Photoshop Elements :: Photos Not In Sequence In Downloader?
Nov 11, 2013
Why are photos out of sequence in Elements 11 Organizer Photo Downloader? When I rename photos they are downloaded in the "out of sequence" order - not the order in which the photos were taken.
Given a file folder of photos.How can these photos be resequenced and renumbered so that they are in the resequenced (and renumbered) order in the file folder?This was easy in Elements 3. Drag the photos in the File Browser to the desired sequence and then use the Batch Rename function under Automate to Rename / Renumber the photos.I cannot accomplish this in Elements 10.
After I download my photos & I have them in a file folder in the organizer, how do I sequence & sort the photos by the filename & not the date/time? I try renaming some of them so that the file name is in an alphanumeric order between some other photos & hope that it moves them in the organizer, but it doesn't. No matter what I do, the photos remain in the date-time sequence. I was able to move the files very easily in Ver 8, but it doesn't work the same in Ver 11.
I want to sort the photos in an album into date sequence, that is to say, oldest first. I want to keep the photos in the organiser in newest first sequence (I don't want that photo from zillions of years ago top of the list every time I open the organiser).
I can see "Sort by" at the top but that seems to apply to the selection of photos I have showing on the screen and does not appear to be an attribute that can be attached to an album. So if I select "Oldest" as the sort order, that works nicely for the album but then I go back to the organiser and it's in oldest first order. Not what I want. So I select "Newest", then go back to the album and the "oldest" sequence has been lost.
It was really easy in PSE8. It appears that what I am trying to do is impossible and Adobe have dropped the ability to associate a sequence with an album.
Incidentally, what does "Album order" mean? That implies that it is possible to set an album order somewhere.
I've successfully merged a sequence of photos taken along the shoreline of Yellowstone Lake using the Photoshop Elements 11 Photomerge Panorama facility. Alignment is perfect but the sky has gone wrong at one or two boundaries.
The sky is there in both the adjoining photos and I'm sure I could do a better job than Elements if I could adjust the mask boundaries and get rid of the existing smudged area, but I can't find out how to do that.
When downloading photos off a SD card, Photo Downloader will occasionally hang. Doesn't happen all the time. I need to go to Activity Monitor and Force Quit the Photo Downloader, which is showing the status Not Responding.
Photoshop Elements Organizer then hangs and I have to shoot this process as well. Also showing Not Responding. Restart Photoshop Elements Organizer and can see the photos that have been imported.
I am unable to download my photos to Elements 10. The program recognizes my Canon camera and he number of photos on its card. But when I tap "get media" nothing happens and I then cannot even cancel or close the photo downloader page, which Task Manager says is not responding.
The default sort for the Photo Downloader seems be by date and time. I recently purchased a camera the does up to 10 fps and the Downloader does not seems to have resolution to sort the micro-second or even second. I batch download the images and also do a rename of the files in this format yyyymmdd-###. I am finding my action sequences are all out of order. What I really just need the Downloader to do is sort by sequential camera number just like it comes out of the camera. Then all the images would be renamed in the right order. I tried modifying the XML settings file but that was no success.
Photoshop Elements 8 (version 8.0). This is first time I tried to use photo downloader from Adobe Bridge (CS4 with my iphone 4s. It crashes every time. Have been to preferences and deleted adobe.downloader.plist. Still crashes.
I have a Canon SX30IS. When I use PSE9 to download from memory card, if there are any videos present on the card, the Photo Downloader crashes.
I believe that it is something to do with Apple Quicktime. When I uninstall Quicktime , PSE downloader does not crash while importing media form this camera, but cannot play video clips. On reinstalling Quicktime , the PSE downloader crashes while searching the memory card for media.
I have not upgraded PSE twice now because of this crash. What makes it worse is that Apple Quicktime is a very poor media player, managing about 2FPS on the video clips from this camera when both the Canon and the VLC video codecs can manage 30FPS.
I would much prefer if I could choose to use a video renderer, like using any available Windows codecs rather than insisting on using annoying Apple software.
Has a fix become available for the 'advanced dialog box' option in PSE 9? My partner has just changed his laptop and now realises that PSE 9 won't give him the option of pre-selecting photos, due to the smaller screen. The laptop won't display at 800 res. The height of the screen is too small. He's annoyed because this problem will affect all users of PSE 9 who get a new laptop with a smaller height screen, which is most new laptops!! It ran perfect on the old Sony Vaio..... till the graphics card went seriously dead! Has this problem been resolved with PSE 10 or 11? If so, it might be worth upgrading to one of those.
I have collected a number of archival photos that are scanned from various sources. Obviously- when they are scanned the date of origination is the date they were scanned not the actual date the photo was taken. I can remedy this in the 'edit capture time' feature. But there are thousand of photos and this is time consuming and often a guess. So, sometimes being lazy I forget. However, Lightroom allows me to arrange photos in a specific order. So for the sake of this discussion I can arrange histroical images in what I believe is the best the chronological order. Now I want to export these files without scrambing the order in which they are arranged. Not all the dates may be accurate so I don't want to rely on that feature. I want to export the photos in the sequence in which they are arranged. It might be as simple as adding a prefix 1-filename, 2-filename, etc. I've attempted exporting several times in the past but invariably it arranges everything by an alphanumeric sort.
I have two slrs which I take with me to events, and I'm going through one of my workflow but noticed that the story I'm telling from the even is not in chronologicial order. I think this is because the number sequence on the camera is set to numerical is set so Lightroom has not exported the photo in my desire sequence.
When I want to export the photos into JPEG, is there a way to choose which photos goes in which sequence?
