GIMP :: Image Size Reduced When Trying To Print Landscape?
Aug 18, 2011
I'm trying to print a landscape image but the image is reduced when printed. I open a new A4 sized template and make my image but when it comes time to print the image is smaller on the page than A4. Is there an easy solution to this? I have messed around with orientation both in GIMP and my printer settings, I have used the printers' "fit to page" setting and tried everything I can think of.
I am using a vinyl cutter to cut out some roughly A3 sized artwork however when ether I go to print preview the size is reduced to A4. the settings are correct before, its just whenever i go to print preview mode. I have tried multiple settings but no change
I tried to save a few pages as one PDF.But it was an epic fail. However, i must have cganged a vital setting, for now when i save PSD files to PDF, the image reduces massively in size, but the file size increases a lot. What have I done and how can i change it back?
When I scan an image, in this case a standard A4 size, and do modifications with Gimp I am making progress in getting a reasonably good result but when I try to print out the final image I would like it to be precisely the exact same size as the original . As it turns out the scan becomes slightly smaller than the original and when I print to A4 paper I get an ugly border. which is either a hard line paper edge or slightly contrasting color (not the pure white original border around my picture).
How to change the size of the image once my scanner puts it into Gimp so that it will correspond with the original, or even overlap by a tiny amount, to eliminate the awful edges. Do I adjust the size of the canvas or the image, or both, and if so what are the tools to use. I've tried some Gimp tools that say they adjust the size of the image but they seem to shrink it in relation to the canvas instead of expanding it. Intuitively, since the image consists of pixels, it would seem there should be a simple way to increase the spaces between all the pixels so that the image increases in size. However I'm discovering that Gimp can be quite counter intuitive.
I have many images of slides scanned at high res (4800 DPI, maximum pixels 5214x3592). Although I will be saving these as loss less TIFs, I also wish to make JPGs from them that I wish to be just less than 5 MB in file size. Aside from cropping, I know I can achieve such a reduction of JPG file size by a combination of saving to lower quality JPG compression or reducing image size. My question is, what is theoretically or practically better, achieving this mostly by reducing image total pixels or by reducing JPG compression quality.
I'm a very new user to GIMP but have been using paint shop pro for quite some time - I still use version 7
Here's the situation: I received a pdf that I want to print so I imported it into gimp. It's 8.5x11 at 100dpi & two pages. So I imported it as two images (not layers) at same resolution settings. White out the unnecessary images go to print and then to printer preferences. 300 dpi is the smallest resolution on my printer so I also select 8.5x11 paper & 'sale to fit.' The resulting image is so large that approx only the top-left quarter of the doc prints.
OK, so in GIMP I go to 'Print Size' change the image resolution to 300 pixels: same result, exactly Print size isn't it, lets try 'Scale Image' at 300 pixels. Same result again...
I tried both settings above with 'scale to fit' (printer) on & off with absolutely no changes to the printed image... very strange. Is gimp overriding my printer settings? If so how do I correct this?
Interestingly, when I re-sized the images in gimp (or thats what I thought I was doing with 'print size' & 'scale image') the size of the view-able image on the desktop in the application window did not change... the size of the window stayed the same, the zoom percentage did not change & most importantly the image did not change.
Finally, I checked if the original image prints correctly in Adobe Reader: No problem and it prints fine. Unfortunately, while I have what I need, I'm not one to give up that easily and want to know if the issue is the printer, gimp.
Why I can't get the image to print in GIMP at the correct size?
Windows XP Home SP3 - I just reformatted the hard drive last week so everything is a new clean install Hp Officejet 4215 all-in-one GIMP 2.4.7
"Image > Print Size" really IS the command you are looking for.
The key is to pay attention to the units-of-measure shown on the Print Size dialogue box:- The "Width" and "Height" values under Print Size are displayed in real-world units (inches, mm, etc.), not image pixels.- The "Resolution" values are displayed in pixels-per-unit.- You cannot change your image's pixel dimensions (aka scale the image) from the Print Size dialogue. That's what the "Scale Image" command is for.Remember the relation between pixel and print sizes is:(print size) = (pixel size) / (print resolution)
When you change the image's print resolution, of course the real-world size (the "width" or "height" shown in the Print Size dialog) of your image will update to reflect the new print resolution -- that value is calculated from your image's actual pixel size and whatever resolution value you just entered. This is totally normal behavior -- in fact, it's expected. If you change an image's resolution from, say, 150 pixels/inch to 75 pixels/inch, this doubles the print size of your image but only the print size; the image's pixel size remains precisely the same as before. (You can confirm this by comparing "Image > Canvas Size..." before and after changing the resolution.)
