Photoshop Elements :: 11 Freezing Using Gradient Map
Apr 5, 2013
Having recently installed elements on my Mac I have found it freezes everytime I use the gradient map tool and select a colour. I can then no longer click on anything and am required to force quit the program. All my software is up to date.
Illustrator keeps freezing when applying an effect such as texture-grain to a simple gradient, or even rasterizing a simple black circle. My system is about a 6month old macbook pro with 16gb ram, i7 and AMD Radeon HD 6770M 1024 MB. What could be causing this? It wasn't like this when i first started using the laptop but has started to do it everytime i try and do any of those simple tasks recently.
I recently upgraded from Elements 9 to Elements 11. Now when I work in the Organizer or Editor the program frequently freezes up and then displays the message "program not responding". If I wait long enough - several minutes - it begins to run again. I never had this problem with Elements 9
I am working on a slideshow that exceeds the recommended 500-slide maximum.
As with many of my previous projects, all of which were much shorter, it is plagued by freezing. also the slides tend to corrupt. they may black out and even to black out only on playback with no indication that they're blacked out. finally, navigation is extremely slow.
I disabled anyone the analysis function, but this didn't work. I'm thinking about getting pse 12, but how do i know if this problem has been corrected.
I just purchased and installed Adobe Photoshop Element 11 & Adobe Premiere Element 11 from DVD. Installation was smooth but freezing computer on starting any of them. I forced shutdown my computer and tried more than 10 times and same issue.
When using a Neat NM-1000 scanner and I acqire image from scanner the program loads the Neat software to scan the image and runs the photo through the scanner and then freezes the software and will not allow me to continue. Is there and update I need or some settings I should make somewhere in the software?
I'm using PSE 12 on a Mac. When I try to edit psd projects created with PSE 10, the type tool freezes. It's so bad, I've had to go back and use PSE 10 to edit these projects. Is this is a bug that needs to be addressed in a future update? Had I known this, I would have NEVER purchased the upgrade to PSE 12. .
I just downloaded the trial version of PE 11. I love the organizer and the editor but can't email my pictures!! It says to go through preferences but EVERY time I try to click preferences it says it's loading but ALWAYS freezes. I have updated all of my Windows and Adobe Updates.
I'm trying to make some text have a gradient color. I write the text, simplify it and then use the gradient tool normally, however, it's applying the gradient to the entire layer instead of just the text. how to add the gradient and followed the insturctions but it's still not working.
I'm need a Gradient Map tool. If you're in Photoshop Elements 9, click on Filter - Adjustments - Gradient Map.
That's the tool I'm looking for. I downloaded a few plugins for Paint but one was too old and didn't work and the other one just did an overlay.
I use this tool a lot and really can't make the switch without it. Is there an updated plugin that I couldn't find? Is it built in and I'm not seeing it?
how to fill an image with a gradient but I'd like to be able to change the angle. Is that possible?I'm using photoshop elements 12.I'd like the gradient to run from top to bottom instead of from top left to bottom right.
I am getting the above error message when trying to open a grd file in Photoshop CS6. I don't beleive the file is bad or corrupted. How to get the file to open?
I have a curved shape which is a light color. I want to create a dark outline and have it fade into the light color as a gradient would, uniformly following the curved shape.
The depth of field tool is not working in my copy of Elements 12. Trying to use "Simple" mode after having sucess using this on a friends computor. I can add blur but the gradient tool has no effect??
Is it possible to create a gradient similar to radial gradient, except that the shape is other than circular? This image would be the starting point, but I would like the white part fading to black to be another shape (say, a rectangle, a banana, etc.).
I've been experiencing problems with the Gradient editor since I got PS and the problem is that whenever I create a gradient through the gradient editor and then load it, it does load it and instead just duplicates the ones that already exist.
I can't get my photoshop to work. It freezes when its initializing palettes... I've read a bunch of forums about this deleted settings had a look at startup programs etc.. reinstalled the program and just repaired it and nothing its still freezes at initializing palettes...
I'm running the Adobe Photoshop CS3 trial on a HP Pavillion tx2000z (2 gig ram) in Vista. I'm on day 14 and suddenly it doesn't work anymore.
When I open it, it lets me open a photo or create a new canvas. Then, I can do one thing-like create a type layer/mask, a fill layer, etc etc. After that, all the options in all the menus become unclickable, except 'open recent,' but I can't select an option within that menu, so a lot of good that is. It won't even let me save unless I exit the program, in which case it brings up the "are you sure you don't want to save before you quit" dialogue box.
I originally thought that it was part of the trial that I would lose these features.
I realize that if it was part of the trial, I would be able to click "Activate" or "Register."
Have a problem with Photoshop 7 freezing sometimes when I use any of the painting tools, then have to restart the computer. Running Mac, OS 9.2.2, 500mb ram.
It is a very fast machine, but when I'm using Photoshop CS3, it freezes, like a slow CPU...
It runs fast for heavy operations, like applying filters, but freezes with very simple operations, like creating a new blank layer... when I press CTRL+L for levels, it takes a long time to appear the levels window...
Also, the mouse pointer 'jumps', freezes...
I tried to change the "scratch disk" options... and it still freezes...
I just loaded CS6 on my Windows 7 computer. It worked fine yesterday, but today every time I open it it freezes up and does nothing. No error messages appear, it just sits there. I can't click on anything. Should I remove it and reload it?
I upgraded to Creative Suite 6 about 3 months ago and Photoshop has been freezing up when I am working. I can not figure out what action I do that provokes this. I either have to wait about 60 to 90 sec. before I can continue to work or I have to restart the program by using "force quit".
I am working in Mac OS 10.7.5 and CS5 applications are freezing constantly. I have to force quit them. They freeze randomly while I am working in them and if I ever leave them running and come back later to work then they are almost always frozen.
Basically PS is freezing up temporarily, after 2-3 minutes then it becomes usaable again until it decides to feeze again. I do most of my editing in Lightroom, and only use PS because I like to just do soem finally touch ups if needed (bit of dodge/burn) and i like to use photokit sharpener (I like to brush in sharpening with actions i have created).So, i can't say for sure what initiates the freezing. Sometiems its while trying to brush in sharpening, other times it won't allow me to save.
I'm on Mac using Snow Leopard. 4Gb RAM. I use a logitech mouse. I had previous been using CS4 with zero problems.I've tried unchecking "save in backgrorund" as well as "use graphics processor"