Photoshop Elements :: 9 / Win 7 - Create Album Of All JPGs With Reduced Size?
Aug 30, 2012
PSE 9 on Win 7.
I want to take a bunch of my pictures to my iPad via iTunes. iTunes will accept a PSE Album as a source. But not a Smart Album. I also want to reduce the size of the jpg's in the album. Sort of what I can do with Export. Is there some way I can do this?
Ultimately I'd like to get all my new photos to flow through this downsizing, into the album and be delivered pretty automatically.
I recently purchased PSE 11 to replace PSE 10. When I entered the Organizer, everything worked well until I tried to create a new category under a category that had already been created. After several attempts (and crashes) I rebooted the computer and succeeded in creating the new category. When I then attempted repeatedly to create a new album within the new category, the Organizer again crashed several times. I suspect that rebooting the computer will fix the immediate problem, but this should not occur in the first place and is unacceptable as an ongoing problem.
When creating a slide-show in PSE 11 I can choose a certain soundfile or deny to include music. But when I create an online-album I don't find the checkbox for music to un-check it.
How long should it take for an album of photos to be uploaded? Is there any faster way to distribute an album or large batch of photos besides uploading an album?
I tried to save a few pages as one PDF.But it was an epic fail. However, i must have cganged a vital setting, for now when i save PSD files to PDF, the image reduces massively in size, but the file size increases a lot. What have I done and how can i change it back?
I have many images of slides scanned at high res (4800 DPI, maximum pixels 5214x3592). Although I will be saving these as loss less TIFs, I also wish to make JPGs from them that I wish to be just less than 5 MB in file size. Aside from cropping, I know I can achieve such a reduction of JPG file size by a combination of saving to lower quality JPG compression or reducing image size. My question is, what is theoretically or practically better, achieving this mostly by reducing image total pixels or by reducing JPG compression quality.
I'm trying to print a landscape image but the image is reduced when printed. I open a new A4 sized template and make my image but when it comes time to print the image is smaller on the page than A4. Is there an easy solution to this? I have messed around with orientation both in GIMP and my printer settings, I have used the printers' "fit to page" setting and tried everything I can think of.
I am using a vinyl cutter to cut out some roughly A3 sized artwork however when ether I go to print preview the size is reduced to A4. the settings are correct before, its just whenever i go to print preview mode. I have tried multiple settings but no change
I successfully exported the catalog from my old Vista Computer running elements 6. I imported the catalog to a Sony Vaio running Windows 8.1 . All pics and albums are in the organizer. However I cannot add additional pictures from a file folder in the organizer to an album that is also in the organizer that was previously created in elements 6
I accidentally exported original photos in low quality (reduced size from 12MB to 600KB), as I needed to quickly (herein lays my mistake) upload them to a proofing site which requires me to reduce the quality of the images significantly. I NEVER usually do anything without backing things up, or before making a copy etc. This time however, I was in a BIG rush to get these to a client and I not only exported the original files (even though I exported to a new folder, somehow, the originals got reduced as well without me noticing), but I also deleted them from my memory card (I tried card recovery software and no luck). What I'm left with now is a folder full of low quality, useless images and no (known) way of restoring them to the original high quality (12MB) state. Here are some other details:
Program: Lightroom 2 Computer: MacBook Pro Camera: Nikon D7100
(I only post this as I used my camera to delete the images off the memory cards...not sure if there is a way to recover via camera?)
Images no longer show in preview (yes, I deleted them from there too!)I did not back-up I tried scanning my hard-drive, memory card and external drive with recovery software (no luck)the images were on 2 memory cards and, as mentioned, I deleted them using my camera (when I ran the recovery software, only images that I originally deleted via my computer came up - which were the "did not make the cut" photos from the shoot that I deleted in Bridge - the rest of the photos, which are the ones I need, are not coming up in the scan)These images were to be used as posters, so high quality is crucial. There is nothing in my trash can eitherI tried using a preview extraction plug-in, but as there are no previews (duh Sanja), the plug in proved useless I think that's all the info I can provide (maybe it's too much info as is)...
I use Lightroom 4 to start my workflow on a MacBook laptop. I export my RAW image as a PSD file, then open the PSD in PSE 10. When I'm done working on the PSD file I want to save it as a JPG. But I can't find the JPG option in the Save As dialog box. This is my normal workflow using LR4 and PSCS6 on my desktop PC. So why can't I find the JPG option in the Save As dialog box in PSE10?
when I try to open a jpg nothing happens. I'm just doing what I normally do, File > Open then navigate to the jpg, but since this latest cat-sitting incident when I do this the jpg will not open. I get nothing but the big gray Photoshop main page.
Is there a way to link 2 identical version of a photo in PSE ? I more and more often also need the JPG as there are lots of soft/hardware that does not support raw-files. I want these programs/hardware to see the JPG only, while I also have access to my raw-files with the same metadata on.
I have been trying to import jpgs from my pc into the organizer. I have met with some success but cannot figure out why it will import some jpgs and not others?
I'm using LR3 for a couple of weeks and I'm facing problems to create successfully a new webalbum. After Keying in the ftp-server details LR3 is unable to upload the pic's to the server. I've tried to upload the pics via Filezilla which works perfectly fine, means no problem with my provider or data connection or even with my iMac.
Adobe Photoshop Elements 12: I need to create a Web Photo Gallery so I can upload thumbnails and full-size pictures to my own website. No Facebook, Flickr, Adobe Revel etc.
Right clicked on an album for "Export to DVD" and a little preview window opened & downloaded 360 images for 10-12 minutes, it closed, then I put a DVD in the tray & the program automatically started to burn to it for about 10 seconds. I checked the DVD and it only had nine images.
Tried the whole process again and got 7 images on this DVD. Why won't all 360 images in the album burn to the DVD [when they apparently all download to the "Preview" window?
I'm using photoshop elements and I've copied some photos in to an album from a folder. How do I delete a photo from the album without deleting it from the catalog?
i'm a hobby sports photographer. I shot lots of fast series. After an import into organizer pics with same time stamp are arranged in random order so the series get mangled. It is no fun to bring back the correct sequence by hand for hundereds of pictures. Slideshows, Video etc. are senseless.
A simple "sort by name" would solve this. So, how to sort by name?