Photoshop Elements 8 (version 8.0). This is first time I tried to use photo downloader from Adobe Bridge (CS4 with my iphone 4s. It crashes every time. Have been to preferences and deleted adobe.downloader.plist. Still crashes.
When downloading photos off a SD card, Photo Downloader will occasionally hang. Doesn't happen all the time. I need to go to Activity Monitor and Force Quit the Photo Downloader, which is showing the status Not Responding.
Photoshop Elements Organizer then hangs and I have to shoot this process as well. Also showing Not Responding. Restart Photoshop Elements Organizer and can see the photos that have been imported.
I am unable to download my photos to Elements 10. The program recognizes my Canon camera and he number of photos on its card. But when I tap "get media" nothing happens and I then cannot even cancel or close the photo downloader page, which Task Manager says is not responding.
The default sort for the Photo Downloader seems be by date and time. I recently purchased a camera the does up to 10 fps and the Downloader does not seems to have resolution to sort the micro-second or even second. I batch download the images and also do a rename of the files in this format yyyymmdd-###. I am finding my action sequences are all out of order. What I really just need the Downloader to do is sort by sequential camera number just like it comes out of the camera. Then all the images would be renamed in the right order. I tried modifying the XML settings file but that was no success.
Has a fix become available for the 'advanced dialog box' option in PSE 9? My partner has just changed his laptop and now realises that PSE 9 won't give him the option of pre-selecting photos, due to the smaller screen. The laptop won't display at 800 res. The height of the screen is too small. He's annoyed because this problem will affect all users of PSE 9 who get a new laptop with a smaller height screen, which is most new laptops!! It ran perfect on the old Sony Vaio..... till the graphics card went seriously dead! Has this problem been resolved with PSE 10 or 11? If so, it might be worth upgrading to one of those.
I have CS4 installed in Vista 64.The Adobe Photo Downloader is not listed in the Autoplay options when a memory card is inserted in the computer card reader.How do I get this to work properly? The Adobe Photodownloader is not listed as an option in the Control Panel/Autoplay control.
I wonder how i can save the import settings in photo down loader to always have same settings when extracting images? It always adjust it self back to default and i need to find my location again.
Also. When working in CS5, and i want to apply e.g sharpening i go to filters and the slide appears, moving down to sharpen the new "window" appears on the left side and not the right.
I just installed PSP X2 Ultimate and after first memory card use, I unchecked Photo Down loader so it won't run when I start the computer. Now when I "manually" move files from my memory card (SD) to my hard drive, I am Not able to delete those file on the memory card. Nor can I simply Move the files to my hard drive.
I had no problems before installing PSP. Now to remove the files I have to reformat the card(s) each time.
Seems like Photo Down loader put some hooks in the OS to operate and didn't remove them when I disabled it.
Every time I insert a USB stick or CD or DVD which contains image files I get a popup window asking me if I want to download those files.
I know that I can disable this annoying window by running MSCONFIG and then selecting STARTUP and then unselecting CorelIOMonitor and Corel Photo Downloader but is there another way of disabling it (as I really prefer not to change STARTUP.
I'm trying to import a photo straight from my iphone into photoshop but it is telling me it cannot complete request as it is not the right type of document.
When I take a photo with my iPhone 4S, which has an 8mp camera, and open it in Photoshop, the resolution is set a 72ppi. How do I get the photo into Photoshop at a resolution which will allow me to print it?
I select the photo, click next and program instantly crashes.
Further email attachments does not work. Brings up an email window which i've not seen before and says no email account assigned. Yahoo is my default client.
Why are photos out of sequence in Elements 11 Organizer Photo Downloader? When I rename photos they are downloaded in the "out of sequence" order - not the order in which the photos were taken.
I have a Canon SX30IS. When I use PSE9 to download from memory card, if there are any videos present on the card, the Photo Downloader crashes.
I believe that it is something to do with Apple Quicktime. When I uninstall Quicktime , PSE downloader does not crash while importing media form this camera, but cannot play video clips. On reinstalling Quicktime , the PSE downloader crashes while searching the memory card for media.
I have not upgraded PSE twice now because of this crash. What makes it worse is that Apple Quicktime is a very poor media player, managing about 2FPS on the video clips from this camera when both the Canon and the VLC video codecs can manage 30FPS.
I would much prefer if I could choose to use a video renderer, like using any available Windows codecs rather than insisting on using annoying Apple software.
I connect my iPhone to my PC and open Photoshop Elements 11 Organizer. I click Import and select my iPhone (using current iOS version). It searches and finds all photos. I click get media and I get the following error: "Elements cannot obtain files from this device. ensure that the device is connected properly, or that the battery is charged, and try again."
I click Ok and the import fails.
In the attached screen shot you can see the import process about to begin, but the error box pop up over top.
I have been using Elements 8.0 for some years and it still uploads pictures from my regular camera Sony Cyrbershot. It used to upload from iPhone 4s OK but has not done so for a week. The pictures can be seen in File Explorer and iTunes syncs fine with the iPhone but iPhone is not detecetd at "Get photos from". Clicking refresh does not work.
I use photoshop elements 10 with the organizer as my photo catalog. I have deleted my photos off my iphone. I want to get a selet few of the photographs back onto my phone. I thought the easiest way would be to use iphoto with itunes. I don't want to email myself each individual photograph back to myself. My filing system is as following tree
Pictures/photoshop/Each year I have take photographs/Month I have taken photographs/
itunes does not recongize all the sub folders so I would have to download the whole catalog into my iphone.
Prefer this method would be to make up an iphone album in the organizer and just have these photos downloaded to my phone.
Even if I did this system, however, the mac version of photoshop elements does not let you export photos to create a folder in my system for itunes to syn with.
PS CS5 crashes when I click on Photomerge from either PS or Bridge. It crashes every time. It doesn't amtter if I have preselected files or click Photomerge from within a blank document.
Laptop is a Dell XPS with plenty of free HDD and 8GB RAM.
PS CS5.1 x64 WIN7 Pro x64
All software was legally purchased through a registered Adobe dealer but Adobe won't assist me as they've shipped CS6.
I am unable to import pictures from an iPhone into a fresh install of Elements Organizer 12 which was installed on a brand new installation of Maverics on our iMac. I receive a nasty looking error. Are there any known issues? I would think there would have to be known issues as both my Organizer installation and Mavericks version is freshly installed.
I just installed Bridge and PS CC. When I open a photo in PS no photo appears in the workspace. It shows the photo id at the top and the doc size at the bottom, but no photo in the workspace.
CS4 and have elements 5 and 7 both have photos in them. I want to move these photos to CS4 or to the CS4 Bridge, not sure witch to use. What is the easyest way as I want to give the Elements 7 to sister. I shoot with a Nikon D200 that I bought when they first came out. Before that I had a Nikon D70s, N80 was last film camera, I still have it. Before buying the N80 I always used Pentax cameras.