And as others have stated, if you're using the image for Web viewing then its print resolution has absolutely zero effect on how it will appear onscreen (print resolution only affects, well, actual printing), in which case you'll want to use the "Scale Image" command to actually scale your image larger or smaller.
I want to create a template whereby I can make a series of images that I can save as jpgs, upload to my blog, and people can print them. When they print, I want them to be one quarter of a sheet of paper (fit four to a page).
I tried creating a new image using the "inches" specification and those inches seem to have no bearing on inches in real life once printed.
So then I figured that a sheet of paper is 8.5 by 11 and I want a resolution of 300 dpi.
So 8.5 times 300: 2,550 pixels. Times that by 0.25 to get a quarter of it: 637.5 (which gets rounded to 638 pixels).
11 times 300: 3,300 pixels. Times that by 0.25= 825 pixels.
So I put in for 638 pixels by 825 pixels and 300 dpi. I created my image. I saved it as a jpg at full resolution. I uploaded it to my site and tested out the printing.
It took up most of a sheet of paper. Not even close to being a quarter of a sheet.
I've been using 2.6 and created a template for multiple business cards on a standard 8.5 by 11 sheet. [URL]
However the later versions ... 2.8 cause distortions when I try to print. ( Canon MG 2120) The standard 8.5 by 11 mysteriously converts to 7.997 by 10.349 inches .... and a weird 318.870 ppi appears. This obviously distorts my template and the 2 by 3.5 inch cards become odd sizes. When I open the template in 2.6, it works perfectly.
What has happened to the later version? i can't reset to inches and even using the 2559 by 3300 pixils with the 1050x600 card sizecan't be printed accurately So I'm now creating in 2.8 and opening in 2.6 to get my sizes correctly.
I love the expanded tools for drawing in the 2.8 ... but this feature is a nuisance ... along of course with the terrible sizing scale for the brushes. SO hard to calibrate the smaller and moe common sizes. Another bad feature.
Have I missed some adjustment somewhere. Using the same printer, same download gives two different prints sizes in 2.6 and 2.8.
I want to take a bunch of my pictures to my iPad via iTunes. iTunes will accept a PSE Album as a source. But not a Smart Album. I also want to reduce the size of the jpg's in the album. Sort of what I can do with Export. Is there some way I can do this?
Ultimately I'd like to get all my new photos to flow through this downsizing, into the album and be delivered pretty automatically.
I have CS5.1 on a Macbook Pro.I have an incredibly frustrating problem. I've seen similar questions, but not an answer that has resolved this for me. I have an image I have sized to fit an 8.5 x 11 inch paper. Canvas and image size all indicate my image is sized at 7.33 x 11 inches. It is at 300 dpi. Print size view indicates full space is utilized on either side….BUT…
When I go to print, I click "scale to fit media" (which is an 8.5 x 11 paper sitting in printer) image prints smaller with a bar on one side. . When I uncheck STFM, I get: scale - 92.67%,
I've been using GIMP to make GIFs and they were okay until one day I realized the GIF quality was terribly reduced after I exported it. But everything seemed fine when I was in the process of making it (I never use any color transformation I normally just crop and resize image and that's it) when I used playback the GIF seemed okay but once after exported, the quality was very terrible. I couldn't understand why.
Every single GIF I make ever since faces the same problem. The animation playback and everything seem fine. Just I can never export the same quality GIF like what I see in the playback, every time it ends up with a low quality one. I re-install GIMP but that doesn't work at all. I download the latest version but that doesn't change anything either.
I accidentally exported original photos in low quality (reduced size from 12MB to 600KB), as I needed to quickly (herein lays my mistake) upload them to a proofing site which requires me to reduce the quality of the images significantly. I NEVER usually do anything without backing things up, or before making a copy etc. This time however, I was in a BIG rush to get these to a client and I not only exported the original files (even though I exported to a new folder, somehow, the originals got reduced as well without me noticing), but I also deleted them from my memory card (I tried card recovery software and no luck). What I'm left with now is a folder full of low quality, useless images and no (known) way of restoring them to the original high quality (12MB) state. Here are some other details:
Program: Lightroom 2 Computer: MacBook Pro Camera: Nikon D7100
(I only post this as I used my camera to delete the images off the memory cards...not sure if there is a way to recover via camera?)