I have a file on my computer that contains photos from two cameras that took photos over the same three week timespan. I have sorted them by date and time. When I import the file the photos from one camera show first followed by the photos from the other camera. How can I import or resort in LR3 to have photos in date/time sequence?
After selecting 2 (or more) files and right clicking and choosing Multi camera sequence from source, I drag the newly created sequence on to the time line but all I get is the two files on the time line stacked over one another. the sequence never gets created.
I'm trying to use CTRL+A;Delete;CTRL+D key combination in order to clear the content of the active layer. When I'm doing it manually via the keyboard, the results are as expected.
But when I feed this and a sequence of keystrokes to one of my Wacom tablet keys: If the pointer is off canvas nothing happens, and if it's over the canvas, the canvas gets surrounded by a blue border, same as if I were holding down the CTRL key alone for selecting the whole layer.
Which key combination should yield the expected result via a table keystroke?
I need a tool or option in order to set the time/date of a series of scanned slide files into the date/time sequence of my choice (when browsing with the Organizer in "Thumbnail View" (I.e. in Date/time order).
For those slides that I had sent within slide-trays, I asked the scan shop for the following for the photo-files resulting from the scan:That the name of the photo-files include a trailing number reflecting sequence as the slides within their trays.That the scan timestamp sequence reflects the sequence of the slides within their trays (this was and is important for me, in order to be able to browse within the PSE Organizer through the scan-result of one tray, in the same sequence as the slides within their trays; even when the resulting photo-files are not organized in a PSE Album; and even when being in “Thumbnail View” sequence). Unfortunately, the scan shop forgot about this request and I can therefore not look (in Thumbnail View” mode) at the scan results in the same sequence as the slides within their trays.
I am looking for a Windows Tool (or a PSE Organizer Tool/plug-in) that will allow me to set the time of a series of Foto-Files in ascending time sequence. A tool that will for example allow me to select multiple foto files • then, allow allow me to specify the date/Time of the first photo-file within the selected files to the date/time of my choiceand then add an increment of 1 or n seconds (or 1 or n minutes) to each one of the fotos that follows in the selected series. Question: For a Windows 7 and PSE 8 environment are you aware of such a tool? (the scan shop told me, they are not aware of such a tool)
Two details: When looking (before importing the foto files into the PSE Organizer) with Windows Explorer at a folder containing the scanned photo-files I can see the following: the foto files have both a “Date Created” and a “Date Modified”. But they have not yet a “Date Shot”. I do not know, whether this can make it simpler to find a solution.I tried without success, the following within the V8 Organizer, I displayed the photos in “Folder Location” view (in V8, this will show the foto-files of each folder in file-name sequence),while in Folder Location view, I selected all photos of one folderthen, while still in Folder view I did “Adjust Date and Time of Selected items” --> “change to a specified date and time”.
It seems that all selected photos got (exactly?) the same time, Unfortunately this did not work for me. Why that?
After the Time-Adjust, when switching from “Folder Location” view to “Thumbnail View”, the photos of that folder were still in the desired sequence (that looked great and I was happy). After editing one of these photos (and when storing the edited result within a versionset) , the edited version of the photo was still in the desired sequence (this still looked great!). But surprise – surprise..., once I exited from the Organizer and then relaunched it, the Versionset containing the edited Photo changed its position to the end of the series of photos having the same date/time – this was no more its desired position/sequence.
I have CS4 installed in Vista 64.The Adobe Photo Downloader is not listed in the Autoplay options when a memory card is inserted in the computer card reader.How do I get this to work properly? The Adobe Photodownloader is not listed as an option in the Control Panel/Autoplay control.
In a last few weeks I am having a peculiar problem with CC Premiere Pro.Sequence tab and all of it content become unresponsive/does not redraw upon any action other than changing the tab size by dragging it's borders or by using next edit/previous edit shortcuts. No other action redraws the UI.I am flying blind.As a part of troubleshooting I have opened an old (CS6) project in CS6. It works just fine in there. When opening the same project in Premiere CC the behavior described occurs.I do not get any error messages.Seems to have started after one of the CC updates.
I have made 4 attempts to download this program for Windows 7 and CS5 (64 bit). I have successfully downloaded Adobe Air as required. However, when I try to open Lens Profile Dowloader.swf I get an error message. It won't let me copy and past the message so here it is in my own words. "Adobe Reader cannot open LensProfileDownloader.swf because the file has been damaged."
Is there a problem at Adobe's end with this program? Without this program I have no access to lens profiles created by individuals and shared with Adobe.
When opening my jpeg photos in Photoshop elements 9, once saved elements seems put the image in a format that my Apple Mac isn't compatible with. So when I then try and upload the images to Facebook or other software in a bulk upload the images are highlighted and I therefore can't select them and upload.
New user to PSE11. Is it recommended that ALL photos be in albums or is the idea that photos in albums are a subset of the photos in folders? With all the sort and search functionality, I don't understand the benefit of albums.I name my image folders using a standard naming convention with the date embedded so it makes them rather easy to manage.
The instructions in Adobe Photo Elements 11 Classroom In a Book are the classic Windows "Drag and Drop" Method. However, when I try to do it, the cursor/icon I am dragging turns into a gray circle with a gray diagonal when it reaches the Media Browser pane in the Organizer and the folder/photo is not imported into the Organizer when I "drop." Do I need to change setting in Windows (Vista, SP2) or Photoshop Elements 11?
My photos are OK in the Organizer, but the portrait photos are cut off at the top or bottom when used in a slide show. I have checked the "Crop to Fit" portrait selection but it makes no difference. I have Version 9 of Elements.