. Some of them look a tad more greener. I blame the flourescent bulbs, but I'm not sure of the real cause.
So, the question is: is there a way to match the color balance of a series of photos to a target one? I really don't want to go photo by photo setting the white balance manually. Is there a tool like the Match total exposures, but for color balance? I have already tried with the automatic white balance, but the problem is that the decided WB for the photos is not the one I need, and I need to have the same WB for all the session, and this could change from different takes. The difference between shots is usually around 4 or 5 "points" in the Tint scale, some are with Tint +11, some with +15.
Or any other tool that could process this after? At the end I'll use JPGs to create the stop motion, so if there is a tool that could process the exported jpgs it could work too.
I have a small print shop and have had an issue with the new Photoshop CC not printing images with correct margins on and Epson 9890 and 11880. If I set the image to center on an 8x10 sheet (or any other size). The image comes out skewed to the upper left. between .125 and .25 inches to the left and to the top. I never had this issue with other versions of Photoshop.
so I mess up on an image and I have to undo more than once... this has happened to me on MULTIPLE occasions!!! the undo feature won't undo as far as I need to!!! Gimp takes it upon itself to use a later action as the base image forcing to to throw the whole image away and start over because I CANNOT go back any more because it says 'base image' when I have done other things prior to the so called base image in the undo history!!!
I am new to Photoshop. I have version cs5. I have several photos that were taken through a Blue tinted plexiglass window. Some or all of the photo has acquired the tint. Also parts may have a reflection minor of people standing around. How do I remove the tint?
I photograph a bright red car in raw mode on a digital slr (Canon 20D) set to Adobe rgb 1998 and view it in Breeze Browser and it looks just as I remember it. I open it into Pshop CS5 extended (which is set to Adobe rgb1998, Europe ISO Coated Fogra27, (as I am UK and this is what a calibration company set our works proofer to) gray gamma 2.2 dot gain 20% and its become a little desaturated.
Sampling it and comparing screens and colours with Breeze Browser its definitely less red, a bit more orange red instead. I need to up saturation to return the red, both in RAW converter and also after image opened if not done so beforehand in RAW converter. Colors just look muted.
What tests can I carry out to find out what is going on ?
Perhaps create a rgb 255 0 0 image in a way not influenced by photoshop and photo the monitor, then open this in photoshop and sample it. However that would be influenced by the exposure of the camera. Maybe I need to create a Kodak grey card type image and establish correct exposure for the monitor brightness first. so what would that be as rgb ?
I know though that Pshop is displaying duller. Once upon a time we had Adobe gamma and one would go through the calibration wizard to set up Photoshop having already set up the monitor.
What do we have to do after installing CS5 extended or CS4 to ensure Pshops display is correct ?
I have Adobe gamma in the control panel, Is this something we still have to do in CS5, I wonder if its there because I still have Pshop 7 installed which used that wizard.
as some of you who work in TV know, video uses color bars to set up your source material in order to insure that levels in video will be output properly.
please see the above PDF. i created the BG in photoshop, then imported it into indesign for a half-page magazine ad.
this PDF is a high-quality output of PDF. i printed it on my $99 ink jet printer just to see how it looks on paper and it doesn't look too bad.
but is there some way i can test the print output without having to get a printed proof from the print company, that will insure that the ad's colors and levels are set properly?
i guess what i mean is, is there some way that a color bar system similar to TV can be used to compare with the PDF?
I have two colors that I would like the Color Guide to pick other colors that will work well with them. Is there a way to do this? If I select just the green color as my base color and then select a color rule, the colors do not seem to go well with my other color.
In Illustrator, I save a vector clouds with a blue backround. However, once saved as a PDF, the blue sky doesn'y appear. Just the white clouds on a checkerboard backround appear.
I'm trying to color correct some strands of fabric that are underneath a semi transparent fabric. I've been trying to paint the strands and use opacity properly color correct them, but are there any good tricks to keep the illusion of the transparency of the overlaying fabric?
I have a Nikon P7000 with a 28-200 mm wide zoom Nikkor wide lens. I have several RAW images that are out of focus. I took these when I was just learning how to use this camera. How can I use the attributes of CS5 to sharpen the image or bring it back into focus? Should I try to use the correction lens features?
Is it possible to add a base depth to the transition lane assembly? I need to do volumes for my road, (pavement, base) but there is a section with a transition (which only has one depth), so that section is off.
Old PC Windows XP with PSE8. New PC Windows 8 with PSE11.I did a backup and restore operation. After the restore, there was a large list of files that could not be restored. I also noticed that there were a large number of thumbnails with a question mark attached.
I did a reconnect using FindAll missing files. Instead of placing the recovered files in their original path and folder location, they ended up in an entirely different path in the Folders View. I tried to drag the folders back to their original location, but got the message: folder with that name already exists at the requested location, even though it wasn't visible. In addition some of the folders involved were no longer visible in either path structure.
I checked in the My Folders View, and it showed that the folders involved in the reconnect were still intact. I opened one or two and found they contained the original missing images.How can I get the folders and their images back to their correct places in the original path structure?