Photoshop Elements :: 11 Not Starting And Freezing Computer?
Apr 27, 2013
I just purchased and installed Adobe Photoshop Element 11 & Adobe Premiere Element 11 from DVD. Installation was smooth but freezing computer on starting any of them. I forced shutdown my computer and tried more than 10 times and same issue.
I started a new computer with LR5, and it runs fine. But, when I imported my pics from a previous computer running LR4, all the pics loaded into the new LR without any tags or processing. How can I get that info without having ot reprocess thousands of pictures?
Having recently installed elements on my Mac I have found it freezes everytime I use the gradient map tool and select a colour. I can then no longer click on anything and am required to force quit the program. All my software is up to date.
I have a SEND TO set up in win7pro 64bit. This works fine for Photoshop css 5, but with Elements 11. the editor starts but the image is not loaded.OPEN WITH works fine.
I recently upgraded from Elements 9 to Elements 11. Now when I work in the Organizer or Editor the program frequently freezes up and then displays the message "program not responding". If I wait long enough - several minutes - it begins to run again. I never had this problem with Elements 9
I am working on a slideshow that exceeds the recommended 500-slide maximum.
As with many of my previous projects, all of which were much shorter, it is plagued by freezing. also the slides tend to corrupt. they may black out and even to black out only on playback with no indication that they're blacked out. finally, navigation is extremely slow.
I disabled anyone the analysis function, but this didn't work. I'm thinking about getting pse 12, but how do i know if this problem has been corrected.
elements11 always crashes when starting photomerge panorama. i had the same problem in elements 10. thought in the new version it will be ok. failed. i am using win7 with 16 gb
When using a Neat NM-1000 scanner and I acqire image from scanner the program loads the Neat software to scan the image and runs the photo through the scanner and then freezes the software and will not allow me to continue. Is there and update I need or some settings I should make somewhere in the software?
I'm using PSE 12 on a Mac. When I try to edit psd projects created with PSE 10, the type tool freezes. It's so bad, I've had to go back and use PSE 10 to edit these projects. Is this is a bug that needs to be addressed in a future update? Had I known this, I would have NEVER purchased the upgrade to PSE 12. .
when trying to edit an image I keep getting a message that says it is trying find the image - even though it is already open in the organiser space. - It says it is searching for a missing file!
I installed Photoshop Elements 12 a couple of weeks ago. When I run the Photo Editor, everything is fine. But when I try to run the Organizer, I get the Microsoft Visuall C++ Runtime Library dialog that specifies a Runtime Error! for Program: C:Program Files (x86)... with error code R6025 - pure virtual function call.
I just downloaded the trial version of PE 11. I love the organizer and the editor but can't email my pictures!! It says to go through preferences but EVERY time I try to click preferences it says it's loading but ALWAYS freezes. I have updated all of my Windows and Adobe Updates.
I recently pruchased a new computer, and didn't know that I had to deactivate Photoshop Elements 7 from my old computer. I removed all the programs from the old computer and no longer have access to it.
All I want to do is to install Elements on my new computer.
I recently purchased a new iMac and transferred all my software to it from my old computer. Photoshop elements will not open. The dialog box says "Check with the developer to make sure Adobe Photoshop elements Editor works with this version of OS X. you may need to reinstall the application. Be sure to install any available updates for the application and OS X."
My version is 10.8.4. The "Read Me" file says it requires 10.6 through 10.8.
So I attempted to uninstall it and reinstall.When I tried to uninstall I got a message that said it could not be uninstalled due to an error. I followed the directions to restart and try again... and again. Same message. At the bottom of the message was another saying if that didn't work to use a link to some Adobe "cleaner". When I clicked to download the "cleaner" I got a message that I had to UNINSTALL the Elements program before using it.
Next I tried to install Elements from the original disk and got this message: "Installation to case-sensitive drives is not supported. Please choose a different drive location to install." I just want to do a photo project as a gift for my parents.
I get a message when opening PE that the triIal version has expired. I never had a trial version. The next screen ask me to sign in and then tells me I am not connected to the web when in fact I am. Next it ask for a response code which I do have.
My old computer recently broke and I was wondering if there was a way I could deactivate my Photoshop elements that was installed on the old computer? It is Elements 11.
I bought a new, faster, more storage Windows 8 computer.I had 40,000 pix on old computer tagged with names, event, location, date with PE 11. Also several projects involving hundreds of pix.
Carbonite restored all files (250 gig) from old computer to new, and their tech support says they all are on the new computer.I bought the new PE 12 and installed it on new computer. It has only found 4,000 pix. I don't at all like PE 12 after enjoying PE2-11 and managing all my pix with it. PE11 was clearer in the pix presentation.
Apparently when imported to the new computer, I lost the tags that went to events, location, and the person tags did not separate family from friends etc. I can't even find my projects.I was so frustrated with PE12, that I installed PE11, but everytime I try to open the Organizer, it doesn't open.
My computer crashed last week and I had Photoshop Elements 9 installed on it. It has been quite a few years since I bought the program and I have since lost the disc during the multiple moves I've went through. Is there any way I could redownload it somehow without paying for it again? My computer is basically trash now so there's no real way for me to get the program off or deactivate it.
My old system crashed, so I cant deactivate program. Program is also on my laptop. Trying to install program on new system, but keep getting deactivate message.
I recently installed Elements 7 on my new Win 8 computer. I also downloaded a 7.03 patch from Adobe site. When the program is launched, and then sitting idle, the mouse pointer jumps around on the screen, and the "working" blue circle appears also. This happens constantly and consistently about every second. I do not have this happen with any other program.
I was having similar issues with Elements and Win 7, and XP, and Win 98 for that matter.
I have thousands of photographs in my desktop and wish to copy them to my laptop. And is it possible to sychronise them? Both computer use Windows 7 and PSE 11.
I have installed Adobe Photoshop Elements 11 on my new Windows 7 computer. How do I transfer the versin 5.02 catalog from my old Vista computer to my new computer?