Images no longer show in preview (yes, I deleted them from there too!)I did not back-up I tried scanning my hard-drive, memory card and external drive with recovery software (no luck)the images were on 2 memory cards and, as mentioned, I deleted them using my camera (when I ran the recovery software, only images that I originally deleted via my computer came up - which were the "did not make the cut" photos from the shoot that I deleted in Bridge - the rest of the photos, which are the ones I need, are not coming up in the scan)These images were to be used as posters, so high quality is crucial. There is nothing in my trash can eitherI tried using a preview extraction plug-in, but as there are no previews (duh Sanja), the plug in proved useless I think that's all the info I can provide (maybe it's too much info as is)...
I have managed to reset the print size for smaller images (7,5 by 5 centimetres) and they have worked fine. But now I need a print 90 mm (9cm) by 150mm (15 cm) and even after unlocking the chain the print comes out at 150 by 115 mm...I've tried it about 50 times now and it's always the same.
I am working on a batch print application. I check the page info in current layout. I like to know if it's landscape or portrait? How I can do it in the code?
Just recently moved to Gimp. I like it but I am struggling. Millions of questions, but to start: How can I alter the resolution of and image without changing its physical size. I am trying to keep to a print size of 7x5", and reduce the resolution to 300pixel/inch. When I go to: 'set image print resolution' and change the X and Y resolution, the 'Print Size' changes with it. I have tried everything I can think of. I have make a new file at the correct resolution and pasted the image in, but the colors in the photos changed, so I dumped that idea.
My end goal is to have a PDF image that is 13in(h) x 19in(w).
Image / Print Size is exactly 13x19. However, when I print to a PDF printer, and set the page size within the Print Preferences to Custom 13x19, I still get a much larger page than the image is.
I see message boards say to use File / Page Setup and select a Custom Print size. I do not see this as an option.
I've tried saving to PNG and then opening in other programs, but it makes the image much larger, and it affects the set-up.
I used scale image to make a 2.314" x 3" image to print so it'll fit in a frame that I have for that same size. When I print it out the size looks great but it's over on the edge of the 4x6 paper and most of the picture is cut off. I tried, I should use print size and not canvas size but when I change the print size to 4x6 it also changes my canvas size back to 4x6. I still have my original so I can do this again but what I want is a 2.314"x3" image to print out on my 4x6 glossy paper.
This is an issue that has gone on in v2012 and still in v2013,
A client of mine has been dealing with a painful workaround when plotting custom sized maps in landscape. If the layout shows the map in landscape as it should, it will not plot. You would have to rotate the drawing 90 degrees for it to plot. The maps cover many sqaure miles, so looking at getting the plot area correct, making various changes and such in the layout, while at 90 degrees, is pretty infuriating. I'm in no way a novice in the Adsk world, so having tried a load of options and such, I'm at an impasse. Below are a few things that have been checked off the troubleshooting list.
Not just maps, but even a simple rectangle does not work;Updating plotter drivers;Deleting layout and/or viewport, then recreating one;Using all combinations of portrait/landscape settings in the plot dialog AND in the printer properties;Dropping the plot quality..Changing the compatibility setting of the program to an earlier version of windows;Using a driver from a different plotter;Change margins on custom paper sizes;Audit the file;Used templates from different versions
When I try to set a large page size (13X19) in the print screen from GIMP, it will not go beyond 8 X 11. What do I have to do to set up to print larger. When I do page set up, it always reverts to defaults.
I am using lightroom 3.6 and I would like to know how to print an image at 100% of it's size for a given resolution. In other words without any ipscaling or interpolation.
When I use the "attach" command in order to attach an external image lets say in TIFF format which is around 8.7mb the image quality in Autocad is greatly reduced. Is there anything I can do for that?
I don't know how to explain it properly, but recently if I download a picture and open it in Photoshop is appears rough and edgy. For example, I just recently downloaded this.
However, when I attempt to open it using Photoshop is appears like this. (I couldn't open the screenie in Photoshop as the quality was reduced even further)
I just started using Photoshop recently, but when I first started using Photoshop it didn't do this. It happens, I now know, with any image. Even those that were never downloaded such as the screenie I provided have a drastic decrease.
When I edit my photos in Lightroom (4.4 at the moment) they look great. I am looking for extreme sharpness and clarity and I am able to achieve that. Though, once its exported the image quality is reduced. Why? how to set my export settings to the max.
I can't print my drawings in PDF with format A2, A1, A0 in landscape with good orientation (A3 is ok). The attachment file "ScreenShot-A1" is the only correct pdf but oriented in portrait.
If I print with landscape orientation (preview on Autocad is good), I get the pdf file "Document-A1".
Note: We can't use DwgToPdf due to problem lines which disappeared or moved with different versions of Adobe Reader.